Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1946 74. Shut Up! Don't You See We're Talking About Freedom?

Chapter 1946 74. Shut up! Don't you see we're talking about freedom?


The gate of the command hall of the Creation Floating Void City was pushed open. Fenner, who had just satisfied her desire for battle on the battlefield, peeked out her head furtively and found that her younger brother was talking with a mysterious Grian.

She wanted to back out and not disturb the conversation, but saw Bo Laike beckoning to her, so Fenner straightened her warrior vest, and walked in with a bottle of wine carelessly.

At this time, Laike was sitting on the throne of the Queen of Creation, smoking a pipe and looking at the silent and desolate Ms. Grien in front of her.

He looked her up and down.

Even if he didn't use the power of the Silent to peek into the heart of this lady Kyrian, but only with his eyes, Bu Laike could see the doubts and confusion in this lady Kyrian's heart.

This is a soul that has no goal, does not know where to go, and even has doubts about its own existence. It stands to reason that such a soul should not appear on the land of the promotion fortress.

But she just showed up.

And she's also the temporary leader of this group of strange Kyrians who call themselves the "Forsworn." There aren't many of them, but they're by no means small.

The existence of this fringe group is a taboo and a secret in the promotion fortress, but they have always existed and no one can tell when they appeared.

"Who is this?"

Fenner was tired of being in her younger brother's arms. While drinking, she looked curiously at Grian wearing a hood in front of her. Braike shook her head, and introduced the identity of the lady in front of her in a low voice to her sister. The silent one before him said:

"You go on and tell your story, don't worry, this is someone you can trust and she can help you too, poor child.

And you came here looking for answers from me, so you don't need to cover up on the outside.

My sister and I are not ordinary people who judge people by their appearance, and you don't have to worry about your unique looks getting you blamed here.

Take off your hood.

If your Soul needs an answer, then you have to face the question first. "

Under Bu Laike's persuasion, that strange Kyrian hesitated for a moment, then took off her black cloak under Fenner's gaze, revealing her body and wings that were indistinguishable from other Kyrians.

The only difference is that other Kyrian soul wings are blue or white, but hers are black.

Full of unknowns.


Fenner's eyes lit up in Bu Laike's arms. She jumped up and circled around the black-winged Kylian several times, even touched her pure black wings, and commented:

"This is definitely more resistant to dirt than the white wings of other Kyrians, and it fits your gloomy demeanor, my sister, why hide such cool wings?

If I had such wings, I'd love to set them with gems so that everyone can see my black wings that block the sky and the sun. "


The black-winged Kyrian female angel showed a bitter smile. As a former soul keeper, she could sense the true emotions in Fenner's soul. She didn't ridicule her, but admired them from the bottom of her heart.

But the outsider didn't understand what the black wings meant in the land of Ascension Bastion.

She whispered:

"Like my sisters, I once had a pair of incomparably white wings, and I also embarked on the promotion path designed for us by my eldest daughter with them.

After I came to the promotion fortress, after I understood what kind of responsibilities Kyrian shouldered on this land, I felt honored to be a promoted person.

I have passed the trials of courage hosted by Ms. Sandria consecutively, proving that I have the power to protect the soul. I also passed the Trial of Senius in the Temple of Wisdom and understood the meaning of duty to Kyrian.

I passed the test of loyalty to Lady St. Jedworth with ease, proving my loyalty to my eldest daughter and my duty to Kyrian. "

"I remember you! Hundreds of years ago, you were the most dazzling new star who participated in the loyalty trial. I was amazed by the radiance of your loyalty to this land and your duty.

I tried to invite you to be my loyal hand, but you declined.

You told me that you don't care about your status or status in the fortress, you just want to dedicate your power to our country and even the order of the dead world. "

Just when the Blackwing Forsworn was telling his story, the loyal St. Jedworth, who was hung by Laike on the wall, was extremely embarrassed and weak, and said in a hoarse tone:

"You are a memorable girl, I still remember, your name is."

"No! Don't say my name, it doesn't matter anymore."

When De Vos was about to reveal the identity of the Forsworn, she was stopped by the latter's tone fiercely. She rubbed her forehead and panted, as if she was in great pain.

she says:

"I failed.

In the Temple of Lady Jervis Sieverne of the Pure, when I took the Trial of Purity and confronted my past, I failed.

The eldest daughter taught us that we must calmly face our memories and experiences during our lifetime. She told us that only by forgetting everything in the past can we usher in a new life of the soul.

