Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 253 72. Treat Guests, Behead Them, And Accept Them As Dogs

Chapter 253 72. Treat guests, behead them, and accept them as dogs

On the battlefield where gunpowder remains in the Burning Plains.

Bu Laike and Maris were on the same hell horse, and they were heading towards the barren and disappearing direction. In the distance, they could see a group of alliance soldiers escorting the captured orc prisoners, rushing to the camp arrogantly.

Some soldiers can also be seen executing captured orcs.

Bu Laike can see more, such as those blue Kyrian angels flying around, constantly flying to the other side of the curtain of life and death with their souls.

But the pirates pretended not to see them.

Switched to the title of the spirit hunter again, to be out of sight, out of mind.

He doesn't want to deal with these shadow world dogmatists now.

It's not the time yet, and it's important to find a dog!

Desolation is a loyal war beast tamed by Nathanos with the beast taming technique. It has a unique connection between master and pet with Ranger, which is called "soul link" in a magical way.

Nathanos could vaguely feel the barren location, and now the hell steed was galloping there under his control.

The pirate sat behind the horse, back to back with Maris.

He gave all kinds of instructions and orders to the ghost wolf Frostpaw who was chasing after them, but because the intimacy was too low, Frostpaw basically ignored the pirates' orders.

But it's also very well behaved.

Did not actively hunt the delicious souls next to it.

It can see those souls, and it can also see the blue Kyrian angels, and when it runs, it will also attract the amazed attention of those angels.

There is also the angel of good deeds, who tries to touch Frostclaw, but is dodged by the agile Warg.

These Kyrian blue angels did not force Frostclaw into the world of the dead. These dogmatists could see that this beast soul had its own consciousness.

It is a war beast belonging to a mortal hunter.

This means that it is still bound to the material world of the living, and it is not yet time for it to go to the Shadow Realm.

"Is your head the legendary spirit beast?"

The interaction between the pirate and Frostclaw had caught Marris' attention before.

While controlling the Hell Steed to move forward, he turned his head and looked at the fierce and mysterious ghost wolf following behind him with a look of joy.

But he didn't see Frostpaw all the time, either.

Only when the ghost wolf emerges from the concealment of the spirit walk can he capture its figure between the virtual and the real.

"Huh? Do you know spirit beasts?"

When Bu Laike heard this question, he asked back:

"I thought there were very few people who knew about them. Ordinary rangers don't know the existence of these beasts. Did your mentor tell you?"

"Well, Ms. Sylvanas told me during a chat."

Nathanos has given up on correcting Boo Laike's slanderous sexual speculation between him and Lady Sylvanas, replying matter-of-factly:

"The Windrunner family is almost the oldest ranger family in Azeroth.

In the Tower of the Windrunner, there is a scroll that specifically describes the spirit beast. I borrowed it to read it. This mysterious and noble beast is between life and death.

The entities that lost their flesh did not diminish their power, but blessed them even more.

They are extremely rare, and only the luckiest and noblest beast souls have the chance to evolve into the form of spirit beasts.

Each of them has astonishing potential. Windrunner's ancestor Taranas, His Excellency Windrunner, once lamented that only hunters blessed by the god of the wilderness can harvest their own spirit beasts.

As far as there are records, the only tamed spirit beast is Lady Tyrande, the high priest of the kingdom of the night elf Kaldorei Moon God.

The priestess who may have been promoted to a demigod is also a ranger skilled in combat. She has a soul beast of her own, which she regards as a gift from the moon god.

The High Priest affectionately called it 'Dorisul', the mate of the soul. "

"Your Excellency's Dorisul, that's too powerful, at least ten times more powerful than my stupid wolf. The bird itself is probably a legendary beast.

After all, it has lived with Tyrande for more than ten thousand years.

With time, it is enough to pile up a beast legend. "

Bo Laike sighed and whistled again, making Frostpaw hurry up, and he said to Marius:

"You want a spirit beast too, right?"


