Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 467 20. The Evil Pirates Are Going To Do Big Bad Things

Chapter 467 20. The Evil Pirates Are Going to Do Big Bad Things

Bu Laike speaks out in the temple of the snow leopard goddess Hakya, showing confidence.

But in fact, anyone who is familiar with the pirate style knows that this guy must be playing tricks again.

Boo Laike is like this when he does bad things and cheats people.

The more confident he is, the closer his plot is to being realized.

The louder he is, the truer his lies.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about this soul-inducing lamp that he held in his hand. There is still a rotten and moldy Dreadlord sealed in this lamp.

There is simply no room for another loa.

And with Laike's current ability, it's really just bragging.

He needs to do a lot of careful arrangements, and he needs to have a lot of powerful people as cannon fodder, so that it is possible to restrain a weak loa like Hakea.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of the Loa God's strength.

Powerful loa, such as Rezan, the royal loa god of power of the Zandalari trolls, can fight Ursoc head-on without falling into a disadvantage, but weaker ones like old Ghani, Ursoc farts Could blow them away.

The Snow Leopard Goddess Hakeya is a low-level character who is a little stronger than old Gani, but not much stronger.

This can be discerned simply by looking at the number of believers.

However, even the weakest loa possessed their own divinity and transcended death. With such strange powers, it was really beyond the reach of mortals.

But the problem is that Hakoya is the same as the "victim" of many previous pirate plots.

She was bluffed by Boo Laike.

She really heard the screams of Gudelia, the soul beast she favored and blessed, outside the temple, and the pirate had just accurately stated her spouse's name and current hiding place.

The two weak points were held in the hands of the pirates, and the lamp in Bo Laike's hand made her tremble when she felt the breath. That thing was indeed made by Hela herself, and it could barely be regarded as a Titan creation.

Therefore, even if she has an absolute advantage in power, she will have to reappear in the temple under the threat of Bu Laike.

"You! Evil One! What the hell are you going to do?"

The Snow Leopard Goddess appeared on the stone statue with a bad tone, like a ghostly white phantom.

She looked at Bu Laike condescendingly, and she had already made a pounce movement, and her sharp claws also popped out of her palm. She only needed one light pounce, and she could.

But, as a Loa, how long has it been since she was forced into such a predicament?

She had been so comfortable in Zul'Drak that she lost even the most basic vigilance, ever since she escaped her own priest's terrible and despicable usurping plot in Zandalar.

The moment the pirate stepped into her temple just now, she should have been ready, but she has been bewitched by this guy's rhetoric, so that things have come to this point.

"I don't want to do anything."

Seeing Harkoa's reappearance, the pirate's face immediately showed a victorious expression.

He shook his body, hiccupped, threw the soul-inducing lamp back into his bag, spread his hands, grabbed the wine pot, and said to the Snow Leopard Goddess who could kill him at any time:

"I, like all the believers who came to see you, just want to ask for a holy emblem from you, and humbly ask you to bless my incompetent subordinates.

Let them have the power to fight as snow leopards.


Just a little bit.

In return, my subordinates will sacrifice enough meat to you on a regular basis. If you need a soul, it is not non-negotiable. "

These words made the Snow Leopard Girl laugh angrily.

She wagged her tail and said:

"If you had said this just now when we were having a good conversation, maybe I would have agreed.

Living in the barren land of Zul'drak, I long for a group of worshipers who can forage for me outside of Northrend, which is not a bad thing for me.

but war druids

I will not give this kind of blessing to your subordinates casually. Every war druid is very important to a weak loa like me. I don't think a group of pirates can take on such a heavy responsibility.

Especially when they have a leader like you!

Hmm, but if you think about it carefully, just because there is an evil and cunning leader like you, maybe they can surprise me. But because of this little matter, as for the trouble to the present?

Looking at your posture, I thought you were here to kill God. "

"Well, I'm just proving one thing."

Bu Laike poured the last bit of wine into his mouth, threw the bottle on the ground and smashed it into pieces, and said to the Snow Leopard Goddess in front of him:

"When I want to do something bad, I can do terrible things, that's all. Finally, can you be generous and give me a chance to tame your spouse, or your true self?

