Bank of The Universe

Chapter 699 Receiving disciples (four thousand words)

In Tiandi Bank, Li Xiandao was waiting for the guests.

When a very strange guest was carried by the shadow of Tiandi Qianzhuang, Li Xiandao saw it.

At first glance he thought he was wrong.

After blinking, Li Xiandao continued to look, but found that he was not mistaken.

A monkey with golden hair, wearing chainmail, stepping on cloud boots, wearing a purple-gold crown, and holding an iron rod in his hand, this image is familiar to Li Xiandao.

Isn't this Sun Wukong?

But Li Xiandao knew that he was not, because the monkey had already entered the hall, but he was very polite, and folded his hands to greet Li Xiandao.

"The Holy Spirit Walker has seen adults," said the monkey.

"Your name is Walker?" Li Xiandao asked curiously.

"Yes, Walker, the meaning of walking the world, I took it myself." The Holy Spirit Walker nodded.

"Please sit down!" Li Xiandao already knew that he was not the Great Sage Sun in his memory.

He is a Spirit Walker.

The Holy Spirit Walker sat down and looked at Li Xiandao, very cautious.

Li Xiandao looked at it with a slight smile and said, "This is Tiandi Qianzhuang, it is to help you realize your wishes, not hell, there is no need to be so afraid."

The Holy Spirit Walker relaxed a little, then looked at Li Xiandao with big bright eyes: "Can you really help me realize my wish?"

The corner of Li Xiandao's mouth twitched, and he said, "Tiandi Qianzhuang can achieve anything, as long as you can afford the price."

The Holy Spirit Walker looked at Li Xiandao suspiciously and asked, "What price do you want?"

"How big is your wish, the price must be big. If you want to realize your dream, you have to give up something. You shouldn't ask me how much it costs, you should ask yourself, how big is your dream." Li Xiandao explained.

The dream is to have a delicious meal that is not expensive at all.

The Spirit Walker was silent.

He is asking himself, how big is his dream?

"From the day I was born consciousness,

I have been looking up at the sky, I can see the Milky Way, and I can see countless rays of light. It is very beautiful. At that time, the location of Xianting was my hometown. ' said the Spirit Walker.

Li Xiandao's expression moved, Xianting was originally the hometown of the Holy Spirit Walker?

"When your consciousness was born, Xianting hadn't been established yet?" Li Xiandao asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am the Holy Spirit, and my body is an innate divine stone, but because I was born with consciousness, I absorbed all the aura of my divine stone and became my own heritage. From the outside, I am an ordinary stone." Holy Spirit Walker explained.

Li Xiandao nodded lightly and motioned for him to continue.

He is still more curious about these things, what exactly does this monkey want?

"Later, one day, I was playing in Xianting, and a group of uninvited guests came, kicked me, fell directly, and almost broke. This also allowed me to witness the establishment of Xianting. The invasion of the Chaos Clan has witnessed the reason why Emperor Gouchen betrayed the Immortal Court." The Holy Spirit Walker spoke eloquently.

Li Xiandao listened, it was really twists and turns.

"Your story is very tortuous, but now you have transformed into a monkey holy spirit, which is not bad." Li Xiandao said.

"Not bad." Holy Spirit Walker cursed directly.

"I should have been transformed a million years ago. At that time, I absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. At that time, I had unlimited potential. There was no problem in breaking directly into the realm of the fairy king. I kicked the lower realm, almost killed me, and completely shattered my foundation. I was equivalent to broken bones and reconnected, and it took millions of years to get to this point." When the Holy Spirit Walker said this, it was as if A handful of bitter tears.

He just wanted to transform into the Holy Spirit, why is it so difficult?

"Although I have transformed now, my foundation has long been inferior to the peak, and the biggest problem is that my physical potential has been scattered, all fused into the limbs and bones, unable to gather together, and unable to become the legendary Holy Spirit. ." The Holy Spirit Walker said angrily.

He has enough reasons to hate Xianting, because Xianting ruined him and delayed his time for millions of years.

Li Xiandao could see that the grievances between the Holy Spirit Walker and Xianting could not be resolved, to the level of life and death enemies.

Either you die or I die.

"So what is the purpose of your coming to Tiandi Bank?" Li Xiandao asked.

"I want to get the help of Tiandi Qianzhuang to gather the origin of my collapse. The accumulation of millions of years is very huge, and I will definitely be redeemed." Holy Spirit Walker said solemnly.

This is his hope, he must restore his origin, and only then will he have a chance to deal with Xianting.

