Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 152 60. Buried Deep In The Millennium Sands (Part 1)--Add More For All Brothers [1/5]

Chapter 152 60. Buried Deep in the Millennium Sands (Part 1)--Add more for all brothers [15]

Snake people, this is a group of very strange creatures.

Like the fox people, they originated from the Great Desert of Wharton, and they can only survive and reproduce in this desert. However, compared with the fox people, whose number has not been raised for thousands of years, the snake people are a prosperous race. .

According to Manzur, the Faithless Snakemen who gathered in the northern part of the Great Desert and occupied the Temple of Sethraris have built an empire of their own.

Their leader is Kotek, who calls himself the Great.

No one knows how many snake people there are under his command, but even the Zandalari guards deployed on the border between Vol'dun and Nazmir never take the initiative to provoke them.

And Kotaek is a formidable ruler.

It has trained the snake men under its command very well, they are brave and crazy in combat, and they are very organized. Not only are they powerful in combat, but they are also good at doing business.

The Faithless Empire is the largest slave trader on the Zandalar Isles.

They will regularly capture various creatures in the Great Desert of Voldun as slaves. Most of the slaves will serve the Snakeman Empire, and a small part will be sold to the barbarian blood trolls of Nazmir for sacrifice.

According to gossip, the Zandalari Empire occasionally buys some slaves from the snake people through unofficial channels as servants to serve the troll nobles.

In short, the most powerful force on the Zandalari island is naturally the Zandalar Golden Dynasty, but the second place is not the blood trolls of Nazmir, but these faithless snake people living in the Great Desert of Voldun.

The unbelievers are deliberately isolating their pious cousins. Any forces that get close to the devout snakes will be attacked by them as enemies.

Even the vultures who travel around the desert in a caravan will actively avoid the temple of the pious, which leads to the pious who are trapped in the temple and cannot find any reliable allies in the desert.

Day after day, year after year of attacks, the snakemen in the Temple of the Devout suffered heavy injuries. As far as Laike saw these snakemen warriors in the temple, almost everyone was injured.

But this in turn proves that each of these snake people who have not been defeated under such extreme conditions is an elite in all battles.

The appearance of the snake man is fierce and ruthless.

Surrounded by such a group of unbeatable hob meat, the silent momentum was superimposed, making the atmosphere in the temple tense for a while.


The attitude of the pious snake people made Bu Laike a little dissatisfied. He pressed the demon strike in his hand on the snake prophet's neck and said:

"Are you really going to die? Prophet Warwick, calm down, you still have a chance before you do something stupid."

"Your Snakeman speaks terrible, tailless outsider. I've never seen a creature like you. Are you some kind of troll too?"

The snake-man prophet held hostage by Laike and Garona spat out a bright red letter, green blood still remained on its flat face, but his tone was not panicked at all.

Still in the mood for a joke with Bou Laike.

"Of course, I'm a human being. I don't have the special vocal organs of your snake people. Every time I say a word, I have to vibrate my vocal cords. If I say that overnight, my voice will be useless."

The pirate shook the dagger in his hand and said:

"So don't waste your time, okay?

My subordinates are rough, not very friendly, no way, they are a bunch of thugs, but if you look closely, you can see the kindness beneath their violence.

For example, the war has been going on for so long, and no one has died yet.

This is proof enough that I'm really here to help. "

"You put your knife to my neck, your soldiers brutally stunned my people and chained them up like slaves, your belligerent men surrounded our temple and clamored to burn this sacred place."

The old snakeman prophet stared at Bu Laike with his dark green snake eyes.

it says:

"Then you told me that you came with good intentions? This is not the same as the 'good intentions' I understand."

"Yes, we do have a bit of a maverick, it's not a big deal."

Bu Laike nodded cheekily, raised his hand again, and gestured to Maim and Xieyan who were approaching the entrance of the temple, and the orc warrior put away his swords immediately.

The warlock also crushed the fel flames wrapped in his palm.

The two guys with blue faces and fangs raised their hands artificially, showing a "friendly" smile to the snake people around them.

"Look, we laugh too, and we laugh with sincerity."

The pirate gave Garona a wink, and the legendary assassin also removed the Kingslayer dagger from the snake-man prophet's neck. This action made the Warwick prophet spit out the snake letter again.

This kind of action seems to represent the psychological and emotional changes of snake people.

"Get your men out! Let go of my people."

The old prophet said in a hoarse voice:

"We devout people, only this temple is left, this sacred place will never allow foreigners to step in! If you can't do this, there is nothing to talk about."


The pirate went to Maim and shouted in human language:

"Let your big brother take people out and stop outside the temple. I want to talk to this prophet with status. Once I am attacked, you will come in.

The slaughter is clean! Not one left!

With the heads of these pious people, we can definitely get a lot of slaves from the unbelievers Great Emperor Kotek. And the sealing keystone on the second floor of their temple, you must remember to bring it. "

Speaking of this, Bu Laike glanced at the snake-man prophet, and he said meaningfully:

"Emperor Kotek will definitely pay a high price for the keystone that can release the dark monster that has been buried under the yellow sands of Wharton for thousands of years."

Maim made an OK gesture, and led his orc brothers to drive away the exile cannon fodder who had already started looting the Temple of the Pious, and retreated outside the temple amidst Reid's displeased scolding. .

