Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 417 126. Dean, I Want To Ask For Leave To Steal Some Keels

Chapter 417 126. Dean, I want to ask for leave to steal some keels

The Undead Fleet set off from the coast near Amber Cliff, sailed all the way along the coastline of the Borean Tundra, and it took three days to reach Lordaeron's colony in Northrend.

A place called Zhiyuan County.

It is located in the eastern part of the Borean Tundra.

Just across the entire tundra from Caldara Island, looking out towards the colony from the boat, sneaking in, the drunk pirates can clearly see a large area of ​​farmland manor that has been reclaimed.

Because this place has not been affected by the war, the people's livelihood in Zhiyuan County even seems to be much more orderly than that of the Old Continent. On the high coast, you can also see some human-style towns in northern Xinjiang, as well as a town built in a natural bay. city.

The city wall built with stones protects the port and docks, and soldiers on the walls and several merchant ships on the docks can still be seen vaguely.

"This colony is doing really well."

Sitting high on the poop of the Nagfar, Bu Laike was holding a half bottle of wine, and said to the first mate Sefiel next to him:

"It reminds me of the layout of Kul Tiras on some islands in the South China Sea. The royal family of Lordaeron must have sent people to investigate the colonies of Kul Tiras, and spent a lot of effort to maintain their rule here."

"It doesn't matter how nice it is."

The first officer didn't care about the colonial scenery in front of her. She wore a pirate hat and made herself an eyepatch to cover her left eye. She put her hips on her hips and said to her captain:

"When the undead natural disaster comes, this place will become the front line against the undead. The more prosperous it is now, the more pity it will be when it is destroyed in the future.

Unless, captain, you are so powerful that you can prevent the Lich King from falling from the sky in a few years. "

"Well, we can't do it yet."

Bu Laike laughed, took another sip of wine, and said leisurely:

"However, the growth of the Lich King's power also takes time. As long as it is well controlled, the natural disasters will not be fully expanded like you and I remember.

The entire Northrend continent has been barren for hundreds of thousands of years, how many people have been supported in this area?

Counting those who died in the past, there are not as many people as there are in a country of mankind.

It's useless for the Lich King to dig them all up. As long as the natural disasters do not land on the eastern continent, the undead with congenital deficiencies will be trapped to death in the northern land, and at most it will be a separatist force. "

"And trolls too."

Seifel reminds:

"There are many Drakkari trolls. If they are breached, a natural disaster will erupt."

"How can it be so easy?"

The pirate snorted, poured the last sip of wine into his mouth, and retorted to the first mate dragon like a stickman:

"In the history that hasn't happened yet, the natural disasters in the peak period failed to capture the Drakkari troll empire. Now if I let the Drakkari trolls exterminate under such circumstances, then I don't need to play.

Surrender and admit defeat.

Besides, the human kingdom is now under the protection of Odin. As long as human beings continue to emerge warriors recognized by Odin in the future, if a natural disaster is really going to break out, the narrow-minded one-eyed dragon will not ignore it.

Maybe we can also see the story of Odin's God's Chosen leading the heroic berserkers to reverse the undead natural disaster.

The Vrykul have been tossing around with the clan system civilization for so many years, and Hela has been making troubles in it, but they haven't seen the clan being exterminated. It can be seen that Odin is reckless, but he is still very good to his own Chinese cabbage. "

"Tch, what you said is the perfect situation."

Pirate Dragon folded his arms and complained:

"With your current influence on the future of the world, it is not enough to change such a major event as the undead natural disaster. Captain, you must be under pressure when you say it's easy?

Otherwise, why did you rush to Northrend, a place of bitter cold? Don't talk about North Sea pirates, those pirates are so weak, and you still have the Tidal Stone in your hand, how can those guys deserve your attention?

You tell me the truth.

Is your purpose of blocking the North Sea to take precautions to prevent the possibility of the Scourge of the Undead setting foot on the Eastern Continent? "


Bu Laike said bluntly:

"How can I be as good as you think?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Sefiel asked fiercely, although she said she was enjoying the pirate life, but in her heart, she still hoped that her captain would be a hero.

"Come on, I'll tell you secretly, don't tell anyone else."

