Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 361 70. The Children Of The Night Are Going To Do Big Things

Chapter 361 70. The Children of the Night Are Going to Do Big Things

Under the night of Azsuna, a group of Shal'dorei magic saber knights were marching silently and quickly on the deserted land.

They are surrounded by arcane eyes, constantly scouting the surroundings for the vanguard, and using the arcane eyes as a node, they release a large-scale concealment spell on these Xia'dorei elites.

Their expressions are solemn, their postures are majestic, and their speed is extremely fast.

These elite magic swordsmen from the Night Fortress are well-trained, guarding the arcanists in the center of the team, and the purple magic sabers on their crotches are even more armored, moving like the wind.

They can even complete the difficult action of pouring magic wine into their mouths during the rapid run

Uh, this is probably also the characteristic of the Shaldorei.

They can't do anything without this thing, even when they have some intimate and ambiguous things with the opposite sex, they have to put a few glasses of magic wine by the bedside, and it's not just for fun.

Grand Magister Elisande and Grand Astrologer Etraeus discussed the various elven powers of Azeroth, though their discussions were filled with inappropriate arrogance and sarcasm.

But I have to say that the great magister really has the capital to stand out from the crowd.

The number of such elite Shal'dorei magic warriors in the Night Fortress is astonishing, perhaps the entire Suramar Nightbornes have been corrupted in the 10,000 years of peace.

But Elisande did not indulge in the illusion of peace.

During these ten thousand years, she has always maintained the fighting power of the elite army under her command. To describe the tyranny of the soldiers under the command of the great magister in one sentence, that is:

The veterans of this magic legion have fought the battle of the ancients!

However, in such an elite vanguard, there was a little unharmonious scene. In the center of the formation guarded by the armored magic saber leopards running fast, there was an out-of-date magic walking chariot, which was being lifted by magic power to move forward quickly.

This thing is generally used by the nobles of Suramar to let the servants carry it out for walking, and it should not appear in such a vanguard army.

But there is no way, this is also a last resort.

Because there are patients here.

"Poor Valtrois, does the wound still hurt?"

The hoarse Chief Arcanist Talisa was sitting on a magic chariot, and brought a small glass of magic wine to the mouth of the pale High-ranking Arcanist Valtrois, whose body was covered in rune bandages. .

The latter's painful forehead was covered with cold sweat, and because of her neck injury, she couldn't even speak now.

This pitiful gesture made Talisa feel distressed for a while.

In the failed magic raid a day ago, Valtroy, the unlucky ghost, was the most seriously injured among the three high-level spellcasters, probably because she was the closest when the portal exploded.

Being hit head-on by the irritable and terrifying magic power, it is already very lucky to survive.

"Damn pirates!"

Talisa finished feeding Valtrois the magic wine, scolded pirates for being shameless, then took out a green wand, tapped her friend's forehead lightly, and released a sleeping spell on the patient.

Let the seriously injured girl with a poisonous tongue, Valtrois, fall into a drowsy sleep.

"She should be sent back to Suramar City."

Beside the magic chariot, the chief teleporter Oculus, who was riding on the magic saber leopard, also covered half of his swollen face, and said vaguely to Talisa:

"Such an injury must be treated by a therapist, otherwise it is likely to be disabled. Based on what I know about Valtroy, if she gets a scar on her face, it will probably be more painful than killing her."

"I also know she has to be sent back to the city, but not now."

Talisa looked at the wilderness of Azsuna under the night in front of her eyes, gritted her teeth, and drank a glass of magic wine herself.

The Chief Arcanist was also seriously injured, but because of her strength, she narrowly escaped the magic vortex in that explosion, but her right arm is now covered with bandages, and she can't even lift it up, let alone cast spells .

she says:

"Now it's military affairs, and we all have tasks. To open the large portal that allows the Spellblade Legion to pass through, we must extract the magic power of the underground magic net in Azsuna.

Valtrois' deep understanding and skillful use of the magic net is an indispensable part of our mission.

She must persevere.

We must also persevere.