Nathanos made no secret of his desire, saying:

"Any hunters and rangers who know the stories and legends of soul beasts will long to have a soul beast of their own. And if I want to become a beast king in the future, it is not enough to just desolate a war beast.

However, since you took the initiative to bring up this topic, according to what I know about you, do you have any clues to this mysterious and powerful beast?

Can you share it?

I will pay you for it! "

"What kind of remuneration do you say between brothers? I'm so embarrassed to make trouble."

The pirate waved his hand hypocritically, and said to Maris leisurely:

"After the war, I may have to stay away from the mainland for a while. You will escort Fenna back to Dalaran for me. If she gets into trouble and I'm not around, you can find a way to help."

"You don't need to tell me, I will do it too."

Nathanos said seriously:

"We made a vow. You want to protect your family. It's a good thing. I will help you."

"Well, I knew you were reliable, although your strength is just a bit short. I am relieved to entrust Fenner to you. You are loyal to Ms. Cirvanas in every way.

I will never have any unreasonable thoughts about my sister.

By the way, do me another favor, if a man approaches her with ill intentions, make those bastards for me, and then send me the head. "

Bu Laike said something malicious, coughed again, and said:

"I passed by Twilight Forest before, and when I went to Karazhan, I heard people there say that in the dark forest, they had seen ghost-like blue foxes galloping past.

The fox's paws are entwined with lightning-like power

When we go there later to serve His Majesty the Pope, you can try your luck in that eerie forest. "

After speaking, the pirate suddenly raised his head, and in the field of vision shared with Old Bonebiter, with the accompaniment of the little murloc's croaking, Laike saw a scene under a hill.

His eyes narrowed, he patted Maris on the shoulder, and whispered:

"Go east, the barrenness is there!"

"Poor dog is tied up and there's a bastard over there trying to roast him. That's audacity! But you don't do it for a while. I'm the only one with this guy and I don't want to scare him away.

Tsk tsk, I'm lucky today, I met this guy without taking the initiative to look for it.

Call it bad luck. "


"Yo, buddy, you've got a nice place."

A few minutes later, Bu Laike, who had specially changed into a soldier's uniform, appeared staggeringly under a hill. He was covered in blood, with a sword in his hand and a shield on his back.

He looked like a tired soldier after a bitter battle.

While picking up the water bag and pouring it into his mouth, he walked around this hidden hill and walked to a shaded place where the sun could not shine. He also greeted the man who was setting up a bonfire and preparing to barbecue.

The man sitting by the fire was wearing a green coat lined with a worn white shirt, half-worn leather boots on his feet, and his black hair was well-groomed.

Next to it are camping blankets and tents.

It looked like a harmless traveler.

Beside him, barren, a bound dog, has been knocked unconscious and strung on a wooden stick. In addition to the barrenness, there are seven or eight Union soldiers lying here and there in this shady place, and they all seem to be fast asleep.

"I got lost with my troops. When I saw fireworks here, I came here to ask."

With a battle helmet on his head, Bu Laike asked the traveler very professionally and dramatically:

"Did you see the troops of Kul Tiras passing by?"

"Ah, poor castaways, heroes who defeated the orcs, but are as lost as they are."

The traveler by the fire raised his head, with a friendly expression on his dark face, he picked up a water bag and threw it to Bo Laike, then pointed to the sleeping Union soldiers next to him, and said:

"They were also separated from their own troops during the fierce battle. They are all a group of brave people. Thanks to you who defeated the orcs, we civilians can live in peace.

Come on, warrior, let's rest here for a while.

I'll help you find your troops later, I'm familiar with this place, don't be afraid, I'll take you home. "

"That's great. I'm so lucky to meet a kind-hearted person like you in this ghost place."

Holding the water bag, Laike strode to the campfire, took off his helmet, threw it aside, and said to the friendly traveler in front of him:

"There is a war in the Burning Plains, friend, you are not safe here, maybe you should go to the Red Ridge Mountains for a walk, the scenery there is also good."