In the eyes of Xianting, the current Holy Spirit Walker is too weak to be concerned at all, just like ants, it is not worth mentioning at all.

But once the Holy Spirit Walker gathers his scattered origins, he will have millions of years of accumulation, and he will have the capital to fight against Immortal Court.

This is his purpose.

Li Xiandao watched the Holy Spirit Walker silently, running the energy of the Bank of Heaven and Earth, and saw his clue.

The energy in his body is locked in his limbs and bones, and cannot be gathered at all, because the Holy Spirit Walker has basically shaped his body and wants to gather, unless the Holy Spirit Walker is reshaped.

That is to say, melt him completely, and then rebuild it, so that it can be restored to its original state.

Li Xiandao can help him re-melt, but Li Xiandao cannot shape a new body.

Neither does Tiandi Bank.

It's not that Li Xiandao can't do it, but that Tiandi Qianzhuang lacks enough containers.

Forging mountains can melt people, but the next step is beating, the hammer will fall, and people will be smashed into flesh.

Li Xiandao can't guarantee that the Holy Spirit Walker will resist, and this risk cannot be taken.

"Master Qianzhuang, can't you do it?" The Holy Spirit Walker asked anxiously.

Li Xiandao looked at him, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said, "Tonight, you can rest at Tiandi Qianzhuang."

After saying this, Li Xiandao tapped the Holy Spirit Walker three times on the head and turned to leave.

The Holy Spirit Walker was confused and did not understand what this meant.

Xiao Qi outside the door also looked at Li Xiandao suspiciously.

"You didn't sign the contract, didn't let people go, and beat him three times, what do you mean?" Xiao Qi asked in confusion.

Li Xiandao smiled mysteriously and said, "I'm experimenting."

"Test what?" Xiao Qi was even more confused.

"You don't know, this is a story I heard when I was a child, a story about monkeys. The story told me that monkeys are very smart, so I hit him three times, hoping he would understand the reason." Li Xiandao didn't explain too much. This was more of his bad taste. He regarded Holy Spirit Walker as Monkey King, so he gave him three hits.

Occasionally recalling the past is also a very comfortable feeling for Li Xiandao.

Forget the past, he can't do it, but he has to think about it from time to time.

That night, Li Xiandao didn't do anything, so he lay peacefully in his room, the door was covered and not locked.

In the second half of the night, Li Xiandao gave up. Didn't this Holy Spirit Walker understand the meaning of Sanxia?

Sure enough, Sun Monkey is not as smart, Li Xiandao couldn't help but sigh.


The next second, the door that Li Xiandao was covering was pushed open, and a voice sounded softly: "Master Qianzhuang, are you asleep?"

"Why are you here?" Li Xiandao pretended to be surprised.

"You hit me on the head three times during the day, didn't you just tell me to come to you at the third watch at night?" The Holy Spirit Walker scratched his head.

"Then it's the fourth watch now." Li Xiandao said angrily.

"It's not very accurate to see the moonlight in Tiandi Qianzhuang. I didn't calculate the time well. I also ask the owner of the Qianzhuang not to take offense." The Holy Spirit Walker immediately knelt on the ground and pleaded.

"Forget it, get up." Li Xiandao waved his hand.

"No, I also ask the owner of the bank to give me some advice, where is my way out?" The Holy Spirit Walker shook his head, knelt down firmly, raised his head and looked at Li Xiandao, his eyes very eager.

Li Xiandao coughed and said, "That's how you begged me to give me some guidance?"

"Master is above, please accept the disciples to worship." The Holy Spirit Walker knelt down decisively and kept kowtow.

A monkey head knelt down in front of Li Xiandao and kept kowtow.

This picture made Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction and said, "I accept you as a disciple, what are you going to do?"

"As a teacher for one day, as a father for life, Master will be my closest person in the future, and I will definitely listen to Master's words." The Holy Spirit Walker said firmly.

"I don't want your guarantee, and accepting you as an apprentice is also in the face of another monkey." Li Xiandao said what only he understood, but the Holy Spirit Walker could not understand.

"Another monkey?" The Holy Spirit Walker looked at Li Xiandao suspiciously.

"You don't need to tell him who he is, you just need to know that his name is the Great Sage Qitian, he used to look down on the heroes, and he fought in the heavenly court. After being subdued, it becomes a battle to defeat the Buddha." Li Xiandao said with emotion.

In fact, he prefers Monkey King. In the later stage of the fight to defeat the Buddha, it means that he has matured and learned to compromise.

This is the same as everyone. When they were young, they were the Great Sage Monkey King, but gradually, everyone will "mature" and become a battle to defeat the Buddha.

