Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1902 30. It's The Season Of Azeroth's Biography Performance Again

Chapter 1902 30. It's the season of Azeroth's biography performance again

Prince Renathal felt that he was about to collapse.

This noble man who was banished to the Maw must now pierce himself with the ritual dagger he carries every ten minutes, so as not to fall into confusion.

It has not been a short time since he came to Devouring Abyss.

He has seen with his own eyes how those unlucky bastards who fell into confusion went into collapse step by step and were willingly locked into the warden's cage as objects of mind power extraction.

To survive in the Maw, an optimistic mood is an absolutely necessary basic ability, so His Royal Highness, who is already disheartened, tried his best to remind himself of the lively, hypocritical and interesting banquet scene of Revenders, imagining that he was actually Not in the Maw, but in the gorgeous Nathria Fort, drinking wine with the Venthyr ladies.

But the scary thing is that those once vivid memories have now become gray.

His Royal Highness knew that he had to quickly find other sources of emotion, otherwise he might soon be unable to withstand the invisible pressure from Chu Yuan to choose someone to eat.

He yawned loudly, shook his head to wake up his drowsy mind, lowered his sleeves to cover his bruised arms, and carefully walked out of the cave where he was hiding.

This is a complex underground cave system connected to each other like a groundhog's lair. Several large and small tunnels are connected together, allowing the prince and a group of "rebels" temporarily assembled under his current command to escape the daily routine. The oathsworn patrols at fixed times.

Although Zovall would not deliberately send pursuers to hunt down these fugitives, if they accidentally ran into a patrol, they would be arrested again.

The Oathsworn are not difficult to deal with.

His Royal Highness is also a former Sin Harvester at any rate, and he is superb at playing Sin Magic. Although he does not have the powerful Soul Blade in his hands, it is no problem to knock down a team of Abyssal Warriors with his bare hands.

It's a pity that in the ghostly place of Maw, the end of a battle often means the beginning of another long hunt and escape. On the territory of the prison warden, the power he can use is infinite.

There is absolutely no need to waste time entangled with those undead spirits.

"Brace yourself, everyone."

The prince tried his best to look commanding. He walked out of his cave and waved his fist to the thirty or so silent spirits in front of him and said:

"We acted an hour later and quickly crossed the Torment Plain to the Temakulun Fortress. It was attacked by unknown forces before and the fortress group was ignited and collapsed. Zovall's forces have withdrawn from there. Recently repaired the collapsed fortress.

We can rest there.

As far as I know, there are rune protections in the stronghold of the Mawsworn, which can temporarily protect us from the torture of the maw. Hold on, brothers, we can breathe a sigh of relief when we get there.

And the mystical powers that can crush Zorvar's forces. If we can get in touch with them, we may have a chance to rescue the suffering warriors from that evil tower. "

To be honest, His Royal Highness's strategy is clear, and the action plan is also highly executable, which fully proves that even under the torture of the power of the Maw, he still maintains a fairly good thinking ability.

The problem is that these spirit bodies under his command who escaped from the cage are really not in the mood to discuss tactics with His Highness the Prince.

They are all souls that fell into the Maw due to the downtime of the Eternal Arbitrator. Unlike Prince Renathal, they were not born in the kingdom of shadows and naturally they do not have the protection of flesh and blood.

The pressure they are under in this place is more terrifying than His Royal Highness.

Being able to follow the prince all the way here from the Sanctuary of Dominion has proved that these souls are very tenacious and courageous, but in the Maw, courage is not enough to transform into real power to help them persevere.

Reina Sol did not blame these spirits for not being supportive, he knew that they were under a lot of pressure, so he took the time to check the status of these souls, and the result was very worrying.

Some of the worst spirits have become so dull that they have difficulty responding to external stimuli.

They are like a spring that has been stretched to its limit and is losing its vitality.

It's only a matter of time before the will breaks down.

"Come on, eat some, it will make you feel better."

His Royal Highness half-kneeled beside those sluggish spirits. He raised his hand and fed these sluggish souls with balls of blood-like mental power on his fingertips.

The latter moved like a hound that smelled food, and after swallowing the heart energy given to them by the prince in one gulp, they regained some sanity.

They tremblingly thanked the prince, and the other souls also felt grateful to Renathal after seeing this scene.

Yes, they can persist until now because Prince Renathal has been "feeding" them with his own heart energy.

In the Devouring Abyss and even the entire Shadow Realm, heart energy is the most basic energy source, and it has many magical uses, and it is only the most basic use to strengthen the soul.

But in the Devouring Abyss, only a little fresh heart energy is enough to give these tired souls the motivation to persevere.

