Chapter 1872

Legion demons have been spotted swarming the outpost world of Dellano, and the Astral Saints criss-crossing the stars bring more worrying news.

The Dark Titan is approaching Azeroth at an extremely fast speed.

He almost mobilized all the demons in the entire material stars to come with him to eradicate the villains in the void in his eyes, and the demons almost went crazy!

Although they lost the resurrection point of Argus, and lost two demon kings, the eredar demons who played the role of commander and staff in the legion defected collectively, and the nathrezim frantically destroyed them before they fled. All the intelligence systems of the Burning Legion have been destroyed, making the demons of the stars "blind".

But this is not enough to quench the demons' fanatical desire to fight.

What's more, this time their invincible god personally supervised the battle. The terrifying boost Sargeras brought to the demons almost locked the morale of the demons, reducing them from an elite army of destruction to a group of crazy monsters.

This makes the demons lose the advantage brought by the command system, but it also allows them to completely release their chaotic nature, making them more dangerous.

From the perspective of the stars, this is no different from a black tide that drowns everything and is converging along the galaxy to the world of Azeroth. Even if a small world is protected by the soul of a titan, it can only be destroyed by this terrifying tide. It was smashed into ashes.

The news that was brought back was not withheld.

Under Norgannon's behest, the news with dire information was sent to the desks of the major forces that have been armed with strength and strength, and the pressure brought by death caused the entire Azeroth to enter a war In the frenzy of fighting for survival.

On the Eastern Continent, the most elite human legions have all been mobilized.

From Tirisfal Glades to Stranglethorn Vale, from Eagle's Nest Mountain to the Blasted Lands, young men of the right age were recruited and trained, while veterans went to various strategic locations according to the plan.

The Dark Portal, Blackrock Mountain, Khaz Modan, Alterac and other strategic locations have all become real large barracks, and humans, dwarves, elves and gnomes have been twisted into one rope.

Under the command of Varian Wrynn and his two lieutenants, Muradin Bronzebeard and Kael'thas Sunstrider, they will complete the full arming of this unyielding continent in the shortest possible time.

Of course, the commanders did not forget to entrust their funeral affairs while preparing for the decisive battle.

Beneath a hidden tower in Tol Barad.

Queen Tiffin Ariane, who was personally escorted here by Shaw, walked into the unattractive tower with the sleeping baby Anduin Wrynn in her arms.

In front of her eyes was a strange gate guarded by the Great Warlock Evil Eye, chosen by the God of Silence, like a portal but covered in flames and shadows.

Beside her, Princess Irina, who was also sent by Kael'thas, was whispering to the pregnant Princess Moira Bronzebeard.

"I don't want to go to any sanctuary at all!"

Princess Bronzebeard said a little violently:

"The child in my womb is destined to become the king of the mountain, and his mother must set an example for him. If we lose this battle, the whole world will be gone. If that is the case, why send us to this damn hell refuge?

Will the demons let us go when our men die in battle?

We have to fight too! "

"I can understand your anger, Lady Moira."

Queen Ariane shook her head and said:

"But please calm down, it's not just dignitaries and dignitaries who entered the Sanctuary with us, it is said that the Silent One has placed many people who are unable to protect themselves there.

We were not happy in the past.

We're going to do our part there. "

"Yes, ladies."

The evil eye guarding the portal of the sanctuary leading to the land of flames put on an air of "I am a master", and explained to these noble ladies:

"The plan to immigrate to the sanctuary started secretly long before the Battle of Argus, and children under the age of twelve were sent into it from all over the world, as well as those women who met the requirements.

There are already hundreds of thousands of people from the Eastern Continent waiting there.

The servants of the Silent Lord are in charge there, but their demons are good at fighting, but they don't know anything about management, and the twins are about to be driven crazy.

Your arrival will effectively alleviate the chaos in the Sanctuary. According to the Silent One, this is also the way for you who are rich in the art of governance to contribute to this war. "

"Are there many shelters like this?"

The delicate Princess Irina just took the fruit of Arcandor yesterday, her magic addiction was eliminated but her body was still weak, so Kael'thas specially dispatched several female Phoenix guards to protect her.

Her Royal Highness blinked her eyes and asked.

Xieyan shook his head, looked at this delicate elf princess who was difficult for him, an orc, to give birth to a healthy child, and said mysteriously:

"It's confidential.

