Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 214 33. Arathi, Your Emperor Is Back!

Chapter 214 33. Arathi, your emperor is back!

After Laike told the three of them about the strange things that happened in the Tirisfal region seven thousand years ago, no one bothered him for the rest of the way.

The great knight no longer tried to bring the son of his comrade-in-arms back to the "right path" of the Holy Light.

This is exactly what the pirate wants, and no one bothers him to "study".

In fact, a large part of the reason why Laike told the damn story was to gag the three people so that they wouldn't babble any more.

His revelations were ruthless enough to win him the peace he wanted.


The dim light flickered on a forest rabbit, as if an invisible hand had strangled the rabbit's life, causing the little animal to twitch for a moment.

Its red eyes were wide open, bloodshot all over, and it let out a cry of pain. The lovely and snow-white body could only lie on the ground, twitching in the inability to move, desperately waiting for death to come.

But in the next moment, the painful power that erupted from the body suddenly disappeared.

It made the little rabbit feel like a nightmare had passed, it jumped up quickly, and ran back to its nest, hiding in it and shivering.

"Well, the curse of pain is very useful."

The pirate who was climbing the rugged mountain road to the vast mountains in the northwest of Tirisfal laughed and closed the dark tome in his hand.

At his fingertips, there is still the afterglow of shadow magic that has not yet dissipated.

And in the skill column of the character card that belongs to the Warlock slot, there is also a new skill, Curse of Pain.

Its working principle is as simple and crude as other warlock magic. It injects shadow magic power into the target body, tortures the internal organs of the opponent, and disintegrates their power with the most real pain.

The more skillful you are at manipulating shadow magic, the more damage this curse will cause, and the more magic you inject, the better the effect of the curse of pain.

The most wonderful thing is that the curse magic of the warlock is instant.

There is no need to chant a spell, it is best used for Yin people.

"Doing something good once in a while always pays off."

The pirate patted the tome of curse in his hand with a satisfied face. This thing was one of the "rewards" paid by Archmage Ansrem to Bo Laike.

From an unnamed orc warlock.

Many kinds of curse magic are recorded in it.

Curse of Pain is the most basic and simple.

There are also weakness curses that can temporarily disintegrate power, fatigue curses that can make enemies drowsy and unable to move, language curses that can prevent spellcasters from chanting spells, and elemental curses that are specially used to deal with incorporeal elemental creatures, etc.

At the end, it also records the ultimate curse developed by warlock magic up to now: doom spell.

This thing can implant the devil's seed in the enemy's body without knowing it. It is controlled by the warlock and can exist for a long time until the warlock needs it to detonate the curse.

While causing terrible pain to the enemy, by the way, consume the enemy's soul to summon the powerful doomguard to fight for the warlock.

But such an ultimate curse is not so easy to learn, and Braike has to learn from the simplest. He threw the tome of curse back into his magic luggage, and took out another tome of corruption, which was somewhat broken.

Before the grimoire was finished, its owner died.

Therefore, there are not many warlock magics recorded above, but they are all valuable. It can teach pirates how to use the power of shadow to corrupt the enemy's body and drain their life or magic power.

Contrary to the goal of orthodox spellcasters to use magic to explore the world, all warlock magic is produced for the purpose of killing and destroying.

The practicality of the two sides is completely different.

No wonder in the world of Dellano, since the birth of warlock magic, the traditional shamanism and spiritism of the orcs have become neglected.

This thing is too tempting for those who need strength.

"Bo Laike, don't look at that grimoire, come here! We have found the lake in the mountain you mentioned."

An arcane eye jumped out, and from it came the voice of the old lich.

The pirate's tireless study was interrupted, and he felt that the good time of fishing was always short, so he stretched himself, put away the grimoire in his hand, and pushed his pirate hat again.

Throw the hook lock in the direction of Meri, jump onto the branches in the dense forest, and swish through the shadows of the branches like a nimble ninja.

At this time, a day and a half had passed since they set off from Lordaeron, and the four separated, and they were currently searching for their destination in the ancient mountains on the border of Tirisfal.

It's not far away.

When they cruised through this lush forest with almost no roads, they could all feel an obscure magic power lying under this land, and the part that revealed the surface was faint, but real.

This directly proves that the news provided by the pirates is true.

Underneath the Tirisfal region, there really are secrets that human civilization has not yet discovered, and this power is very strange, it only exists in the central area of ​​this inaccessible mountain range.

Once you leave the mountain range, even at the foot of the mountain, you won't notice it at all.

"There! Listen, there's water flowing in that valley surrounded by mountains."

When Bu Laike arrived, the old lich raised the Atiesh staff in his hand, with the light of teleportation, dancing on the top of the drum stick, he said to the three behind him:

"Come here, I will teleport everyone there at once. It is a weird place, and there is no way to pass around."

The next second, with the light of transmission shining, the four people were sent from the top of the mountain, across a cliff-like rift, to a closed valley surrounded by mountains.

"Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for land changes to form such a terrain."

The old lich leaned on his staff and looked at the weird valley in front of him.

It is the size of a magnificent city, but the surrounding area is desolate, especially near the central lake, without even a single tree.

The lake in front of me is also strange.

The large lake is a pool of stagnant water, with black light lingering on its water waves, revealing a terrifying ominousness.

"This valley didn't come naturally, Merry."