You two soul beasts are so beautiful, I am a hunter, I really am"


Before the pirate finished speaking, a black and white striped tail swept over and hit him, knocking him out of the temple.

Let the drunk pirates smash on the snow outside the temple in disgrace. There was also a holy emblem of the Snow Leopard Goddess falling before his eyes, as well as a warning from Hakea:

"Don't come to my temple again! Don't set foot in my hunting grounds either! I hate you, you shameless bastard."

"It's such a wild kitten, I can't put it down after seeing it, ah, I'm such an insatiable bastard, I already have bears and wolves, but I still want more soul beasts.

But there is no way, who made you really too."

Bu Laike got up from the snow, holding the snow leopard holy emblem in his hand, he looked back at the temple of Harkoa, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Hate me as much as you want, in the future, there will be times when you two will beg me.

Hey, don't bully it, you two, look what our poor Gudelia has been beaten up by you two villains? Come on, poor boy, do you want to wander through Tianya with me?

Come and act for me, don't run away, I haven't finished talking yet.

Tch, these beautiful big leopards, one by one, how rude! "

The pirate stretched his neck, complained, and scanned Zudak in other directions under the night. All he could see was a gloomy night.

Counting the holy symbol of Lennok he took from Tur Ragepaw, Bo Laike had access to three loa. From the contact with them, the pirates already had a general understanding of Zudak's current situation.

Therefore, he did not intend to visit the remaining four temples.

Still the same sentence, the time is not up, these local loa are not doing well, but not to the point of being unable to survive, and they will come to the door to talk about it, and there will be no good result.

After all, what Bu Laike wants is not just a group of war druids.

"Well, it's time to put some pressure on these country loa."

The pirate stood up from the snowdrift, patted the snowflakes on his body, and looked back to the north of the Temple of Harkoa. On the edge of the extreme north, there was the palace of the Drakkari troll.

There is the palace of Malak the Frost King, the most powerful of the Frost Trolls, the legendary hero of the trolls.

The pirate raised his hand, touched the head of the giant bear sitting at his feet, and said:

"Let's do this last thing, and then, head home. When I come next time, this barren land, the sad loas of this land will be at my disposal!"


In the area of ​​Northrend, Zul'Drak's area is not the largest.

But the number of lives on this land is definitely the largest.

The Drakkari trolls fight each other in this area that belongs to them. They have migrated here since ancient times, and the internal disputes have never ceased.

If these frost trolls can unite to the outside world, with their numbers and fighting power, they can conquer the entire Northrend continent, well, it still won't be possible.

First of all, don't think about the Grizzly Hills of the Bear Man.

There are also a lot of bears, and they are more united than the trolls, and the trolls with single strength are not dominant. The bears are also blessed by the gods, which makes the trolls take the lead?

Secondly, the Howling Fjord, Icecrown Glacier and the Storm Peaks are the ancestral lands of the Vrykul. As far as the terrifying fighting power of the vrykul is concerned, as long as the trolls are a little bit rational, they won't dare to provoke them at all.

As for Dragonblight?

Are you kidding me, did the troll run to feed the dragons?

Moreover, the natural environment of Dragonbone Wilderness is worse than Zul'Drak.

The only places left to conquer are Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra and Wintergrasp.

However, there is no land road to the Sholazar Basin, and it can only be passed by flying mounts, and there are mysterious Titan equipment in operation. The number of large bats domesticated by the Drakkari trolls is insufficient, and going there is also looking for death.

Borean Tundra has blue dragons, yak people and mammoth people.

The terrain of Wintergrasp Lake is too high, and it is said that it has some connection with the underground nerubian kingdom. The scouts sent by the trolls found the real titan there.

Calculating in this way and walking around, the reason why the territory of the Drakkari trolls has not been able to expand has been found.

Trolls are strong.

Helplessly, none of the neighbors around their dilapidated place has a fuel-efficient lamp. If they are sorted according to their combat effectiveness, the trolls are probably at the bottom.

The Northrend continent is probably the place with the highest force value in the entire Azeroth.

