Chapter 376

"Ah, such a powerful elemental lord is rare in Dellano's world. Back then, before I took the evil path of a warlock, I was a simple shaman apprentice. At that time, I was lucky enough to "

Bu Laike walked into the sealed hall opposite the hall with Kanrethad blushing, and heard the orc evil eye talking nonsense.

This guy is telling Zarak about his past life.

He said it with a sad face, just like the truth, the giant magician was stunned when he heard it.

But obviously, his story has been "artistically processed". Even if Xieyan was really a shaman apprentice at the beginning, he must have been ignorant.

He didn't even understand the concept of "element lord", so he was just talking nonsense here.

"Shut up! If an elemental lord is here, I can definitely run as far as I want. How can I give you a chance to stay here and brag?"

Bu Laike slapped the rambling orc warlock on the head hard, and the latter shut his mouth obediently immediately.

The pirate raised his head and looked at the cold and infiltrating sealed hall in front of him.

It's really cold.

The temperature here is at least thirty degrees below zero, and it must have been frozen for a long time. Even the gate of the Sealing Hall is covered with a thick layer of ice.

It was Maim who smashed the door with the red coral trident he had just obtained, allowing the warlocks to enter the hall.

Bo Laike watched for a few seconds, seeing nothing.

He snapped his fingers in embarrassment, and summoned his Eye of Keir Rogge. With the sight brought by the magician's magic, he could truly see what was in front of him clearly.

no way.

Sargeras' cursed vision is powerful, but the side effects are a bit too strong, and Bo Laike is not really blind, nor is he a demon hunter who gave up his normal life to hunt demons.

Sight is still necessary for him. His perception is sharp enough, but it is a pity that he needs time to continue to hone in order to learn the high-end skills of "blindsight".

But no matter what, this blindfold is in his hands, and no one wants Bo Laike to take it off again!

The sealed hall in front of me is a real ice prison.

The ice around the empty hall has been shaped into a scene like a small glacier, exuding cold air, and within the glacier, a flame titan nearly 20 meters high is sealed.

Xieyan is right, this is indeed an elemental creature.

It has the appearance of a titan, but its whole body is covered with frozen magma and broken rock carapace. Most of this guy's body is covered with ice.

But at such a low temperature, it still maintains a certain vitality.

In the ice layer, under the rock layer of the flaming titan's body, there is still magma flowing stubbornly, and the two flaming eyes on the frozen head are still shining faintly.

It means that it has not died yet, and is still using its own burning heat to fight against the magic power drawn by the magic counter device, and continuously create a thick layer of ice.


Bu Laike spoke the name in a tongue-twisting language.

He introduced to a group of frozen and shivering useless subordinates beside him:

"This is an elemental general from the realm of fire, the fire elemental monarch of Azeroth, and an adjutant under the firelord Ragnaros.

I read about it in a certain mage's codex.

It is said that this guy was a thug who rushed out of the Fireland when the Dark Iron Dwarves summoned Ragnaros into Azeroth.

It once set fire to the forests of Kalimdor, burning a large forest in the Stonetalon Mountains, and then the Watchers managed to imprison it. It's a pity that the Watchers couldn't wipe it out completely.

After all, it is a flame creature from the world of flames, so it is not so easy to be killed.

So the watchmen locked it in this ice prison.

It can also be regarded as a rather troublesome character in the Catacombs of the Wardens. Once the anti-magic fails, this guy will immediately gain power from the Fire Realm and burn the Catacombs and all the people in them to ashes. "

Bu Laike rubbed his chin, thought carefully for a few seconds, and said regretfully:

"We don't have a shaman on board yet, otherwise we can let him try to enslave the already weak Flame General. Forget it, we know too little about the Warden's magic counter mechanism.

If we intervene hastily, I'm afraid it will cause trouble, and it won't do us any good to let this big guy out. Enough harvest today, let's stop here.

let's go. "

After speaking, he waved his hand and left with his men.

But just a few steps away, I heard a dissatisfied voice behind me:

"Hey! Are you leaving just like that? You are a group of stinky pirates who are doing all kinds of evil. Why don't you kill this big monster and pick up the spoils?"

"No way, who made our group of stinky pirates lack the power of spellcasters?"

Bu Laike looked back at the blue dragon chick who came out of the magic hideout. She was standing in front of the sealing hall with her arms folded, with the fat little dragon flying around beside her.

Little Xingxing obviously followed the pirates into the burrow secretly, and witnessed the pirates' search here the whole time.

But she was a good boy and didn't take the opportunity to take things, but now she became interested in the flame monster frozen in the glacier.

And with the enhanced perception brought by Sargeras' cursed vision, Bo Laike found her just now, and then said in a leisurely tone:

"But with the help of a powerful spellcaster who is proficient in ice magic, maybe we can try to hunt some rare spoils from this elemental titan without destroying the magic counter device.

Look how beautiful this titan's eyes are.

I tell you oh.

This is the flawless flame stone produced in the realm of fire. As long as you find an excellent enchanter, you can make it into jewelry that makes all the beauty-loving, big-breasted and brainless chicks in Azeroth scream.

It is most suitable for those beautiful and noble girls to wear. "

Bu Laike said to the subordinates beside him while talking coquettishly:

"Well, the country girl is about to enter the city, and I don't know if my relatives in the city will look down on me, and represent my hometown and clan to go to see an ancient king.

It's really against the rules not to tidy up carefully, not to get some jewelry that symbolizes status, don't you think so? "

"Yes! Girls need jewelry."

"The captain is right!"

"Hehe, I have seen too many ugly faces of those distant relatives. They will write their dislike on their faces. Judging people by their appearance is their 'virtue'."

