Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 232 51. A Child Without Love Will Grow Up To Become A Monster (Part 2)

Chapter 232 51. A Child Without Love Will Grow Up to Become a Monster (Part 2)

"I still remember that when I was thirteen years old, before the orcs came, I was arranged to go to the northern border, receive assassin training in Ravenholdt, and met a fellow Gilnean.

About my age.

We were divided into a small team, and under the arrangement of the organization, we wandered around northern Xinjiang, regardless of the reason, and followed the order issued by the organization to eradicate those who should be eradicated.

We did a great job.

I became friends with him.

As a result, not long after, I received a task to eradicate the ghost. "

On the hillside, Xiao Er closed his eyes and said calmly:

"Ravenholdt has his own rules, only six, but anyone who violates the rules will be punished, and I have done that task before.

But that time was different.

It was my Gilnean friend they wanted me to kill, because he was the wedge sent into Ravenholdt by the Kingdom of Gilneas and the Greymane royal family.

Such things are actually quite normal.

As far as I know, many people in Ravenholde lurk in with a purpose, and the organization generally ignores them and allows them to develop.

They are even encouraged to play the game of lurking to develop stronger camouflage skills.

Those spies who are broken into the organization by various countries will eventually be developed into double agents by the organization, and Ravenholdt is very strong in this regard.

In other words, my Gilnean friend didn't have to die.

The only reason why he died under my knife was that he violated my grandma's taboo.

Just because he became my friend. "

"Ha, it's all like this, do you still dare to be friends with us?"

Nathanos said in a strange tone after listening to this damn story:

"Are you planning to kill us?"

"You two are different."

Xiao Er snorted in a low tone and said:

"After we assassinated that orc sword master, I knew that you two are powerful enough. Even if grandma asked me to kill you, it would be difficult for me to achieve my goal.

It was also from that time that I discovered an omission in the taboo set by grandma.

I took advantage of that loophole.

I choose to be friends with people who are stronger than me.

That way I don't have to worry that I'll hurt you guys. Besides, you all have backgrounds, and after I discovered that omission, I suddenly realized a problem. "

Xiao Er flicked his fingers and grinned dimly. He stretched his shoulders, undid the first button of his collar, and said:

"My grandma is not as flawless as I thought, since I can take advantage of the first loophole, I can continue to look for her weaknesses.

Just like she once taught me by hand.

I will make reasonable use of these weaknesses, and finally choose the best chance to defeat her!

Completely end my nightmare.

Originally, according to my plan, I still need to wait for several more years, until my strength is further strengthened, and my grandma is further weakened.

But Laike's return was a surprise.

That means that my rebellion against Ms. Passonia will be completed one step earlier.

I respect my grandma.

I thank her for her strict teaching to me.

I see her as a monument in my life.

So I must step over her!

I had to step out of her shadow to make a career of my own. "

This speech caused the pirate and Nathanos to look at each other, the ranger touched his face, and repeated the elf saying in the elf camp.

"Children who don't get love grow up to be monsters."

"As I said, the relationship between him and his grandma is very twisted. Remember the scene when we first met Grandma Passonia?

I knew at that time that she was not a kind-hearted old lady, she was cruel. "

The pirate took a sip of wine for himself, turned on the Tucao mode, and said:

"She is treating her grandson the way she treats her enemies. In fact, in my eyes, there is no difference between Pasonia and Gul'dan.

Gul'dan controls Garona with the Juggernaut Orb.

Passonia used hatred and strength to wantonly shape poor Shaw's life.

She is really not a good elder. "

After speaking, Bu Laike said to Shaw:

"Don't worry, in a few days, I will rescue you from your grandma's 'claw', just like I helped Garona win freedom.

That's what I would do to my friends.

Of course, if you tell me some of your grandma's weaknesses, maybe I can win more easily. "

"How could it be easy? Who do you think you are going to challenge?"

Shaw glanced at him and said:

"Although my grandma is old, when she was young, she was involved in the dispute between the high elves' royalist party and the parliament, and carried out many political assassination missions for both parties.

She got a gift from the elves.

Being able to strengthen her body with the power of magic minimized the effects of aging on her.

She has rich experience, is good at using various weapons to take lives, and is skilled in combat, honing her skills to the extreme. She hates you for walking with Garona, and thinks you are an unstable factor.

She thinks that in the future, you will definitely betray the alliance, or do things that will endanger the alliance.

Therefore, in this trial, she will never release water. "

"This is really troublesome. Granny Xiao, who is in full combat power, is scary just thinking about it."

The pirate rubbed his chin and said:

"Can you arrange the trial location to be by the sea?"


Shaw shook his head and said:

"Grandma has decided to complete your master trial in the Lethrow Canyon in the wasteland. The terrain is dangerous and remote enough, with little shelter and even shadow areas, which can minimize your possibility of hiding. Forcing you to fight her in close combat."

"Wait, Lethrow Canyon...let me think."

The pirate rubbed his forehead, recalling the terrain of the eastern continent in his mind.

After a few seconds, he said:

"There is only one mountain ridge blocking the coast of the barren land?"

"There is only one ridge, but that ridge is 700 meters high, and the terrain is so dangerous that even the dwarves' goats can't climb it. Unless you can fly, it is impossible for you to cross it under the chasing of grandma." Possibility of the ridge."

