Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 588 141. Never Absent

Chapter 588 141. Never absent

The race of the Dread Demon King has a very distinctive feature.

Except for those guys who left special scars on their souls for strange reasons, causing some "characteristics" to appear on their bodies, all Nathrezim almost looked the same.

It is entirely because their creators "steal lazy" when making the dreaded demon kings, and used a mold to carve out the original appearance of all the dreaded demon kings.

This creates a lot of trouble for outsiders to identify the identities of these dread demon kings.

However, the "researchers of demon culture" who are familiar with Nathrezim will not confuse the identity of the dreadlord, because the wings of each dreadlord are different in color.

They rely on the color of their wings to distinguish different individuals.

For example, the wings of the dreadlord lord in front of Bu Laike are purple, which is really beautiful. The premise is to ignore the evil bone wings on the wings and those holes that look very careless and exude decadent beauty.

Kassanatyr's wings were originally crimson, but after being transformed into a shadow creature, they turned into pure black that lingers in the shadows.

Pirates really like this color scheme.

Black is a classic and versatile color that can never go wrong in any occasion.

"who are you!"

On the burning city streets, Mal'Ganis did not let down his vigilance when he heard Bu Laike's approaching words. The dreaded demon king stared at the humans in front of him with cold eyes, and said:

"I don't remember seeing you, your breath is very strange."

"Nonsense, this is my sacrifice for the great cause of the great emperor. How can a cunning person like you understand such greatness?"

The pirate scoffed at Mal'Ganis' suspicions.

Under the watchful eyes of the dreadlord, Laike slightly relaxed the suppression of the demon in his heart.

In the next moment, a pair of huge bat wings unfolded in the shadow behind him, flapping twice like a bird's wings when taking off, and dissipated in black smoke when they closed.

"You transformed yourself into a shadow creature?"

Mal'Ganis saw the wings and confirmed that there was indeed a dreadlord entrenched in the creature in front of him, but it still didn't show any kindness, and just asked indifferently:

"Why? The pain of this kind of energy transformation is avoided by all the clansmen. Why do you take the initiative to do this?"

"Of course it's because of me."

Bu Laike laughed and replied in human language:

"Of course it's because my evil master asked it to do so. Don't blame poor Casanatiel, it's just bad luck. Well, no kidding with you, my dear 'Immortal Two Kings'.

As you can see, I am a warlock, a loyal lackey of the Burning Legion, and a fanatical fan of Lord Sargeras. By chance, I know the true origin of you dreadlords and the master you are truly loyal to. .

And I don't want to threaten you with this secret.

It is a matter of luck to meet you today. I just want to ask you to help me send a letter to the Shadow Realm and hand it over to Emperor Denathrius.

You may not know it, but the Great Emperor ranks thirteenth among all the men I admire. Considering that there are such great men as Lord Sargeras in this list, this ranking is really not low. "

"A mortal who has bound Lord Nathrezim? He can also learn the secrets of the Shadow Realm, tsk tsk, what a surprise, what a shame!"

Mal'Ganis' tone became more impolite.

Its blade-like claws collided, and said in a cold tone:

"Maybe I should kill you here, lest the guy who has been failing continue to embarrass us."

"Of course, you can try."

Bu Laike took out Gul'dan's head and threw it up and down in his hands, saying to the dreadlord in front of him:

"But at your own risk."

As he spoke, he threw a sealed scroll at the Dreadlord, saying:

"This is the letter I wrote to the Emperor, remember to send it to the emperor's luxurious 'Nasria Fort' in its original form, and remember not to be discovered by other lords.

Especially Stoneforge, the holder of the Wrath Medal.

The hatred of that horrible woman towards you is very, very terrible. In addition, your spies in Fallen Castle should also be changed. "

Every time Braike said a word, Mal'Ganis' eyes would twitch. After he finished speaking, the Dreadlord stared at the scroll in his hand, and he had never been vigilant about the mysterious human before him. and curious.

It doubts that this pirate has been to the Shadowlands, to Revendreth, and returned to the world of the living.

But this is simply impossible!

The curtain of life and death is now so strong that even a titan cannot cross it, let alone a mere mortal.

Where did he know this?

"Well, besides pirates, warlocks and hunters, I am actually a prophet."

Bu Laike politely answered the doubt in Nathrezim's heart. The answer was a bit unexpected, but if it was true, it could indeed explain the question perfectly.