However, all the anima in this place belong to Zovall, and every trace of dissipated anima will be absorbed by the chains of control in the Maw, and there is no other free anima here, although Prince Renathal is powerful , but being an "animation cow" every day has also made him overwhelmed.

But this is also the reason why His Royal Highness was able to pull up a "rebel army" in this desperate place. These souls were not deceived by his smooth tongue as Venthyr, they were rescued by His Royal Highness. Give him your allegiance.

Like a ray of light in the darkness of hell

Souls who are unwilling to succumb to the darkness will always come rushing in like moths to a flame.

"Hold on, guys."

King Renathal raised his head, rubbed his forehead wearily, and said:

"We're leaving in an hour."

After speaking, he dragged his body back to his small cave, he desperately needed a rest.

In fact, he is also very confused. Even if he reaches the ruins of Fort Makulun, he may not really find hope, but he cannot expose his weakness in front of his subordinates.

He has become the backbone of these spirits, and he must carry them forward until he falls.

"Hey, look who this is! Old Garni actually found a real saint in the hell-like gulf!"

A strange voice sounded from Reinasol's cave, waking up the tired Prince. He raised his hand with a swish, and a bloody sword was held in his hand, pointing forward in a dignified manner.

In the dim blood-colored light, His Royal Highness vaguely saw a weird creature lying on his sleeping blanket, fiddled with his belongings with flexible claws, and his wretched appearance looked like a trash guy.

"Put down the dangerous things in your hands!"

Old Garney in the shadows screamed:

"I feel like it could poke a hole in my poor ghost clone! Tch, you gophers are so hard to find, your name is Renasol, isn't it?

I heard that he is the son of a big man from a famous family. How did you offend your father? Being cruelly thrown into such a place by him, it seems that you must be very disobedient. "

"Huh? Isn't it the warden's henchman?"

His Royal Highness was also surprised.

He dissipated the Sin Sword in his hand, and it turned into a ball of light like a candle suspended in front of him, illuminating the cave and revealing old Gani's figure.

With such a bad personality and such a lively spirit body, it can be seen that he is not the same as the group of silent people under Zovar's command, which somewhat relieved Reinasol.

Afterwards, he took a step forward and said to Old Garni in an urgent tone:

"Did you destroy the Temakulun fortress before? Are you here to fight the warden? To overthrow Zovall's rule over this land?

Add me, okay? "

"Oh, poor boy."

Old Ghani held a tattered Sinreaper's robe in his paws. While it was wearing the prince's once splendid clothes, it looked up and down Reina Thor with its cunning eyeballs. A few seconds later, it Say:

"You must have lost your head. How can you say your purpose so clearly? You are probably going to be tortured insane by this ghost place. It's really miserable.

But what you said is also true, the fortress was indeed breached by us, and I and my collaborators smashed the damn tower together, which is not difficult at all.

But I don't understand the resistance and rebellion you mentioned.

You need to talk to another bad bad guy.

I'll find him right here. "

Old Gani's figure became a bit unreal, and His Royal Highness immediately noticed that the broken decorations and robes he had brought with him after being thrown into the Maw had been taken away by this strange spirit.

This made him feel that he had encountered a thief, but His Royal Highness had to bear with it now that he needed someone to ask for help.

A few seconds later, under Reinashor's expectant gaze, a shadow appeared in front of the Sin Prince with a huge will at the moment when the entire cave was sealed off and darkness fell, as if given life.

He was vaguely unable to see what was in front of him, but he could be sure that this was definitely a powerful guy.

"I'm not the rebel you say. In fact, I maintain a very good relationship with Your Excellency Zovall. He just gave me ninety-nine epic heart energy orbs as a gift."

That voice said bluntly to Prince Renathal:

"So don't expect me to help you complete this impossible resistance. In addition, your father and I are also close allies. You may have heard my name.

You can call me 'The Quiet One'. "

"Ah, it's you!"

As if struck by lightning, His Royal Highness took a few steps back and turned the long sword of sin to point forward. All his expectations were in vain, which made the tired and desolate prince look even older.

Bu Laike didn't care about Renathal's disobedience by raising his weapon against him, he was observing the sinful prince in front of him.

Well, the face shape is indeed somewhat similar to that of Denathius, but it is thinner and does not have the iconic long horns of the Great Emperor. The long white hair should be flowing before, but after being tortured by the Maw, it became withered and white , the eye sockets are sunken and I haven’t had a good rest for a long time. Of course, it may also be due to natural kidney deficiency.

He has a goatee on his chin, and he doesn't know how to get this strange taste.

The supposedly gorgeous black light armor on his body has been torn, and Venthyr's iconic spiked riding boots are also covered with mud and stains. It seems that the long and hard life has made him temporarily give up the morbid elegance of the Venthyr. and the pursuit of luxury.

