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Chapter 271: copy

   Chapter 271 Copy

Without Dobpool, it is estimated that it is difficult to keep Jim Keller. Even if he can, it is estimated that in a few years, Jim Keller will be gone, and no matter how high the price is, he will not be able to stay. Live Jim Keller.

   On the contrary, it is Dobopool, who is still old and strong now. With Dobopool, he can attract a large number of chip engineers and have a place in the chip industry!

After entering the ICQ office building, Doberpool and Jim Keller and other engineers visited ICQ's major departments as usual. When they heard that ICQ's current users have exceeded 30 million, Doberpool and others The hardware engineer couldn't help but be surprised.

  It is not surprising that the chips they developed sell millions of sets of products, but an Internet product that has millions of users has a big impact on hardware engineers.

Dobopool and others have asked very carefully about the status of ICQ, and they have also continuously asked about the operation status and revenue of other industries in Song Yang's hands. It can be seen that this time Dobopool and others are very interested in this cooperation. careful.

   It is true that Song Yang is an upstart in the Internet, but he has made no achievements in the electronic hardware industry, and Song Yang is too young. This may not be a problem in the Internet industry, because everyone in the industry is younger than the other.

But the electronic hardware industry is different. In this industry, experience and qualifications are required. Dobble and his PA semiconductor team do not know that Song Yang is really going to make a big effort in the chip processor industry, or is it just a matter of fact. Because of a whim, I want to come and play in this line of work!

This kind of thing is not uncommon. The genius of one industry is invincible in the original industry. As a result, his brain cramps and he thinks of another industry to prove himself. Go on, use your own hobbies to challenge other people's jobs, and get beaten up all over the place.

  No, even Apple has failed several times on the processor project, burning a lot of money, but in the end it turned into a mess, you know the difficulty of this line.

  To be honest, the PA semiconductor team in Dobble was a little surprised when they received the investment call from the Americas Global Investment Fund. They didn’t know how an Internet company could be involved in the chip industry.

Originally, Dobble didn't want to pay attention to it, but helplessly, the conditions given by the America Global Investment Foundation, threatening to give PA semiconductor money, are too high, even far more than Intel, AMD, Broadcom and other companies. The company's quotation, this is the scene of Dobble's arrival today!

After visiting ICQ, Dobble, Jim Keller and others came to Song Yang's office. Dobble said to Song Yang in a surprised tone, "Song, ICQ is beyond my imagination, if it can make a profit If so, ICQ will surely become a miracle in the history of technology.”

   When he said this, Doberpool used his eyes to communicate with Jim Keller and others. The current market situation of the Internet is also in the technology industry.

The most important thing is that Song Yang has not only one ICQ, but also the listed DoubleClick, the emerging telecommunications company America Telecom, etc. On the surface, Song Yang's worth is not low. In theory, he can support a processor. semiconductor companies.

   But only in theory, there are not many who want to make a big splash in the field of processors and semiconductors, but very few can survive in the end.

   Song Yang only laughed when he was amazed at Dobble. Dobble, who had been in a giant like DEC, had never seen any storms. For him, ICQ was just touting a few more words.

Doberpool looked at Song Yang and pointed at Jim Keller and others, "Song, I'm glad that you are willing to invest in PA Semiconductor, but we want to know why you suddenly want to invest in PA Semiconductor, as far as we know, you There is no hardware industry!"

   "Furthermore, we want to remind you that the semiconductor industry is an industry that requires investment, but may not be rewarded. This is the misfortune of this industry!"

   When I mentioned this, Dobble became a little depressed for a while. I wonder if he remembered the days in DEC.

The departure of Doberpool, Jim Keller and others from DEC is actually the most realistic portrayal of DEC. This old giant company has been turbulent in the past few years, and even Bill Gates couldn't help but mock, "If a It's hard to imagine a 60-year-old in charge of Microsoft."

This is the mocking founder of DEC Olsen. As the oldest leader in the technology industry, Olsen is 67 years old and still at the helm of DEC. Until a few years ago, the big ship of DEC was finally about to sink. When it was too late, Olsen finally retired and replaced Palmer, who was in charge of DEC's semiconductor business, and finally allowed DEC to stabilize its position.

Palmer relied on the research and development of new computers and semiconductor chips to prevent DEC from going bankrupt, but that was all. In the past few years, the semiconductor business has been hovering on the edge of loss and profit all the year round, and DEC is also exhausted because of the huge investment in chips. Exhausted, at the end of last year, it was finally unbearable, and no longer continued to develop a new generation of chips. Dobble also left with a group of former DEC engineers and started to stand on their own.

