Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 543 96. Those Are My Favorite Shoes

Chapter 543 96. Those are my favorite shoes

"Enjoy your last day, butcher! Eat whatever you want, and drink that wicked liquid you have brewed from wasting the precious food nature has given you!

Tonight, when the archdruid returns, let you experience the wrath of nature! "

The salas language full of hatred and anger echoed in the ward, and it seemed to have got what he wanted.

The one who spoke was a Kaldorei girl with a thick bandage on her waist.

Although her robe and equipment were removed due to the treatment, judging from the blooming flowers in her hair, she was undoubtedly a druid.

She received personal treatment from Grand Knight Turalyon last night and early this morning, and the healing power completely different from Mother Nature woke her up from a coma.

It was a very novel experience.

The warm and holy holy light is faster and more direct than the magic of the moon god priests and the natural healing of the druids, especially the spell casting of a great knight, which quickly saved her from the terrible state of dying.

But in terms of subsequent healing of injuries, Holy Light is obviously not as effective as Luna Divine Art and Rejuvenation Art, so this druid girl will look pale.

Even when he scolded and spoke, he was a little weak.

So even though her eyes were full of anger, she wished she could get up now and rush over to strangle the old dwarf in the next bed.

But her whole body hurts when she moves, so "nature's vengeance and punishment" has become "nature's just condemnation".

The three druids beside her will recover relatively slowly, and they can't even speak, so they can only stare at you with wide eyes while she scolds, and put on a look of "staring at you with your eyes", Add momentum to your companions.

Well, if they could take off the bandages and plaster casts on their bodies, and the colorful herbs on their faces, it might be more powerful.

"Tch, who are you scaring?"

On the hospital bed next to the druid sister, the old dwarf Hemet, who was also wearing a hospital gown, still maintained the bold style of a dwarf, with his arms and left leg hanging.

He was surrounded by four druids from the Rende Society, but he was not at all cowardly.

Lying on the hospital bed, he grinned at them and shouted:

"When my dwarf brothers come over, kill the four of you first! Then wait for your villainous arch druid to bring someone over, and you don't need to pick a place, just kill you all in this healing center!

How dare you make faces at me!

Where is my gun, you hateful little girl?


Get my gun!

I want to blow the head of this annoying elf off with one shot! "

Dwarves are fierce.

The scene of patting and yelling at the hospital bed is also a bit bluffing.

But there is always a lack of air in the words that are yelled out.

After all, the experience of being sent to a desperate situation last night was too miserable. According to the great knight Turalyon who also checked him, the old dwarf lost almost one-third of his body last night.

He too is hanging by a thread.

Even if it is a legend and a dwarf with rough skin and thick flesh, it will take time to recover after being treated.

When five patients get together, even if there is a deep hatred, apart from insulting and paying homage to each other, nothing dangerous can be done. But the real danger is that both sides are now "recruiting".

Archdruid Isolarius borrowed Dalaran's teleportation ceremony to pull more than 20 murderous high-level druids from Moonglade in one go.

And the old dwarf Hemet also made many friends in Ironforge.

As soon as the news that he provoked the elves and was given a "death notice" by the other party came out, the two legendary dwarves Muradin and Falstad who guarded Lothar in Dalaran said that anyone who wants to hurt old Hemet should Gotta fight them first.

The old dwarf was a tough ass.

After the desperate situation last night, he is very insecure now.

So after returning to Dalaran, he immediately sent a message to one of his "drinking buddies" and "hunting buddies" who were considered "notorious" even in Ironforge.

Early this morning, when the legendary dwarf hunter Fargo Flin Te Locke personally drove an engineering reconnaissance plane that was custom-made from the dwarf and equipped with three rapid-fire cannons, it landed on the Dalaran flying platform. The dull members of the six-member council realized that something was wrong.

That gunpowder-crazed dwarf's plane is filled with enough explosives to blow Violet Castle away! As much dynamite as he used to blow up the great orc camp during the war on Khaz Modan!

He declared that as long as the crazy elves dared to do it, he guaranteed that all druids in Dalaran would get a free "corpse cremation".

Ren Dehui saw three legendary "escorts" assembled by the dwarves, not only did not persuade, but started the second round of summoning. According to Isolarius, he wants to call all three archdruids in Moonglade.

In short, Hemet Nesingwary is dead tonight!

