Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 413 122. Knowledge Pay

Chapter 413 122. Knowledge "Pay"

Dean Lanyue and Prince Farondis stayed in the mage tower on Amber Cliff for three hours, almost without rest, and have been instructing the human mages here on all kinds of magic.

That scene was not like an equal exchange at all, it was completely a legendary mage coming to guide.

Prince Farondis also took 20 minutes to explain the "Ten Variation Theory of Flame Shock in Actual Combat" to the battle mages.

It is said that it was a compulsory basic course for the battle mages of the queen's court thousands of years ago.

All the Kirin Tor mages who listened nodded their heads, fascinated. If you don't consider the world view, it's a bit like "the sage teaches the law, and there is no one to teach".

Watching Boo Laike gnashing his teeth.

You said that this is a good provocation, and it’s okay to make the magic teaching in front of you, you should pay for knowledge anyway! Such good wisdom is given away for free.

Looking at the longing expressions of these mages, you can tell that even if this class charges 1,000 gold coins, some people will take the initiative to send money to listen.

No loss!

When the pirates came here, they probably figured out their mistakes.

Dalaran's magic system was learned from the high elves, and Quel'dorei's magic level is definitely not bad, but the pointed-eared elves must have hidden their hands.

It is impossible for them to give all knowledge to human beings selflessly.

Especially those obscure arcane arts inherited from the elf empire period.

It's no wonder that Dean Lanyue and Prince Farondis are so generous. In fact, their "rank" is too high.

These two were super-advanced spellcasters who could talk to Queen Azshara 10,000 years ago, during the elf empire period when the magic civilization was highly developed.

They think that the common knowledge is a mystery that these human mages have never touched in this era ten thousand years later.

It's not that anyone is better than another, the main reason is that the magic system of 10,000 years ago is different from that of 10,000 years later.

The current magic system of humans is just a sandcastle rebuilt from the ruins of the elven empire's complex magic civilization.

Perhaps in terms of spellcasting skills and fighting ability, mages ten thousand years later will be able to wrestle with their predecessors.

But once the field of discussion involves the exploration and understanding of magic truth, how can Dalaran, which has existed for only three thousand years, compete with the elven magic civilization established by Azshara?

Not to mention the high-ranking mages of the Kirin Tor, even the archmages of the Council of Six came here. In terms of truth and wisdom, they still have to be beaten with one hand by Dean Lanyue.

"It's a mistake! The college should randomly send a few mentors of average level to provoke."

Bu Laike thought bitterly:

"Uh, but if you think about it carefully, even the worst mentor Nitil, as long as she holds a combat wand, the accuracy and sharpness of her wand in fighting, these battle mages can't fight one-on-one. Not an opponent at all.

Our strength is so strong that these guys can't even think of resisting.

So, the next time you do this kind of bragging.

Let's draw lots and send the students here. "

Thinking so, he manipulated the Eye of Keir Rogge to wander around the mage camp on the Amber Cliff, and was relieved to see that other than the out-of-character dean and prince, there were still people doing "business".

Those Nightborne Arcanists who came with the team still remember their mission.

In the name of sightseeing and communication, they walked around the perimeter of the defensive circle of the mage camp, throwing some inconspicuous soul stones into the corners from time to time.

There are also the two mage towers, because of the dean and the prince's "lecturing", both mage towers are in the open state.

This thing is very troublesome under normal circumstances.

When a mage tower is built, many offensive and defensive magic circles will be semi-permanently fixed inside. Under the presiding of a mage, it is equivalent to a "magic gun tower".

While the firepower is astonishing, the defense is also terrifyingly high.

When encountering an enemy attack, all the mages shrank back to the mage tower, as if they were covered with a tortoise shell with barbs, and there was nowhere to go.

With two high-ranking mages in the camp and a group of battle mages cooperating to open two mage towers, even a blue dragon can't do anything to them.

But now, these two mage towers are "abandoned".

Those Nightborne Arcanists who came in and out had already put in everything that should be thrown in, and now they are waiting for the night time when the general attack begins.