Fortunately, it is finally here. Tomorrow afternoon, we will reach the bay of Watch Island. As soon as the portal is completed, I will send Valtrois back to the city as soon as possible. "

Oculus fell silent.

He is an old elf, and he was a young man in the War of the Ancients, and he was also fortunate to participate in logistics work. He knows that military affairs are military affairs, and there is no sympathy to talk about.

The high elves have a very corrupt style of life, but they are not afraid of fighting.

Lord Kurtalos Ravencrest, the lord of Black Rookhold, once stood up against the demonic invasion, and his regiments were known for their discipline.

That is an elite that can confront the demon army head-on.

Suramar's army is not as strong as that kind of army, but once the military law is enforced, it will never show mercy. What's more, the other commander of this raid is still a very annoying guy.

Another advisor of the great magister, Vandos, is an outstanding arcanist. This guy is a diehard of Elisande. The most troublesome thing is that he has some old grievances with Talisa.

If something went wrong on Valtrois' side and the raid failed, both he and Talyssar would be implicated and even banished from Suramar.

And Valtroy, who was seriously injured, knew this too.

This venomous girl gritted her teeth and insisted. She didn't mean that she must go back to the city for treatment. She was also worried that her problems would affect her friends.

"I think this action is a bit risky."

Ocules was driving the magic saber and said to Talisa on the magic chariot:

"The Wardens have never pointed their sharp blades at their compatriots, but their prestige in the War of the Ancients is so great that it is difficult to rely on the surprise attacks of the magic swordsmen to capture the prisons they guard.

This is fighting against others on their territory, how could the great magister come up with such a stupid battle plan? "


The Chief Arcanist shook her head, she lowered her voice and said:

"Alisande is no fool. The Wardens are powerful, but here in Azsuna, they have more enemies than us.

You have also seen the map, let me ask you, what is across the strait from Shouwang Island? "

"A bunch of sea titans."

Eucules replied:

"It's called Oceanus Cave, and it's the kingdom of the sea titans throughout the Broken Isles."

"Who do those sea titans serve?"

Talisa asked again.

The chief teleporter didn't answer this time, obviously, he already knew the plan of the great magister.

"What a good plan."

Oculus smiled, shook his head again and said:

"But is Illidan Stormrage really going to be released? I've also heard the story of the dark walker. He doesn't seem like someone who will help the Grand Magister."

"This... this involves some military secrets."

Talisa hesitated, but in the end she didn't send the message to her friend, she just said vaguely:

"A male lion leading a group of sheep can easily repel a group of lions commanded by a sheep. Without the command of the lion king, no matter how powerful the lion group is, it will fall apart and find their own way of life.

Oculus, my friend.

Don't underestimate the wisdom of the great magister just because of her arrogance. "


Also on this night, Nora, the tortoise scroll sage temporarily staying on the Alpaca, suddenly came to the Nagfar in a small boat, and told the news she had just received to the family who was doing it. Job's Brad Laike.

"What are you talking about? Naga are gathering quickly? What's going on?"

Bu Laike frowned when he heard Nora's report, and said:

"Those vengeful soft-skinned snakes, are they planning to return to Azsuna? To avenge us?"

"No, probably not."

Nora was also a little apprehensive.

The tortoises are well-informed, but timid, which is normal, the longer they live, the more they can appreciate the preciousness of life. Moreover, the tortoises and Naga are feuds, and any news about Naga will make them very concerned.

She said to Bo Laike:

"This news was sent by our treasure hunters in Stormheim. They saw the gathering of Naga in the open sea, and even the Naga clan from Highmountain came all the way here.

But the direction they are going is not our place, but the southernmost part of Azsuna.

Right there in the kingdom of the sea titan.

Nobody knows what they're up to.

But I guess the naga are going to join forces with the sea titans to do some big things, Mr. Laike, the tidal stone has been obtained, there is nothing to miss here. "

The scroll sage blinked and urged:

"Let's go quickly, leave this place of right and wrong, and leave with the treasures before the Nagas complete their mobilization! They may have come here for the Tidal Stone."

"No, Azshara doesn't like this thing at all, otherwise she wouldn't have smashed it ten thousand years ago."

