Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 566 119. The King And The Marshal

Chapter 566 119. The King and the Marshal

"Let me remind you, this 'peerless beauty' only looks like a woman on the surface, but in fact it is a monster weighing more than ten tons, with sharp claws and fangs, wings and scales."

Bo Laike said to the **** hugging him with a blank face:

"Although I am a hunter, I haven't fallen to the level of Fu Ruikong. I am a very traditional man in this respect, so get off of me.

Can't be explained clearly by others.

If my good reputation is ruined by you, you don't even want to get back half of the remaining divine power. "

The pirate glanced at the translucent character card, and the [Xalatath Legacy of the Void] capacity in the divine power column was only half left. Bu Laike really gave this Miss Void "half freedom".

Pirates tried other divine powers, but they couldn't cut them. They were either completely restrained or completely released. Only the void will of Xalatas, which has a mysterious origin and no entity itself, can complete such a "high-end operation".

There is still a connection between the two groups of divine power.

Bu Laike can clearly feel the position of Xalatath's clone and "suck" it at close range, but this is still risky.

If Xal'atath escaped, or defected to Deathwing's side, Laike would lose half of his power forever.

The pirates never tried to second-guess Xal'atath's mind either.

She is a creature of the void, and fickleness is in her nature.

But he still did it.

The reason given in the name was to show his "sincerity" to Xalatas, but Xalatas's brain was pumped to believe this statement.

Bu Laike, a wicked guy, must be planning to use the poor and innocent Miss Void to make some evil plans of his own.

"Okay, okay. Judging by the standards of the material world, you are really a boring and heartless sullen man, my little master."

Onyxia yawned, and aggressively left a hickey on the pirate's neck, and then let him go in satisfaction.

After getting dressed in a hurry behind him, he rummaged through the storage box in the corner of the carriage, took out a huge magic tome locked with a chain, and handed it to Bu Laike.

"And this is the Warlock's Grimoire that Onyxia got from a member of the Shadow Council when she killed a member of the Shadow Council during the Battle of Lordaeron.

Princess Black Dragon thinks it records very interesting magic, I think you should be interested.

All that remains are the remnants of adventurers who died at the hands of the black dragon, but most are kept by Onyxia in her lair. As the eldest daughter of Lord Daval, she is also eligible to mobilize part of the property of the Prestor family, but the amount is not too much. "

Xal'atath twirled his black hair and sat by the dressing table.

She was not satisfied with her hairstyle, so she picked up the comb and planned to do a new style, so she was busy reporting Onyxia's financial situation to the pirates.

"You don't need to tell me these things. You know the operating system of the Uncrowned. After you take over the Prestor family, just 'invest' on a regular basis."

The pirate sat there, opened the grimoire in his hand and looked at it, and the sorcerer's magic in it immediately attracted his attention.

He said:

"We got along well before, I have shown my sincerity to you, my servant, you should repay me with kindness. Of course, it is also okay to repay me with malice.

You and I both know that you are determined to run, but I can't stop it. But you can see clearly what happened to the people who messed with me before.

If you want to experience what it's like to be stalked by me, I'd be more than happy to play a 'game of hunt' with you. "

He pointed to his own eyes, then pointed to Onyxia's eyes, and said:

"You know where I am, and I also know where you are. Once you want to draw your sword and cut each other, you will save yourself the trouble of chasing."

"Little master, what jokes are you talking about? I am loyal to you. As long as you nod, I am willing to warm your bed every night."

Princess Black Dragon combed her hair, she said softly:

"It's such a blessing to witness the little master leave his own legend in this world, and personally participate in it and write a new history.

Don't talk about running away, I won't leave even if you drive me away.

From the moment you plundered me domineeringly into your heart, I have depended on you. "

"Very well, you can leave now."

Bu Laike flipped through the grimoire in his hand, waved his hand, and said:

"Don't disturb my pleasure of seeking knowledge any more."

"Then, congratulations, little master."

Onyxia gave herself a more mature hairstyle, got up and straightened her clothes, folded her hands on her stomach, bowed to Bo Laike, took a few steps back, and walked to the car door.

"Did you forget to give me something?"

The pirate asked in a gentle tone.

As soon as the black dragon princess stopped, the expression on that glamorous and beautiful face suddenly collapsed, she curled her lips, turned around and sent something towards Bu Laike.

The latter squeezed out a perfectly shaped soul stone from the luggage, hovered in the palm of his hand with magic power, and absorbed the painful invisible thing bound by the void into it.