It's almost like breaking through the sky.

Since there is no way to expand outward, the Drakkari troll can only fall into a pathetic involution, becoming more and more crazy until it becomes the bear it is now.

In addition, the Drakkari trolls are not up to their expectations.

They are probably the only group of uncivilized trolls in Azeroth, maintaining the tradition of cannibalism and headhunting.

At the Troll Clan Meeting on the Isle of Zandalar every six years, the civilized Zandalari priests have long sought to bring the Drakkari trolls into the troll family.

Helpless, these frost trolls are not interested in their preaching, they are only interested in the Zandalari trolls themselves Well, don't think too much, they just want to taste what the meat of Zandalari trolls tastes like.

Therefore, the external environment is harsh, and the interior is not up to date, so the power of the frost troll has actually been weakening.

Even though they have the most loa gods in all the troll clans except Zandalari, they still have to be ranked at the bottom among the major troll clans.

The fact that the Drakkari trolls live in Zul'Drak in a clan system does not mean that they have no royal family.

It's just that the royal families of these frost trolls are rather peculiar. They are not inherited by blood, but obtained by force. Only those powerful clans have the qualifications to aspire to the throne and live in the ancient capital of Gudak.

Only the most powerful troll leader of the great clan can be dubbed the "Frost King".

The existence of this system has led to frequent changes in the dynasty of the Drakkari trolls. Almost no Frost King can unify the entire Zul'Drak before he dies in war or assassination.

According to gossip, behind the frequent replacement of the throne of the Frost King, it is likely to be related to the local loa gods.

After all, once the Drakkari trolls have a stable regime, the situation will become similar to that of the Zandalari Empire, and only one loa can benefit in the end.

There is only one Frost King, and there must be only one Royal Loa.

That means that the other six loas have to rely on the royal loa and bow their knees, so it's better to maintain the current chaotic infighting, at least everyone can have their own territory and followers, and they can also get a mouthful of soup.

Not that no Frost King has resisted, but few have succeeded.

The relationship between trolls and loa is just too complicated.

Except that the Zandalari troll established the kingdom before the power of the loa gods, and set Rezan as the royal loa from the very beginning, and Rezan is also strong enough to overwhelm other loa, thus avoiding the loa In addition to the infighting among the other trolls, the mortal Wang Quan of other trolls almost fell under the authority of theocracy.

The reason why the ancient troll empire, Gurubashi, declined rapidly after the world collapsed, was also inseparable from the fact that the theocracy was completely emptied of Wang Quan.

And this kind of contradiction and conflict is especially evident in the savage and dark Zul'Drak and the Drakkari troll civilization.

If the Frost King wanted to unify the Frost Trolls, he had to get rid of those Loa who got in the way first, but once the Loa were all eliminated, even if the Drakkari trolls were unified, their strength would decline rapidly.

This is an almost unsolvable problem.

The current Frost King, Malak, is the most powerful, wise, vicious, and ruthless troll warrior in Zul'Drak, but he can't think of the answer to this question.

until today

In the King Sacrifice Hall of Gudak, the glorious ancient capital city of Drakalai, Malak, the Frost King who had just completed his meditation and sacrifice, raised his head from the shrine burning with incense.

The strong troll in the winter armor opened his eyes, and he clenched the two ice-bladed battle axes in his hands. When he turned around, he saw the figure quietly walking out of the darkness.

The man was wearing a tattered black robe, the edges were torn like a bat's wings, and merged with the shadow behind him, as if the entire shadow was his cloak.

He held a black scythe with cold light in his hand, and a soul-inducing lamp with pale light in the other hand. The light from the lamp did not dispel the darkness in the quiet hall, but instead made the surroundings look more gloomy.

"I am the Raven of the Annunciation, the Shadow of Doom, and the Bell of Death."

"I am the eye that prophesies darkness, the apostle who brings the end, and the prophet who interprets disasters."

"I emerge from the shadows to bring you news of the far future. Malak, doomed king of the Drakkari trolls! Son of Prophecy, Man of Destiny, Godslayer.

Ready to meet your destiny? "

(end of this chapter)

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