The three warlocks next to him immediately started talking nonsense, which made Little Xingxing's complexion worse and worse.

She glared at Bu Laike fiercely, thought for a while, and said in a haughty tone:

"This anti-magic device is connected to Azsuna's underground magic net, and it is constantly drawing magic power to shape the sealed cage of this evil creature in front of us.

To maintain such a large frozen barrier, the magic power extracted from the ground is a huge amount every day.

Its existence will make my grandfather feel very uncomfortable, so today I will help my grandfather get rid of this troublesome device, all for the sake of his health. "

Stellagosa put her hands on her hips, and while persuading herself, she said to the pirates in front of her:

"I figured it out, this is not to help you rob the baby!"

"Yes, yes, the little princess is right."

Bu Laike responded perfunctorily.

He took out the flaming blade Sankesu from his luggage, threw it to Maim, and said:

"Ordinary weapons will melt when they come into contact with the magma in the body of an elemental creature. Fortunately, we have this thing, which was cast in the magma of Dellano, and is also blessed by the elemental spirits of your world .

Use it to slice open the titan's body.

Dig out its elemental heart and all the magic materials on it, especially the flame stone of the titan's eyes, which must be taken out intact.

Give it to our headmaster Blue Moon, and let her make good jewelry for our little star that the blue dragon girls of Coldarra can envy and hate!

This is a top priority. "


Meme took the Flame Blade.

He stroked the legendary sword of the orc sword master affectionately. The black frosted sword was covered with the battle patterns of the Burning Blade clan.

The heavy one held in the hand represents the lost glory of the Juggernaut warriors.

"If you have the potential of a sword master, I don't mind giving you this knife, anyway, I don't need it now."

The pirate noticed the change in Maim's expression, and he said:

"Of course, you have to help me complete the grand robbery of my dreams first."

"No need, Captain."

Maim shook his head, and the black stone orc with burn marks on his face said:

"My father also tried it when he was young, but the men of the Black Hand family can't walk the path of the Juggernaut. This is what Old Dahl told him personally. The power flowing in our bodies is too rough and not suitable for the sophistication of the Juggernaut.

The Blackhand family has an ancestral weapon, the black warhammer forged by their fathers in the volcano of Goldron.

Unfortunately, after the death of his father, the Warhammer was lost.

If the hammer can be retrieved, my big brother will be entitled to hold it. As for me, I will follow the Mafia tradition, and after my strength grows, I will forge my own weapons with my own hands. "

"Okay, when the time comes, tie up two dwarf blacksmiths from Ironforge to help."

The pirate laughed and gestured to Little Xingxing.

The blue dragon chick walked into the icy hall, turned into the body of a young dragon, and continuously spewed out the icy breath of the blue dragons towards the frozen flame titan in front of her.

And Maim grabbed the flame blade, and with the help of several warlocks, relying on the extraordinary magic-breaking and sharpness of the flame blade, he violently sliced ​​open the stone in the chest of the frozen flame titan.

He took out the head-sized heart of inextinguishable flames, and did the same thing, gouging out the eyeballs of the flame titan.

Without these two things, Ashgoom would not die.

It is an elemental creature born in the realm of fire, and there is no life in the conventional sense. But it will become very weak, even if there is no anti-magic device, it will be difficult to rely on its own burning to resist the icy breath from the little star.

Soon, with the titan's weak roar, it was finally completely frozen.


After finishing all this, Little Xingxing turned into a human form, kicked his foot, and smashed the magic counter device set up by the watchmen, so that the magic power of the underground magic net could no longer be extracted.

My grandfather would indeed be more comfortable because of it.

"Hey, this is for you."

The pirate tossed up and down two red gemstones that were still warm, threw them to Little Xingxing, and said:

"We went to Suramar last time to snatch some beautiful long skirts for women, and they are stored in my quartermaster. You can choose a few more sets for yourself."

Little Xingxing narrowed his eyes as he held the gemstone he deserved.

Girls are always unable to resist the attraction of these shiny things, not to mention that they got it with their own help, this is their own spoils.

But when she heard what Bu Laike said, she raised her head vigilantly and said to the pirate:

"You don't need to bribe me, I won't be a pirate with you."

"Where is this a bribe?"

Bu Laike laughed and said:

"As for you, you are a student of Dean Lanyue, my 'elementary girl', and we are the ones who took you to Northrend and Coldarra to meet those blue dragons.

You are one of our undead pirates.

We also don't want you to be looked down upon by those blue dragons. If they dare to laugh at you as a wild girl from the country, don't bear it, and don't be afraid, we will definitely vent your anger on you.

Isn't it just a group of dragons, if you kill them easily, you can grab some good things. "


Little Xingxing snorted and said:

"Malygos can destroy your entire fleet with one breath. So what... I borrowed those skirts from you, and I will definitely return them to you later."

"Whatever, whatever, I'm just as generous to my own people."

Bu Laike waved his hand and stopped talking about this topic. He took the Blazing Blade from Maim, and saw Maim handing over a strange thing.

It's like a sticky mass of ashes, but it always feels hot to the touch.

"this is."

The pirate raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"This is the eternal embers, the elemental embers that only beings in the realm of flames will carry."

Xal'atath whispered in Bu Laike's ear:

"If it falls into the hands of an enchanter, it will become the best flame enchanting material, but in my eyes, it has better uses. Do you want to plunder it in Ragnaros' fire realm? Little master.

With this group of eternal embers as a beacon, I can help you locate the elemental territory.

However, it's time for you to go now.

Maiev Shadowsong has returned to the entrance to the Vault of the Wardens.

Tsk tsk, I can feel that the lady is very angry when she sees her home being turned into what it is now, if she doesn't leave, she will be caught and spanked, you naughty little master. "

(end of this chapter)

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