Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 509 62. Sisters Are Big Brother's Natural Enemies

Chapter 509 62. Sisters Are Big Brother's Natural Enemies

"Don't worry, old man."

Bo Laike, who entered Tirisfal Castle, curled his lips. The old lich in front of him was another bastard who wanted to prostitute his dark wisdom, but there was no way.

Who made everyone friends.

He took off the hood of his cassock, and said as he went:

"Tell me first, what happened to those nasty green dragons in the city? You invited them over?"

"No, they came here by themselves."

The old lich also said with an unlucky face:

"Before in the Temple of Atal'Hakkar, I used the magic of death to 'purify' the nightmare entity of Prince Eranikus of the Dreamland, and also reported the news to Ysera the Awakened at the Dreamland Gate in the Twilight Forest. thing.

But the Emerald Legion can't find the missing Eranikus, and some radicals among them think that we have concealed some information, or that we have deliberately ignored some details.

Those green dragons came to confirm.

They are very annoying, and they tried to use dream magic to invade the consciousness of a lich. After being severely taught by me, they dare not step into my mage tower again.

But it turned to stalking again, insisting that I tell them the details of the battle with Eranikus.

My time is so precious, how can I waste it on them?

I'd be more than happy if you could help me get rid of them.

Let's not talk about them, just look at this. "

Meri Dongfeng handed the thing he was researching to the pirate, who took it in his hand and found that it was a strange dragon language crystal, with shadows like black ink swaying in it.

"Isn't this the dream essence of Eranikus? Didn't you purify it in the temple?"

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and said:

"I told you the method of purification during the last communication. No wonder the green dragons are chasing after you. You really hid important information."

"Purified, but it didn't work.

The power of the nightmare still rolls in it, and it grows with each passing day. I don't dare to hand it over to the Emerald Legion rashly, there is already a precedent for Eranikus being corrupted. "

The old lich said in a deep voice:

"I now very much suspect that there is a problem within the Emerald Dream managed by the Green Dragon.

This dragon language crystal is connected to the cracks in it, but we know very little about that dream world. I wanted to summon some dream creatures from it to verify my judgment, but I was still unable to do so.

Perhaps, you can tell the correct summoning method. "

"I'm a warlock, not a professional summoner. Summoning demons may be okay, but I can't help dream creatures."

The pirate threw back the crystal, and he spread his hands and said:

"You may need a 'dream catcher'. In addition, the skills you seek can be found in Dalaran. There is a wizard named Ur in the Kirin Tor. Do you know him?"

"Ur? That deviant guy?"

The old lich frowned and said:

"He has indeed been studying the skills of outsider summoning for many years, and was expelled from Dalaran because he accidentally summoned dangerous creatures, and it is said that he has now moved to Gilneas.

Most of the outsiders imprisoned in the Violet Prison came from Ur's illegal summons.

But the Emerald Dream is another concept.

I don't think he has the ability to summon dream creatures. "

"He actually succeeded, although he didn't tell anyone."

Bu Laike said firmly:

"Go to him, if he is unwilling to help, bring back his Book of Ur, which indeed records the summoning spells of dream creatures.

But I advise you not to pay so much attention to the Emerald Dream. The green dragons are unlikely to allow Xu Fan to intervene in their domain. "

"So it looks like I need to go to Gilneas."

The old lich didn't seem to have heard the pirate's persuasion.

He stretched out his hand and waved lightly, and Atiesh's staff flew over and landed in his hand with a whoosh. Old Merry nodded to Bo Laike, then tapped his staff on the ground.

With a swish, he disappeared in place, leaving only Laike in a mess.


Is it so powerful?

Just leave.

But is it right for you to leave me here as a guest?

It seems that after becoming a lich, old Meili's brain is really a little abnormal. Well, speaking of it, there seem to be many good things in this castle.

The pirate grinned.

He turned around and threw a scout towards the hall, and the next moment, colorful magic lights unfolded in front of his eyes.

"As far as the relationship between me and Meili, a close buddy, it shouldn't be a big problem if you just take a few things?"