She wants us to give up our glory and shame, warmth and indifference, right and wrong, love and hatred, anger and pity when we were alive.

She said that the emotions of the living would prevent Grian from seeing everything after death impartially, and she said that those emotions that were too vivid were only a kind of harm to the dead.

I believe that the arrangement of the eldest daughter must have a deep meaning. After all, I was a scholar who studied philosophy during my lifetime. I know that the container of the soul is also limited. If you want to put new things, you must forget the old.

But I can't do it! "

The painful Black Wing Kyrian clutched his heart, as if the heart in his chest was no longer beating. With Braike's face calm and Fenner's eyes filled with pity and regret, the oath-sworn screamed in pain. arrive:

"My past determines my present. After crossing the curtain of life and death, I have lost everything, and only this precious memory is left to support me all the way forward.

I am eager to find a new meaning of existence in the promotion fortress.

But if the price of accepting a new life is to forget my past, even my name and the face of my lover, then I would rather not have this gift in the first place.

I failed.

I couldn't face my past calmly, let alone 'purify' my past under the guidance of the pure saint. I was in so much pain that I left that temple in despair.

I abandoned my vows to step up the road just to escape my failure and grow black wings that night

I know, I was abandoned by Kyrian, I was abandoned by the eldest daughter, I was abandoned by this land.

There is no meaning of my existence and no glory waiting for me in the future. "

"It's not your fault, kid."

The loyal St. Jedworth who was hung on the wall looked at the painful Black Wing Kyrian in front of her. As one of the St. Jays, she had always known the existence of these Forsworn and understood the reason for their birth.

She sighed and said:

"Not every soul can face the past without making waves, especially when you have enjoyed glory, beauty and warmth while you were alive.

It is said that pain can be remembered for a long time, but according to my experience, it is actually more difficult for souls to let go of those good memories after death.

Purity Trial

This is indeed the most painful torture for a soul like you who is unwilling to let go of the past.

But it is necessary, and only after passing this hurdle can your soul be tough enough to bear the blessing of more power from the eldest daughter.

Every promotion must go through this hurdle.

You can't pass because you are weak, maybe it's just that you can't adapt or understand. You can persuade yourself to give up the past like other candidates for a long time.

The road to promotion is never easy. "

"I know, I know it didn't happen overnight, so I thought there must be something going wrong."

Black Wing Grian covered her face, she said in pain:

"Me and my companions who also had black wings had no answer, until we met Lothakson, the cunning one blessed by the Holy Light.

But it tells me that perhaps Lord Bou Laike can answer our doubts.

What the hell is going wrong here?

Why should we accept such a fate? "

"Because you don't understand anything at all!"

The indifferent voice of the black prophet sounded from the throne.

The black-winged Kyrian turned his head, and saw Bo Laike slowly getting up with a pipe in his mouth.

Lord Cthulhu stood by the stairs, he stretched out his hand to Grian in front of him to summon her, and reached out to touch her black wings. He glanced at Devos and said:

"Sadly loyal Saint Jie! You don't understand at all, it's not a question of when! It's not a question of whether you should persuade yourself to forget the past!

But when the eldest daughter, Gristia, made these rules, she never gave the souls the right to choose.

You, you saints who serve the eldest daughter naturally don't feel that there is any problem with such a 'trial', then let me tell you, in my cognition, in the thinking of any normal person, let them Choosing between 'giving up the road to promotion' and 'convincing myself to forget the past' is not a choice at all!

The eldest daughter's rules can't be wrong, but they are not perfect, but you don't even have a chance to appeal. "

The evil god stretched out his hands to stroke the head of the bewildered Black Wing Kyrian with a compassionate expression, just like stroking a homeless puppy.

The latter lowered her head meekly, letting the honorable man smooth her long black hair.

And Bu Laike lowered his voice at this moment, and said to her in a gentle tone:

"Son, there is something wrong with the way you think about problems. You always feel that you can't pass the test. It's your fault that you don't want to forget your past.

However, it is not.

Why must the past be forgotten in order to gain a new life?

It is our experience and our past that determine what kind of soul we are now, and if we forget the past, we are equivalent to giving up on ourselves.

In this way, you who have passed the trial will become a blank sheet of paper. Let the eldest daughter paint on your soul, and you may become a very good promotion.

But you are not you anymore.


Let me tell you what the five trials of Ascension to Bastion really mean.

