Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1982 6. Azeroth Holiday Eternity And Remembering

Chapter 1982 6. Azeroth Holiday Eternity and Remembering

One Hundred and One Years of the Dark Portal, Winter.

Nearly a week before Winter Veil, a far-reaching event happened in the northern border of the eastern continent.

The Grand Duchess of the Northern Territory of the Human Empire and the Duke of Lordaeron, Mrs. Calia Menethil, caught a cold when she went out to inspect the frontier. After returning to the palace of Lordaeron City, she fell ill. There are gossip that the Church of the Holy Light Because of this, His Holiness Pope Partress returned urgently from the front line of the eternal bloody battle to personally treat the Grand Duchess, and the conclusions he drew were really not optimistic.

And this year, the 124-year-old Grand Duchess once again rejected the church's request for the light casting ceremony. She longed to calmly welcome the moment of her death like a late mortal.

The entire city of Lordaeron, Northern Xinjiang, and even the human empire have been plunged into a sad scene. In the past few days, the capital of Northern Xinjiang has appeared in an endless stream of dignitaries from all walks of life. People who visit the Grand Duchess, but only the most distinguished among them are eligible to be invited to the court.

This is not only because the Grand Duchess is a sincere believer who does not like extravagant court affairs, and has always adhered to a simple and friendly style throughout her life, but also because the Grand Duchess's physical condition is deteriorating.

She really doesn't have the energy to receive so many guests.

And this kind of incessant visits continued until His Majesty the Emperor Varian Wrynn brought his first successor Ms. Miasas Menethil Proudmoore from the expedition to the Fel Kingdom. The peak was reached when the battlefield returned.

No one in the human empire knows how close the personal relationship between His Majesty the Emperor and the Grand Duchess Jia Liya is. His Majesty the Emperor regards the Grand Duchess as his eldest sister no matter in public or in private, and the eldest sister of the Emperor He also unequivocally stood by his younger brother in the political storm that brought the imperial power to its peak when the seven kingdoms were downgraded to an imperial dominion.

It can be said that these two almost legendary figures are the perfect example of the real existence of the royal family.

Although the political turmoil that almost triggered the civil war in the countries was already an old thing seventy years ago, it would only appear in the occasional chats of the old men, and the young people did not care about these old things at all, they just read them in the history textbook They have learned this knowledge in school, but now they just fanatically worship His Majesty the Emperor who is about to abdicate and take over the power of natural disasters.

However, in these years, whenever His Majesty the Emperor set out on an expedition, the Grand Duchess Jialia and several other Grand Dukes would jointly govern and maintain the internal affairs of the empire, and His Majesty the Emperor officially announced fifteen years ago that the only heir of the Grand Duchess would be established as the heir of the empire. It is enough to show that the heavy politics did not affect this family relationship that is not connected by blood.

However, what the people know is often only the details of the real history. For these legendary characters, there are always some details that are ignored or deliberately concealed behind these generally correct stories.

"The Commander of the Imperial Fleet, Admiral, Grand Duchess Jaina Proudmoore of Kul Tiras is here!"

In the reminder of the solemn and singing voice of the court attendant, Lady Jaina, who was wearing a blue and white navy admiral's robe and a sea blue cloak, strode forward accompanied by her husband Alsace Menethil Walked into this ancient palace.

The little princess back then is no longer young.

A hundred years have passed in a blink of an eye, and the little girl who once followed behind the big brother to witness the changes in the world now also has gray hair, but there is a witty blond hair in the white hair, which represents her identity and blood.

But as one of the most powerful spellcasters in Azeroth and even among the stars, her face still maintains the charm of the most beautiful mature age, and besides the beauty, there is also a so heavy that people dare not look directly at it. momentum.

Even though she is already a 113-year-old "grandmother", Ms. Jaina is still on the list every year in the "Empire Beauty Ranking" selected by the people every year.

However, for ancient blood descendants like the Proudmoore family, their pure ancient human bloodline allows them to easily live to around 150 years old, coupled with the magical blessing of being a near-god spellcaster, Jaina Today's age can basically be regarded as "in the prime of life", just like the swordsman husband beside her who also has white hair but is still straight, they still have a lot of time to enjoy life.

Uh, in fact, these two famous "fairy couples" of Azeroth have just returned from vacation in the world of Dellano, and they plan to have another child in the next few years

Although they already have seven sons and three daughters, how to say it? The husband-wife relationship between the two is probably still full of the passion of young people.


When Jaina walked into the outer hall of the Grand Duchess Calia's bedroom with her staff in her hand, a blond girl who was sitting upright on the sofa like the best knight, who was unwilling to take off her armor even when she was resting, immediately Standing up, he bowed his head to Jaina solemnly.

