Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 328 37. The Rage Of The Chief Arcanist

Chapter 328 37. The Rage of the Chief Arcanist


The fist landed on the face with vigor, like anger, but also like bloody courage, but it looked like the punch was powerful, but in fact it had no skill at all.

It's exactly like young people fighting, come and go quickly.

Such a little skill is completely incomparable to the elite boxers in the "Pirate Boxing Championship" that is going on on the deck of the Alpaca, but fortunately, the opponent who punches is not an elite character.

It was a lame North Sea pirate, small and thin, with monkey cheeks. Beside him, there were three accomplices who were simply knocked down.

It was four against four in the shadowy corners below decks, and the numbers were absolutely fair.

But the strength is much worse.


Hal, who has just become the groom's officer, will be drunk now, still wearing that elegant dress, turning his head and spitting bloody saliva to the side.

He touched the blood from the corner of his mouth and the protruding teeth, stepped forward, kicked the lame pirate, and cursed:

"In the future, if you dare to approach my wife again, your other leg will be broken! Do you hear me!"

The young man reeked of alcohol as he spoke.

It was obvious that other people had drunk a lot of wine at the wedding just now, and beside him, there was Nat Pagle who was rubbing his heart. This guy is not good at fighting, and his fishing skills are not at all comparable.

Just to make a scene for good friend Hal, he is only in charge of waving the flag and shouting, and it is Hal who is really in charge of fighting, and the little warlock Kanrethad next to him.

And the Beihai scumbag who got to know them well, Yinyue Harry.

The best fighter is this bald pirate. Although he is only a rookie in the confrontation of experts, facing opponents of the same level, the weather-beaten old sea dog is not a problem.

"You can't do this, Hal, pirates can't understand such kind words, look at me."

Kanrethad hugged his staff, he pushed Hal, and leaned down, looking at the four terrified pirates in front of him, the little warlock grinned sinisterly.

Not much to say, he raised his hand to call for magic power, a dark green flame that smelled like sulfur ignited in his hand, and the skinny boy's face was gloomy.

He said to the lame pirate in front of him:

"It's the four of you, the elf wife who planned to tease Hal the day before yesterday, right? Don't say no, my eyes can see clearly."

The little warlock pointed to the dark green eyeballs floating above his shoulders.

The magic eyeballs made with human eyes are really infiltrating.

"Mr. Bo Laike doesn't allow pirates on board to fight among themselves, so I won't hurt you, but I will leave something for you to remember."

After finishing speaking, Kanrethad raised his burning hand and clasped it on the lame pirate's wrist. The brimstone and burning fire made the pirate make a sound like killing a pig.

Yinyue Harry felt that it was noisy, so he waved the wine bottle and gave it to the guy. With the sound of the bottle popping open, the guy fell to the ground with his head covered in blood.

The other three pirates looked fearful and lowered their heads not daring to speak, for fear of causing trouble.

"Tch, a wild dog that has never been beaten will never know not to touch bones that don't belong to it!"

In the smell of barbecue, the fifteen-year-old Kanrethad stood up, scattered the flames in his hands, and said to the three pirates in front of him:

"Bring him back, and if you captains ask, you know what to say, don't you? Shall I teach you?"

"Old Gold Tooth drank too much and accidentally bumped into the mast."

A cleverer pirate hurriedly replied.

Kanrethad nodded in satisfaction, snapped his fingers, and helped Nat Pagle, who was kicked just now, out of the cabin. The drunken Hal pulled the bow tie around his neck, and glared fiercely. Pirates behind.

Only then did he go out.

These four pirates are the ones that Bo Laike reminded him just now, and they have coveted Villeni. Pirates were a bunch of scum, and Hal was sure there were plenty of pirates in the fleet who were trying to trick his wife.

But what happened to these four people today is enough to wake up those bastards.

"Hey, Mate Hal, listen to my advice."

The drunken bald pirate, Silver Moon Harry held Hal's shoulders. This old sea dog has been getting very close to Hal recently, probably because of some kind of unspeakable "spirit control".