No one can save him!

The development of this situation was completely unexpected by the Council of Six.

But these mages are the masters of the magic city, and their friendly invitation to the druids to enter the city does not mean that they will let these guys mess around.

Therefore, when Laike was brought by Nathanos to the emergency department on the Magic Commercial Street, what he saw was five teams of battle mages blocking the street.

Even Dalaran's stupid bipedal robot-like golems had two of them.

There are also some Phoenix mages from Quel'Thalas wandering around.

Obviously, Prince Kael'thas, who once lived in Dalaran and has a deep affection for the city, also does not want to see the situation continue to deteriorate.

"Shor's assassin agents have also set up sentries around. This old dwarf really has a lot of face, making so many people busy with his life."

Cloth Laike, who was wearing the Corruptor's vestments, curled his lips and said to Maris next to him:

"As I said last night, those mages didn't even know that they came back after cleaning up a bunch of things, and the group of extremists from the Rende Society will not let it go."

"This is a human city, and there must be a limit to their mischief!"

Nathanos said something in a bad tone.

The pirate asked in an exaggerated tone:

"It's like this now, do you still feel that they are 'playing around'? How big is your heart? Are you still trying to reason with them?

If they can really reason with you, they won't be so mixed up that even the druid Cenarion Cult wants to find a way to expel them. Hey, kids, don't think you fought demons with them last night, you're friends now.

Old Hemet was only the first.

When he is killed, all the hunters in the Eastern Continent will suffer, and the rangers of Quel'Thalas will not be able to escape. Do you know how Rende judges whether you are a "butcher"? "

Nathanos shook his head.

Bu Laike laughed and asked:

"Have you ever gone hunting just to exercise your hunting skills because you were not hungry?"

"Yes, I have."

Maris and the pirate walked into the medical office and said:

"Which hunter doesn't have this kind of experience?"

"very good."

Bu Laike snorted and said indifferently:

"Then you are also a 'sinner' in their eyes. They are druids, and they have plenty of ways to tell if you have a 'smell of blood' on you.

Believe me.

If you encounter them in the wild in the future, and they'greeting' you with very vicious words, it has proved that they are merciful.

These guys will use all methods including assassination when carrying out the 'Nature's Revenge Punishment'. They're more clueless than you think.

Seriously, I think they would be a good fit to join Ravenholdt, they would definitely be a very potential killer faction. "

This standard surprised Nathanos for a moment.

When the two approached the ward, they heard the sound of arguing, and heard old Hemet yelling for the nurse to bring him a gun. The pirate curled his lips. Under the surprised gaze of Maris, He took out his short-barreled assault shotgun from his luggage, pushed open the door and walked in.

"Here, here you are, the gun you want."

Bo Laike dropped the gun from the old dwarf's hand and pressed it to the wound, causing Hemet to grin in pain. Then I saw the pirate took out his pipe, put it in his mouth, and said vaguely to him:

"Exactly four bullets, one for each of these four guys. After killing them, we have to run before those lunatic druids come after them."


A beam of teleportation light lit up next to the pirate, and the female mage in nurse uniform looked coldly at the pipe in the pirate's mouth, and said fiercely:

"Smoking is not allowed in the hospital! Put it out!"


Bu Laike hesitated for a moment, and under the glaring gaze of the mage, he obediently took down the pipe. The female mage was very satisfied with the pirate's understanding, and left with teleportation.

From beginning to end, he didn't even glance at the loaded gun in the old dwarf's hand.

Obviously, the mages were sure that the old dwarf would not do anything excessive. Although the Rendehui might be a little abnormal, old Hemet was obviously not a lunatic.

"Bastard, give me back my shoes!"

Old Hemet didn't go to get the gun in his hand, but sat up straight, hung his shoulders and shouted to Bu Laike:

"Those are my favorite shoes, and my gun, return them all!"

"You still want to take back something that fell into my pocket? You dwarf has a big heart."

Bu Laike sneered twice, and deliberately lifted the corners of the robe to show the dwarf the hunting boots on his feet, and deliberately mocked:

"These shoes are really comfortable to wear. You will stop hunting in the future, and you will definitely earn a lot of money by becoming a shoemaker."


Old Hemet, whose face was flushed red from anger, grabbed the short-barreled shotgun at hand, raised it with one hand and aimed at the pirate's head, and put his stubby fingers on the trigger.

