Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1895 23. Am I Really Joining The Gang Now?

Chapter 1895 23. Am I really joining the gang now?

Lord Cthulhu has always been a man of his word.

He has always been very clear about rewards and punishments for the people around him, he must be rewarded for doing something, regardless of whether the other party wants it or not, this is a matter of principle.

And on the night of reaching Maw Abyss, Fenner's "reward" was finally given, of course not in the way she hoped.

The whole process of "talk therapy" by the pirates made the elf warriors deeply aware of their mistakes. After a fierce exchange of opinions, the stupid warriors decided to change their minds and save themselves from the "Slaanesh Hell".

She wanted to return to her former vigorous warrior career, and she could no longer indulge in masculinity.

Bu Laike looked at Fenner who fell asleep weakly and tiredly, and thought in his heart that after this "lesson", the elf warrior would probably not make any more troubles for a long time.

Xalatas is enough for the Greedy Queen who can't wait to eat him up, and even Lord Evil God can't bear another one.

"Would you like to meet the mysterious Rune Carver with me?"

Bu Laike squatted by the sofa, took out a blanket from his luggage and draped it over Fenner's body with the imprint of bondage. He gently kissed the wet hair of the Warrior Queen, and asked in a low voice:

"Perhaps you can ask it to forge a few pieces of equipment for you. It is the best forger in this group of stars. If you miss this time, there will be no chance."

"You stay away from me! Take away your devilish chains! I hate you!"

The warrior queen couldn't even open her eyes. She had never felt so tired since she started the way of warrior.

She doesn't think about anything now, she just wants to sleep well.

"Well, this one?"

Bu Laike put his hand on the chain of domination wrapped around Fenner's ankle. The moment he pulled the death artifact away, the Warrior Queen's body instinctively trembled a few times.

She looked at the unattractive black chain with fear in her eyes.

She never thought that there would be such a thing in this world that could instantly reduce her from a powerful demigod warrior to an elf sister who was so weak that she could not resist.

"If you don't listen in the future"

Bu Laike waved the chain of dominance in front of Fenner's eyes, causing the stupid warrior to curl up on the sofa in fright, trembling like a defeated elf cat.

"Very good, this thing will be called the 'Pairing Fenna Noble Phantasm' from now on."

The evil god laughed, wrapped the chain of dominion around her wrists, and gently carried Fenner into the bathroom. She was covered in sweat and needed to clean up before resting.

Be a good elf who loves cleanliness.

"Rest, I'm going out for a walk."

Bu Laike put her sleepy sister on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and kissed her delicate forehead. After the weakness of the chain of dominance disappeared, Fenna quickly regained her energy. She actually wanted to Going out with her younger brother, but the mental exhaustion made it really not suitable for her to go out.

There is no difference between day and night in the ghostly place of Maw, it is like an enlarged version of Hell, or Hela borrowed the style of Maw when shaping Hell, in short, staying in such a gloomy and gloomy desperate world After a long time, it will really make people very uncomfortable.

Looking out from the heights of the Sanctuary of Dominion, one can see the scenery of the entire Maw Abyss. In addition to the land floating in the space like floating islands, there are many spiers hanging in the air in this hell world.

Torghast Sinner's Tower is only the largest of these spires, not all of them.

There are also some small towers used to imprison different souls scattered throughout the Maw. They hang in the air like flying creations, and there are thick chains of control around them to bind them.

There are also some unique cages that are bound upside down by chains, and each cage contains a suffering soul. The souls that receive such treatment are by no means ordinary.

They are all famous figures in their respective worlds, or they are heroes who saved the world, or villains who destroyed the world. Their legendary experiences endow them with unyielding will and strong inner power.

Before extracting their heart energy, the warden Zovall likes to imprison them in these cages, let them see what kind of world they have fallen into, and crush their hearts so that they can be extracted like skin and bones .


This is the only and eternal power in this dead world. It is a weakened product of the death force, just like the relationship between arcane force and magic power.

"Let me out! Please!"

"Hey, that guy over there, help me, open this cage, and I'll give you all my treasures."

"Handsome guy! Look this way! Do you need a slave girl? Release me, and I will let you experience the real paradise."

When Laike was walking on the outer platform of the Dominion Sanctuary, the spirits in the hanging cages around him began to shout as if they saw a savior.

They either beg or threaten, and only hope that Braike can release them from these cages. Although they cannot escape from the Maw, for these souls who are about to be tortured crazy, they can leave this cage. The cages that torture them are also a matter of luck.

"Have you ever seen a Venthyr prince who was punished here?"

Bu Laike turned his head to look at those screaming souls, and he asked:

"His name is Renathal, and he's a big man."

"I've seen him locked in the cage next to me. He was a stubborn and lucky idiot. He ran away, and it is said that he planned to rebel against the master here."

