Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 209 28. Hell, The Spellcasters In This City Are So Unfriendly!

Chapter 209 28. Hell, the spellcasters in this city are so unfriendly!

"Does it make any difference?"

In the alley under the night in Dalaran, the mage with the kitten on his shoulder in front of him watched the pirates prepare to roll the dice, and said with great interest:

"Are you one of those idiots who call random things lucky?"

"Very talkative, my friend. I guess you're not very popular in Dalaran."

The pirate blew on the dice in his hand, made a throwing motion, and said:

"For the sake of your curiosity, let me explain to you.

If the points are not as expected, I am going to make up a lie to deceive you. After all, this is your territory, and the trouble is too big to end. "

"Then what if the points are as you like?"

As soon as the mage spoke, he saw Bu Laike throw the dice into the air, a slight fluorescent light flickered on the dice, and it fell steadily into Bu Laike's hands.

The pirate buckled the dice, without looking at the points, several lines of words flashed on the character card:

Roll the Die of Bones to get Bwonsamdi's hug.

Bwonsamdi spurned you and made an obscene gesture to you.

Bwonsamdi gives you more power.

Roll the Bones dice to gain Jani's dexterity.

Gani mocked you and wants you to live to bring it more bling.

gani gave you more power

Roll the fate bone dice and get Akunda's new life.

Akunda's rest was disturbed by you, and he thought you were a bit annoying, but he had a good impression of you.

Akunda gives you more power!

Roll the Die of Bones and gain Sirik's Stealth.

Sirik has heard your story, and Sirik is thinking.

Sirik gave you a little power.


Four consecutive lights of different colors flashed past the pirate.

He stared at Bwonsamdi's Embrace + Gani's Swiftness + Akunda's Rebirth + Sirik's Concealment in his state, and the quadruple BUFF added to his body made Bo Laike feel that he could kill a tauren with one punch.

He winked at the mage in front of him and said:

"Looks like I'm lucky, turn around and run, little cat boy, the big villain is coming to beat you up."


Responding to him was Kel'Thuzad's tap of his staff, and the arcane explosion detonated at his position. The violet streamer exploded like a thousand feathers on the spot.

The ground and the walls on both sides were cracked visible to the naked eye.

Although this magic is the basic magic of arcane mages, but it can be used silently like Kel'Thuzad, and can choose the position at will. It can be seen that the mage in front of him is a stubborn stubble.

The problem is, Bo Laike is not easy to deal with.

One second before the arcane explosion took effect, the pirate turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared under the night. It was no nonsense to enter stealth, and he started the Shadow Dance, and he rushed behind Kel'Thuzad with a single shadow step.

The flaming long sword in his left hand ignited a one-meter-long blade, and the devil's strike in his right hand was held back, and the precise and fierce gouge hit the back of the mage's head.

His stealth has already reached the master level, moistening things silently, coupled with the hidden blessing of the midnight lord Sirik, allowing the stealth to temporarily break through to the legendary level.

An initiative hit the mage on the back of the head hard.

Although blocked by the ice shield.

But these two weapons of Bu Laike have the effect of destroying demons, and the additional shadow damage of the shadow master is attached. He easily cut open the shield, and the black dagger rubbed against the mage's neck and stabbed down.


The flash technique was on, and the rapid teleportation within a short distance made the fatal blow smash into the air.

A spellcaster who can reach a high-level mage can't say anything about other magic, but the life-saving flashing technique has definitely been practiced to perfection.

But Kel'Thuzad, who flashed out, was covered in cold sweat, and there was a bleeding wound on his neck. It was not long, only the length of a finger egg, but it still represented the danger of the situation just now.

He threw the awakened kitten behind his neck, gripped the staff tightly with both hands, and quickly cast a stealth detection magic on himself, which instantly magnified his senses several times.

But no bird.

There was still no trace of the assassin in the surrounding shadows, and there was no sound at all except for the meowing of the kitten.

The assassin's assassination just now did not break the shadow.

He was still hiding in the darkness, like a cold-blooded killer, watching his every move, ready to launch another fatal attack at any time.

"A bit rash."

The mage looked around and thought to himself:

"This should at least be a high-level assassin, no, I didn't feel any fluctuations in the shadow at all, this should be a master assassin.

It is too irrational to start a war with such an opponent without being prepared. But when did such a dangerous person come to the city of Dalaran?

Don't the mages who specialize in combat care? "

Bu Laike was hiding in the shadows. He was squatting silently on the window sill at the edge of the alley, like an owl squatting there, condescendingly looking down at the mages in the alley.

"The current Kel'Thuzad is really immature. He was born in Banquo, and he always casts spells with a strict eye. He should still be in the stage of studying magic, far from mature.

Probably didn't start to study psychic magic, too bad.

Well, you can see that too from Mr. Bigworth.

It's still a kitten, it hasn't grown up yet. "

A malicious smile appeared on the pirate's face.

He thought:

"Hurry up and seize the opportunity to bully you. After you start studying spiritism and become a big boss, you won't be so easy to bully."

Thinking of this, the pirate stood upright, like a sea harrier stalking a predator, with his arms outstretched, floating in the shadows, diving towards the vigilant Kel'Thuzad below with a leap of faith.

Garona's teachings came to mind.

Death From Above. Phase 1.

The shadow gathers and wraps around, concentrating the attack power on one point to break the surface!