Laike rubbed his hands, took his vestment hood, and walked towards something shining with purple light not far away, because of Al Abbas, he urgently needed these magical creations to accumulate air coins.

Don't you think it's a coincidence?

"Ah! There is a thief! Sister Ellie, hurry up! Beat him up!"

As a result, as soon as Laike picked up a few purple magic books, he felt a wave of magic power behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar scream sounded, and then two blasts of frost blasted towards him.

"Bang, bang"

The pirate turned his head, raised his hand and threw two shadow impacts, destroying the mana model of the Frostbolt in the air, and dissipating the cold ice cones into primitive magic power.

He coughed a few times, assumed the posture of a high-level spellcaster, leaned on his sickle staff, and said to the two girls in front of him in ancient Salas language:

"Ahem, are the local spellcasters so rude? They actually sneaked up on me, a sorcerer, you two ignorant apprentices, come here and let this sorcerer test your magic attainments."

Although the words were high-sounding and venomous, in fact Laike just wanted to make a joke with the two girls.

Impossible to really hurt them.

After all, there is a little sister in it.

But the operation he used to break the Frostbolt mana model with Shadow Impact just now really surprised Jaina and Ellie, and shocked the two little mages in place.

"It's you. That warlock who was different from others just now!"

Leaning on her ice staff, little Jaina pointed at Bo Laike's recognizable Corruptor robes, and she exclaimed:

"Aren't you the instructor of Narsalas College? Why didn't you attend the banquet in Violet Castle, but came to us! How did you get in?"

"Meli and I have known each other for a long time. Before you became his apprentice, I experienced many things with your mentor. Ah, now that I think about it, I really miss it.

Not that I'm bragging.

I was also infected by an evil god and saved old Meili. "

Bu Laike easily resolved the hostility of the two young mages with a nostalgic tone. The main reason was that his tone of voice was too familiar and his ability to deceive people was very strong, so he immediately controlled the scene.

Jaina and Ellie looked at each other, and she whispered:

"But the mentor never said that he has a human warlock friend."

"Uh, I wasn't a warlock from the beginning either."

Bu Laike nonsense to:

"In the beginning, I actually wanted to walk the way of a mage, but the circumstances in my life are so strange, I was arranged by fate to become an outstanding, powerful and tyrannical warlock.

Your name is Gianna, right?

Your mentor told me about you, and he was full of praise for your talents and manipulation of magic. Well, Miss Ellie is also a very good spellcaster, but she is a bit timid. "

The pirate raised his hand maliciously.

A cloud of shadows entwined around his fingertips, and quickly shaped into a black python with claws and teeth. It curled up and spit out snake letters, staring at Ellie with a pair of dark eyes.

Let the high elves shiver and hide behind Jaina, who is not as high as her chest.

Alas, this elf who is afraid of snakes is hopeless.

"You can't do this, Miss Ellie. In our Nathalas Academy, a spellcaster with serious flaws like you needs to be educated severely.

The best way to deal with your fear is to face it head on, maybe you should go out and buy a few pet snakes to keep in the house, maybe with a bit of acclimation you will get used to it. "

The pirate said sarcastic remarks while dissipating the shadow magic in his hands.

He took out the elemental emblem given by Al Abbas, and put it on the epic-quality magic tome in his hand. As the breeze blew, the magic power in those magic tomes was quickly drawn, and there was an extra hand in his hand. An air coin that has no weight.

"what is that?"

Little Jaina stared wide-eyed, looking at the scene in front of her, she asked curiously:

"Is that some kind of fancy magic?"

"Yes, this is very powerful magic."

Bu Laike waved to the two little mages, he sat carelessly on the seat in front of old Meili, and felt a chill in his buttocks.

Wherever this lich really goes, where does it freeze.

The chair was almost turned into an "Ice Throne" by him.

The pirate curled his lips, put the Urshalus sickle aside, and threw the air coins on the table, and said to the two little mages sitting opposite him:

"I call it 'the magic of magic lamp and gold coins', as the name suggests, to learn this magic well, you must have a lot of money, otherwise it will be difficult to go far on this road.

Hey, what are you laughing at?

Do you think I'm lying to you?