But the war is about to start and several of them are big shots, so they won't leak secrets casually if they think about it. Our sanctuary is for humans, dwarves, gnomes, and Quel'Thalas elves.

As far as I know, there are similar shelters in the territory of the four elements.

On the other hand, the night elves and the green dragon opened the Emerald Dream to protect children and the elderly. The pandaren of Pandaria also forged temporary demiplanes in the dream supported by the tree of bliss.

The loa of the troll empire seem to have similar plans.

So you don't have to worry about the survival of this world. Once we lose outside, these shelters will be pushed away from the main plane by the power left by the titans.

You will escape the day of destruction of Azeroth, and drift among the stars in the way of "mysterious plane", waiting for the next step of Lord Silent One's arrangement.

Save Tinder! "

Xieyan shook his head and peddled the third-hand news he heard from Bu Laike. When sending several important figures into the shelter, he specifically reminded Queen Tiffin Eriane who was holding the prince:

"Please take care of Princess Calia Menethil. Her safety is very important to the future of Azeroth."

"Has Jialia been sent to the shelter too?"

The queen said in amazement:

"The child said last time that she would fight the devil to the end in the name of the Holy Light."

"She really didn't want to come."

Xieyan shrugged, pouted and said:

"But there are some things she can't let her be willful.

Alas, it's a pity that Xieyan was born as an ugly orc. If I had been born like a flower and a jade with a good figure, I would have gone to the shelter to enjoy the blessings by now. Why would I need to stay here and fight to the death with the devil?

It really is.

When will men be able to enjoy the same treatment as girls? "


"The demons are coming, and their outposts have reached Dellano."

In the Frostlands of Northrend, on the most mysterious and darkest glacier on the continent, Braike is sitting on a throne made entirely of eerie ice, while playing with the eerie helmet beside the throne , and said to His Majesty the Lich King who was leaning on a sword and looking into the distance:

"The war is advancing much faster than we predicted, and I'm sure the demons won't waste time in Dellano world, they will use the raid tactics they know best.

Then there is no such thing as contact and preparation for war at all. Once a war starts, it will be a world war, and it will become intense in an instant.

And at the moment when the sword of Sagerastir arrives, the fate of this world will be doomed Alas, why do you sit on this throne so uncomfortable?

Don't you feel cold ass?

I've only been sitting for a few minutes before I feel like my ass is freezing to the throne. "

The pirate curled his lips, looked at the silent Lich King, and said in a low voice:

"But it's actually a good thing, right? At least you don't have to worry about hemorrhoids."

"I don't care about the Burning Legion."

His Majesty Lothar finally spoke.

The ruthless king, who has been completely integrated with the Northland glacier, said in a hoarse voice with his strange bald hairstyle:

"Demons cannot inflict fear on the dead. No matter how many they come, they will only fall in the silent march of the endless tide of death. What really worries me is the shadow behind this that gave me invincibility.

In this sinister moment, I feel like I have become a knife.

I will intervene in this war and end an era, but this is not my intention. The black hand behind the scenes has emerged, and I am played by him in the applause.

Maybe I should put down Frostmourne and pray for forgiveness from the Holy Light

Before everything is saved. "

"Don't say that, my Majesty Lothar, don't be so pessimistic."

Bu Laike doesn't matter.

He tossed the helmet of domination in his hand up and down.

As if playing acrobatics, the black battle helmet was constantly spinning at his fingertips, and the gems inlaid on the gloomy battle helmet emitted dim light, making it dance into light bands when it rotated, which was truly beautiful.

In such a small game, Bo Laike said:

"Aren't you still wearing the crown made by death? You are still struggling, like a pawn unwilling to fall into the hands of a chess player, trying your best to escape the fate you were shaped into.

Don't worry, my Lich King, I'm on your side.

I will help you.

But I hope you've found a suitable one. "

Lord Cthulhu got up from the Ice Throne that almost froze his ass off, looked at the gray Icecrown Glacier in front of him, and looked at this dead wasteland that only belonged to His Majesty the Lich King.

He put his hand on Lothar's cold shoulder armor and said:

"You can't take it with you, but it has to have an owner, otherwise someone will be fidgeting.

As servants, we need to help those employers calm down their anxious minds. Only when everything goes according to His plan, He will sit in His castle obediently and dullly waiting for the doomsday.