A monstrous octopus-like spirit clutched at the cage and yelled, but the information it provided wasn't what Laike craved, so the pirates ignored it.

Amidst the yelling and cursing of those souls, Lord Evil God slowly walked into the higher place of the Sanctuary of Dominion, and then stepped into Torghast Tower of Sinful Souls under the leadership of those oath-swearers.

This high tower is a landmark building in the Maw.

It is an eternal cage shaped by Zovall to imprison those valuable souls. The souls that can be imprisoned here are all real "boutiques". After being cleaned, it was stuffed into spirit steel armor and forged into an elite warrior under Zovall's command.

The interior of this high tower is intricate. As far as Braike knows, there are more than a dozen different interrogation places here. It is obvious that magic similar to space disorder has been applied to its interior. Its real area is comparable to that of a small kingdom. big.

The elite guards of the Abyssal Maw Legion are here, and the warriors under Zovar's command are guarding various important places. Their strength is generally on the level of the demigod of death. Even if the Burning Legion wants to break through this high tower from the outside, it is impossible.

Together with the Sanctuary of Dominion, this place constitutes the ruling foundation of the Abyss Devouring King.

To outsiders, this intricate tower is an impenetrable fog, and anyone who wanders in it will lose their way, but Laike is as familiar as coming here as returning home.

He even declined the guide suggestions of several oath-sworn liches, and disappeared on the road of this high tower full of soul wailing and gloomy atmosphere with his hands behind his back.

all the way down.

After ten minutes, Bu Laike stood in front of a closed hall.

Standing here is a mighty scorched behemoth, its claws covered with sharp spike-shaped inspired claw blades, a terrifying weapon capable of smashing a mountain with a single blow.

The scarlet light shining in the eye sockets of its exaggerated skull head represents that this is a brutal and ruthless killing machine. The king of the big monsters.

It stared at Bo Laike condescendingly, and Bo Laike looked at it too.

That ruthless aura and brutal power gave Lord Cthulhu some inspiration. Maybe he should spread out his creativity and use his own power to shape some giant beasts for punishment and battle.

Well, thinking about it this way, maybe Drake, who is still sleeping in Azeroth, still has room for improvement.


The chain of dominance presented by Zovall was waved by Braike. It was like a passable token. The brutal and ruthless eyes of Taraglu, the king of giant beasts in front of him suddenly became docile, and he even bowed down. The terrifying head supported the body with both hands to express surrender to the visitor in front of him.

Bo Laike's eyes twitched.

He suddenly realized the biggest weakness of Zovar's design and manufacture of this scorched behemoth capable of leveling everything.

These guys lack wisdom. Of course, for their savage power, wisdom is not a big problem. Anyway, they only need to go all the way on the battlefield to clear the way for the Oathsworn army.

But in front of an existence like the evil god, ignorance is a terrible defect.

He glanced at the chain of domination in his hand, and suddenly came up with a rather bold idea, but considering that Lord Zovall might be hiding on his throne to spy on his actions, the pirate temporarily gave up the tempting attempt.

"Yes, that's right, sweet dog."

Laike swung his chains, clearing the way of the scorched behemoth in front of him.

He strode into the dusty hall, and after walking down the dark stairs, he stepped onto a high platform that seemed to be suspended in the endless void, and saw the half-kneeling person at the end of the platform, who seemed to be praying silently. Familiar figure.


The macho titan who was sent into the kingdom of death by himself, kicked the eternal arbitrator to a standstill, and directly caused the order of the shadow world to be out of balance, hid quietly in this place.

He is a state of spirit.

But the influence of the evil energy has been stripped away, and it has returned to the pure form of the soul of the Titan. The appearance is a strong, muscular image of a titan. He is wearing simple but practical armor, with lightning-like horns and iron Helmet, the blue light of the star sea emerges in a pair of eyes, and there is a lush golden beard under the battle helmet.

When Laike walked up the stairs, Aggramar felt a familiar aura. When the pirates approached him, the soul of the titan, who maintained the posture of a meditator, said in a low tone:

"Your friends are trying to persuade me to join them, but they won't tell me what they're going to do."

"They have always been like this, Lord Aggramar, especially Denathrius, who is very good at deceiving others with lies, what happened to Lord Sargeras should make you learn to be vigilant.

But you can't believe every word that the king of sin utters. "

Bu Laike doesn't shy away from speaking the truth.

He knew Zovall must be eavesdropping, but what's so scary about it? Even Xavius ​​saw the differences between Zovar and Denathrius the Great.

They are only united, but not of one mind.

"As for what they want to do, it's even simpler."

