Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 342 51. The Pirate Game Of Anaris

Chapter 342 51. The Pirate Game of Anaris

(Add more [1/5] for the "Huo Zheng is very good" brothers)

Marci, the tattooed woman, and a group of her subordinates were waiting for news at the foot of the abandoned temple.

Not far away are Sir Attumen's cavalry and the Fadorei spider elves who were transferred to support them. On the coast southeast of the abandoned temple, the Naglfar and two pirate ships are also ready ready.

Thirty naval guns aimed at the direction of the abandoned temple.

Once there is a signal from there, the pirate ship can start shelling immediately.

Although the defense of the temple is relatively high, it is difficult for naval guns to hit directly, but first a wave of artillery washes the ground to deter the exiles of the night children, and then let the pirates who are in ambush charge up, and it is not a big problem to take down the temple in one fell swoop.

According to the "popular" practice of the pirates, this is how this battle should be fought!

Although there may be casualties, they have an absolute numerical advantage, and it is no big deal to die a few people. However, the girl from Yuejun gave them another way to solve the problem tonight.

"How long has she been up there?"

Marci turned her head a little anxiously and asked "Silver Moon" Harry beside her.

Under the protection of his silent wife Olanya wearing an elf mask, the latter took out an elf-style pocket watch and looked at it pretendingly.

Then he reported to his first mate:

"Maybe ten to forty minutes."

"Are you kidding? There's such a difference!"

Marci scolded irritably:

"Can you give me an exact time?"

"I can't help it, my precious lucky pocket watch won't go away."

Harry showed Marci the pocket watch that stopped turning at some point, then scratched his somewhat bald hair, and said:

"Maybe I drank too much last night and forgot to wind the clockwork. The things these dwarfs make are unreliable!"

"I don't think you are reliable!"

The tattooed first mate punched Yinyue Harry on the shoulder, and she cursed:

"Since your watch is broken, why do you still need to look at it? Just tell me if you don't know or not?"

"Doesn't that make me look professional?"

The old sea dog rubbed his shoulders and yelled:

"Didn't your Excellency say that? The Immortal Fleet only needs the most professional and elite pirates, and I'm working hard in that direction."

"Marci! Look, someone's coming down!"

Just when the tattooed girl was clenching her fists, planning to beat the lip-smacking Harry, on the other side of the hill, the handsome pirate "Handsome" Terry suddenly hit him. whistle.

He played with the snake-shaped dagger, pointed upwards, and said to the first officer:

"It seems that the elf has come down. There should be news."


Only then did Marci let go of the old sea dog Harry who had been barking on the ground.

She jumped up nimbly, looked forward, and found that it was indeed the weird Nightborn Elf Runas.

The latter rode a two-meter-tall, centaur-like heavy Shal'dorei golem covered in metal armor, with faint blue energy running through it.

It's like riding an elephant.

Holding the crest and flag of the Yuejun family in his hand, he walked down the hillside arrogantly.

"Hey, stinky pirates!"

Runas, who was wearing a well-made servant uniform, whistled triumphantly, and waved the flag in his hand, calling for the group of rude pirates to come out of their hiding place.

He rode a borrowed shoddy golem like a mighty knight on a warhorse.

He raised his head, straightened his waist, and shouted to Marci and the others:

"Miss Yuejun has already done it above. A golem craftsman, ten golem apprentices, more than a hundred nightborn exiles, and more than 30 golems that have just been made.

These are all the 'gifts' that Miss Anaris gave to the Undead Fleet, as a reward for the rewards she gave you after taking care of you these few days.

My lords, I invite you pirates to receive the spoils

Uh, I forgot, you don't understand Salas.

What a bunch of savage and ignorant hairless trolls! "

Lunas, who felt that he had become a master by leaps and bounds, spat out fiercely.

He looked at the pirates who were ambushing ahead, and appeared from their hiding places. He didn't speak at all, just rode on the golem, and made a "follow up" gesture to them.

"What was he talking about?"