The pirate shook his head, put down the quill in his hand, rubbed his chin, narrowed his eyes and said:

"Let me think about it, in the sea area south of Azsuna, there is nothing but the sea titan... No! There is a force that I have been deliberately ignoring over there.

Watch Island.

That's the base camp and prison of the Watchers, isn't it? Where is the goal of the Naga? Did they live enough, did they go all the way to find the wardens and send them to death? "

Bu Laike shook his head, feeling that his thoughts were somewhat nonsensical, he said:

"Even if you add the sea titan, you can't break through the watchman's defenses. There is magical blessing from the Elune Sisterhood. It is shrouded in fog all year round, and important people are locked up.

It is estimated that there are still druids' sealing magic on the island.

The Naga wouldn't be so stupid. Unless Azshara came in person, with the strength of the Naga clan on the Broken Isles, they wouldn't even be able to get close to Watch Island.

magic magic"

The pirate commander is trying to persuade the timid turtle to relax.

But when he saw the magic test paper in front of him, a bold idea suddenly crossed his mind.

The Naga really couldn't break the magic barrier on Watch Island, but on the Broken Isles, there are a group of guys who are very good at using magic, and they are very close to Azsuna!

"Children of the night? No way!"

Laike turned around, took out a rough map of Azsuna he had drawn, and spread it out in front of his eyes. His finger landed on the southernmost big island of Azsuna, and drew another line, connecting the map of Azsuna. In the city of Rama.


The pirate yelled, and the first mate dragon immediately appeared beside the captain.

"Call Anaris over. No, let her go to her new subordinates and ask if they have found any traces of the Nightborne in Suramar near the ruins of Zahnar these days."

Pirate Dragon saw Bu Laike's serious expression, and immediately disappeared into the cabin. After ten difficult minutes, Sefiel brought back the news.

She said to Bo Laike:

"Those exiles have not seen the elves of Suramar.

But one of the low-level arcanists said that a few days ago, at the border of Suramar, he saw a magic explosion from a distance, as if a portal exploded.

He said that when he was studying in Suramar City, he saw the explosion of the portal, which was exactly the same as what he saw that day. "

"Ha, I know."

A smile appeared on Bu Laike's face. He reached out and hammered hard on the map, saying:

"The Nightborne and the Naga have united, no, no, no, based on Elisande's attitude towards Azshara, it should not be a union, but a deliberate release of news, so that the Naga will take the opportunity to find a leak.

But those soft-skinned snakes didn't know that they were also being used by the great magister.

If my guess is correct, the caster pioneers of the Dark Night Fortress are about to arrive near Watch Island. Classic Shal'dorei magic raid tactics.

These guys really took the portal tactics to the extreme.

They want to fight Watch Island!

Uh, is it for the group of dark walkers who have been imprisoned for ten thousand years? Elisande is really ambitious, why does she think she has the ability to control those dark walkers?

Only Egg Brother can"

Having said this, the pirate suddenly stopped talking.

Sefiel beside him has widened his eyes, and the chief mate Long asked:

"Then what should we do? Should we leave quickly? Or notify the watchmen in advance?"

"Are you stupid?"

Bu Laike turned his head and glared fiercely at Seifel, who said something stupid. He picked up a quill, drew a big X on Watch Island on the map, and said:

"Why did you leave? And why did you notify the watchmen in advance? Are we familiar with them? Or are they treating us well?

Do not be silly!

It is rare that Elisande has created such a good opportunity for us.

If you don't make a fortune, you will be sorry for the big things that the Children of the Night are going to do! Set sail and transfer all the elites to the Nagfar, and we will also go to 'Happy Lively'.

Where can I find my idol?

Well, the third idols in my heart are Sargeras and Keke. "

The pirate didn't finish speaking, he glanced back at Sefiel, stretched out his palm towards the first mate dragon, and said:

"Ten gold coins, bring them!"

"And the last time I bet against Windrunner's mother, it was twenty gold coins, tsk tsk, look at you bad luck bet, don't bet with others in the future.

So as not to be cheated of money and sex by someone with a heart.

Not everyone is as kind as I am, my silly first mate. "

(end of this chapter)

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