Xiao Er sighed and said gloomily:

"I went to see her today. I originally wanted to find an opportunity to use paralyzing poison in her food, but she was as vigilant as before, and I had no chance at all."

"There's no need to do these little tricks."

Bu Laike waved his hands, rubbed his chin and said:

"Since it's a master trial, Ms. Passonia and others must be convinced, and I don't want to be pointed out about the stolen victory.

As long as I can touch the sea water, I am sure to win.

Just need to arrange the tactics well.

Maris, help me get some magically bound arrows from the elves, the more the better. Xiao Er, your grandma's favorite antidote to poison, prepare some for me.

You don't have to worry about the rest.

Tomorrow, when I set off for the barren land to accept the trial, you two will go to the Burning Plains, do what you should do, and help me find Fenner by the way. "

Bu Laike stood up and opened his arms towards the two. He said confidently:

"When we meet again, I will be a master assassin. I can build my own faction, and I want to invite you to join. We can only become stronger when we stand together.

Oh yes, here you are. "

The pirate took out a letter of commission from his pocket and threw it to Shaw. The latter took a look in his hand and his expression became strange. He looked up at Bu Laike and said:

"Are you serious? Templar Assassin, are you sure the Pope will admit this?"

"Trust me, you can use it in the future."

Bu Laike winked at him and said:

"The Kingdom of Stormwind is about to be established, but on that ancient land, not only the things under the light will be reborn, but those rats hiding in the dark will also return together.

Be on your guard, Shaw.

If you want to maintain that country and wash away the disgrace of SI7, you have to be more vigilant than your grandma.

All right.

The time for a pleasant reunion with old friends is coming to an end. "

The pirate glanced at the camp below, and he said to Shaw and Nathanos:

"I will not appear in the frontal battle between the Alliance and the Horde in the future. I still have secret things to do. If I'm lucky, I can meet you on the battlefield, my friends.

If you are not lucky enough, then Maris, remember to wait for me at Redridge Mountain, and we will go to Duskwood together to fulfill the orders of the Pope.

As for you, Shaw.

After overthrowing your big devil grandma, you probably still have a lot of work to do. This time, we Templar Assassin will not take you with us.

After finishing these things, I will continue my journey to the sea. I guess I won't be able to come here for a while, but I will send someone to contact you. Don't forget to help me train my agents.

Also, hold back the howling darkness inside you.

The next time we meet, I hope to see a normal version of you, not a coward who wants to succumb to the temptation of darkness."

"If you defeat my grandma and become a master assassin, it means that my family will lose that honorary title. Grandma is old, and the responsibility to regain that title will fall on my shoulders."

Shore stood up, he was very serious, and said to Bo Laike:

"So I won't join your faction. I will form my own faction in the future, and I don't want to be subordinate to you, an incomprehensible pirate."

"I have a military status, and the Far Traveler Legion is very strict in this regard."

Maris also moved his shoulders, and regretfully said to the pirate:

"Furthermore, I'm not interested in Ravenholdt's organization either. I don't think I'm suitable for walking in the dark, so I can't join your faction either."

"You two guys!"

Bu Laike wrinkled the word "Chuan" on his forehead and said:

"Are you being disrespectful to my highness? I've changed my mind. I want to take back the titles bestowed on you and continue to be ordinary people."

"But we'll join another faction."

Shaw glanced back at Nathanos, who held out his hand to Bo Laike and said:

"The name of that faction, it's called 'Friends.' It doesn't matter if your name is Boo Laike or Drake or whatever, trust me, in the dark, you'll never walk alone."

"What are you doing so provocatively?"

Nathanos complained harshly, but the ranger also reached out and placed it on Shaw's palm.

He looked at the pirate and shrugged.


"Why are you looking at me? He's said so much, can I still refuse? I'm not a heartless person, he's had a miserable past.

He now needs a good friend to adjust, so as not to let him lose his way in the monster he played. "

"Well, it's like a child's play house, are you two stupid?"

The pirate blew a whistle and sneered maliciously.

But he did not hesitate.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on Nathanos' palm. The next moment, the hands of the three were tightly held together, and the three handsome guys looked at each other, showing quite amorous feelings.

Bu Laike felt that this situation was not right, and remembered the bad news about Shaw.

Then he said in a very unsightly way:

"Now, I announce that you two are also non-staff members of the Undead Pirates. I will leave two ships for you, and I will keep them for you.

Until the moment you set foot on the sea, I will proudly announce to the whole world that you will be protected by the king of the sea, and no one can harm you on that never-quiet sea of ​​plunder. "

"When you leave your sea territory, when you set foot on land... no one can hurt you anymore!"

Mathias Shaw closed his eyes and felt the wind blowing above his head. Under the sun, he said very seriously:

"On this continent that will make you weak, we will protect you as you protect us."

Nathanos, who was deeply influenced by the romantic culture of elves, concluded at the last moment:

"We will form a bond of friendship, and swords and daggers and arrows will ring for each other! We will call each other brothers until death. Until death is stepped on!"

"We're going to do big things, we're going to change the world."

The pirate felt the strength of the palm in his middle hand, he showed a slight smile, and said in a deep voice:

"The world will cheer and thank us and fear us, it must, and it must!"

(end of this chapter)

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