Bu Laike looked around and observed. While looking for the remaining traces, he turned on the "tour guide mode" and said:

"This valley and the surrounding mountains were formed in a prehistoric explosion. If I tell you that the entire Tirisfal region was once a plain, don't be surprised.

Well, I found it! "

The pirate beckoned to the three people behind him, and rushed into the forest quickly.

The great knight no longer disguised himself, pulled down his hood to reveal the silver armor on his body, and held the epee in his hand, guarding Pope Fao at every step.

Leaning on the priest's staff, the Pope himself, together with the old lich, marched in the direction led by Bu Laike.

In a sparse forest, they found an ancient shrine, which was completely different from the shrines built by existing humans. It was a large black stone tablet.

There are traces of man-made digging, as if trying to shape it into a clenched fist.

But the carving is very poor, and only a rough shape can be barely seen. On this ancient, half-weathered stone tablet, there are still some weird inscriptions, which remain there like words.

"This is the language of the Vrykul, no, it should be said to be the language of the ancient Iron Vrykul. The Vrykul of Northrend probably can't recognize these words now."

The pirate half-kneeled in front of the stele, and like a real archaeologist, he reached out and wiped off the moss on the stele. He pointed to the engraving, turned back and said to the three people:

"This is the meaning of 'Fall of Tyr' in the ancient Vrykul language, and it happens to be 'Tirisfal' when pronounced with a Vrykul accent.

Look at these black spots on the stele again.

These are the blood of our ancestors who cut their palms in memory of the god Tyr. It's a pity that after more than seven thousand years, we, who claim to be civilized, have forgotten our noble origins. "

Bu Laike winked at the three and said:

"Human beings are the descendants of gods, and they are all fake. Your Majesty, you can write this sentence in your teachings in the future to promote the legitimacy of human civilization.

The place where we are is the place where the god Tyr fell, maybe you can consider building a church or something here. "

"Here? Church?"

The pope was amused by the pirate's words.

The old man shook his head, looking at the impenetrable valley in all directions, he said softly:

"Even if this is really the place where the gods fell, it is not worth the human kingdom to spend manpower and material resources to open up the passage here.

If the gods really existed, then he would not be willing to see his descendants use their precious power on this kind of mourning. "

"No, no, Your Majesty, you still don't understand the significance of the Holy Light here."

The pirate shook his head. He bowed towards the stele in front of him, then turned around and strode towards the pool in the middle of the valley. While walking, he said:

"The sacred holy deeds carried by the great knight Dathrohan are processed from the oldest holy relics preserved by the Church of the Holy Light, but the first generation of Holy Lightwalkers actually only picked them up in the Tirisfal region.

The ancestors only knew that those fragments could make them feel the Holy Light, but they didn't know where they came from.

Those fragments came from among the stars, and the reason why they appeared in the Tirisfal region is because of the land before our eyes.

Your Majesty, this place is the starting point of the Holy Light blooming in this world,

And this valley is the source of your faith. "

He walked quickly to the pool of the lake, squatted there, stretched out his hand to shake the icy lake water, and looked back at His Majesty Faol and the great knight Dathrohan behind him.


"Under this lake, there is an ancient artifact that can transform the belief in the Holy Light. Emperor Thoradin lost his life in his later years because he pursued its legend.

It was a terrible and honorable failure.

But I think we should not fail this time. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate stood up, made a "please" gesture, and said to the big knight in front of him:

"Great knight, as the most powerful man, you invite first."

Facing this invitation, Dathrohan was not afraid, and went forward with his big sword in hand.

As a paladin, it was his duty to open the way and guard, and his beliefs did not allow him to evade this responsibility. The old lich cast another levitation spell on him to keep his heavy enchanted armor from dragging him to the bottom and drowning.

While Dathrohan was advancing, the pirate took a few steps back furtively, and even made a look of watching the show.

The old lich noticed this detail.

He took a few steps back calmly.

And the moment Dathrohan raised his boots and touched the cold and dark lake, a gloomy chill suddenly erupted under the water.

The tall figure roared and emerged from the boiling water.

Its blood-red fighting spirit flutters, blooming in the form of flourishing flowers like anger.

This punch wrapped in blood-red anger hit the breastplate of the Dathrohan Grand Knight who was caught off guard, causing the Grand Knight who had reached legendary strength under the blessing of the Holy Light to be knocked backwards.

It was like being hit head-on with a battering ram.

He plowed the ground with his feet, drawing two deep cut marks on the edge of the lake.

Suddenly encountered an attack, the enemy in front of him was threatening with a coldness, causing the holy light on the great knight to sway, and immediately stepped forward to fight back, but was trapped in place by the old lich with ice magic, and heard Faol His Majesty called urgently:

"Sai Dan, don't be rude! Step back!"

The big knight looked at the tall human being in the form of a ghost floating on the water in front of him. He was obviously shocked. Then he inserted his sword into the soil and knelt down on one knee to pay tribute to the person in front of him.

The old Pope Fao even stepped forward with his holy staff.

Even the old Lich Meri Dongfeng stood up straight at this moment, showing respect.

The pirate even made an exaggerated gesture of meeting the king, pressing down the head of the little murloc in his arms, making it show the most sincere respect to the person in front of him.

Alonsus Faol put his hand on his heart, suppressed his inner excitement, and said in a reverent tone:

"Arathi and the emperor of all kingdoms, the co-lord of mankind in the millennium legend, the supremely glorious king of Stromgarde, His Majesty Emperor Thoradin!"

"Your descendants, salute you!"

(end of this chapter)

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