"What a pity, she'd be a great 'toy'."

Xalatas said regretfully.

She said to the pirate:

"The ship spirit of the little master's ghost ship has reached the level of consciousness that can shape a consciousness in the material world. The reason why it has not formed a complete consciousness projection is probably because it has not found a suitable 'template'.

Perhaps, the little master will like the ship spirit modeled on Onyxia, or in your words, a 'ship girl'. After all, judging by the standards of flesh and blood, this female is really attractive. "

"Well, that's a good idea."

Bu Laike became interested. He held the vibrating soul stone in his hand and said:

"Does Shaping Consciousness Require Template Soul Integrity?"

"Be as complete as possible."

Xalatas chuckled lightly, probably guessing what the pirate wanted to do, she covered her mouth and said:

"After all, the little master doesn't want to see the missing parts of his newly born ship mother, right? And such a lively dragon soul, for the ghost ship, it must be a delicacy that can be eaten.

It's sure to like you even more for it. "

"Okay, forget it."

Hearing this, the pirates gave up their plan to crush Onyxia's soul to extract her heart power.

Although I am very eager to see my warlock profession reach the full level immediately, but as a captain, I shouldn't compete with my precious ghost ship for food.

As a warlock, fighting for dog food with two war pets is miserable enough, but Laike still needs to save some dignity for himself.

"quack quack"

With the door of the carriage, which is not surprising on the outside, but has a hidden hole inside, the door of the carriage closed, and amidst the shouts of the murlocs who were pretending to be sitting on the driver's chair and holding the reins, the four-wheeled carriage started again and disappeared in another road. The entrance of the alley.

In the warm wind of the summer afternoon, Onyxia, who was wearing a slim black dress, held a cane and stood in the shadow of the sun with her black hair swaying.

She watched the carriage disappear, and then she jumped up silently on the spot, clenched her fist and waved it fiercely, in a movement that was completely inconsistent with the posture of a lady.

In this way, let out the joy that has been suppressed in my heart just now.

Free at last!

Although he is only half free, he finally no longer needs to endure the pain of being imprisoned in that weird little "compartment", unable to perceive time and space, like being exiled into the endless void.

His submissive pretense all along finally worked!

The body of this Bloodborn of Deathwing is pure and powerful, and is extremely adaptable to the power of the void, so she doesn't have to worry about her power corroding the integrity of flesh and blood.

It's finally time to relax.


At the same moment, the "Flesh and Flesh Cocoon" placed deep in the alley behind Onyxia was pulled outward by a pair of black and red claws with a slight tearing sound like a chick breaking its shell. open.

As Xalatath looked back, the creature made of the flesh and blood of the four elite dragonmen uttered its first roar since its birth.

But before he could make a sound, he became quiet obediently under the suppression of the eyes of the Black Dragon Princess.

It is still roughly the appearance of a dragon.

But whether it is the scales and bone plates on the body, the wings and tail on the back, or the dragon claws extending from the upper body, they are much more ferocious and tyrannical than ordinary elite dragonmen.

"I'll call you 'Bo Laike' from now on."

Princess Black Dragon stroked her chin and gave her new servant a malicious name. She snapped her fingers smartly like pirates usually do, and said:

"Come along, my servant Bu Laike.

Let's go home and take a look around to see if there is anything worth taking away. Alas, watching him steal other people's things every day, I was actually influenced by that guy.

What a crumb. "


"The first batch of orc shelters are currently functioning well. After the war, these places have helped us save a lot of money. Although those orc laborers are not motivated to work because of the magic blood disease, but fortunately, there are a large number of them. I don't feel bad anymore.

This time, I’m here to discuss with you, the splitting of several large shelters in the Hillsbrad Hills to various places, to make up for the losses of various countries during the war. "

In the King's Hall of Lordaeron City, several kings who were invited to watch the ceremony sat at a huge round table.

At the head of the throne was Terenas Menethil, King of Lordaeron, and Lothar was sitting opposite him, and next to the old marshal was the young King of Stormwind, Varian U Ryan.

Six of the monarchs from the seven human kingdoms came, and Dalaran also sent Archmage Mo Della as a representative to attend. Only the Kingdom of Alterac could not send envoys due to the current national situation.

The atmosphere in the hall was not as tense as expected.

In fact, the kings of various countries whispered casually and whispered, and Dai Lin and Jin even greeted Lothar on their own initiative. If you don't consider the current situation in northern Xinjiang, this scene can definitely be called "happy and harmonious".

