Chapter 353

"Blaike Shaw! I'm really disappointed in you. When you invited the members of Narsalas College to board your ship, I thought you were inspired by knowledge and became a person who pursued wisdom. .

But on the first day of my elite class, you chose to skip class! "

In the middle of the night in Azsuna, Bu Laike was enjoying the fun of flying in the sky on his newly tamed colorful winged hippogryph, when the image of Dean Alya Blue Moon appeared in front of his eyes.

The pirate was so startled that he nearly fell from the hippogryph's saddle.

"Dean, what's the matter with you, I know, you must have unleashed some evil tricks of mages on me, right?

Are you that distrustful of your students? "

Bu Laike said very dissatisfied:

"Where is the trust between people?

What's more, I have the right to privacy. You can't show up whenever you want. If we see something we shouldn't see, we will all be embarrassed. "

"Come back to class immediately!"

Dean Lanyue ignored the pirates' complaints, and said in a cold tone:

"I'll give you ten minutes, or I'll go find you myself."

"Listen to me, dean, I'm not skipping class. I really have something important to do when I come out."

Bu Laike took out the scale of the blue dragon from his luggage and shook it in front of the image of the blue moon. He recounted the agreement he had made with the blue dragon Eldagosa in Dalaran.

Nothing is hidden.

Blue Moon must know about the fact that there are blue dragons living in seclusion on the land of Azsuna, and there is no need for Laike to explain.

After listening to Bu Laike's words, Dean Lanyue's expression looked a little better.

The responsible instructor thought that Bu Laike was maliciously skipping class, but now that he heard that Bu Laike was trying to fulfill the agreement, he decided to temporarily bypass him.

In the culture of the high elves, promises are very important rituals, and keeping promises is also a virtue that is extolled.

"You should have at least notified me in advance."

Dean Lanyue's tone was milder, and she said:

"Then get busy.

After the matter is over, I will make up lessons for you alone. In addition, there is a very delicate magic barrier in the Azure Habitat, so you must be careful when you go there.

If you feel like you can't figure it out, don't hesitate to ask me for help. "

"I will, Dean."

The pirate grinned. He remembered one more thing and asked:

"Dean, Prince Farondis is in the ruins near the academy now, right? Is there any way you can let me find him? If a magic prince is determined to play hide-and-seek with me, it will cost me a lot of money." energy to find him."

"What are you looking for him for?"

Dean said:

"He was also my student, one of the best, but he was heartbroken by his own people. He himself thought he was wrong, that he was too reckless.

He felt that he had brought disaster to the land, and was now in a state of self-imposed exile.

Do you want to use him like you used me? "

"Oh, Dean, are you high-level elves talking so bluntly? At least modify it, what do you mean by using it?"

Bo Laike pursed his lips and explained:

"I just wanted to ask him for help.

We are going to lift the curse of Azsuna, and that is what Prince Farondis hopes to see. Since the disaster of this curse was caused by him, he must participate in this redemption.

I'm just giving him a chance to redeem himself, how nice it is.

Besides, in the future, we will rush into Naga's base camp on land to look for opportunities. In such a dangerous place, if there is no such powerful figure as Prince Farondis to lead the formation, I will be frightened. "

"You just want to use him, you bad student."

The dean frowned and said something, and a few seconds later, she said again:

"Occasionally Farondis camped on a hilltop at the edge of the Academy, far from his wicked subjects, and there he would look across Azsuna and remember his sins.

I want to remind you that Farondis is a very kind person, but he is also a very sensitive person, and he is also a person with justice in his heart. For the justice in his heart, he dared to confront Azshara head-on.

He is fearless.

If you use him to do bad things, it will only make him hate you.

Queen Azshara was also amazed by Farondis' attainments in flame magic. If you are disgusted by him, then... I don't need to say more about the ending.

When getting along with him, be less calculating and more sincere, my student. "

"I understand, Dean."

The pirate nodded, ending the conversation.

He thought for a while, and used his magic power to sense around his body.

Wanting to find the positioning magic cast on him by Dean Lanyue, maybe the dean is out of good intentions to protect him, but this feeling of being positioned still makes Laike very uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that when he is sneaking, this magic power that does not belong to him will destroy his high coordination with the shadow, and it is likely to be detected by others.

"Your method is wrong."

Under the night, Xalatas whispered:

"That elf hides her magic power in your hair, don't move, my little master, I will guide you to get rid of it. In fact, you don't have to learn magic from her at all. If you have any needs, I am willing to meet them you.

Knowledge, whether orthodox or taboo, I have a lot here, my little master.

As long as you open your mouth, I will teach you this knowledge for free. "

"Thank you for your kindness, but I can't bear it."

According to Xalatas' guidance, Laike finally discovered the small group of hidden magic power at the end of his golden hair, and after dispelling it, he said to the young lady living in his heart:

"Your knowledge is as poisonous as you are.

Although I have great confidence in my intelligence, I don't think I should play a game of intrigue with you in your field of expertise.

I've had enough troubles."

This answer made Xalatas very dissatisfied, Miss Black Heart was silent for a few seconds, sighed and said:

"But you are only resisting the fate that must come, my little master. The end of the shadow of goodwill is to fall into the embrace of the warm void, and you have already walked on this road.

With or without me, sooner or later you will be exposed to this forbidden knowledge.

I'm just giving you that delicious wisdom ahead of time, and it won't do you any harm. "

"Wrong! Big mistake!"

Bu Laike took the hippogryph's reins and circled the sky in the dead night of Azsuna, heading towards a riverside hillside on the edge of the ruins of Narsalas Academy.