"Mia Sass."

Jaina and her husband exchanged glances.

She stepped forward quickly and looked at the face of the female knight in front of her. This was a face that would amaze all the Proudmoore family.

Especially Jaina and Arthas, every time they see this face, they will think of the guy who has become a myth.

And this girl named "Mia Sass" does combine all the advantages of the Menethil family and the Proudmoore family. She not only has the beautiful face of the Grand Duchess Calia, but also has a pair of iconic sea blue. The gentle eyes like a lover, especially the blond hair, are like gold casting.

The girl in front of me is already a hundred years old.

But time has left no trace on her at all.

Everyone who sees her will be infected by the perfect temperament of the heir to the empire, but the most attractive thing about her is not her face or eyes, or her perfect figure that is so exaggerated that it is indescribable, but the beauty behind her. "Unique Decoration".

A pair of wings folded like a cape behind a specially made armor.

Well, the real wings are not distorted creations of alienated life forms, nor are they weird lives created by crazy magicians or druids.

When this child was born in this palace on a stormy night a hundred years ago, he had such a pair of white, wide and imposing wings.

Therefore, she was enthusiastically called "Angel Princess" by the people of the empire.

But only those who are closest to Mia Sass know that this noble girl actually doesn't like these unique things about herself.

"Your Majesty is talking to mother, you may have to wait a while."

Mia Sass said to his aunt and uncle with a blank expression and a hint of worry and fatigue:

"Little Uncle Tanrad was painting the last portrait for his mother there. My mother said that she hoped that she could have the last painting left in the palace. In addition, my mother also told me to let my uncle come back to inherit the palace. "

"What do I want this palace for?"

Alsace, who was full of white hair and had a beard, looked like a sword in a sheath, curled his lips and said:

"It's full of decay. After my sister passes away, I will open it to the public, or donate it to the empire's orphans as a school. Speaking of which, it's already this time, and your father hasn't come back yet?"

As soon as Alsace finished speaking, his wife twisted his back severely with a magic hand, and the Imperial Sword Master bared his teeth in pain.

People who are over a hundred years old can't learn not to talk nonsense, right?

Sure enough, when Alsace said the word "father", Mia Sass, who was already expressionless, looked even uglier. She clenched her fists tightly, and even the white wings on her back slightly opened out of anger. open some.

She gritted her teeth and whispered:

"That damned man better never come back, or I'll kill him with a sword!"

"Mia Sass! Shut up!"

Jaina's complexion changed slightly, she scolded:

"The person you claim to stab to death with a single sword is your father, your mother's lifelong love, my big brother, the founder of the empire, and the protector of countless civilizations in Azeroth.

His followers are all over the world and even the stars.

If your words are spread out, an unnecessary storm will be caused in an instant. Countless people will lose their lives because of your unintentional words, and even the eternal bloody battle that has just settled down will cause waves again.

You don't have to like him!

But you have to respect him. "

"Grand Duke Jaina is right at all, Your Highness."

A cold voice appeared next to the three nobles like a ghost, and amidst the entanglement of shadows, an old man with hunched waist, wearing an assassin's robe and covering his face quietly appeared.

He said to the angry heir to the empire in a tone of respect and persuasion:

"That adult is open-minded, and he may not care that his most beloved daughter is so hostile to him, but as the future emperor of the empire, you should learn to control this out-of-control anger.

After all, as the Minister of Intelligence, I am also a believer in that lord. I want to dedicate my loyalty to you, but I must also be loyal to my beliefs.

You should not say such disrespectful words on such an occasion. "

"Master Xiao, just take it as me begging you, don't meddle in it, okay?"

Jaina rubbed her forehead and said with an irritable look:

"This is a family matter, don't raise it to the height of an empire."

"I understand, Your Excellency."

The old man Xiao Er, who was getting old and seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, grinned, showing several teeth that had already fallen out, and he said meaningfully:

"It can be a family conflict.

But His Highness must be aware of her problem. Her father never left her, but she stubbornly believes that her father is a failure. "

"Why can't I say that?"

Mia Sass has always been a stable successor and an extremely talented paladin. She has become a legend at the age of twenty, and stepped into the demigod realm at the age of forty. Now, before her centenary birthday, she has touched To the concept of Godhead.

After the current Emperor His Majesty abdicates, the rule initiated by her will inevitably bring the human empire, which has now begun to set foot in the stars, to a new pinnacle of civilization.

And it is foreseeable that this rule will last at least three hundred years.

She is perfect in every sense of the word.