But everyone here knows that today's talks are not destined to be so simple.

After King Terenas finished talking about the idea of ​​splitting up the orc shelter, Dailin shrugged and continued to whisper to Varian next to him, as if Varian was asking about naval construction.

This reaction is normal. Kul Tiras and Stormwind Kingdom are the only two countries that don't have orc shelters in their country. This topic has nothing to do with them.

But it is closely related to another country.

"I disagree!"

Genn Greymane said blankly:

"The shelter needs a lot of money to be dismantled and rebuilt.

We in Gilneas paid most of the funds for the establishment of the shelter before, and now the national finances have to provide part of it to support the reconstruction of the Stormwind Kingdom. My country and I are already overwhelmed. "

There was a good reason for this, and neither Terenas nor his political ally Thoras Trollbane could fault it. But Gene's next words made the two scheming politicians frown.

The king of Gilneas seems to have been holding back for a long time, and today he didn't pick the occasion, and said bluntly:

"When the war was over, there was a proposal to deport the orcs back to Dellano.

The Dark Portal couldn't be opened, so there was nothing we could do about it, so naturally we wouldn't complain, but Dai Lin said that they would kill all the green skins and sink them into the sea, and I supported it at the time.

I have no interest in the life and death of the greenskins. My country and people have suffered from these invaders, and the construction of the shelter has already caused public resentment.

This time I show my attitude that the people of Gilneas are willing to help rebuild the brother kingdom, because when we needed help, the warriors of the Kingdom of Stormwind also helped us.

We are all human beings and we can talk about anything.

But on the issue of orcs, my people and I will never pay these greenskins even a single copper coin! We won't keep them anymore. "

Having said that, Gene sneered and said:

"Besides, His Majesty Terenas doesn't need to worry about the placement of the orcs. My northern lord has just reached a perfect agreement with Narsalas Academy not long ago.

The ancient elves want to build their college in Tol Barad, and they need a lot of labor. There are just a lot of orcs in Gilneas who just eat and don't work.

I sold them to the elves as slaves, and I got tens of thousands of gold coins in return for each shipment of greenskins.

This is a real 'good business'.

I recommend promoting both Lordaeron and Stormgard. "

"Haha, well said!"

Dai Lin clapped her hands across the table and praised:

"Jin, who has always been stubborn, finally got smart for a while. Rather than killing those green skins, watching them die exhausted as slaves in endless labor may be more venting.

This is indeed a good business.

If it wasn't for Kul Tiras not having a greenskin shelter, I would have given it a try. "

"The pirates under Narsalas Academy just had a fight with your fleet."

King Thoras Trollbane of Stormgard looked at Genn strangely, and said:

"You still do business with them? You don't have a fever, Gene."

"Elves are elves, pirates are pirates. Wars are wars, and business is business. These are different concepts, so don't mix them up.

Besides, before, it was just pirates messing around with the protection of mages. Now Narthalas College has promised not to intervene in the battle between Gilneas and undead pirates. As long as my fleet is assembled, I can expel those bastards . "

Genn stroked his well-groomed beard, stretched out his finger and shook it.

He looked at the others, and a few seconds later, an impatient Gene said loudly:

"Okay, everyone, don't pretend that nothing happened here, who here doesn't know the purpose of our coming here today? It's time to talk about the matter of Alterac.

And about Marshal Lothar and his sword.

Stop wasting time, stop playing political metaphors, stop using orcs as a cover, everyone is here, just make it clear! "

He glanced at the silent Lothar, and asked actively:

"Marshal, I respect you very much. I will do my best to meet any needs you have. If you are willing to move to Gilneas, I can give you the title and territory of a Grand Duke right now.

I believe that every king here is willing to do so.

Even Alterac!

As long as you nod, we can now elect you to be King of Alterac, and what you have done is worthy of the crown and the glory it carries. "

After Genn finished speaking, the other kings also nodded.

Except for the stern-faced Varian.

Lothar still had a smile on his face. He didn't seem to feel the embarrassment of the scene in front of him, and he didn't plan to turn against the kings here. It was like a war, and now it was just a tactical test.

He didn't answer the question immediately, but raised his head and asked after a few seconds:

"Jin, you are giving me such a generous courtesy, which makes me feel uneasy. I am just an insignificant old soldier. If I want to get all this, then what should I do for you?"

Lothar stopped, he sat up straight on the chair, just like a soldier should sit, he said:

"Or I'll ask it another way, gentlemen."

"What's the price?"

(end of this chapter)

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