Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 165 73. Pirate Dragon

Chapter 165 73. Pirate Dragon

In the cabin, the ghost dragon Sefiel said to Bu Laike very seriously:

"The time node I manage is only one to six years of the Dark Portal, and the next important time node will be opened in eight to ten years of the Dark Portal.

At that time, other bronze dragons will take over.

You still have two years to develop, and when the next time comes, I can help you deal with other bronze dragons, but it can only take effect once.

Once my compatriots see through this trick, I can no longer help you, and I will be wanted by the Scale of Quicksand.

But by then, we don't have to worry anymore. "

In order to protect herself, Ms. Long helped Bu Laike to intervene in the important event of Gul'dan's death. Now she and Bo Laike have been tied together.

After getting along for such a long time, she seemed to have accepted her own fate, and began to examine the existence of pirates with a neutral attitude.

And when necessary, help him make suggestions.

For example, now, Seifel is revealing some truths about the operation of time flow for Laike.

She pursed her lips and said to the pirate:

"The timeline of Azeroth is not a river flowing back and forth, it is a network. The extension of a node has infinite possibilities, but two points need to be connected to outline the direction.

You are safe and sound in this node of mine.

Just need to survive the next node.

When the two points are connected into a line due to your influence, your exclusive time tributary will be completely formed. After that, you don't have to worry about the threat from the bronze dragon army.

According to my experience, when Quicksand Scale encounters this situation, it will immediately 'discard' the timeline.

At that time, there may be curious bronze dragons who will "travel" in this line, but they will no longer actively interfere with the direction of your time tributary. "


Laike snapped his fingers and gave a word of appreciation. He turned around and opened a bottle of elven moonshine wine he bought from the tortoise, and took out two saucy wine glasses decorated with gold leaf and crystal.

Fill the cups with wine, and push one of the cups in front of Sefiel.


"After the tributary of time that belongs to me is formed, you don't have to worry about being wanted by the scale of quicksand. With the relationship between you and me, you can also safely hide in this tributary of time.

And I'm pretty sure that after ten years at the Dark Portal, your compatriots won't care about you as an 'outlier'.

They will face more threatening challenges.

At that point, you and I are both free.

No no no, I suddenly had a better idea, why wait until the Dark Portal ten years? We have the best opportunity right now! The premise is that we move fast enough to catch up with that important node. "

The young dragon fell silent again, she glanced at the wine glass in front of her eyes, and then at her illusory ghost body, feeling a little itchy with hatred for a moment.

She said to Bo Laike:

"Did you do it on purpose? How can I drink now?"

"I know, this cup is also prepared for me."

After the pirate drank his own glass, he picked up Seifel's glass and drank it down. He wiped his wine-stained beard carelessly, and said to Miss Long:

"It's just a sense of ritual."


Miss Long sighed, and after a few seconds, she looked at Bu Laike and said seriously:

"I was attacked by Deathwing's void power. Both my past and my future collapsed in the timeline. If it weren't for your help, I might be completely stripped from the timeline.

I will literally 'die'.

I say it will take two years because it takes so long to be enough for me to recover at other time points.

But now my fate has been turned astray.

I used to resist, I used to hate, but now I accept it.

I will do my best to help you, Laike, you are destined to make a career, you will be an important pillar in this tributary of time.

But you have to promise me that you can't cause world-ending events like undead natural disasters and legion invasions.

Alas, my time node is doomed to be abandoned. But even so, I still hope that the future of Azeroth in this branch of time can continue. "

"You can see with your own eyes, and you can also participate."

Bu Laike played with the wine glass and said softly:

"You don't actually know why the Bronze Dragon is obsessed with guarding a timeline full of disasters.

I know.

That is the future that Aman'Thul, the creator of the Pantheon, bestowed upon you the power of time, has set the future, because at the end of this future, the warriors of Azeroth will defeat the fallen Titan Sargeras.

There are countless ways to go in the future.

But only such a timeline can accomplish the impossible feat.

What the bronze dragon guards is actually not an unfathomable future.

Rather, it is a future destined to triumph.

But even the Titans are limited by their own abilities.

They don't understand, after defeating and sealing Sargeras, after victory, life has to go on.

But the biggest problem is that after the era of the Titans ended, the stars ushered in an era of peace. "

Having said that, Bo Laike shook his head and said in a sarcastic tone:

"The so-called victory is nothing but a stage laid out by ambitious people. The seal of Sargeras is not the end, but just the beginning of a sadder era.

Even the Pantheon and the Fallen Titans were played and applauded by those people. They were like a group of flies hiding in the dark, drawing strength from tragedy.

I don't want that pale victory full of hypocrisy and deceit! "

Bu Laike scolded a few words as if venting.

He added another glass of wine to himself, raised his glass, and raised it towards Seifel.


"The past should be unchangeable, and the future should also be unfathomable. Now you have been separated from the mission of the bronze dragon. Now, you are free, Sefiel.

You can do whatever you want.

Our imagination of the future of the world can't just rely on imagination, we have to do it down-to-earth, rest assured, come with me, Seifel.

I will expose those foolish tricks to you and the bronze dragonflight behind you.

I need a chance to expose the shameless face of those people to you, and I am short of manpower now, and the ship Naglfar also needs a ghost first officer.

Anyway, you bronze dragons won't die, so let's experience another life.