In general, the state of this downcast prince is really bad at this time, and Laike can easily feel the anxiety in his heart, the hesitation, the tyranny that has been suppressed and the peace that quickly dissipates.

But his foundation is very strong.

After staying in the Devouring Abyss for so long, he still has the energy to distribute his heart energy to other spirit bodies. He is indeed the first child created by the emperor himself. The emperor gave him almost all the good things in Venthyr's eyes.

"Go to the ruins of Temakulun Fortress."

Bu Laike couldn't stay in the Maw for too long in the way of descending, which would attract the attention of Zovar's flying magic eye, so the pirate just said briefly:

"There are still some weapons and armor left by the oath-sworn to arm you. Your heart is running out, and you can't support the long-term persistence of those souls.

You must start hunting.

Harvest anima from Zovar's minions to supplement and strengthen yourself, and my friend old Gany will help you hide.

If you still have the energy, try your best to rescue those souls who fell here in the Maw, just like you rescued your subordinates, you are a good commander, the premise is to abandon the weakness in your heart, Reina Thor.

Your failed revolt in Revendreth should teach you some lessons.

Be patient and bide your time. "

"Aren't you their ally?"

Reina Sol asked back in surprise, Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"If you think I'm your father's loyal comrade-in-arms, it means you don't know me at all, poor guy, just because I cooperate with them doesn't mean I have only one choice.

How could the Emperor have such a naive child as you?

It seems that I dote on you too much at ordinary times, making you discover the clues with your own wisdom but can't see the whole thing.

It's not your fault either.

Your rank is still too low.

Form your army here, you will come in handy, don’t ask too many questions, it’s not that you can’t leave Chu Yuan, you just haven’t mastered the correct method.

But now is not the time for answers.

Be patient, prince, if you want to go back to your hometown to take revenge, you have to get down and learn the skills of ruling. "

While Laike was talking to Prince Renathal, in the tunnels outside the cave, the Quiet Ones were also talking to the stubborn souls that Renathal had gathered.

But the conversation was much shorter.

"Report your identity, soldiers!"

Bu Laike suspended in the air in his most common posture, and shouted to the various souls in front of him. The souls froze for a moment, and then stood up and straightened their waists.

A deep voice echoed in the tunnel:

"Jed, the centurion of the First Legion of Blackrock Spire, reports to you! Your Excellency the Quiet One."

"The Gunnery Commander of the Kul Tiras Second Fleet is reporting to you! Your Royal Highness."

"The hunter commander of the Silver Wing Sentinel Corps is reporting to you! Lord Moon Shadow."

"The commander of the Khaz Modan tank battalion reports to you!"

"The Shado-Pan sent the captain of the black guard to report to you!"

"The twenty-seventh combat team of the heroic sequence of the Yaqi Empire is reporting to you!"

A reply that was exhausted but full of spirit echoed in the tunnel. In fact, as Bu Laike expected, most of these souls united by Reina Thor came from Azeroth.

The daemonic war going on there has sent these warriors into the Shadowlands.

In fact, according to Bu Laike's observation in Torghast Tower of Guilty Souls, more than half of the souls currently entering the Maw come from Azeroth.

This made the corner of the pirate's mouth curl into a "planned" smile.

He coughed a few times, waved to the warriors of all races who were looking at him, and said:

"How does it feel to die? Warriors of the Homeland.

I know you don't think this should be the beginning of your posthumous story, and it is, because of some fateful mistake, you lost your chance to go to your respective heavens.

But I don't think that's a bad thing.

This means that you can re-enter as warriors in a new, eternal battlefield, the world that the weak prince of Venthyr has introduced to you.

Fear not, warriors, I am here with you on a great mission, and this is part of this great war, and you.

You are just the vanguard of the Azeroth Legion!

Just as we stormed Argus and shattered the ambitions of the Burning Legion, we will also demonstrate the courage and iron will of the people of Azeroth in this dead world.

This is your task.

Survive in this hellish world and wait for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements. "

"My lord! Are we going to fight the warden here?"

An orc warlord yelled.

Bu Laike nodded, waved and said:

"We want to wage war on this world of death! We wage war on those black hands who have distorted our destiny! We will return to them ten times and a hundred times the suffering they gave us!

Don't worry about reinforcements, our reinforcements are everywhere!

The ignorant gods started the war, they thought they had a great advantage, but we will tell them with practical actions, they can start the war at will, but the power of when this war will end is in our hands!

Warriors, since they want war, then we will give them war!

Persevere, this battle will be won!

For Azeroth! "

(end of this chapter)

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