"You, a mortal, have aroused my interest, and the emperor may also be interested in you. But it is a long distance for me to send a letter from the twisting void of the material world to Revendreth in the shadow world."

Mal'Ganis raised his sharp claws, grabbed his chin, and said with a treacherous smile:

"It's hard to do."

"Difficult? Don't do it if it is difficult."

When the pirate heard that he wanted benefits from the Dread Demon Dynasty, his face turned cold immediately, and he said to the shameless demon in front of him:

"Everyone is serving the Great Emperor's ten thousand years of great cause. You actually only think about your own interests. What a disgrace in Nathrezim! You should really learn from my 'God of Delivery'.

It delivers letters all over the world for me. It takes a lot of hard work, but it only needs a bag of garbage to make it happy for several days. "

"I don't even know you, you bastard human being."

The Dread Demon King cursed:

"You are just a stranger to us, pay attention to your identity and your tone of voice, bastard!"


The pirate snorted, thought for a while, and said:

"You want benefits, right? I'll give you benefits, how about your life? Is the price right?"

"What did you say?"

The tone of the Dread Demon King immediately became dangerous.

But Bu Laike didn't care. He pointed to the burning city around him and said:

"Let's go quickly, don't stay in this place of right and wrong for long.

I invited a friend to come here to hunt, and counting the time, he should be here soon. A unique and powerful demon like you is very, very 'delicious' in his eyes.


I know demons don't die, but why bother? "

"Tch, the wisdom of mortals."

Mal'Ganis flapped his wings, let himself fly up on the spot, and landed on the ground with his body moving. There was a disdainful smile on the face of this powerful demon.

Obviously, it doesn't think there is anyone in this world who can treat a demon lord like it as "prey".

For this confidence, the pirates are not good at evaluation.

He didn't bother to talk to this ignorant demon, he still had business to do, so after saying goodbye to each other, the pirate changed direction and quickly moved towards his destination.

On Mal'Ganis' side, the small episode of meeting with Bu Laike and agreeing to deliver the letter did not affect the plan of this bad-natured dreadlord.

It wanders low-key in the burning city, looking for the soul that satisfies itself among those who have taken refuge or are stubbornly resisting. This is a long-lost "hunting".

Not only can you let yourself taste the feast of the soul, but if you catch a few more interesting souls, you can also absorb special mental energy to strengthen your own strength again.

That's right, as a creation of the Shadow Realm, besides absorbing the power of evil energy, the Dreadlord can also use mysterious heart energy to strengthen himself. Of course, most of the time this approach needs to be cautious.

If accidentally discovered by demonic "fellows", the dreadlord's latent cause will be horribly affected.

However, rare anima is hard to find. The crystallization of this kind of power will produce completely different effects due to different power branches, racial characteristics, and professional characteristics.

Even for a creature like the Dread Demon King, the amount of anima it can absorb is limited.

It must be carefully distinguished and considered carefully.

This method of using anima is the "exclusive unique skill" of creatures in the shadow world. Life in the material world cannot even perceive anima, let alone use it.

But Mal'Ganis' happy hunt didn't last long.

Soon, it sensed the strange riot of the power of the elements. The demon lord flew into the sky and looked in the direction of the energy fluctuation. It saw a fierce guy appearing in the burning city wrapped in a strange wind. .

The moment he saw that guy, the dread demon Wang Li immediately became terrified.

"Damn it! How could it be him! Isn't he locked up by his fellow clan?"

Mal'Ganis cursed:

"My lord, Sargeras, the demons in this city are in trouble today. May the Dark Titan protect your miserable souls. May the Maw forever tear that bastard's will.

I don't want to follow in the footsteps of poor Azzinoth, who was robbed of treasures and couldn't even escape his soul back to the Twisting Nether, not only stealing things, but also killing people.

That's a big villain.

I'm going to slip.

However, it's interesting that the pirate actually has such a friend. "


"I can't stand it anymore, retreat!"

In Dalaran, on the high tower where the Nazaras Academy temporarily lived, the summoned nightborn magic swordsman Aluriel held a burning magic sword and beheaded a low-level demon lord with difficulty.

The army of elemental demon spirits around her is not at all a match for the demons constantly pouring in around her. They are much inferior in number, and the demons that can be summoned from Mardum to the material world are the real elites of destruction.

They have crowded the entire city, everywhere.