Bu Laike, who was wearing a red eyepatch, smiled and hooked his fingers, and let Sefiel come over. He was a little drunk, and whispered to the first mate:

"Look, I'm keeping the undead in Northrend.

They don't know how to sail, so it's up to me to decide if they want to go to the civilized world, right?

In the future, if I want to establish a nation in Tol Barad, I will definitely fight against the Seven Human Kingdoms. It’s easy to say if I win, but if I lose, they will drive me out and kill me, so I will withdraw the sea defense line.

Close the door and release natural disasters!

I'm not trying to scare them.

Whoever dares to move my island, I will take everyone to finish playing together. It's like holding a goblin bomb that will explode at any time, sitting in a row with Dai Lin and the others.

I am not afraid, it depends on whether they are afraid or not.

Do you know what it's called?

I gave it a very good name, called 'Death Hand Agreement', which is the hole card and means that can calm the kings from their rage at any time.

'Take advantage of natural disasters for self-respect' is my plan, don't you think it's a perfect idea? "

"you you you you you"

When the first mate of Pirate Dragon heard Bu Laike's words, she widened her eyes and stretched out her fingers, but she couldn't say a word. After a few seconds, she could only stomp her feet angrily and cursed:

"You black-hearted pirate is really hopeless! This kind of thing can be used as a bargaining chip, you are too bad."


Watching Sefiel leave angrily, the half-drunk Bo Laike slapped his thigh and laughed, he liked to see his first officer's stupid look.

But after laughing, it's time to get down to business.

"Have you got what I want?"

Bo Laike looked to the empty platform behind him.

He has a cursed vision, his vision is cut off, but his perception is maintained at a super strong state. The recent blind sense training has been effective, and the pirate can now clearly perceive the flow of shadows around him.

Nature also perceives life wrapped in shadows.

Under his questioning, a tall and thin Nightborne Assassin in black leather armor appeared quietly, without saying a word, but handed a rolled up scroll to the pirate with both hands.

The latter was in his hand, and he opened it casually to have a look.

The topographic map of the human colony was drawn on it, clearly recording the deployment of every farm, every mine, and every army.

In the second half of the scroll, there is also a map of the internal structure of the city of Zhiyuan County, but one piece is missing.

"Fearless Castle failed to sneak in?"

asked Boo Laike.

Aruin, the captain of the Nightborne Assassin, answered briefly in a hoarse voice:

"There are 'peers' there.

It should be the senior members of Ravenholdt, who were hired to guard the colonial fort, plus some Kirin Tor mages retreated to the fort three days ago.

We didn't choose to take risks. "

"Well, very careful consideration."

The pirate nodded, threw the scroll back, and said:

"This time, you can barely pass. Next, the fleet will stop at the Tuskarr city Moa'ki Port in Dragonbone Wilderness for a day. Let me think about it, there is a nerubian underground kingdom over there.

But to let you go there now is to send you to death.

Well, while the fleet is docked, you go up the Keel River, where there are some Wolverine villages.

Those northern creatures are famous for their sharp perception and tough temperament. You take your team members there, and each of them brings back a wolverine tail for you to use as an ornament or something. "


Aruin, who received the assassin training from Bu Laike himself on the ship, nodded and responded. Before turning to leave, he reported to the master assassin:

"Although we failed to fully infiltrate the colonial fortress, I found a small faction that can be used as a stronghold near Port of Fearless.

It's called Clam Gang.

It is a small group of sailors fishing for clams. The leader is a dwarf named Old K. He calls himself the "Master of Clams". He is best at frying fish with dynamite and catching clams with dwarf technology.

I have been in contact with him.

He said that as long as the money is in place, he is willing to provide us with news about the size of the colonial city for a long time. "

"Well, that's what I value about you, my apprentice."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers in satisfaction, and said to Aruin:

"It's fine for you to decide these things. The establishment of the intelligence system in Northrend takes time. After we take down Rogue Harbor, you have enough time to complete these things.

As for funding, go to Eudora and apply, and remember to make a written report to my quartermaster.

By the way, remember to tell that dwarf old K to keep a low profile in the future and never mess with the Rendehui. "

"Benevolence Society?"

Aruin had never heard of this organization, and his tone revealed doubts. The pirate curled his lips and said:

"Yes, Rendehui.