Bu Laike waited and waited until the end of the magic exchange meeting. With the enthusiastic farewell of a group of human mages, Dean Lanyue, who had greatly satisfied his educational addiction, boarded his golem with satisfaction.

She also said to the stinky pirate next to her, saying:

"Your compatriots are not as ignorant and rude as you describe. Although they are a little clumsy, I appreciate their thirst for knowledge about magic and truth.

I now desperately want to see the Academy enroll its first human apprentices.

I have enough reasons to believe that you can use the magic knowledge of the elven empire to create a brilliant magic civilization, a civilization that is not inferior to the elven empire ruled by Azshara. "

"Dean, have you forgotten something?"

In response, Laike responded by asking in a calm, emotionless voice:

"This is different from what we said at the beginning! Didn't we say that we will punish the sins of Dalaran's self-proclaimed 'Magic Holy Land'? Why are you very 'satisfied' with them?

I am your most capable disciple, okay?

You should be on my side! "

"Okay, don't be angry, you will always be my most important and favorite disciple, okay?"

Dean Lanyue was also a little embarrassed when she heard Bu Laike's words. She coughed a few times, and while driving the golem to leave under the Amber cliff, she said:

"I have indeed completed my work, my disciple. The confrontation at the level of magic and wisdom is over, and they are convinced, and will take the initiative to spread the news of our appearance throughout Dalaran.

The next visit to Dalaran will be the real confrontation between the magical powers of the two houses. "

"But the scene of the magical confrontation I imagined is that the dean, you picked up the staff of Aluneth and used a big magic to blow the entire Amber Cliff away."

Bu Laike pouted and said:

"It's simple, fast, and saves me from having to do it again."

"My dear student, in your opinion, magic may be a tool for fighting and fighting, but for us, it is a manifestation of truth."

Prince Farondis, sitting on the other golem, flipped through the collection of Fairy Tales from the Kingdom of Stormwind sent to him by the human mage Amy Marin, and said to the pirate softly and gently:

"The dean and I have indeed fulfilled your entrustment.

We have hit human spellcasters hard on the level of confidence, leaving them in a state of intense self-doubt.

This is very helpful for your next battle and looting.

If you feel that this magical confrontation is not as cool as you imagined, it is better for you to make up for this regret with your own hands. I suggest you not attack Amber Cliff as a pirate tonight.

After all, this is a matter in the field of magic.

Just challenge them as a spellcaster, aren't you also a spellcaster? You have learned so many magic theories recently, isn't this the best chance to test your combat prowess? "

"Yes, my disciple, there are some things that you will feel more fulfilled if you do them yourself."

Dean Lanyue put the Scepter of Aluneth on her lap, and she took out the repaired Skull of Gul'dan from her bag, and handed it to Bu Laike.


"After the reconstruction of Narsalas College, in addition to the Mage School, there will also be a new Warlock School. Maybe you can prove to me that your attainments in Warlock magic are enough for you to complete the transformation from student to mentor.

If you can complete your Shadow Trials before the Academy is rebuilt, I will be happy to sign a letter of appointment to the Warlock School with you. Take that as what I expect of you as dean and mentor. "

She stretched out her hand, patted the pirate on the shoulder with a gentle and encouraging expression, and said:

"Make you part of the Narthras Academy legend and make the Academy proud of you.

Of course, if you can't do it, I won't be disappointed, you will still be a disciple I rely on very much. "

"Tch, who are you looking down on?"

Bo Laike tossed the restored Skull of Gul'dan up and down in his hands, and the "inheritance" of the generous orc warlock Lord Gul'dan was now greatly changed.

Surrounding the original gray-white skull, there are already streaks of golden patterns embellished, like weird glue that binds the broken skull together.

Those lines curved into very artistic symbols on the skull, which washed away the gloom of Gul'dan's skull itself and added a delicate feeling to it.

Especially when the pirate draws or injects magic power, the golden lines on the skull will linger and flash, making it look as beautiful as a weird desk lamp.