The four benevolent society druids watching this scene beamed with joy.

They did a good job in intelligence work, and when they came to Dalaran, they knew that this strangely dressed warlock was suspected to have some kind of connection with the stinky pirate Bo Laike Shaw.

If the stinky warlock irritated the old dwarf and let Hemet kill him with a single shot, he would surely lure the stinky pirate out, and the Rende Society would save two troubles at once.

They can be wiped out in Dalaran.

"It's almost done."

Bo Laike ignored the shotgun against his head. He reached out and pushed it away, and whispered to the angry dwarf:

"Don't pretend to be a victim, Hemet. As I said before, you took the initiative to agree to your elf friend to come to trouble me, and it's your fault for what happened now.

I came here to talk to you about business.

Look at this handsome guy next to me, he saved you last night, didn't he?

You owe him your life. "

The pirate patted Maris on the shoulder beside him, and said to Old Hemet very rudely:

"This ambitious young man pursues a more advanced way of hunting, but his identity determines that he cannot go to the sharpshooter camp recently.

So I hope you can act as a referrer and bring my friend into the secret passage. You saw his hunting skills last night, and he definitely deserves to be your companion. "

"Him? He's almost mean, like an apprentice."

The old dwarf snorted, turned around and waved the gun in his hand like a threat, and waved it maliciously at the female druid who had just scolded him.

There was an unyielding light in the latter's eyes, but in the end he did not issue "natural condemnation".

Obviously, the weapon of criticism cannot represent the criticism of the weapon. Even the extremist druids who took the nature oath know the value of life.

The room finally became quiet, which made the old dwarf feel better.

He turned to Bo Laike and said:

"But you are indeed a good hunter. The method of setting traps yesterday was very clever, already comparable to one-third of my level when I was young.

Hmph, it's not impossible to ask me to be the referrer of Nathanos Marris, but you have to promise me one condition. "

"Yo, are you sure you want to negotiate terms with me?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes under the mask, he hugged his shoulders, and the old god said:

"I think it's necessary for me to remind you, old Hemet, your hunting partners are not limited to the three who were 'kidnapped' by the Rende Society! You also have a son.

I mean, think about them before you ask me too much. "

"I just want to ask you to help me rescue Harold, Karin, and Eddie. You are the most powerful stalker I have ever seen, and several masters of Ravenholdt are better at 'sneaking chickens and dogs'." Not on you."

The old dwarf said with some melancholy:

"I was going to do it myself, but now that I'm injured, those lunatics from the Rende Society will definitely use this to blackmail me. I have dealt with them, and I know how cunning these extreme druids are.

They are just a branch of the Cenarion Order.

They looked menacing, but in fact they didn't dare to act recklessly in Dalaran, otherwise the legendary ruthless Fandral Staghelmet would be the first to let them go.

It's just putting pressure on me to make me panic, tsk, old-fashioned hunting method, which I stopped playing after I was ninety years old.

But the trouble is, they have the best 'bait' in their hands. "

"Huh? How dare you call yourself a good hunter? I don't see how smart you are?"

Hearing old Hemet's helpless words, Bu Laike sneered, took his gun from the dwarf with a wave, and said to the two people around him:

"Learn a bit and see how real bad guys do things!"

After finishing speaking, he walked to the side of the female druid who was recuperating, grabbed her by the hair, fired a gun into the sky, and then put the muzzle of the gun emitting gunpowder on the forehead of the bewildered female elf superior.

Clearing his throat again, he shouted to the other three druids:

"Hands up! Be honest! Be good and no one will get hurt.

Now, you are the captives of Hemet Nesingwary, the villainous Wastelander! Maris, you are an emissary, send a message to the lunatic druids of the Rende Society. An hour later, there will be a hostage exchange at the Fountain Square in Dalaran!

Four for three!

By the way, it was agreed that Dalaran would be the "neutral zone" where the two sides fought, and an archmage from the council of six would be invited to preside over it. Finally, the druids were asked to bring 50,000 gold coins as my reward for "hosting peace".

If you dare to be one minute late, let them wait to collect the corpse of their companions! "

This operation stunned everyone in the ward.

Bu Laike turned his head and said to the old dwarf:

"Look, problem solved, you now have 'bait'. I can only help you here, you pathetic good man."

(end of this chapter)

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