Bastard’s Resurgence

Chapter 665: Poor skills!

The situation in Lianghe Gyeonggi was changing rapidly. Lu Zheng retreated and gave up Yuzhou to retreat to Bianzhou. No doubt this approach allowed Tan Lei to move forward.

When Tan Lei took Bianzhou to attack the capital, the situation in the capital would be in jeopardy. If Tan Lei took the capital, the capital of Gyeonggi would fall into the hands of the Liaodong iron cavalry. This means that the Liaodong iron cavalry has captured Shandong all the way since the northern region was ravaged , Attacked the two rivers to the west, and then occupied Gyeonggi. The Liao thief occupied almost half of the country, and the situation in Dakang instantly fell into a more dangerous situation.

If Tan Lei joins forces with Longyou again, there will be no Dakang north of the river. Next, the Liaodong cavalry can find a way to cross the river and reach the south of the Yangtze River. If that happens, Lu Zheng's plan to rebuild the Nanfu Army will be completely ruined.

Therefore, Lu Zheng had to avoid Tan Lei's edge without letting Gyeonggi fall, and he had to guard against Tan Lei's sudden attack on Bianzhou at any time, leaving him nowhere to escape.

It has to be said that Lu Zheng is playing with fire, and if he makes a slight mistake, he will fall into the realm of immortality!

Under the city wall of Bianzhou, the setting sun, the bodies of the soldiers were stretched by the setting sun, the old elders, and the boy accompanied Lu Zheng standing on the city wall, raising his eyes and looking into the distance.

Wearing armor, Su Zhi walked over quickly, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly, "Su Zhi, the last general, see the general manager!"

Lu Zheng gently raised his hand and said, "Are you all ready? Remember my words, a total of sixteen words, "The enemy advances and I retreat, the enemy is stationed and disturbed, the enemy is tired, I beat, the enemy retreats and I chase 'Don't fight head-to-head with the Liaodong iron cavalry. They attack the capital. We just need to make them uncomfortable. If they chase, we will retreat!

If they retreat, we will harass again, anyway, we will make them tired and unsafe! Remember, Tan Lei is a fierce character. It is said that this person in Liaodong can eat alive. Once he can't bear it, he will inevitably go north to attack Bianzhou. At that time, you have to retreat quickly. We are fortifying the Bianzhou generation..."

Lu Zheng personally confessed to Su Zhi, and explained to Su Zhi the main points of the use of troops. It will be clear that Lu Zheng used a certain Taizu's guerrilla warfare method. Now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, this tactic is just right for Lu Zheng.

Su Zhi personally followed Lu Zheng to learn this set of tactics, and now Lu Zheng has carefully explained this set of tactics to him. He has studied it for a long time, and he feels that it is infinitely mysterious, and he has no idea for a while. He just wants to go to Gyeonggi and Tan Lei right away. Fight well.

Lu Zheng let out a long sigh and said, "Su Zhi listens to the order!"

"The end will be!"

"The chief commander has ordered you to lead 10,000 troops to attack Gyeonggi and set off immediately. You must ensure that the enemy cannot carry out the siege smoothly and protect the safety of the prince and Gyeonggi!"

"Here!" Su Zhi led the order, the horn sounded in the distance, and the tens of thousands of cavalry under Lu Zheng set off. At dusk, the cavalry lined up and the hoofs were rushing. Don't mention the vastness of the scene.

Lu Zheng said, "Boy, is there any news in the letter to King Qi?"

"Not yet. King Qi should be hesitating. He doesn't have many soldiers. If he has a greater grasp of the south of the Yangtze River, he may occupy Shandong Province, and Tan Lei may backfire." The boy said.

Lu Zheng said: "Yes, King Qi is a cautious person. He will not make decisions lightly. At this time, his eyes are fixed on Lianghe and Gyeonggi! Here we are playing a three-way game. At present, it seems that Tan Lei has the absolute advantage and the upper hand. In this case, it is inevitable for him to have concerns about occupying Shandong.

So, for us, we can neither let Tan Lei run nor let Tan Lei succeed. The new prince who is in the capital is very jealous of me. It is difficult for us to form a joint force against each other, and it is not easy! "

Lu Zheng said that the difficulty is not small, but his behavior is quite easy. He firmly believes that this time Su Zhi’s troops can receive miraculous results. If Tan Lei is anxious, he suddenly turns his gun to take action against Lu Zheng. Lu Zheng also chooses Bianzhou. The inevitable condition is not afraid of Tan Lei.

By the way, Su Zhi led the order to Gyeonggi, and from outside the capital, he saw the Liaodong iron cavalry fighting fiercely and cruelly. Tan Lei deserves to be known as a ruthless man. He is not good at attacking cities. His cavalry was forced to the top of the ladder, and the fierce offensive and defensive battle on the city wall made everyone shudder.

Tan Lei commanded the army in semaphore, and the Bianzhou cavalry was divided into dozens of small units and marched together, suddenly shouting loudly. From all directions, he rushed towards Tan Lei's barracks outside Gyeonggi.

This was a tactic designed by Su Zhi in advance. Lu Zheng's sixteen-character tactics understood very well. If you didn't fight the enemy head-on, the main purpose was to harass the enemy and attack the opponent when he was not prepared.

At this time, Tan Lei was thinking about attacking the city, and suddenly he was surprised when he heard the shouts. When he looked back, he saw a husky horse with the banner of "Su", obviously the Bianzhou cavalry had arrived!