Hal knew that this guy was a scumbag, and kept his distance from him all the time, but as long as he was a human being, it was impossible to have only shortcomings, and a bastard like Harry also had advantages.

He's very polite.

Hearing that Hal was coming to teach the pirates who wanted to be old kings, he immediately joined in with a pat on the chest.

Now he put his arm on Hal's shoulder, and as he walked to the deck, he said in a low voice:

"I want to teach you a little 'knack' to get along with elves, they are very sensitive, especially for the first time, uh, I forgot, your wife has a daughter"


No matter how good-tempered Hal was, he would have the urge to squeeze his fists, and he immediately retorted:

"I still have an elf wife, you only have"

"woo woo woo"

It’s okay not to say this, but when he said it, the old sea dog Yinyue Harry couldn’t control his emotions, and burst into tears. While crying, he said:

"I know I'm sorry for Olanya, but I just like high elves, and I can't help it. It would be great if Olanya was a high elf. I will be loyal to her until death."

For the next ten minutes, Hal listened to a drunken Harry talking about the past.

What he said was upside down, and what Hal listened to was distracted.

After finally sending Harry away, he coughed a few times, looked around, and went to the upper level of the poop of the Alpaca like a thief.

When he plucked up the courage to push open the door of Villeny's room, Bu Laike suddenly appeared like a ghost, stuffed a bottle of expensive thousand-year-old magic wine and two wine glasses into his hand, and patted him on the shoulder.

He gave him a thumbs up with a weird smile, and took Connie who was playing next to him away.

Hal could still hear the conversation between Captain Boo Laike and little Connie in Thalascan. He was trying to learn, but he only learned everyday language, and the language of the elves was too difficult to learn.

"Laike Uncle, why did they tell me to call Hal Uncle Daddy? But I have a daddy, and Hal Uncle is weird, he doesn't even have ears, he doesn't look like me, and you don't have ears either."

"Ahem, you Hal Uncle is married to your mother, you should call him father."

"Is that so? Alright. It was a blast today when Mommy and Hal's daddy got married. But Laike Uncle, why didn't you call me when Mommy and Dad got married?"

"...Well, this question is too difficult, I can't answer you. Do you want to eat cake? If you don't go, you will be eaten by the greedy vulpe."

"Okay, eat cake, fox people are so cute, I like their tails, but they won't let me touch them."

"Let's go, take your little friends to eat cake, don't disturb the chat between your father Hal and your mother."

"Just chatting? A one-eyed Uncle told me today that Hal Uncle is going to sleep with mom and do fun things"

"Which 'Uncle' told you? Come on, tell me in a whisper, and watch if I sew his mouth shut!"


"You said, Anaris was captured by those foreign pirates? What about you? How did you get back?"

In Suramar City, in Moon County Manor.

Mrs. Lilith Yuejun, who had just been guarded by the city guards and returned to the family manor in a state of embarrassment, only had time to take a shower and change into clean clothes when she met a visitor.

That was her personal friend, Talisa, the chief arcanist serving the Grand Magister, who was very powerful in Suramar City.

This Arcanist His Excellency is wearing a gorgeous dark purple robe, holding a very beautiful staff made of translucent magic crystals, the head of which is like a budding flower bud.

She is taller than ordinary nightborn elves, and there are specially molded magic lines around her ears and under her eyes, representing her status as a high-level arcanist.

On her left ear, there are two delicate gold earrings.

In the past, Talisa was a very graceful spellcaster, and she was also very well connected in the high society of Suramar City. She and Lilith got along very well, but today, Ms. Talisa was uncharacteristically full of anger.

Of course Lilith knew where the Chief Arcanist's anger came from.

Those damned pirates looted her beloved manor. Although they didn't set fire to it, the mess left after digging three feet was enough to explode the lungs of the chief arcanist.



How dare a group of foreign pirates humiliate one of the most powerful and powerful people in Suramar City like this!

How can this be tolerated?

"I escaped, Talisa."

Mrs. Lilith sighed, first invited her friend to the living room, and then described to her the frightening journey of the past day and night.

