Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 264:

The dinner was very well prepared. Except for the Deputy Foreign Minister who left for some reason, everyone who attended the dinner was very happy. Agricultural products from the United States are entering Europe in large quantities, filling the food gap caused by war in various countries.

Because the agriculture of several important producing countries has been severely damaged, it is expected that this import will continue for a period of time until Europe resumes total grain production before 40 years.

The standard of living of the upper thirds of the Third Reich has not been affected. The generals and marshals can still drink high-quality red wine produced in Bordeaux, France, and taste the ham meat marinated in Parma, Italy.

Imported food has enriched the German table, giving German civilians more choices besides potatoes and kimchi sausages. Germany is still implementing a rationing system at this time, but these imported foods are listed on the restricted list, and people can use cash to buy at designated food stores.

The salaries of ordinary industrial workers in Germany are not low, and the salaries of company employees belong to the upper middle level in Europe. However, even under the wartime mechanism, even if they have money, they can’t buy good things. prosperity. (Historically, the Nazi authorities did not think of curbing the black market. The problem is that the backstage of the black market often involves a bunch of local Nazi officials. Everyone must remember that famous movie "Schindler's List", which was quite straightforwardly exposed. The corruption of the Nazis.)

Now any German citizen holding a legal certificate can use cash to buy agricultural products imported from the Americas in the residential community. Perhaps the taste of American cured meat cannot be compared with the traditional German flavor, but it is very popular. Welcome to German children and housewives.

The second impact of food adequacy is that it has severely cracked down on underground trading networks across Germany. Those profiteers who have hoarded a lot of food supplies after the outbreak of war are now desperately trying to sell their stocks because the market is on the market. It is rumored that next year countries will also liberalize the demand for food imports, and existing food prices will continue to fall.

I don’t know how many black market businessmen in Germany went bankrupt during this time, and this situation is especially common in the Jewish community, and some places even changed the seat of the community’s Presbyterian Church.

The Presbyterian Church of the Jewish community controls a lot of resources, in addition to funds, there are huge connections. They often choose to start a speculative business, and they are best at hoarding goods to obtain short-term profits. They thought that this war would last for at least a few years like the beginning of the century, but they did not expect to look away. Germany had a demon like Reinhardt von Steide, and the war was over in half a year. Most of the European world. Historically, German Jews were able to create an underground black market in concentration camps, but the Nazi authorities were naive to think that by virtue of a community wall, they could block the nation's desire for money.

After the dinner, the marshals and the generals said goodbye to the heads of state. Many people still had work to do the next day and had to drive back to their residence in Berlin overnight. Yoder and Guderian stayed. They want to observe a weapon experiment tomorrow. This was specifically requested by the head of state. He needs to listen to the opinions of these two experts.

Germany is carrying out research on a new generation of tank guns, which is regarded as the foresight of the heads of state. This plan is no longer a bid for each military industrial unit, but the deployment of experts from each unit to form a special project team. This research and development model is in Germany has never seen anything, and only at this time can the Third Reich happen.

The head of state already has enough power to disregard the opinions of those military enterprises. They have no other choice but to obey the arrangements. They can only hope that the head of state guarantees that the companies will be able to obtain considerable profits afterwards.

The plan was named "Spaghetti" and the goal was to develop an advanced smoothbore gun with an unprecedented high initial velocity. This technology was not very difficult at the time. To put it plainly, it was to pierce a layer of window paper. This idea was not unprecedented in the past, but the public was covered by the sharp edges of the rifled gun, and the smooth-bore artillery was viewed. The outdated and backward technology has been eliminated by human history.

Experts in the German military industry also hold the idea that a smoothbore gun may allow the shell to achieve a higher initial velocity, but the absence of a rifle means that the gun cannot rotate steadily after it is ejected. It is difficult to ensure the flight attitude of the shell in the air. As the distance increases, this situation will deteriorate rapidly, so for tank guns that require high accuracy, choosing smooth bore is like a joke.

"Is it difficult to make the shells fly stably?" The head of state simply returned this sentence indifferently, and then threw a stack of drawings on the conference table. So the project team code-named "Naples Kitchen" was born in the conference room of the Berlin headquarters, and the German Army's "Spaghetti" project was also successfully launched.

If it weren’t for Xu Jun’s limited technology, he didn’t want to talk too much to those people. He didn’t have any drawings of modern smoothbore guns in his technical library, but he had seen the real advanced smoothbore guns and the kind of ammunition used in later generations. While working here, he was in contact with an early German "Leopard II" retired, and he also checked the technical maintenance documents that came with the car.

Xu Jun knows that some people are already working on shelling and armor-piercing shells. The French company "Edgar Brant" has even made samples. Historically, because of the defeat of France, the R&D personnel of this company all fled to the UK. Based on the French technology, the British technicians carried out a series of improvements, and finally developed an APDA (Shell Armor Penetrating Shell) that can be used in actual combat at the end of the war.

What Xu Jun threw out is a detailed drawing of this shell, as well as a sketch of the APFSDS (stabilized tail shell armor-piercing projectile) that spanned the times. The latter, as ammunition tailored for smoothbore guns, revealed the advanced concept, which immediately shocked all the ordnance experts present. The head of state created another invention that was enough to change the world. As a participant in the project and a historical Witnesses, everyone in the chest felt blood running.

It takes a lot of precious resources to develop and manufacture a qualified smoothbore gun. Although Xu Jun's drawings can save time for detours in development, the improvement in materials and casting processes may take a year. Half-load time.

Germany first needs to manufacture key electroslag remelting equipment. For the steel industry, this is not a secret technology, but the initial investment is large and the production process is complicated. For capitalists, there is a lack of sufficient profit space, plus ordinary steel The performance is enough, and no country is currently in industrial production. At this time, the United States and the Soviet Union were only in the initial exploration period. Historically, this technology was not really put into actual production until the 1950s and 60s.

Krupp was not very interested in this technology at first, but after receiving the production plan of the head of state, the equipment research and development department of Krupp immediately started to run at an overspeed. Imagine the order of the rainy military in the future. Gustav Krupp’s chest was immediately filled with a “mission”.

Since the research and development of the smoothbore gun has just begun, of course Goodrian will be watching this artillery tomorrow. It was midnight, but the tank expert was still sitting at the desk in the bedroom, reading the technical documents he needed to know before the next day's experiment. The general had a photo on his hand with a fancy armor equipment.

PS: Thank you for your support, the author will continue to work hard.

The teeth are closed and anti-inflammatory, and the meal can be eaten normally, the author is full of heart.

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