There were not many cavalry in Bianzhou, but they were very powerful, and they came suddenly, rushing from all directions. This shock made the Liaodong cavalry, who was good at horse warfare, caught off guard.

When the Liaodong iron cavalry recovered and wanted to fight back, the Bianzhou cavalry didn't want to fight at all, and quickly fleeed after an impact. The Liaodong army only saw the dust rising in the sky, and they had no time to catch up.

And when they turned around and were about to attack the city, the defending army came to rescue the soldiers as soon as they heard that it was outside, and their morale skyrocketed. The points where they had attacked smoothly became troublesome again.

After a day's hard fight came back without success, Tan Leiming retreated his troops and returned to the tent alone to drink alcohol. After only a drink of wine, he heard the trumpet sound outside, and the guards came to report that the Bianzhou cavalry had attacked the camp outside the East Gate.

Tan Lei was furious and immediately put on his armour and mounted his horse. The east gate reported that the Cheng Bianzhou cavalry retreated with one blow and escaped without a trace. Tan Lei rode his horse straight to the east gate, where his hips hadn't been hot yet, he heard the sound of the horn again, but it came from the west gate!

"The dog day, it must have been a surprise attack at Ximen again! This child surnamed Lu dare not fight and do all these shameful deeds, it is really outrageous!" Tan Lei immediately rushed to Ximen, and sure enough, he was out!

Tan Lei tossed several times in one night, and simply went back to camp and ignored it! In the middle of the night, he suddenly heard the sound of killing, he quickly got up from the account, and his guards reported that Chengximen Barracks had been burned by a fire, and the Bianzhou Cavalry was the one who caused the attack!

After a while, Dong Gao, the general in charge of Simon, rushed over in embarrassment. He looked like a bereavement and his face was black and gray. When he saw Tan Lei, he cried, "General, you want to avenge us." The gang of Bianzhou cavalry soldiers poured kerosene, the barracks caught fire, and they couldn’t put it out. Many brothers were burned to death by them. The scene was really horrible!"

As soon as Tan Lei heard this, her lungs exploded. She immediately went straight to the central camp where Long Lingxiu was. Long Lingxiu was awakened by the noise outside, knowing that Tan Lei was definitely coming, so she was waiting in her account. Up.

The generals of the Liaodong iron cavalry gathered, Tan Lei said: "Your Royal Highness, Lu Zheng's children deceived so much that he even took advantage of our siege to do such nasty things, hehe, the old man is really tolerable, who can't be tolerated!"

Long Lingxiu chuckled and said, "General Tan calmed down. You haven't dealt with Lu Zheng for a long time, and you don't know him! And I have been dealing with him for long enough. I am not surprised by this move today! Lu Zheng's style!

He always makes people feel sick and unpleasant. As his opponent and enemy, he is indeed desperate sometimes! "

Long Lingxiu smiled and didn't mean to despair at all. She paused, and then said: "Lu Zheng did this and playing so many tricks is nothing more than preventing us from conquering the capital. If we give up the siege now, wouldn't it be done? His mind?

Therefore, General Tan, the morale can not be vented, we must take advantage of this breath to take down the capital, taking the capital of Bianzhou is not a problem, it is just a disease of scabies..."

Tan Lei pondered over and over, and after a long time he clasped his fist and said: "His Royal Highness is right about this, it is some recklessness! Tolerate the wind and waves for a while, take a step back, and immediately after I go back, I will arrange for the general camp to gather, organize a special peripheral defense, and let They have no chance!"

Tan Lei returned to his military account and immediately mobilized troops. He organized 20,000 cavalrymen to take charge of the defense of the periphery of Gyeonggi, specifically targeting the Bianzhou cavalry. However, the power to siege the city was also weakened.

In this way, Su Zhiri and Liaodong Iron Cavalry confronted and harassed, and the siege battle in the capital became more and more fierce. Tan Lei gave up his life and must conquer the capital, his momentum was unstoppable.

On this day, it was another sunny day. Early in the morning, Tan Lei gave an order, and the siege army drove the siege vehicle and the ladder, guarded by the guards, and went straight to the city wall of the capital.

After so many days of fierce attack, the casualties on both the offensive and the defenders were heavy. On the defending side, the soldiers' emotions were facing a breakdown. What they see every day is the densely packed Liaodong army, which is as dense as ants.

This group of Liaodong people didn't seem to be afraid of death at all, and they were not even made up of flesh and blood. Such siege soldiers were really terrifying. It was already the limit for defending the city to be able to block the attack for four consecutive days.

At this time, the prince Long Zhaohuan personally boarded the tower. He stared at the engineering soldiers coming like a tide, and there was an infinite chill in his heart. He looked around and looked at Sun Chengzhong and said: "Mr. Sun, this is the end of the matter. ?"

Sun Chengzhong also had no idea at this time, but the generals who defended the city were calmer. They were calming the defenders on the city wall. The wood rolling stone and the oil pan Tieli were waiting, and another **** offensive and defensive battle began!

Above the city, countless Liaodong troops climbed up, and a group of defenders went up and blasted them down. The wood and rolling stones smashed down, and the hot oil ignited and splashed down. The scene was really horrible, just like a human world. Purgatory.

Long Zhaohuan drew his saber from his waist and shouted loudly: "My palace and the capital are alive and dead together! You and the brothers who guard the city, listen carefully, the people of Liaodong are delicious, the strangers and the ones who live in the capital, are the ones who have broken the capital. I am waiting for the day of death, and there is no one other than death in today's battle!"

Long Zhaohuan’s voice was a little hoarse and a little agitated. At this moment, he was already exhausted...

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