When Li Xiandao saw the Holy Spirit Walker, he seemed to see the Monkey King.

"Great Sage Monkey King, such a domineering name, why does he want to defeat the Buddha in a fight?" The Holy Spirit Walker asked curiously.

"You don't need to know, I took you as a disciple, and I also saw his shadow from you, and saw the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who looked down on the world. It just so happened that you were going to overthrow the Immortal Court, and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven couldn't do it. , I hope you can do it." Li Xiandao said.

"I know Master." The Holy Spirit Walker kowtowed decisively on the ground, bang bang bang, very loudly, and then grinned.

"The disciples meet the master." The Holy Spirit Walker shouted loudly.

Li Xiandao nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's good to have a heart in the apprenticeship. Know why I don't continue to talk with you during the day?"

"I don't know." Holy Spirit Walker shook his head. It was the first time he came to Tiandi Bank, what could he know.

"If we continue to talk during the day, you will have to pay the price and sign a contract with me. Once the contract is signed, I will not be able to accept you as a disciple." Li Xiandao explained.

"Thank you, Master, for considering your disciples." The Holy Spirit Walker was moved.

"Don't be in a hurry to be moved, you still have a lot of problems." Li Xiandao said with emotion, and immediately told him what he saw during the day.

The Holy Spirit Walker turned pale and looked at Li Xiandao desperately: "Master, is there nothing you can do?"

He didn't expect that if he wanted to change his origin, he actually needed to melt his body and forge a body.

This sounds very unreliable and extremely dangerous.

Li Xiandao looked at the Holy Spirit Walker and pondered: "There are other ways, but I don't know if you dare?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt Master, I can do anything." The Holy Spirit Walker said firmly.

"That's not the case, that is, there is a Thirty-three Heaven in Immortal Court, the Lord of Immortal Court is inside, and below the Lord of Immortal Court, that is, about the 20th floor, there is a world-famous Taoist alchemist. "Li Xiandao smiled mysteriously.

The Holy Spirit Walker's back immediately went numb, and he didn't know what Li Xiandao meant by this smile.

"In Xianting, I have an inner responder. She told me a lot of information about Xianting, and I also know that this alchemist still owes me something." Li Xiandao smiled, and this was what he thought about at night. Method.

"Xianting's alchemist owes Master something?" The Holy Spirit Walker looked at Li Xiandao in confusion.

"You don't need to know for the time being, the teacher will take you to see Master Xiao Qi now, remember, do you want to call your mother to know?" Li Xiandao urged.

"Understood." Holy Spirit Walker said obediently.

Li Xiandao immediately pushed open the door of the room and went to find Xiao Qi.

The Holy Spirit Walker followed.

When Xiao Qi saw Li Xiandao and the Holy Spirit Walker, he was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"My apprentice." Li Xiandao pointed behind him.

Xiao Qi smiled and said, "Why do you think of accepting disciples?"

Li Xiandao had no such idea before.

"Suddenly, maybe I have a better relationship with him." Li Xiandao didn't explain too much, saying that it was Sun Wukong, and Xiao Qi had to ask a lot more.

"I came to you to see if the most outstanding alchemist in Xianting owes us a treasure?" Li Xiandao asked.

Xiao Qi was changed by Li Xiandao, nodded and said: "There is such a thing, the most outstanding alchemist in Xianting can also be said to be the most outstanding alchemist in the fairy world, and the medicinal pills refined, even if it is the capital of the Immortal King. It is very needed, so he is a very important person in Xianting.”

"What does he owe us?" Li Xiandao asked immediately.

When he was sorting out the contract a few times before, he vaguely saw some handwriting, but he didn't care about it because he covered up a large part of the word.

Now Li Xiandao asks Xiaoqi, Xiaoqi has written down the contract, she has a good memory, this is also her job, so she immediately replied: "That alchemist is called Laojun, and he borrowed it from Tiandi Qianzhuang 30,000 years ago. A peerless alchemy furnace, called the Qiankun Cauldron, is very powerful, and even a universe can be refined, and he used it as a cauldron for alchemy."

"Breach of contract?" Li Xiandao asked immediately.

He cares about this the most.

"Breach of contract, 20,000 years of default." Xiao Qi nodded immediately.

"Master, what is this for?" The Holy Spirit Walker asked curiously.

"I'm going to send you to the Qiankun Cauldron, and let Laojun train you well." Li Xiandao's mouth curled up. He wanted to copy the things of Sun Wukong and throw the Holy Spirit Walker into the sacrifice.

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