He sat firmly on the saddle of Sky the Hippogryph King, and said to Xal'atath:

"I now have two mentors, whether it is Windrunner's mother or Dean Lanyue, they are reminding me that I must be cautious when chasing power.

I understand what they mean, they are telling me to do what I should do at each stage, and not to long for power that I cannot grasp when I am weak.

That's right, the end of the shadows is the void.

But I also have to go to the end of the shadow first, so that I can accumulate enough resistance to the corruption of the void at the two levels of my body and soul. Only then can I have the ability to touch the power of the void without being swallowed up.

If I now take the 'shortcut' as you said.

Then my ending can only be an ignorant insect captured by the abyss.

There is a price to be paid for taking shortcuts, Xal'atath.

The next time you tempt me, remember to make up your lies. If your black belly is always so straightforward, I will be very disappointed. "

"Hehe, you are indeed the man I fancy."

Xalatas was silent for a few seconds, and then let out a short laugh, mixed with the sensual tone of licking her lips, she said quietly:

"I hope you will always be so rational, my little master, that you will not be moved by the power at your fingertips. May your heart be as steel, without any cracks.

You know, as long as there is even the slightest hole in your heart, I will swallow you in one gulp!

Even the skin and meat, between my lips and teeth, taste your delicacy little by little Well, where do I start to taste it? Is that place that is always burning, always firm? "

"Did you mean the heart?"

The pirate sneered and said with a smile:

"I take it as my heart. Ladies shouldn't make such dirty jokes, Xalatas, you are so desperate that you can't do anything to seduce me?"


Xal'atath let out an indifferent nasal sound, which disappeared into Bo Laike's ear.

The pirate laughed.

Speaking of sparring with words, who was he afraid of?

"Go down! It's in the cave by the river, my precious sky, let's go there!"

Laike observed the surrounding terrain in the dark night, reached out and patted the neck of the Hippogryph flying freely in the sky, the latter let out a high-spirited neighing, carrying its new master, like an arrow leaving the string Xiahe Bend.

Hippogryph flies very smoothly, how stable can it be?

It is said that the archers of the night elves can ride hippogryphs to form formations in the air, and rain arrows towards the ground while flying at high speed. This amazing balance is far better than the griffins domesticated by the dwarves.

Of course, griffins also have advantages.

They are fiercer and more fearless, dare to compete with the dragon, and the assault speed is faster than the hippogryph.

But endurance is far from enough.

It is said that Hippogryph was blessed by Cenarius, the demigod of nature, so that it grew antlers. But this is unofficial history, the druids of the Cenarion Order have never admitted this rumor.

This clever beast is also called "Wind Vulture" by the elves.

They are the most psychic of all flying mounts, and are good partners of all elves. Even the arrogant Queen Azshara likes these intelligent and noble beast pilots very much.

Her court domesticated all kinds of hippogryphs, and Bu Laike, the hippogryph, was smuggled out of the Queen's court 10,000 years ago.

The sky landed smoothly, and Bo Laike jumped out of its saddle, but this loyal, brave and intelligent beast did not take off immediately, but stretched out its wings and stood in front of Bo Laike.

It was a little anxious, as if it smelled something dangerous nearby, so it raised its head and neighed, preventing Laike from walking towards the cave with a small opening in front of him.

"Good boy, don't be afraid, good boy."

The pirate comforted his beloved mount. He took out a carrot from his bag and fed it to the sky, just like feeding a horse. He patted the hippogryph on the head and said softly:

"Stupid elf ghosts say there's a horrible howling beast hiding in this cave, but no. There's just a wretch like you in there.

I set you free, and I will set it free.

Good boy, go to the sky and help me keep watch.

By the way, help me find that silly prince who likes to look at the scenery on the top of the mountain.

He was recognizable as a ghost, a transparent and sad ghost. "

The sky has been alone for about ten thousand years, and it is very attached to its master. It uses its antlers to rub against Bu Laike's arm and chirps a few times in a low voice.

Then, flapping its wings, it circled around him, and rushed into the sky like a galloping ghost, patrolling nearby for pirates.

Bo Laike himself took out the worn-out sword hilt in his bosom and injected it with magic power.

The one-meter-long flaming long sword was like a torch, helping him to illuminate the darkness in front of him. He strode towards the small cave in front of him. It was really a small cave.

The height is no more than two meters, and taller elves have to bend down when entering.

But when Bu Laike approached the cave, he heard thunderous roars coming from the cave, mixed with the vibration of the ground and the dusty sandstorm, which was very frightening.

If ordinary people were here, they would have been scared to pee. No wonder the ghost apprentices in the academy called this place one of the seven wonders of the academy.

"Stop shouting!"

Laike drew his voice, and shouted into the cave in a strange, roaring language.

The violent shaking and roaring stopped immediately.

A few seconds later, a low, thunderous voice came from the cave:

"Little man, who are you? Why do you speak our language?"

"I'm just a passing pirate."

Holding the blazing long sword high, as if holding a torch, Bu Laike walked towards the cave. He looked at the huge illuminated space in front of him, and the terrifying figure sitting cross-legged in the huge cave.

A few seconds later, Bo Laike said:

"I'm also curious, how did you, a sea titan seven or eight meters high, be locked in this cave with an entrance only two meters? Who was so wicked to lock you in?

Well, I have a feeling you must have a good story, old wretch.

Come, come, tell me about your unhappiness, and make me happy. do you drink? I have a lot here. "

(end of this chapter)

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