Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 590 143. I, Bu Laike Shaw, The Savior Of The Villains

Chapter 590 143. I, Bu Laike Shaw, the savior of the villains

"Hey, Brother Dan is still so powerful. It's really domineering to single out the abyss lord. When will I be as powerful as him?"

In burning Dalaran, Cloth Laike, disguised with a deceitful orb, strolls along the deserted streets.

His little bird flew high in the sky, shuttled through the "fog of war" in Dalaran, and from a bird's-eye view, showed the whole panorama of the burning city before Laike's eyes.

The pirates could clearly see that in the center of the city, the demonized Illidan Stormrage was fighting a scarred Pit Lord with his two cool Glaives of Azzinoth.

That scene didn't look like justice fighting against evil at all, it was more like a fight between evil and evil.

To be honest, Brother Dan is full of evil after his transformation, he really doesn't look like a good person.

Of course, Bu Laike is not qualified to talk about others. Although his demon transformation is biased towards the caster form, it is definitely the dark type that can scare children to tears.

The demon hunter was not fighting alone. Dean Lanyue and Prince Farondis, who were stationed there in advance, were assisting Illidan in suppressing the powerful abyss lord at the other end.

But the other high-ranking demon lord is stretching his hips a lot.

The demon prince of Eredar, Makzaar, is struggling to escape outside the city in the pursuit of the old lich and the archmage of Ellan, and there are two warriors of "extraordinary background" - Tur Rageclaw and Stupid Fenner. hunt down.

The devil prince was in a panic, his body was covered with the death frost thrown by the old lich, and from time to time, an ice meteor spell would fall from the sky, blocking his escape route.

But farther away, in the direction of Dalaran Magic Commercial Street, the undead black knight has created more demonic portals.

According to the frequency and rhythm of the surge of fel energy from those portals, there will probably be new legendary demons joining the chaotic battlefield soon.

"Screamer and Rende will be trapped!"

Miss Hisalie Crow, who was scouting at high altitude, keenly captured the positions of her companions. Just outside the permanent stronghold arranged by the council of six for the druids, a large number of demons were attacking the Kaldorei. line of defense.

Probably because of the humiliation of the Burning Legion being defeated by the elves in Azeroth 10,000 years ago, after they returned to the material world, they allocated a large part of their forces to attack the Druids' garrison.

This hatred can be said to be very stable.

It's a pity that the druids in Dalaran are a minority after all. With the leadership of the two great druids, Skyscreamer and Isolarius, the Kaldorei fight very hard.

The current scene once made Omulon the Skyscreamer feel like he was back in the War of the Ancients. Fortunately, there were two high-ranking Luna priests here to help, otherwise the druids' defense would have collapsed long ago.

No matter how capable they were, they couldn't be opponents of elite demons that were a hundred times stronger than them.

"Maybe I should go down and help?"

This thought echoed in Hisalie Crow's mind.

It was difficult for her to make a decision for a while. If she showed her true identity at this time, she might be able to add some assistance to her companions, but her "undercover career" was completely over.

She can now be sure that her "owner" stinky pirate must be a powerful prophet, and she can definitely unearth a lot of explosive "first-hand information" by lurking beside him.

Is it to choose the current assistance? Or choose future benefits?

Miss Black Crow fell into an uncomfortable tangle.

But soon, she saw a black shadow flashing into Kaldorei's line.

A female elf dressed in black leather armor and dressed like an assassin, carrying two captured demon swords, rushed into the demon's formation like a storm.

Throwing the big move of the watcher's cage, seven dark shadows shone to form a magic seal, and precisely locked the elite demon commander in front of the entire Kaldorei position.

In the two-person cover charge of Vengeful Spirit and herself, she beheaded two doomsday guard commanders with a knife in her hand, and her killing efficiency was so high that it exploded and was frighteningly high.

The joining of this strong man changed the situation of the battle almost immediately, allowing Kadorei's front to stabilize quickly.

"Huh! That's a watchman, and he looks like an elite warden?"

Miss Hisalley widened her crow eyes in surprise, she thought suspiciously:

"But why doesn't she wear the Warden's Moonlight Armor? Does she have to dress like this? Is she doing a latent mission that requires camouflage like me?