But her father who originated from the myth is her biggest weakness. At this moment, under the complicated gaze of her aunt and uncle, this highness, who has never lost his composure in front of outsiders, screamed with flushed face. :

"He didn't show up when I was born! He didn't show up when grandpa was buried! Grandpa and grandma's ship disappeared on the Styx River. The whole world is looking for my relatives, but he still hasn't shown up!

I thought it was the test of my godlike father, I tried my best, and when I killed the first big demon with my own hands, I almost died in a pool of my own blood.

At that time, I only hoped that my father would give me a word of approval, but until I woke up in my mother's arms, I never saw his shadow.

When Anduin and I got engaged, the whole world and even the stars sent blessings to us, but he just let his scumbag lover send a pair of armor and a sword.

Where was he when my first child was born?

Now my mother is about to leave me and this world, and my dearest mother will never forget at the end of her life the man who has almost never been with her for a hundred years

I hate him!

I have every reason to hate him, don't I? "

Mia Sass took a few steps back. In the wind with her wings spread, she looked at her relatives with red eyes. Perhaps it was the pressure of her mother's imminent death that made this perfect princess almost collapse.

She yelled uncontrollably:

"For you, he is the perfect big brother, the perfect leader, the perfect god, the perfect savior and protector, every place in this world has those exaggerated and miraculous stories he left behind.

But so what?

In my eyes, he is an unqualified father! A failed husband, I still don't know how to tell my children about their grandpa!

They can only piece together the impression of the great and perfect grandfather from the books.

I can't even tell my kids that their grandpa is an amorous jerk!

My mother loved him so much, she dedicated her life to waiting alone, but how did he respond to my mother?

Am I wrong in saying I should kill him? "

There was a dead silence in the whole palace.

Jaina bit her lip, as if she was disappointed with her niece and wanted to tell some truth, but Arthas reached out to stop her. The Minister of Intelligence of the Empire, His Excellency Shaw, shook his head and disappeared into the shadows.

In the panting anger of Mia Sass, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and Tandred Proudmoore, who was holding the drawing board, walked out of it.

Compared with his still handsome sister, Tenred, who is the same age as Jaina, is really old.

Throughout his life, he was just an ordinary person who had not dabbled in power, and now he has entered the twilight years of his life, but as a lifelong honorary professor of Narsalas College and a world-renowned artist, he is protected by various magical potions and healing magic , so that Tandred can still live for a few more decades.

However, this casual and unrestrained great artist probably doesn't want to live anymore, and it may be that he just broke up with his hot and enthusiastic fifty-third Draenei girlfriend last month, which caused him to be a little depressed.

In short, the handsome fellow did not notice the strange atmosphere in the palace.

He glanced back at Varian Wrynn, who was full of white hair and had begun to reveal the same hairstyle as Lothar's Mediterranean powerhouse. He said:

"Let's leave it to my big brother and my sister-in-law for the last time, maybe they want to say something? What are you doing? Is this a fight?

Mia Sass, put down your salameni!

Big Brother didn't send you back a perfect replica of his saber so you could point it at your loved ones! Don't you even listen to the Uncle? "

"Who did you say was inside!"

Mia Sass no longer cares about these.

She stared at Tenred with red eyes, and the somewhat off-line artist blinked and said:

"Who else? My big brother, uh, your father wait! You can't enter! Silly boy, your time is not up yet, you can't meet him now!


Stop her! "

But it's too late.

Rao Jaina reacted quickly and threw the ice storm that froze the entire palace, Rao Alsace turned into dozens of continuous mirror images to block the angel princess, Rao Varian opened his arms and erupted a terrifying holy Light Fury tried to stop it, but they all underestimated the agility of an angel blood descendant who had touched the godhead when he accelerated in an instant.

Just like a flash of golden light, Mia Sass, who had been "protected" by everyone for a hundred years, entered the place she shouldn't have entered.

And what appeared in front of her was a picture of her mother, who was old and dying, but still maintained a young face, wearing a nightgown and kissing an old man with a white beard who looked like a young man by the bed.

The old man was dressed as a sailor.

On the rolled-up sleeves of the smock you can see those exaggerated, weird and flirtatious tattoos, and he looks very old, but his waist is still straight, and there is a black pirate hat thrown on the bed beside him.


A sigh echoed in the warm bedroom. His Excellency Braike supported his frail wife, and gently stroked her long hair that had not faded with time. Daughter Calia Menethil, who was about to return to the cycle of life and death, At the end of his life, the Grand Duke had no idea to interfere more.

She just wanted to leave this world quietly in her husband's gentle arms.

The only thing that has changed is Princess Mia Sass. The moment she saw her father's eyes with her own eyes, the memory from the previous life burst out of the shell in an instant.