Tch, the little mages nowadays really have no imagination, come on, let me show you a hand, big brother. "

As he spoke, Laike stuck an air coin on his elemental emblem and rubbed it lightly twice. Amidst the violent wind and the two girls' exclamations, the mysterious and great Al Abbas was once again call out.

"Small bug, are you calling me to make a deal again? Well, there are two female bugs, I understand, are they your spouse?"

The Elemental Demigod asked with interest.

The magic power it exudes made the two little mages hug each other tremblingly. Bu Laike said with a wooden face:

"No, you don't understand, you stupid element, don't just learn a term and use it casually.

I'm just showing them your greatness and looking for new trading partners for you, but they still have doubts about your might, so I'm going to show them off. "

The pirate raised a pile of air coins in his hand and said to Al Abbas:

"Outside this tower, there are a few nasty green dragons, can you expel them?"

The elemental demigod glanced at the air coin in Bu Laike's hand, it stretched its voice, shook its head and said:

"It's hard for me to do things for you with such a small amount of money. Don't think about deportation, you can only buy a prank service with this little money, but since it is a commercial promotion that is beneficial to me, then I can give them a little more punish."

"Then come on, let the ignorant see the power of our 'magic lamp magic'."

Bu Laike threw out the air coins in his hand like a goddess scattered flowers.

The element demigod laughed, turned into a breeze and disappeared on the spot. The next moment, the sky of Dalaran, which was thousands of miles clear, suddenly swelled with wind, thunder and lightning.

The few green dragons guarding outside Tirisfal Castle felt something was wrong, but before they could escape into the dreamland, several dazzling divine lightning bolts fell from the sky, bombarding every green dragon precisely.

It didn't hurt them, but made a few green dragons very embarrassed.

One by one, emitting black smoke, they fled into the illusory dreamland screaming. This scene was clearly seen by the two little mages lying on the window sill, and it also made them look shocked.

"How is it? Great, isn't it?"

Bu Laike proudly threw his elemental emblem up and down, and said to the two little girls who had seen the world:

"Do you want to learn my secret lamp magic? Today is my first time in Dalaran. I will give you two a discount, each of you will give me five hundred gold coins, and I will teach you this mysterious magic.

But let me tell you in advance, magic lamp magic is the most important thing about fair trade.

If you're broke because of this, don't come to me. "

"Of course I have to learn!"

Grinning over her shoulder, Jaina counted out two silver cards from her little pink bag and slapped them in front of Laike's eyes.

This kind of anonymous silver card can be exchanged for 500 gold coins in Dalaran Bank or Goblin Bank, and it is very convenient to carry.

"The shot is really generous, little princess."

So said Bu Laike.

In my heart, I was worried about my sister's IQ.

Jaina, who is only eleven years old, probably belongs to the kind of child with high IQ but poor EQ. If the old troll Grifta was here, he would probably be able to cheat her out of all her money.

Fenner is like that, and so is little Gianna.

It is really regrettable.

What's the use of Dai Lin and him making more money? How can I stand up to their flowers?


The pirate picked up the magic lamp next to him, took a few air coins, threw them to Jaina and Ellie, and said:

"Communicate with it yourself, it will teach you how to make a replica magic lamp, enough to satisfy your small wishes. If it is a big wish, you have to go to Tol Barad Island.

In the showroom of Narthalas College, I found a genuine magic lamp and made a wish. "

"Can all wishes come true?"

Little Jaina touched the air coin in her hand, blinked and asked. Leaning there, the pirate who took out the flagon leisurely said:

"Most of them are fine. It mainly depends on the content of your wish. Do you want to try it on the spot?"


Jaina nodded again and again, and Bu Laike summoned Al Abbas again. This elemental merchant is also good-tempered, and he was still cheerful when he came out.

"Well, weak female bug with great potential, what do you need the great Al Abbas to fulfill your wish?"

Elemental demigod asked.

Then, as she wished, little Jaina closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and said:

"Great Al Abbas, I am willing to use all my magic equipment to convert into the mysterious currency you need, please fulfill my only wish.

I want to meet my big brother!

See you now! "

(end of this chapter)

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