Speaking of which, part of the watchman's duty is indeed to guard against the return of the demon, and her coming here is completely in line with their mission.

Ah, with her here, Sky Roarer and Rendehui can finally take a breather. "

After seeing her companions out of danger, Hisaly Crow finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Following the pirate's command, she flapped her wings and crossed the burning sea of ​​flames in front of her lightly, and expanded her detection range to Dalaran's battle mage security area.

The whole city has fallen into the predicament of being invaded by demons, and like other places, it is full of gunpowder and war.

Just in front of the Violet Prison in Dalaran, a team of battle mages trapped here had already suffered heavy casualties. According to their combat effectiveness and their number, it should have been impossible for them to survive the continuous attacks of demons until now.

Only relying on the protective magic of the Violet Prison behind them gave them a little respite.

But as the warden of the prisoners, now he has to rely on the magic protection to prevent the prisoners from escaping. For these battle mages, it can really be called "the world is impermanent".

Fortunately, they have not been lazy in maintaining the prison's protection system, otherwise they would have died a long time ago. This tells us a simple truth:

You take your job seriously and life will always reward you.

But now, no battle mage is in the mood to listen to such "magic chicken soup", because they are about to be wiped out.

Because the magic net was locked by the god-killing spell weaver, the magic protection of the prison was not even one-third of the usual level. Although they were attacked by a group of lowly and weak magic dogs, the latter's There are too many.

Too many ants can kill an elephant, not to mention these monsters that are much more vicious than ants.

"Hold on, brothers! The Council of Six will send someone to support us! For the glory of the Kirin Tor! For the dignity of the caster! Grit your teeth and hold on!"

The warden of the Violet Prison, Mage Alturus, is about to burst into smoke.

He was bitten in the calf by a magic dog in the attack just now, and now he can only sit on a tattered supply box, holding a magic staff and constantly throwing big fireballs outwards to prevent those vicious monsters from approaching.

He has been trying to mobilize the courage and will of the battle mages, but it turns out that courage cannot be eaten, let alone used as magic.

The mages under his command were exhausted, and everyone's magic power was squeezed to the extreme. Some mages collapsed on the ground so exhausted that they couldn't even throw a small fireball.

They're done.

If this continues, at most ten minutes, they will be completely eaten by the swarming magic dogs.

The warden of Alturas glanced at the closed door of Violet Prison behind him, and now he had an immature and bold idea in his mind: if the demons broke through the protection, he would take his brothers and sisters back into the prison among.

When the Violet Prison was first built, it was built to be able to deal with the attacks of alien creatures. This prison is almost the strongest building in Dalaran, and there are multiple magic protections inside.

As long as they retreat in, no amount of demons can do anything to them.

But Alturas, who has been a warden for more than ten years, knows exactly what kind of evil and dangerous bastards are imprisoned in this prison. Now that the magic net has been locked, it means that the magic protection inside the prison will also be weakened. .

He didn't even dare to go into the prison to see.

Maybe the worst bastards have broken out of their cages and are congregating inside for some nasty and nasty tricks.

My group of exhausted mages retreated into it, and they could indeed avoid the demons, but if they fell into the hands of a group of vicious bastards, they might as well die on the battlefield against the demons.

The latter can at least earn the reputation of a "warrior".

This is a typical scene of a hemp stick beating a wolf with fear at both ends.

"Someone is coming! Warden, look! Where is someone, my God, those demons are afraid of him, and the hell hounds are actively making way for him, who is that?"

At the moment when the warden was caught in a difficult decision, a high-level mage under him suddenly pointed forward and shouted, attracting the attention of the middle-aged bald warden.

Alturus raised his head, and saw a mysterious guy in a cloak, holding a black scythe on his shoulder, walking towards this side swaggeringly.

Judging from the sinister shoulder armor skull decoration on his vestment, this should be a warlock.

As we all know, there are no warlocks in Dalaran.

So, this caster is either a running dog of the legion demon, or someone from the outside. Could it be someone from Nazaras College? Doesn't that college have a serious school of warlocks?

"Go away, go away! You ugly and disgusting fellows, get out of the way!"

Bu Laike carried Ulthalus Deadwind Harvester scythe, and walked forward while kicking the hellhound in front of him with his hunting boots.