And you and the Scourge of the Undead are the last link.

Have you ever hunted?

His Majesty Lothar. "

Lothar didn't answer, nor was he in the mood to answer such joking questions. He issued a silent order to control the undead Scourge through Frostmourne.

A few minutes later, Yrel, the commander of the death knights under Lothar's command, stepped into the cold place wrapped in cold wind, carrying a pair of frozen sarcophagi.


The sarcophagus was placed under the Frozen Throne.

Braike stepped down the slippery stairs made of ice, and came to the sarcophagus. He glanced at Yrel, who was expressionless. After several seconds of staring, Yrel flicked his tail a little uneasy. , Said fiercely:

"What do you see me doing?"

"Nothing, just to see."

The pirate curled his lips.

Thinking that this undead is really not cute, he reached out and clasped the edge of the sarcophagus and pushed it lightly. Amidst the sound of ice shattering, a gloomy chill came towards him.

This is the pure aura of death, which even froze the handsome long hair of Lord Cthulhu.

He poked in front of his eyes, pushed the ice mist away, and took another look into the coffin. There was a "sleeping" big man lying there, not a Sleeping Beauty waiting for the prince to wake up.

But Bo Laike let out a weird laugh at this moment.

He let out a sigh of relief.

He took the helmet of domination from Lothar behind him, and with the help of Yrel, he put the helmet on the head of the guy in front of him. When he was about to touch, Lothar reached out and held Laike's wrist.

He opened his mouth, and a gloomy cold air gushed out. In the low temperature that froze his soul, he asked:

"Are you sure he can do it? If he is controlled, are you sure you want to entrust the fate of this world and even the entire stars to such a guy?"

"Believe me."

Bu Laike glanced at Lothar and said:

"If he can't stand it, then the world and the stars are doomed. In fact, I can kill Varian and drag him here. I think Varian can barely withstand the force of death. call.

If it suits you, I'll start at once and bring your son's body in ten minutes.

as long as you nod your head"

Lothar looked at the crumb pirates expressionlessly.

The next moment, he let go of his five fingers, and let the helmet of dominion in the hands of the evil god fall on the head of the corpse.

Ugh, kind of stuck.

After all, this battle helmet is designed to be the size of a human or elf's head, but an artifact is an artifact. After a moment of stagnation, it expands at a rapid speed and finally falls perfectly.

"Why isn't he awake yet?"

Yrel the Death Hoof who was watching all this asked curiously:

"According to the power of the death force artifact, he should be awakened immediately."

"He just doesn't want to wake up."

Bu Laike shrugged, picked up his pipe and took two breaths in this icy place, let the flame ignite on the pipe, when the first puff of smoke burst out, the evil god said in a long voice:

"He already has a perfect destination, and he only wants to indulge in the dream of a warrior instead of facing this world that makes him physically and mentally exhausted.

It's okay, don't rush.

He will wake up.

He will willingly join us and eventually become the key to solve all these troubles."

"Why are you so sure? Why are you so confident in him?"

Yrel frowned and said:

"In my opinion, His Majesty Lothar is more suitable to undertake your crazy plan than this dead man."

"The reason is very simple."

Bo Laike glanced at the guy lying in the coffin, his whole body was scorched by strange flames, it looked like a patchwork of charred bones.

He glanced at Lothar, then at Yrel, patted the coffin board and said:

"Because, his name is Boo Rocks Saurfang! A madman who dared to swing a sword at a titan, a true warrior, a warrior god.

He's going to be very angry when he wakes up, so I think you guys better get him weapons ready.

According to the tradition of the orcs, an ax that fits well enough to smash the enemy's head. I brought you the blueprints, you still have a little time to forge it.

This is a good thing I got from my good brother in the shadow world. If I hadn't convinced him that this would bring more deaths, he would be stingy and unwilling to give it.

This is another weapon designed by the great craftsman who forged Frostmourne. It is much more powerful than the trash of Apocalypse. It was designed to replace Frostmourne's shortcoming of not being good at melee combat.

This will be a true killing blade. "

The pirate threw a forging blueprint sealed with death runes to Yrel, saying:

"Follow the tradition this time, and call it 'Shadow Sorrow'. In the shadows under the light, there are always people who carry the burden, don't they?"

(end of this chapter)

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