That is the most radical and 'terrorist' organization in Azeroth. It should only be active in Kalimdor now, but they should soon set foot in Northrend.

You don't want to mess with a bunch of nasty and crazy extreme animal protectionists, trust me. "

Aruin didn't know what to do.

But during this period of time, he was trained by Bu Laike, and he had developed confidence in the master's strength and determination, so he remembered this reminder in his heart, and disappeared into the shadows again.

The pirate blew some wind on the poop to dissipate the drunken breath, and then moved his body to get up.

The time to sneak in is over.

The next schedule is to have lunch, then take two arcane magic classes, and then go to Windrunner's mother for today's blind shooting training, and practice ranger combat skills by the way.

Rest for half an hour, and after dinner, start today's homework.

He had three hours to complete his homework, and near midnight, he joined Dean Lanyue's "research team" to deduce the mana model of "Devil Transformation" and conduct experiments.

Fall asleep at two in the morning and wake up at eight the next morning.

And so on and on.

It is not necessary to live a fulfilling small life, but such a "regular" life will not last for a few days.

"Starting tomorrow, I will take three days off, Dean."

At night, in the cabin of Headmaster Lanyue, Bu Laike knocked on the door and came in, without greeting, he said directly:

"The fleet is about to arrive at the Keel Wilderness, and I promise the ship spirit of the Naglfar that it will complete the keel casting ceremony during this trip to the North.

So I need to take some time to come out, go to the holy land of the dragon, and get some keels back. "

"Well, this reason for asking for leave is very good."

Dean Lanyue leaned on the chair, crossed her hands, and was about to speak, but the Aluneth Scepter in her hand suddenly said meanly:

"Hey, the little pirate is going to feed the dragon.

Aegwynn is not so arrogant!

She went to keel to study magic, and she had to do it secretly.

You are really bold, dare to go directly to the base camp of the five-color dragon army to steal their bones! Any dragon can easily eat you!

Before going to die, it is best to write a suicide note. "

"That's what I want to ask too, my disciple."

Dean Lanyue waited patiently for the arcane element in the holy staff to finish, and then asked:

"Are you sure you can get the dragon bones under the monitoring of Dragon's Rest Temple in the Dragonbone Wilderness? I have checked your ship. To complete the bone dragon casting, it needs a large number of dragon bones."

"It doesn't matter, I will bring more luggage, try to get enough for one time, maybe I can have some more."

Bu Laike glanced at the staff of Aluneth, snorted, and said provocatively:

"As for the monitoring of Dragonbone Wilderness by the dragons, this is indeed a big problem. I think only a reckless mage like Aegwynn, when paired with a staff that can only chatter, would think of rushing in head-on. run.

For smart people, doing things requires planning. "

"Stinky boy, what did you say?"

Aluneth's staff shook, obviously provoked, but the pirate ignored it.

Dean Lanyue saw that Laike was so confident, and the dean, who already knew this disciple very well, didn't ask any more questions. He allowed the pirates a holiday and returned the enchanted hailstone to him.

After being dealt with by the enchanting master, the attribute entry of the hailstone has not changed, but in the column of special effects, there is an additional magic special effect:

Winter is approaching: Each attack will accumulate the coldness of the weapon itself. After ten attacks, it will cause [Freeze] effect to the enemy and reduce its action and attack speed.

And when the enchanted one-handed sword is hung on the pirate's waist, it will release crystal cold air, making it look more like a work of art.

Bu Laike thanked the principal, and when he exited the cabin, he saw the little murloc waiting outside the door.

When the latter saw the pirates coming out, he immediately croaked and waved his fists with an angry look on his face. Obviously, he found the Devourer staff in the hand of the orc Xieyan, and knew that his murloc treasure was plundered by malicious pirates up.

"Are you angry or not?"

Bu Laike's fingers rubbed lightly on the blade of the one-handed sword at his waist, bringing a bit of cold air. He crossed his hips and looked at the jumping little murloc.


"Do you know how I feel now?

Come, accompany me to Dragonbone Wilderness, let's have a good chat on the way.

If you have a good chat, just two people will go and two people will come back.

But if the conversation is not good.

Then there might be only one person who came back. Who do you think will come back? "

(end of this chapter)

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