Marci, the tattooed girl, heard Runas' squeaking and unintelligible Salas language, but she couldn't understand the language, so she looked back at Yinyue Harry, the famous "elven expert" among North Sea pirates. .

The latter was stunned for a moment, and then touched the slap mark on his face that was slapped by Marci. The old sea dog hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice:

"What, what he said should be 'the above is done, let's send someone to follow'."

This was of course Harry's wild guess.

His Salas language level is limited to being able to understand some everyday expressions, and he can't understand the ancient Salas language that was popular 10,000 years ago.

Harry scrambled to translate, and looked at Marci with some anxiety.

The latter also stared at him suspiciously.

After a few seconds, Marcy coughed, pointed to Harry and said:

"Then you follow him. If it's safe above, send us a signal. If you die in an ambush unfortunately, I will take care of your wife."


The old sea dog panicked instantly.

He wanted to plead, but suddenly heard a hoarse voice beside him.

"That elf really meant 'it's done from above'."

Moros, wearing a butler uniform, stepped out of the shadows and said to a group of pirates in front of him:

"Miss Anaris' instigation of rebellion went very smoothly.

The Nightborn exiles in the temple have already pledged their allegiance to her and her family, so send someone to receive them quickly, and arrange a temporary residence for them on the third deck of the Alpaca.

Send those golems, and the materials used to make them, to the Alpaca. "

The Undead Steward is someone these pirates fear.

Because he is always elusive, such a skill can easily steal the treasures of the pirates, and can easily take the life of any guy who is not loyal to the commander.

Therefore, Moros' speech is very important.

Under his command, Marci immediately sent pirates to follow Runas into the abandoned temple, and Sir Attumen's cavalry team also went up there, "escorting" the Nightbornes to the Alpaca along the way.

"Mr. Moros, I would like to apply for a supply of magic wine from Captain Eudora, and give it to my new servants as a treat, so as to relieve their tension and depression."

At the entrance of the deserted temple of "Peaceful Liberation", Anaris Yuejun, who was still holding a glass of thousand-year-old magic wine, stood under the gorgeous parasol held up for her by two servants, and said to Moros :

"The large amount of magic wine we looted in Suramar City last time should be enough to supply my servants for a long time. This will help them adapt to the new environment, and it will not be harmful to Your Excellency the Commander."

This request made Moros blink his nearly decayed eyes, and he said softly:

"Ms. Yuejun, Captain Yudora is fully responsible for the needs of the fleet's supplies. You only need to persuade her about this kind of thing.

Also, did you adjust to life in the Pirate Corps so quickly? You seem to be having fun? "

"Well, yes, I find this kind of life interesting."

Anaris handed the wine glass in his hand to himself, trying to pretend to be serious, but he still looked like the monkey-like housekeeper Lunas.

The latter humbly took the master's wine in his hand, took two steps back, turned around, raised his head and poured the rest of the wine into his mouth. The mellow aroma of the thousand-year-old magic wine that he had never drunk made Lunas a little Slightly drunk, and a little shaky.

The poor exile claimed to be a citizen of Suramar, but even in his richest days in Suramar, all his wealth could not afford this cup of rare treasure.


Runas's performance made Anaris frown. She really wanted to kick this disgraceful guy down the mountain. Letting such a guy be a housekeeper would simply humiliate the reputation of the Yue County family.

"Mr. Moros, as you can see, my new butler is a little...disrespectful."

The Yuejun chick rolled her eyes, she bent down to the old butler, and begged:

"I hope there is a butler from the upper class who can teach him some basic etiquette. I heard that you once served a real big man. Can you please help me teach Runas."

"My former master was indeed one of the most honorable people in this world, but I am also serving a great person now, Miss Yuejun.

As a housekeeper, one cannot judge the master at will. "

Moros replied meaningfully.

He glanced at the drunk Runas again, and said:

"Of course, I would also like to set a good example for your new butler.

Finally, I would like to remind you, Miss Yuejun, that working under Master Bo Laike is very hard work.

The games and wars at sea are not political games as you think. The profession of pirate also has many bloody and barbaric actions, which you have never been exposed to.