Bu Laike sat cross-legged beside Aggramar's huge but weak spirit body. He looked at the empty space beyond the platform and said softly:

"Denatius wishes to shape an era in which death reigns supreme, the ambitious Eternal who seeks to replace Lord Sargeras as Lord of the Stars.

He wants to become the king of kings, trample all the force under his feet, and create an eternal empire that will last forever.

From this point of view, He is actually quite pure.

As for the owner of this place, His Excellency Zovar, He wants more. I don’t know if you have noticed, but Mr. Warden and Lord Sargeras are actually very similar.

They are the kind of straightforward people who want to correct the problem when they find a problem, and they don't care much about other people's opinions and feelings when they execute their own will.

Since you're already here, I suggest you join this small group.

That's right, I'm here to persuade you. Although Your Excellency Zovall didn't say it clearly, He does hope that I can persuade you to accept the reality. I have always been my duty to meet the needs of others. Since I have received money, I will help my employer. "

Aggramar was silent.

Bu Laike glanced at him and said again:

"Besides, you urgently need a container to carry your weak cosmic soul, and once you accept the death container, you will truly take root in the Shadow Realm and become one of the eternals of the Death Kingdom."

"But the order of this world, or as they say, the 'Mandate of Heaven' has determined everything."

Aggramar said softly:

"The five Eternals are the regular manifestations of the dead world. They will never be more, nor less. Now that the Eternals are in their positions, even if there are containers, I cannot replace them."

"Isn't it easy?"

The pirate held out a finger and said:

"If you kill one or two, won't there be a vacancy?

You are still bound by the set of rules of conduct of the Pantheon, and you do not understand the real rules of the world of death, so you do not understand the fundamental reason why Emperor Denathrius and His Excellency Zovar want to overthrow the Mandate of Heaven. "

Bu Laike paused and whispered as if sharing a secret:

"The Eternals have never been the key to the problems of the Shadow Realm, and they have never been eternal. Destiny is everything. All life in this dead world just lives in a planned framework.

Those creatures who can't see the truth of the problem feel that everything is fine, but for those noble people with outstanding eyesight, the thought of being a part of the framework makes them feel restless.

It's like a group of clay puppets made by the Firstborn.

Even if they become the strongest and most beautiful of the clay puppets, they still cannot stand against the hands that shaped them. They are not like the true eternal titans, Lord Aggramar.

They're jealous of you, they're titans, they're crazy to be you.

The seemingly beautiful Eternals have never had real freedom, so the struggle between Emperor Denathius and His Excellency Zovar is simply a group of chess pieces trying to resist the hard work of the chess players.

You may not understand what I am saying now.

But trust me.

After that door is opened by me, you will truly understand where the restlessness and restlessness of the eternals come from. "

The evil god shook his head and concluded:

"They call themselves gods but cannot control their own lives. They have never been indispensable. They are just high-level consumables under the destiny.

Therefore, there is no need to have so much respect for the eternal ones. You join us and kill one or two to replace them. Not only are you not insulting them, but you are releasing them.

They will thank you. "

Bu Laike's words made Aggramar a little confused, but he didn't doubt whether what the Silent One shared was true, he just needed some time to convince himself.

As a member of the Pantheon, as a warrior who has experienced the betrayal of Sargeras and served countless years in the Burning Legion.

Aggramar knew very well that no matter how great the ideal was, without the support of strength, it could only be an ideal for consolation.

And when he accepted Bu Laike's suggestion in the star sea of ​​Argus, he had already made up his mind to embark on this road of unknown destination.

"You rest first, I will invite you when the time is right."

Bu Laike got up and said goodbye to Aggramar.

He said:

"You don't have to worry about changes in the material world, I have arranged everything before I came, and eventually death will forcefully intervene in the situation, bringing the turbulent world into a stable era.

This is the future you want to see, too.

It's up to us to make it happen. "

After finishing speaking, the evil god turned around and walked out of the resting place of the Titan's soul with his hands behind his back. When leaving the hall, Laike suddenly stopped and looked at the dark and empty dome above his head.

He said:

"Do you think the definition I just made about the Eternal is right? Lord Zovall."

After a few seconds of silence, Zovar's weary and calm voice resounded in the dark, saying:

"Incredibly precise, even merciful. You needn't be so prudish, Lord Laike, we Eternals are really nothing but squires of the Firstborn.

They gave us everything and left one cruel rule, they teased us, they ignored us.

You are right.

We are just parts that can be replaced at any time, and all the meaning of our existence is only to serve the "destiny".

The illusory glory binds us from entering the real realm, but unfortunately no one wants to be a puppet forever. This is the basis of my cooperation with Denathius.

We have common goals and longings, even the embers that no one cares about, and the longing to be rekindled

You understand our predicament.

You also know our longing.

I can finally rest easy on you. Welcome to our cause, Silent Ones. "

(end of this chapter)

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