Even DEC can't handle it. Apple has made a mess of losses in the chip project several times. Since its establishment, AMD has rarely made a profit. Now it is Song Yang. how long!

   Regarding Dobble's question, Song Yang said, "Actually, Fortinet is developing a brand new UTM hardware Internet security product, and needs a brand new network security chip!"

   "UTM equipment?"

   Jim Keller, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help showing a bit of interest after hearing the concept of UTM.

  Song Yang nodded, "UTM is a brand-new hardware firewall. In the future, there will be countless companies that need UTM equipment and countless security chips!"

   Song Yang is telling PA Semiconductor that his investment in PA Semiconductor is not a whim, but a real demand.

   "Not only the flying tower, if nothing else, you should hear another news today, maybe PA will need to supply mobile phone chips in the future!"

  Dobble Poole, Jim Keller and the others couldn't help showing a bit of surprise when they heard Song Yang's words. They obviously understood what Song Yang meant and obviously wanted to enter the mobile phone industry.

Although I am also surprised that Song Yang’s span is really large, from the Internet directly to the mobile phone industry, it can be said that why Song Yang wants to invest in PA semiconductors, Fortinet’s UTM equipment and mobile phone business need chips. Song Yang's investment in a semiconductor team of his own seems to be in the past, although it is still a bit big.

   "Song, do you want PA Semiconductor to be like Texas Instruments?!" Dobble smiled and joked a little self-deprecatingly.

  Song Yang couldn't help but smile, "I didn't say that, but if PA Semiconductor, like Texas Instruments, can provide the most advanced mobile phone chips, I think that's something to celebrate!"

  Song Yang and Dobble looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes. They were both joking, but they were not jokes.

   As an old gun in the processor industry, this time Dobble took a group of engineers who followed him to set up his own business, as well as an architecture **** like Jim Keller, obviously not willing to PA Semiconductor, just an ordinary semiconductor company.

   At this time, Dobble was already a little moved. He could see that Song Yang's mind was not small, and he even saw some shadows of Olsen, the founder of DEC when he was young.

In his later years, Olsen was obsessed with power. For the power in his hands, he regarded DEC as a child's play, and drove out one of the executives and engineers of DEC, but in his early years, Olsen was ambitious and possessed keen insight. Under the control of IBM's computer, he can break out of the path of small computers, and he can develop and produce chips by himself, and its revenue can crush Apple. Even if there was Steve Jobs' Apple, in front of DEC, it is just a younger brother...

However, Dobble will not make a decision so easily. He has already proved himself at DEC, and he has long needed no fame and fortune. To establish PA Semiconductor, he also wants to develop the most advanced chip processor he wants, but he does not want to be himself. I famous here smashed the signboard.

"Song, if you want to develop a chip, you may have to invest a huge amount of money, but even if your mobile phone project can gain an advantage in competition with Nokia and Motorola, with all due respect, the market for mobile phone processors this year is only less than $500 million, and Intel's annual revenue is more than $30 billion!"

Dobble reminded Song Yang that it is very likely that this industry is not as beautiful as Song Yang imagined, and it may even be a nightmare. This copy of the chip industry can be called the copy of the five permanent members of the United Nations in the technology industry. Brush a copy of the five permanent members, and then Entering the United Nations, the chip industry also needs to overcome five obstacles.

   Even if Song Yang is a genius, he can extend from the Internet to the hardware industry of the store, fight a shocking battle, and survive under the siege of Nokia and Motorola.

But the one-year market for mobile phone processor chips is only US$500 million. Compared with the same period of last year, the revenue of Intel alone in the computer processor industry exceeds tens of billions of US dollars. Now Intel does not care about mobile phone processing. It doesn't mean that he will not look down on it in the future. With the overlords of the chip industry such as Intel and Texas Instruments, Song Yang may invest a lot of money, and in the end, it will be a piece of chicken feathers.

"I see!"

  Song Yang's answer was also very direct, "The risk control department of the Americas Global Investment Foundation has done market research on the chip industry, but I think it's worth investing in!"

   "After investing in PA Semiconductor, I hope that Fortinet's UTM equipment and mobile phone projects will have enough revenue to support PA Semiconductor's chip project."

  Song Yang said very bluntly that he is ready to accept chip losses. As long as Forita UTM equipment and mobile phone projects are profitable, they can subsidize the processor project. As for losses, that is acceptable.

   "Not only these, I hope PA Semiconductor can go further..."

   (end of this chapter)

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