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Four hundred and twenty six. Treasure

426. Treasure

Song Xue was relentless, "Ling Yunlu, I haven't finished my words yet! Why are you so busy leaving, are you guilty?"

Ling Yunlu couldn't bear it anymore, "Song Xue, killing people is nothing more than nodding your head. You have been cursing for so long, what else do you want?"

"Ling Yunlu, do you know how much you have caused my brother miserably in those years? He has just recovered a little bit of energy now, and you came here to look for him again. Since you are here, I will make you completely give up today."

Song Xue pulled a girl, she was wearing a white coat, she was the girl who was busy in the infusion room just now, she looked younger than Ling Yunlu, although her appearance was average, but there was a pure and simple temperament between her brows that was similar to Wei Chenxi .

Song Yu pointed at the girl, "She is my brother's fiancee Wenwen, they are getting married next month, Wenwen is a good girl, smart, kind-hearted, a thousand times ten thousand times stronger than you, look You yourself, don’t you know how to look in the mirror? You are old and ugly now, about the same as a forty-year-old mother, my younger brother has given up on seeing your face today, right? "

After giving birth, Ling Yunlu gained a lot of weight. Because her life has been unsatisfactory all these years, and she also suffered a lot after marriage, so her complexion is sallow and haggard. Although she is not yet thirty years old, she looks older than her actual age She is more than ten years old. Today, although she deliberately cleaned up and dressed up, the wig is too old and has lost its original luster and fluff. The clothes from years ago were old, and wrapped around his already fat body, it seemed that the clothes didn't fit well.

Song Yu watched Ling Yunlu's once delicate face turn into a disheveled color, with some powder on it, but because of dry skin, the powder floated on top, making the skin feel dirty, and because of fat, her face still felt a little swollen, memory The girl who is so clear and beautiful in the sunlight in the campus that I can't forget deeply can't be overlapped with this hideous person in front of me.

Ling Yunlu also felt the disappointment and strangeness in the way Song Yu looked at her, yes! The beauty she was once proud of is no longer there, and she is now dwarfed by this ordinary-looking girl named Wenwen.

Ling Yunlu felt ashamed all of a sudden, she regretted it, she really shouldn't have come today, she came here to humiliate herself. She didn't expect to meet Song Xia, and she didn't intend to let Song Yu know that she was here, she just wanted to see Song Yu again, now she met Song Xue, and Song Yu was alarmed, from Song Yu's eyes, She could no longer find the love she had back then, she was disheartened, and secretly blamed herself for why she came here, could it be that she wanted Song Yu to see how destitute she was now? Is it just to make him give up on himself even more? It's better to miss each other than to meet each other, let him keep the beauty of her in his heart forever. If life is just like seeing her for the first time, why didn't she understand the meaning of this sentence until now. She did another stupid thing!

Tears welled up in Ling Yunlu's eyes,

She tried her best to shake off Song Xue, pulled away from the crowd, and ran out.

She vaguely heard Song Yu calling her from behind, she ran forward recklessly, she ran out of the crowd, out of the village, onto the dusty road, panting, her legs were sore, and then One staggered and fell to the dust.

Ling Yunlu sat there crying with her head in her arms. She didn't know why she was crying. Anyway, she just felt wronged. She felt that her life was very sad, a failure, and helpless. Why is everyone else's life getting better and better, only her life is getting worse and worse, from a high and beautiful princess to sitting on this dirty ground and crying bitterly, she has lost too much, Meng Qingqing said, it was her She lost her good things one by one, and sure enough, her enemy knows her best, but she only knows this when she has nothing and is disgraced. She is still fighting with Meng Qingqing! People didn't even bother to fight with her, so she lost by herself.

Ling Yunlu was crying, feeling someone pulling her arm, she looked up, it was Song Yu.

She shook off his hand in a panic, and got up, "You... why are you here? Did you come to see my joke?" Ling Yunlu felt that this moment was probably the most embarrassing moment in her life.

"I'm sorry, my sister shouldn't have treated you like this. I apologize to you on her behalf." Song Yu said.

Ling Yunlu calmed down, "Song Yu, I really just want to sneak a look at you, I don't have any other intentions."

"I know, I believe."

The two of them didn't speak for a moment.

After being silent for a while, Song Yu said: " are you now?"

Hearing this sentence, Ling Yunlu's tears were about to come out again. She tried her best not to let the tears flow out. Since Song Yu left her, she has not had a good life. She has no stable income and her life is often in a mess. In order to find something Warm, non-stop blind dates, but being hit again and again, no man can accommodate her like Song Yu, love her from the bottom of his heart, care about her, but when Song Yu is by her side, she often complains about Song Yu The family is poor and complains that Song Yu is incompetent and incompetent.

Ling Yunlu wanted to say, I would not be well without you, but now that they are strangers, and she is the one who is sorry for him, it is a bit ambiguous and inappropriate for her to say such things now. You can do it in your heart, why bother to say it.

Ling Yunlu shook her head and smiled wryly, "I can't say whether it's good or bad, just live an ordinary life like this."

"Yes! We are all ordinary people, so it's okay to live an ordinary life." Song Yu's words were pun intended.

There was another awkward silence between the two.

After four years of separation, both of them had a lot to say in their hearts, but they didn't know how to say it, let alone how to say it, or, things had changed, and there was nothing to say.

Ling Yunlu said hoarsely: "Song Yu, I wish you happiness, I'm leaving!"

Seeing that Ling Yunlu turned around and was about to leave, Song Yu hurriedly called to her, "Xiaolu!"

Ling Yunlu stopped, but did not turn around, her eyes were filled with tears. The face she used to be proud of has now become a very ordinary face that even she feels strange to herself. How can she face the person who once loved her so deeply again!

Meeting the best person in the best years is the greatest happiness in life, but she didn't feel it at that time, so she didn't cherish it. When she knew it, she lost him forever. This is the greatest tragedy of her life.

Song Yu called Ling Yunlu to stop, but didn't know what to say, he hated her, hated her waywardness, vanity and arrogance, to the point of ruining him and her, but after so many years, his hatred for her has gradually faded away In my impression, she was still the young girl in the twilight, with all the sweetness and beauty they had together. After he came back, he heard that she was not doing well. Now that he saw her, he knew that she was more beautiful than he imagined. Not good, but what can he do other than being a little sentimental! Their life trajectories have diverged, and they will never intersect again. Everyone's path, whether good or bad, is their own choice.

Song Yu just said, "Xiao Lu, take care!"

Ling Yunlu didn't look back, and just said, "Take care too!" and walked forward, tears streaming down her face wantonly. (To be continued.)

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