When you pass the five promotion trials, you will become a person with your past name but your soul has been washed away by the rules of the eldest daughter, leaving only an empty 'pure body' but infused with the eldest daughter That set of order monsters! "

Bo Laike's tone dropped.

As if the devil was tempting the soul, his fingers brushed slightly on Black Wing Kyrian's neck, and he whispered in her ear:

"The trial of wisdom makes you wise but resigned to fate, the trial of loyalty makes you firm but obedient, the trial of humility makes you know your insignificance and no longer resist, the trial of purity makes you forget the past and be ruthless.

The test of courage allows you to get rid of weakness and become strong.

Tell me, boy!

Tell me, Devos!

Tell me, is your eldest daughter cultivating a group of soul healers who can attract souls, take care of souls, guide souls, and comfort souls?

Or is it cultivating a group of soul-inducing machines that don't know how to think at all, but only obey the rules set by her?

It's the same as the centurion you use, and it's the same as those deacons who have been guiding you to give loyalty to the eldest daughter when they serve you.

DeVos, I know you're going to argue.

Let me ask you a question.

When you know that the arbitrator is down, and all the souls you have introduced into the shadow kingdom will fall into the abyss, and when you know that something has gone wrong, has a promoted person questioned it?

Every day, so many souls are brought into the shadow kingdom by you, and then you watch them fall into the abyss, and you lick your face and say that you are still sticking to your duties.

Do you think this is something a normal person can do?

You have even lost your compassion and empathy and that is all your eldest daughter did to you!

She is not helping you.

Poor kids.

She is transforming you.

Transform you into a group of lunatics who only know how to obey orders but never think! And your eldest daughter who claims to be saving souls is the craziest lunatic in this land of shadows!

She has been praised by countless servants for countless epochs, and she thinks that all the systems she created are perfect, can she still listen to any criticism?

If she would, would you allow a Kyrian to join you who questioned her rules? "

DeVos couldn't answer.

Bo Laike looked at the silent loyal Sanjay.

He sneered, turned around and patted the shoulder of the trembling Black Wing Grian behind him, and said:

"So, it's not your fault, there's nothing wrong with you wanting to keep your past self, child, it's not you, it's this country that's wrong.

You and your companions can continue to sink.

Or you can join my army, and I will lead you up to the magnificent tower of promotion, and we will question your eldest daughter together on the dome of Fort Elysium

I'll ask her, does she know how much trouble and suffering her mistakes have caused you poor children? Was there ever a moment when she didn't think her rules were perfect and set her sights on you?

Would she ever be willing to surrender her noble head to listen to the opinions of the victims? "

The Cthulhu shrugged and took a step back.

He looked at the trembling black-winged Kyrian with gentle eyes, stretched out his hand to her in a gentle tone, and said:

"Would you like to come with me, child."


Black wings spread out behind the Kyrian, and under De Vos's desperate gaze, the once-potential Kyrian promotion knelt down on one knee in front of Bo Laike.

She didn't say anything in response.

But the adoring light she had when she looked up at Bo Laike, as if looking at the origin of everything, said it all.

Right in front of De Vos, in front of the loyal St. Jie, an evil god used his own tongue to seduce the children of the eldest daughter, and the most frightening thing was that Ms. De Vos, as the eldest daughter's guard, could not do anything powerful resistance.

"Continue to proudly call yourself the 'Forsworn'. Rebelling against the wrong order has always been a great thing."

Bu Laike reached out and touched the head of the Forsworn in front of him, and he said:

"This should also be the name of the rebels. It will represent your future life. You should embrace yourself and then step on the battlefield. Of course, before you leave, I will give you a gift."

The evil god turned around, reached out to take the wine glass offered by Fenner, and stared at the loyal St. Jedworth with a meaningful look.

He took a sip of wine and said softly:

"I want to give you a real leader. I want to bring back a soul that has been polluted by the eldest daughter. I want to let the loyal saint know who she should give her loyalty to."

"The white wings are too ugly, but the black ones look better."

Behind Bu Laike, Fenna looked at the desperate gesture of the loyal Sanjie who was hanging in the air in front of her. She raised her glass and said:

"Come on, brother, make Ms. DeVos cooler."


Chapter 70 really has nothing. I can't understand why it was blocked.

As for the ending, if all goes well, it will probably end on the day of the 11th addition. I am still hesitating whether to write a few extra chapters, and I will read it at that time.

(end of this chapter)

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