These demonic creatures are vicious enough to bite off the thighs of adults in one bite, and kicking them is dangerous enough to kill.

But in the face of Bu Laike's kick, those ferocious demon dogs could only run away with their tails between their legs, howling and whining.

The breath of the fearful demon entwined on Bu Laike, and the suppression of the upper demons, which was very similar to Longwei, made these lower demons tremble and dare not block the way.

And as Bu Laike approached, the dark aura on him that was more than ten times fiercer than ordinary demons immediately aroused the vigilance of the battle mages.

Warden Alturus drew out the long sword at his waist with a swish, pointed at Bu Laike in front of him, and shouted loudly:

"Stop! With the powers given to me by the Council of Six and the Kirin Tor, I demand of you"


Before the battle mage finished speaking, the stinky pirate raised his hand and an oversized Shadow Fury slammed at him.

A huge amount of shadow magic power entangled like a heavy hammer and blasted at the defense line in front of the prison, knocking all these weak battle mages unconscious in an instant.

This offensive magic is accompanied by a beacon of catastrophe, marking every mage in front of him with a spell mark. As the pirate walked forward slowly, he casually threw a shadow arrow.

The most elementary spells of warlock magic, low-level magic similar to Fireball or Frostbolt, under the resonance of shadow magic power, transformed from a single body into a group of shadow arrows, hitting every mage fiercely.

Beat them all over the ground.

"Smart people should shut up at this time! I saved you, you should know how to be grateful!"

The pirate scolded, waved his hands, and said:

"Each person leaves a magic item as a reward for life-saving, and then go away and go to the enchantment of Narsalas Academy, where you can at least save one life."

After speaking, he continued to move forward, but after taking two steps, his left ankle was grabbed by a trembling hand.

The eyes of Keir Rogge on the pirate's shoulder turned and looked down. The bald warden Alturus was bleeding from his mouth and nose, but he was still holding on to Bo Laike's ankle. He said tremblingly:

"What are you going to do?"

"My subordinates and apprentices are imprisoned here by you. Look at your city, it's almost finished. A responsible mentor like me must take them back before their brains are gnawed out by demons.

Although they are all a bunch of waste, cannon fodder is not such a waste. "

Bu Laike shrugged and replied:

"Of course, I also want to recruit a group of desperadoes to work for me. Don't worry, I'm actually quite picky. I only want the most vicious, most capable, and most evil people in this prison."

"Can't let them out!"

The warden said with difficulty:

"That would be a disaster. They, all, are bad guys!"

"Don't worry, my colleague."

Bu Laike showed a gentle smile under the Corruptor's vestment. He stepped on the warden's wrist, forcing him to let go, and said softly:

"They can't be as bad as me, so they can only treat me like dogs honestly.

You see, the truth is actually very simple, as long as you are bad enough, then other people are good people in your eyes, and the world is good enough in your eyes.

I can keep a good mood in the face of so much shit, it's all about convincing myself like this.

I suggest you learn it too.

Tsk, seeing how miserable you are now, I won't ask you for money for the dark wisdom course. I will teach you this lesson for free, which is enough for you to use for a lifetime. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate coughed, took a bunch of keys from the warden's belt, and put his hand on the heavy door of Violet Prison in front of him.

The skill given by the warlock profession when it reached level 60, the shadow magic named "Catastrophe" was released from the palm of Bu Laike, just like the earthquake spell summoned by the shamans, instantly shaking the entire heavy gate.

Under the impact of a huge amount of shadow magic power, the door made an overwhelmed crackling sound.

A second later, the Violet Prison, full of villains, opened its doors to the pirates as Bo Laike raised his foot and kicked at the shattered gate.

There was a dead silence in the prison.

Those prisoners who broke out of the cage and escaped stopped their chaotic fight, and everyone turned their heads to look at the door, including those unlucky ones who fell in a pool of blood.

As they watched, a guy holding a scythe walked into the dark prison from the outside amidst the smoke and dust. When the scythe in his hand hit the ground, a black crow fell from the sky and landed on him. shoulders.

"Yo, it's so lively."

Bu Laike looked at the prison chaos in front of him, smelling the refreshing smell of blood, he opened his arms and said in a gentle voice:

"Hello, scumbags, I'm here to give you 'freedom'."

(end of this chapter)

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