What do you say? "

Miss Long was a little silent for a moment. She glanced at the dark and cold cabin around her, and then at her ghost body. After ten seconds, she said:

"My people have tried countless shapes and professions as they managed the timeline, but as far as I know, no bronze dragon has yet chosen to be a pirate.

Hmm, sounds interesting.

Your hat is beautiful, I want one too! I want to be a pirate dragon! "


Early the next morning, the three old warships under Laike's command set sail from Totaka Pier, heading for Zemland Port in Voldun, where the Devout Snakes should have been waiting for them.

As for the big ship Alpaca left for the fox people, it is docking at the pier, and the supplies prepared by the tortoises are loaded onto the ship.

Wait for the foxes to come and join them, and then drive the ship to the coast of Nazmir, where it will join the main fleet, and finally sail to the eastern continent together.

Yudora returned to Wharton last night, went to the Akunda Temple to pick up her people, and recruited some adventurous fox people to go with her.

The Water Rat Gang had just been established, and it was the time when they needed manpower.

There are three ships sailing side by side on the sea, with full sails, and the sea breeze is strong, making the ships very fast and stable. These three ships were all identified by Bu Laike with the "treasure appraisal technique".

They are all excellent quality warships.

Not necessarily more powerful than ordinary warships, but definitely stronger and more durable.

The leader is "Black Tooth", as you can tell from the name, it is a warship belonging to the orcs of the Black Tooth clan.

Red Blackhand would be very proud of this, wearing a black tricorn hat pretendingly, holding the steering wheel on the poop, and giving orders to the orcs under his command from time to time.

Seeing those sailors busy, the black hand chief would still let out a hearty laugh.

He finally didn't have to put up with Bo Laike's taunts about his seamanship, he was now a captain too, and the ship was the property of Clan Blacktooth Grinning.

Of course it nominally belongs to Bu Laike's Undead Fleet.

"What a wacky troll ship!"

Black Hand glanced at the thick mast erected on the deck. The appearance of these troll warships is not much different from that of human warships, but there is only one mast on their ships, and there is also a paddle for acceleration.

While taking advantage of sea breeze and ocean currents, it also has the function of human acceleration.

This kind of ship handling must be different from the warships he was familiar with before, but it doesn't matter too much, just learn it.

"Teach these trolls well!"

Reid grabbed the rudder and shouted to his orcs:

"Before returning to Zemran Port, I want these idiots to at least learn to climb the ship's net! Teach them with your fists! Hang the disobedient bastards directly from the mast!"

The same scolding echoed on the other two ships.

The person who controls the second ship "Blackhand" is Maim Blackhand. He also has a group of mixed orc sailors and exile trolls under his command. He is also berating the orcs to quickly train the exiles.

The third ship is called "Mysterious Mistress". This ship is prepared for the pious snake people. It is currently commanded by the orc warlock Tiga Xieyan.

There are less than 600 people under Laike's command, and now they are scattered on three ships, each ship's personnel quota is seriously insufficient, plus the troll exiles, none of them know anything about sailing.

Therefore, the captain did not give them too many requirements.

Relying on this group of landlubbers, being able to drive the three ships back to Zemland Port smoothly is already a great luck.

"They need training, these bastards are not trained enough."

In the sea water below the three ships, Braike stood on the deck of the Nagfar, observed the sea surface through the water film above the deck, and saw that the three ships could not even travel in a straight line. got really bad.

"At their level, let alone confronting a regular navy, they may not be able to fight civilian merchant ships. The Zandalari trolls don't use artillery, and the Tortoise can't buy enough naval guns.


I only have such a group of landlubbers under my command, and I will be laughed at by my peers. "

Bo Laike folded his arms and looked hopeless.

"I think it's not bad."

Behind him, Sefiel in ghost form also looked up at the sea, with a worn sailor's cocked hat on her head, and said to her captain:

"At least they can sail the boat and return to the eastern continent from Zandalar Island, but a long sea journey is enough for these landlubbers to grow into qualified sailors.

Of course, if you want to form a fighting force quickly, you should probably recruit some pirates. Why don't you take a chance at Free Town in Kul Tiras? "

"It's only been seven years since the Dark Portal, my Miss Long."

Bu Laike looked back at Seifel, and he said in a faint tone:

"Freedom Town, the holy land of pirates, is still just a desolate small fishing village. After Dai Lin died, those pirates dared to approach Kul Tiras. It will take at least twenty-five years for that ghostly place to prosper. , to become a true pirate sanctuary.

However, your thought reminded me.

We can go to another place to try our luck.

Tol Barad.

The large island outside the Palatine Bay, which used to be an important military base for the Alliance, has been destroyed by the Horde. It used to be the military port of Kul Tiras.

Maybe we can find some useful people there, as it happens, it's very close to Vashj'ir.

It can also smoothly complete the commission of our ancestor tortoise friends. "

"You can still go to Torgoda!"

Seifel tilted his head and thought for a while, imitating Bu Laike, snapped his fingers, and said to his captain:

"Your Kul Tiras navy specializes in exiling criminals in the black prison. There must be many villains waiting for you to recruit."

"That place, list it as a candidate."

Bu Laike shrugged, pointed to the three ships on the sea, and said:

"Just relying on this group of cobbled landlubbers to break through the defenses of the Kul Tiras navy? Even with the blessing of cursed gold coins, it is completely impossible.

I know exactly how powerful my hometown is.

Until the wings are full, it's better not to provoke my old man. I don't want the Naglfar to be his trophy. "

(end of this chapter)

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