"No no no."

The friendly man in front of him showed a bright smile, held out his hand to Laike, and said:

"As a person, I prefer the scenery of the Burning Plains. Although it is dilapidated and desolate, it always reminds me of a memory of my hometown.

My name is Franklin and everyone calls me 'Friendly Franklin'.

What's your name? "


Bo Laike stretched out his hand and held it with the friendly Mr. Franklin. A very gentle smile appeared on his face smeared with blood and mud.


"My name is Braike Shaw, a soldier, an assassin, a hunter... and finally a warlock. Hello, Mr. Devil. Please wait a moment, before you eat my soul, I have something to talk to you say."


The friendly Franklin's dark face suddenly showed a fierce light, but his identity was exposed, but he didn't panic the powerful demon in front of him.

Instead, it clasped Laike's hand tightly, and said in a low voice:

"What do you want to tell me?"


Bu Laike pointed to the barren hounds tied up next to him, and he said:

"That's my friend's dog, very loyal and a great champion dog. I love him too and I don't want you to eat him."


On the fingers of the friendly Mr. Franklin, hot evil energy was burning, and a green flame was like a coat, quickly covering the traveler's body.

Just for a moment, like magic.

From his friendly human form, he transformed into a terrifying demonic form.

Huge body, with blood-red muscles stretched out, at least three meters tall.

There is an exaggerated thick black armor covering its right arm, leg and head, and there are three steel spikes like recurved blades on the back. The armor on the head is forward like a curved blade, like a knife on the head.

Enough to easily penetrate any creature.

This tall guy was burning with fel fire, like a walking active volcano. It looked down at Bo Laike from a high position, and under the fully covered bladed helmet, a pair of cold and cruel dark green eyes were exposed.

It rubbed its teeth like a file, and said in a strange and chaotic demonic language:

"I don't need to eat that dog. I prefer your flesh and blood, your soul, which exudes an incomparable aroma."

"I am delicious, of course I know, after all, I am one in a million with such a unique soul."

Faced with this threat, Laike's response was simple.

He took Gul'dan's head with his other hand.

This thing was used by Aegwynn to revive Medivh before, and its magic power was almost drained. Fortunately, Aegwynn only resurrected a small northern-nosed Medivh, so its quality did not decline.

After nearly twenty days of recovery, the magic power inside is less than one-fifth of what it was at its peak, pitiful.

But barely activating the magical power of demonization once is enough.

As the huge fel energy and shadow magic power poured into Laike's body unrestrainedly, the tyrannical demon guard in front of him was forced to retreat continuously.

Compared with the pain of being almost torn apart in the Zandalar sea last time, the demonization this time is much "gentle".

Bu Laike's body is not as fragile as it was then, and he can already bear the power of this change.

In the dark green storm of fel energy, the re-enchanted pirate stood up with fel wings on his back, and he looked at the demon guard in front of him with eyes shining with dark green light.

With an angry voice, he provocatively said in devil language:

"You're the only one who can transform? Little devil!"

"Bang, bang"

There were two sounds, and the two legendary weapons, the Flame Blade Sancsu and Ulthales the Deadwind Harvester, were held in demonized claws by Bu Laike, one on the left and the other on the right.

He shook his head, and said to the demon guard who kept retreating in front of him:

"I know the rules of your demon guards. Your values ​​are also very simple. Absolute power is everything. As long as I knock you down, you will respect me as your master.

Charge for me without hesitation, until death.

Come on then.

Ten minutes to decide the outcome!

The rules are very simple:

Whoever loses will be treated as a dog to the other party! "

Bu Laike raised two weapons, and the wings of fel spread behind his back. Under the dangerous force of demonization, he shouted in frantic demonic language:

"Come on, little man, let's talk. About your attitude when you spoke to me just now"

"I am very dissatisfied!"

(end of this chapter)

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