In the pirate character card, the entry for the restored Skull of Gul'dan is also extracted:

Head of Gul'dan

Epic quality [alchemy/enchanting enhancement]

Extraordinary Mana Enhancement. Extreme Mana Drain. Extreme Magic Resistance

Item effects:

1. Brilliant Aura: Greatly increase the speed of mana recovery

2. Mana infusion: extract the fel power from Gul'dan's head, and strengthen the destructive power of all magic in a short time.

3. Fel Energy Restoration: Alchemy and Enchanting master Alya Lanyue used her super high magic attainments to apply a repair circle to this magic item with the secret technique of the Elf Empire.

It allows it to continuously absorb shadow and fel magic from the outside world to repair the internal structural damage of the item.

If it is supplied with enough fel mana, it is possible for this magic item to return to its original powerful state in the future.

"Thanks, Dean, I know this must have cost you a lot of thought."

Bu Laike raised his head and said to Dean Lanyue:

"You guys go back to the Naglfar to rest first, and help me find my three incompetent bastard subordinates. The first round of the magic exchange between Narthalas College and the Kirin Tor's 'Wen Dou' is over. .

Since the dean wants to see our learning results during this period

Then it will be up to us students to complete the second round of 'fighting'. "


"The mages are unreliable in their work! They are hypocritical to death, always talking about wisdom and truth, and they are so annoying to hear.

By the way, the dean can't hear me talking here, right? "

"Look at how cowardly you are, you have to be timid when you say harsh words, it's a shame for warlocks! Hehe, I'm different. I always think that the dean and mentors are the best and best spellcasters.

Nazaras College is number one in the world!

Being an apprentice of the academy is the greatest honor in my life! "

"Shut up, both of you, I'm about to vomit.

Whenever I think I have seen your shameless lower limit, you will always tell me with practical actions that you can have no lower limit. "

The trio of warlocks who were urgently summoned were arguing and poking their heads behind the rocks at the foot of Amber Cliff to look at the top of the mountain, like three groundhogs.

"Captain, do we really want four people to attack a mage camp with two mage towers?"

The troll Zarak turned his head and looked at Bu Laike who closed his eyes and rested behind him.

He said:

"I declare in advance that I am not cowardly. As long as the captain gives an order, I am willing to attack the mages of the Kirin Tor alone! But there are many people up there.

Should we call for help, be more safe? "

"I also want to call people. But the Warlock School of Narsalas College, there are only four of us now."

The pirate stretched his waist, waved his hand to dispel the advanced divine power, and turned back into the bald Ulthalus Deadwind Reaper in his left hand, while holding Gul'dan's head in his right hand.

With the activation of the demon summoning circle, three revolving demon portals appeared behind him, but only two demons walked out.

Clin Flan, an elite demon guard carrying a magic steel battle ax, and 'Black Eyed' Glazer, who floated like a floating mountain of meat, with more than a dozen tentacles swaying.

No demons appear in the last portal.


The pirate raised his eyebrows and said:

"Where is my 'loyal' servant, Daglop the Most Evil? Why didn't it respond to my call?"

"The cunning and rowdy imp ran away with the treasure."

Demon guard Clin Fran said in a low voice:

"It said that the evil master wanted to rob it of its treasure, and that it was a violation of the contract. It was unwilling to give you the demon treasure it took back from Sharazane.

He also said that its contract with you is over.

But since you're nice to it, it won't treat you like Sharazane. "


Bu Laike glanced at his character card with a face full of astonishment, and the skill of summoning imps in the skill bar had indeed dimmed, as if it had been sealed by some kind of power.

"So it really has a devil baby in its hand? I thought that brat had been bragging."

The pirate blinked, rubbed his chin and thought for a few seconds, shrugged again, and said:

"Forget it, just ignore it and talk about it later.

Summon all your elite demons from the Warden's Vault Covenant, the magical exchange between the mentors and the Kirin Tor is over, and we won the talking point easily.

But after listening to our class, you have to pay the tuition fee, right?

The dean and the prince live too much extravagance. If they are not in charge of the family, they don't know that money is too expensive. But we want to be diligent and thrifty and want to run away after listening to our knowledge?

Grab your weapons and go!

Ask colleagues to 'collect tuition fees'. "

(end of this chapter)

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