Memories belonging to the eldest daughter Grystia pierced her mind like red-hot iron needles, causing Angel Princess to scream and fall to the ground, while Jaina and Tenred, who were driven over, hugged her tightly in her arms .

"I leave you this one and only thing!"

Bu Laike hugged his wife who had closed his eyes. His appearance and state at this time were very similar to that of old Dai Lin, and he scolded dissatisfiedly:

"I will let my little sister and my little brother protect my daughter, let her not get close to me, let her not think of the memories of those damned eternals who are sealed, let her be happy with the will of a mortal Live your life!

For this reason, when I come back every month to make out with my wife, I have to be sneaky and like a thief. This kind of life has lasted for a whole hundred years!

Although this has a different taste, this poor little guy is my daughter after all.

Look at her in pain now, this is not what I want to see. "

"Can this be our fault?"

Grand Duchess Jaina, who is full of majesty and dignity in front of outsiders, immediately returned to the role of the mischievous and spoiled sister when she saw the big brother.

She gritted her teeth and cursed:

"Isn't it because you and your female boss are unreliable? It's been said that it's a reincarnation of the cycle of life and death! Why do you still have the memory of the Eternal?

This is your daughter and my niece!

I love her and care about her as much as you do.

You bastard big brother. "

"Hey, it's too late to say this now, you take my precious daughter out first to let her calm down."

Bu Laike waved his hands, tightly hugged Calia who was already crumbling in his arms, and said:

"I'll send my wife off for the last time, and then I'll go see her. It's going to be okay. I've been preparing for it all the time. God, save the last time for a loving couple who are about to be separated forever. ?

Even if I beg you. "

Amid the lord Cthulhu's complaints, the chaotic palace quickly returned to calm.

He gently picked up Jialia and put her back on the bed, and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to caress Jialia's blessed face that was not aging.

And the Grand Duchess lying on the bed also opened her eyes, just like the shyness and tenderness of her youth, looking at her husband who has grown old in time, this is of course just a trick of the gods, but Jia Liya still showed weakness laughter.

She said softly:

"I suddenly regretted it."


Bo Laike pushed her hair away from her eyes and said:

"Do you want to give up your stubbornness and stay by my side forever?

Yes, I can help you lightforge now, so that we can travel together in endless worlds, you know, there is always a cabin on my old sailor's ship for you. "

"No, not this."

Calia shook her head and said:

"You have to come back once a month, no matter how tired or hard it is, I just regret it, maybe I should have a few more children for you when I was young, so that Mia Sass will not be so lonely all the time.

Sorry, my love.

I failed to teach our child to be angry with you. "

"Oh, I'm used to this kind of thing."

Bu Laike stroked his white beard, sighed sadly and said:

"Mia Sass is already a very good child, at least give me a sword when we don't meet each other, you should go to Quel'Thalas to see the few demon kings that Fenna used to make.

I dare not put them in Azeroth, I can only let them hang out in other worlds.

There are also a few blood descendants of the evil gods of Xalatas. They are about to overthrow the other side of the Lightless Sea. I have no regrets in this life, Jia Liya, if I really want to say two. "

The evil spirit leaned down and whispered in the ear of his closed-eyed wife:

"The first is that Maiev is still unwilling to break her stubborn thinking, and she doesn't want the child to destroy our two-person world. The second is you. How can I persuade you not to leave me?

Please don't leave me, Calia.

Please. "


The Grand Duchess gave a final smile.

She kissed the corner of her husband's mouth with her last strength, and she said:

"In this way you will always remember me. I never need eternity, my god, I just want to be with you in this life. If there is an afterlife, remember to leave me a place on your boat.

next time.

I promise, I'll hang on to you, just like them.

Forever. "

Bu Laike's cry sounded at this moment.

It seemed that the whole world was sad, and Calia Menethil was just lying on her favorite bed. This bed was moved back from the hotel in the town of Gold, and it was the first time in her life. Lie down with a man.

All night, nothing was done.

But the heartbeat is still unforgettable.

she died.

Then, amidst Bu Laike's weird laughter, she opened her eyes again, looking blankly at everything in front of her, and then she was embraced by her husband amidst the whirling changes.

As her hair fluttered, she heard Bo Laike whispering in her ear:

"You know, the words of the gods are powerful. You who have been stubborn all your life have finally made a promise to me. If there is another life, congratulations, this is your next life.

Ah, I have been waiting for you for a hundred years, and finally at this moment, the little white rabbit fell into the trap of the big bad wolf! You never want to leave me!

Welcome aboard, my princess. "

(end of this chapter)

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