I hope you have prepared yourself mentally before actually entering the industry. "

After finishing speaking, Moros took a step forward, and accurately hit the neck of Lunas, who had started to talk nonsense, with a knife in his hand, and then carried the skinny and disgraceful guy, turned around and disappeared into the shadows.

"Well, this golem is very handsome!"

After Moros left, the tattooed girl Marci came over, whistling and holding a sailor knife.

She caught sight of the golden golem parked behind Anaris at a glance.

This thing is similar to other Shal'dorei golems in appearance, but it is bigger, more than three meters high, and looks like an elephant made of steel.

The most obvious is its livery.

Unlike other silver-gray golems, this one is golden, golden, and has many fine decorations, which looks gorgeous and powerful.

"Not bad right?"

Seeing Marci approaching, Miss Yuejun showed a smile and introduced to her friend:

"This is a gift from my personal golem consultant, Mr. Livordas. It is an elite golem carefully crafted by him. Its name is 'Sephanus'.

Means 'titan of steel'.

It was made completely according to the standards of the Suramar war golem. Although there are still some small flaws in energy, it is already a very good work.

Tomorrow morning, I will take it to the ruins of Zahnar, where I will meet the leader of the nightborne exiles in Azsuna. "


Hearing this, the tattooed female first mate was stunned for a moment. She realized what Anaris was going to do, so she persuaded:

"I think you're crazy!

You have been lucky to persuade these one hundred people to surrender tonight, and you still want to go to Zahnar. I heard that there are more than six hundred Nightborne exiles there, and it is a big fortress.

Be ruled by that Prince Al Yi Si for many years, you go over by yourself, once those exiles have a bad idea, you are finished!

You are not even a mage. Although you have noble blood, you will die if you are stabbed. "

"No, people from the Yuejun family never do things that are not sure."

Anaris shook his head and said confidently:

"You are not the Shal'dorei, my friend.

You don't understand my people's obsession with identity. Even if they are exiled to this wilderness, they will stubbornly try to retain their class and status.

The leader of this group of exiles, Al Yi Si, I have heard, is not a prince at all, but an arrogant man of minor noble origin, and he can gather so many people to serve him.

As for me, I am the eldest lady of the Yuejun family.

Much more noble than him! "

The Yuejun girl covered her mouth and smiled subtly. Seeing that the female pirate in front of her still didn't understand, she reminded again:

"The exiles obey the false nobles in exchange for spiritual comfort. If they have the opportunity to serve the real top-ranking nobles, they will definitely abandon that miserable prince without hesitation.

What happened tonight proved that.

His Excellency Bo Laike asked you to catch exiles here because he wanted to form another elf pirate in his fleet. Marci, my friend, who do you think is the most suitable leader of this pirate faction? "

"Al Yi Si?"

The tattooed female first mate replied without thinking:

"Isn't he in charge of these guys? Your Excellency Commander also said that he will become a real 'Prince of Pirates'."

"it's me!"

Seeing that Marci was so dull, Anaris shook his head helplessly.

She crossed her hips, posed an elegant and noble posture, brushed her hair, and said brightly:

"I have status, status, inheritance, and I don't mind doing something deceitful. I am the most qualified person to be the Queen of the Nightborne Pirates!

I am the most suitable person.

Help me, Marcy.

Go back and tell Captain Anne what I said. If she supports me as the leader of the Nightborne Pirates, I will definitely form an alliance with her. You see, orcs and trolls have made an alliance.

Fox people are neutral.

The Snake People cared only for their new home on the island of Tol Barad.

You human pirates are single and weak, and the North Sea pirates have been hostile to your Excellency Commander. You are still in the investigation period, and you need friends.

I also need. "

The Yuejun chick played with a strand of her hair, blinked her purple eyes, and said to the female pirate in front of her:

"This is the same as when I played the noble game in Suramar, a newly born family must have enough friends to gain a firm foothold in high society.

Now, it is nothing more than changing to a more exciting circle, and the rules of the game have not changed.

Believe me, friend, I know how to use the rules best. "

(end of this chapter)

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