"When they came, my sister and I were discussing some...well, family affairs in your manor. They came too fast, and at that time the city barrier was closed again, and Anaris and I had no chance to escape .

My guards are no match for them.

There are a lot of them, and they are very familiar with the layout of your manor. With the help of strong men, the guards will collapse at the first touch. "

Mrs. Yuejun held the magic wine glass in her hand, and trembled a little when she talked about danger. This was obviously showing her true feelings. She took a sip of the wine, suppressed her mind, and said:

"We were taken on board by them, it was a rare ghost ship, very similar to the stories circulating in the city, evil things like soul boats from Hell.

They stripped your estate of all valuables. They are a bunch of well-trained bandits.

By the way, Talisa.

They have no ears, and they are not trolls. They call themselves 'human beings', and they are low-level life forms that have multiplied in the outside world for 10,000 years. There are also pirates who are green and big, violent creatures called 'orcs'.

There are also viper pirates with big tails like foxes, snake people with four-legged snakes, and finally ghosts!

Ghosts I've seen with my own eyes"

Madam Lilith pursed her lips, and said to the chief arcanist who was listening to her and had angry eyes:

"My escape was accidental. The captain of the pirate ship is a low-class person. He asked me and my sister to serve him. What a hateful request.

Of course Anaris and I cannot agree.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of being escorted to wash and change clothes, he jumped into the sea.

My poor sister was taken back, but I was lucky enough to meet a patrolling Demonsaber knight on the coast, and was rescued back to the city. "

"I'll bring your sister back, Lilith, my friend."

The Chief Arcanist said in an indifferent tone:

"And the humiliation that those pirates inflicted on me, I will let them repay with blood!"

"But it's a ghost ship, Talisa."

Mrs. Lilith hurriedly dissuaded:

"It can dive deep into the sea. I tried it with the family arcanist, and neither positioning magic nor divination magic can be used. I don't doubt your power, Talisa, but it's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"It's okay, Lilith."

The Chief Arcanist was full of confidence, she said softly:

"Stupid foreign pirates stole all my precious things, but they also took away a batch of enchanted silver coins I just finished as treasure.

Those silver coins were supposed to be paid to several of my friends for research materials, and I released magic on them that could be located by my perception.

As long as they still carry those shadorei silver coins, they won't be able to escape my pursuit.

I certainly won't go alone.

I will mobilize a team of elite magic swordsmen to act with me. Don't worry, Lilith, I will bring your sister back. You happened in my manor, and I am duty bound.

This is my promise. "

After finishing speaking, the Arcanist nodded to Mrs. Yuejun, tapped the staff on the ground in his hand, and disappeared into Yuejun Manor in a bright flash.

Watching her friend leave, Lilith Yuejun bit her lip.

The bite was so hard that it even bled.

Talisa didn't realize that there was a cold elf gold coin under Mrs. Yuejun's slender neck reminding her of her position now.

She didn't escape.

She was sent back by the Fal'dorei sprites under Bu Laike, but she couldn't tell her friends about this kind of thing, but she was also worried about her friends' safety.

"Mr. Bo Laike"

Mrs. Yuejun held the elf gold coin in her hand, and she said softly:

"Please don't hurt my best friend, please."

"What's in your hand?"

The next moment, the faint voice of the chief arcanist Talisa sounded behind Lilith Yuejun, which startled Mrs. Yuejun, and turned to look at the returning arcanist.

But it wasn't Talisa who actually came back.

Behind her was just a realistic magical illusion, which should have been released by the chief arcanist before leaving. The arcanists of Suramar are very good at this kind of illusion magic.

As the chief arcanist, Talisa is also wise enough to detect Lilith's unspeakable secrets.

Now, the phantom said in a gentle but powerful tone:

"Who is Bu Laike? Lilith, have you been coerced by an outsider? He must have coerced you with your sister's life, what a dirty way!

Don't be afraid, my friend, tell me everything.

Noble Nightborne would fear such obscenities.

Say it, just for the life of Anaris. Do you trust me, or a pirate? "

(end of this chapter)

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