The legendary magic swordsman swung his war blade silently behind him, and the demon hunter Elisanna Ravencrest, who slew demons, shouted:

"I've taken advantage of the chaos to retrieve all the books of spiritism, and I've also brought a lot of magic books of human spellcasters. We've got what we need, and it's time to go now."

Elisanna didn't answer, but continued to slay the demon.

Looking at her ferocious look, it seems that she intends to kill all the demons in this city and not let any one go. But unfortunately, relying on her, a veteran of the demon hunter, it is impossible to achieve such a great cause.

"Elisanna! Be sober! Get rid of your hatred of demons first, it's time to go!"

Aluriel waved the magic blade in his hand, and swung forward a circular arc. In the explosion of flames and ice demons, he shattered a group of demon guards who rushed over on the spot.

She cried out:

"If we don't leave, we will be overwhelmed by them. The portal to the demon world has been opened, and this city is hopeless."

"That's what they told my father at the time."

The war blade in Elisanna's hand swept across, cutting off the two hellhounds at the waist. Amid the stinky and corrosive demon blood, this gentle, even a little too thin female elf whispered:

"Ten thousand years ago, when the demons came, those generals said the same to the lord of Black Rook Castle. But my father didn't leave, he didn't leave his subjects, he transformed his castle into a fortress , vowed to fight to the death and never retreat.

My father has been dead for ten thousand years, but I found that he is still teaching me.

You go, Aluriel.

Thanks for your help during this time, but I.

I can't go back. "

The demon hunter wiped the blood stains on his face, turned around and took out the lord's emblem of Suramar, and threw it to the bewildered legendary magic swordsman without hesitation.

A smile appeared on Elisanna's face, and she said:

"Take this as my 'resignation letter' and send it to my Elisande 'Aunt' and tell her that I have had a bad time with her, but luckily I have found my new home.

Thank her for taking care of me. "

"You're crazy!"

The legendary magic swordsman shouted:

"Have you forgotten the purpose of your coming here? Think about your father and your people! Are you going to abandon them?"

"My father is not the kind of cowardly man who needs to be rescued. Just dying, nothing can stop his fighting spirit and courage to return to the battlefield.

My father didn't need redemption, he needed a war.

I will be his vanguard.

I will fight alongside him.

Such is the dark fate of House Ravencrest."

Elisanna Ravencrest turned around, took a deep breath, and the evil energy surged on her body, and she transformed into a demon in the flashing magic pattern, and her two hands were stained with raging flames, and she blatantly slashed towards the distance. Watch the eredar demon prince striding this way.

Spreading her wings in the air, she said to her companions as she flew away from here:

"Come on, Aluriel, you won't be able to get out any later. Don't worry about me, demon hunters will not die at the hands of demons, we will only bring ruthless destruction and endless fear to them!

This is my war!

I'm already at home, I don't have to wander around anymore. "

"Come back! You idiot!"

The magic swordsman watched her companion foolishly charge towards an opponent she couldn't deal with at all.

On the collapsed tower, she shouted loudly that she wanted Elisanna to turn back, but looking at her determined back, Aluriel knew that she had lost Elisanna.

Suramar lost this glorious bloodborn forever.

But the analysis of the legendary magic swordsman is also very correct. Faced with a high-level demon lord like Prince Malchezaar, it is difficult for Elisanna Ravencrest to fight even if she is a demon.

In less than a minute, the demonic hunter was punched by the grinning prince, and fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings to the burning street.

"Die! Bug!"

The eredar demon lord laughed and raised his foot, trying to crush the little bug into a pulp amidst the surge of fel guards around him.

But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the burning flames, and amidst the strange laughter of the lamp god, a lonely elf with a naked upper body and a black eyepatch was walking out of the wind step by step.

The magic lines on his body are shining.

When he appeared, two strange shining moon blades swirled to both sides like rotating saw blades, beheading the demon guards rushing around in unison in the splash of blood, and then staggered In front of Ravencrest.

"Lord Illidan!"

A desperate Elisanna Ravencrest let out a scream of surprise.

It seemed that as long as this man appeared, no amount of demons would be a problem.

"You have done well, and the Illidari are proud of you."

Illidan Stormrage walked past his followers, and after taking two steps, he turned his head and said:

"Any invitation to hunt demons, the Illidari will not be absent, keep up! Veteran, this time, don't fall behind."

(end of this chapter)

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