The beating blazing long sword collided with the ice shield maintained by Kel'Thuzad, and the collision of flames and frost splashed dancing sparks in the dark alley.

"I got you!"

The mage raised his head, and while maintaining the ice shield, the light of arcane magic lit up on the staff, and the arcane barrage ready to go was like a heavy cannon about to be fired.

The concentration of its magic power brought a chilling Weng Ming sound around.

"No, I caught you, Kitty Man."

The pirate's playful voice sounded, and he appeared from the shadows.

Death From Above. Phase 2.

Strip off the shadow battle suit, turn the shadows that can be controlled into blade-shaped shadow blades to wrap around, assist with the most lethal attack, and defeat the enemy's defense from top to bottom.


Under the wide-eyed gaze of the mage, the Shadow Blade composed of hundreds of floating shadows, like a flock of howling and preying crows, poured out from the Assassin Zhou She.

It was also like a whirling blade storm, "swallowing" the mage who was held in place in an instant.

Those flying shadow blades turned into a scarlet shadow storm after interlacing for a moment, that is.


It is a shadow blade stained red by the spurted blood.

The silhouette of the pirate appeared behind the mage in the black smoke, and he was still maintaining his slashing movement, but no blood flowed from the dark blade of the demon strike.

Only flying ice chips.

He glanced back, and the shadow storm dissipated like a flock of crows flying, leaving behind an ice sculpture that was cut to pieces by the shadow blade, covered with icy crumbs, and exuding cold air.

When Kel'Thuzad sensed a fatal threat, he decisively activated the strongest defense of the mages, freezing himself in ice and snow.

But the magic robe on his body has been cut miserably by the shadow storm.

On the arms, chest, waist and abdomen, there were wounds cut by sharp knives.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be like this."

Bu Laike glanced at the ice sculpture, and the flaming blade of the flaming sword in his hand went out with a whoosh. He squatted down, and with three fingers, lifted the trembling black and white kitten by his feet into the air.

In its soft and fearful cry, it said to Kel'Thuzad who was frozen in place in front of him:

"I avoided your heart, neck, and head, I didn't intend to hurt you, otherwise I would have directly wiped your neck in the first surprise attack just now.

I'm guessing, you must have failed your Magic Combat class, or haven't been in much combat.

The basic skills are solid, the theory of magic is at your fingertips, the movements of casting spells are elegant and precise, and you have powerful power, but you don't know how to use it very much.

All academic mages from Banco are like this. "

"Let go of my cat!"

Amidst the sound of ice shattering, Kel'Thuzad, who was exuding a chill all over his body, leaned on his staff, and roared loudly at Laike like a tiger whose taboo had been touched, regardless of his injured body.

He looked like he was about to rush over.

But he was also afraid of hurting the little milk cat held by the pirates, so he seemed a little timid.

"Hey, you can't do this. Don't you mages often say that dependence on material is a betrayal of spirit?"

Laike frowned and glanced at the kitten in his hand, the black and white kitten stared at him with big cute eyes, with a look of fear on its small face.

"Well, look at you, how cute and cute you are."

The pirate chuckled and lifted the kitten in front of him, kissed it on the forehead, and threw the gnawing kitten back at the angry young mage.

The latter didn't even want his staff, and let it stand by his side.

Hold the kitten in your arms with your hands up, like holding the most precious thing.

"You asked me two questions."

Bo Laike, still in his Gilnean trader attire, picked up the top hat he had left aside, patted the dust off it, and put the hat on his head.

Say to Kel'Thuzad in front of you:

"As a Master Assassin, I pardon your offense and return your kitten, and I have given you two answers. So, please go back, Mister Kel'Thuzad.

There is one more little suggestion for you.

The next time you're going to initiate a war, it's best to make sure you can win in advance. In addition, Antonidas is really not a good teacher, look what he taught you in the rough.

Find a new mentor early, while you still have time to save. "

After finishing speaking, he nodded politely to the embarrassed mage in front of him, took a step back with his suitcase in hand, let the shadows wrap him, and disappeared into the darkness of the alley.

But he didn't take a few steps.

When walking around to another alley, seven or eight dark blue magic eyes flew out from the arcane vortex in all directions, blocking the assassin in this alley.

Bo Laike's face darkened.

The next moment, a swaying portal opened in front of his eyes, a figure walked out of the door, waved his hand, and a faint blue arcane curtain descended, blocking both ends of the alley.

In addition, the arcane eye that can detect stealth roams back and forth, and the water element summoning magic that is ready to go.

This is the standard tactic for experienced mages to deal with the threat of assassins.

And what appeared in front of him was a middle-aged man.

With a serious and calm face, he holds a magnificent staff of the archmage, wears a blue robe, a violet coat of arms on his chest, and a sapphire headband on his head.

As he stood in the middle of the alley, the magic around him immediately boiled.

"Damn it! I knew that the spellcasters in your city, the lunatics, are not friendly at all! The young ones were beaten, and the old ones came. What Ms. Aegwynn said was right.

Orthodox mages are the worst! "

Seeing the person in front of him appear, the pirate waved his hand and took out the Usales scythe from his bag while complaining.

This guy, at first glance, is not as easy to deal with as the immature Kel'Thuzad.

But pirates have nothing to fear.

Maybe you can't beat it.

But definitely escaped.

Don't be cowardly!

Just do it!

(end of this chapter)

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