Although the snake prophet can't understand human language.

But it tasted something bad and worried from the way Laike looked at it just now.

After the orcs and trolls left the stunned elite serpents and exited the temple, the other serpents forced Laike and Garona to attack Laike and Garona maliciously with weapons wrapped around lightning.

Obviously, they didn't intend to let the intruder go.

But the next moment, the old prophet grabbed his broken snake staff, waved his claws at his people, and signaled them to retreat, take care of the wounded, and clear up their positions.

The old prophet had a very high prestige among the snake people. Seeing it speak, the other temple guards put away their weapons in unison and went outside the temple.

Of course, malicious scrutiny is indispensable.

"I don't know whether these snake people are good or bad, but their gaze is really uncomfortable."

Garona watched the last snakeman leave the temple, and said to Bu Laike:

"Being stared at by them is like being stared at by a group of real poisonous snakes."

"Don't be so racist, ma'am."

Bu Laike shrugged and said to Garona:

"In the world of Azeroth, there are many strange creatures. Snake people are already pretty, and it will be fine if you get used to them."

"follow me."

The snake man old prophet took off the cracked scales on his arm, threw them aside, leaned on his own broken snake staff, and walked towards the second floor of the temple, walking with a limp.

It is very old, and has many old injuries on its body, and it is no longer as brave as it used to be.

The attack of Bu Laike and Garona tonight was really a sneak attack on the old man, not about martial arts.

It brought two intruders to the second floor of the temple, and did not avoid them, so it opened the secret room on the second floor, revealing a strange stone.

It looks like a piece of blue rock found at random, as rough as Wharton's yellow sand, but it is very big, as tall as half an adult, and there are very old-fashioned priest marks on the rock.

From time to time, a blue arc danced on it.

The old prophet stared at the stone in front of him. Its snake tail was shaking, making a sound like a rattlesnake, which meant that it was not in a calm mood at this time.

After a minute of silence, it stretched out its hand to stroke the stone in front of it, changed the troll language, and said to the two people behind it:

"You said just now that you know what's buried under the ruins of Atul Aman. Really?"

"Why should I lie to you?"

Bu Laike folded his hips and said to the old prophet:

"If you really pay attention to that place, you should know that a few days ago, my people ransacked it and wiped out all the Sandfury bandits there.

But I order my men not to destroy anything suspicious in that ruins.

We didn't dig down, either.

I really know what is buried under the ruins. I even know that the ruins of Atu Aman were the main city of your snake people thousands of years ago.

You buried a horrible creation of the Abyss there, and left that city to weather with Vol'dun to what it is today.

Mythrax the Deconstructor"

At the last sentence, the pirate changed a strange language and uttered a name. The language was extremely awkward, like a meaningless murmur or a weird roar.

It seems that he can't speak in a normal tone.

When the name was uttered, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew up in the entire temple, causing Garona to look around suddenly, and she seemed to be aware of it.

"Enough! Don't say that blasphemous name in this sacred place!"

The old prophet of the snake man reacted even more.

After thousands of years, it heard the name again, and it turned around and threw a bolt of lightning at Bo Laike, not to hurt, but to prevent him from saying more taboos with that weird void language.

"You're crazy!"

Warwick's voice became low and dangerous. Like a real snake, it stared at Bo Laike, and kept spitting out snake letters, saying:

"You call its name, it can hear it!"

"Calm down."

The pirate didn't care, he waved his hand and said to the old snake man:

"I'm going to set sail in a few days and leave Zandalar, and I don't think I'll be back for a long time. I sincerely invite you devout snake people to leave with me with your holy relics.

I will find a safe place for you to store your holy relics.

I will help you find enough supplies, allies, and help you become strong until you are able to return to your homeland and execute those unbelievers and traitors.

I will even help you resurrect your gods by helping each other, instead of letting the group of unbelievers fool around and resurrect the beloved Setaris as a dark loa.

It is in our mutual interest, consider it, Prophet. "

The old snake man spat out snake letters.

It was thinking about the invitation from Bu Laike, and it seemed a little moved. After more than ten seconds, it looked at Bu Laike and said:

"Outsider, you seem to know the history of Wharton very well, even better than us natives. If you are willing to answer a question for me, then we are happy to leave the desert that raised us with you."

"Say it."

Bu Laike opened his arms and said generously:

"I'm happy to answer all questions for my friends."

"Our fallen god, the beloved mysterious mistress Setaris left us with a mission, and he told us that to protect Wharton is to protect the whole world.

My people have adhered to this creed for thousands of years.

They are proud of it, they live by it, they fight by it. "

The old snake man said slowly:

"My question is, what reason do you think I should use to convince my steadfast clansmen to give up the great mission of protecting the world and serve a pirate instead?"


Garona's expression became weird.

This is obviously the meaning of the old snake man's tactful expression of rejection.

She glanced at Bo Laike, but found that the latter's expression did not change at all, and the eyeballs rolled, which represented that the pirate captain was about to start doing bad things.

Bu Laike snorted and said to the old snake man:

"Well, it's very simple.

Because you misunderstood the last oracle of the mysterious mistress Setaris from the very beginning, and you believers will disappoint her if you think about it.

So, out of nowhere, she sent me to guide you.

Don't think I'm lying to you, calm down, and listen to me tell you the truth slowly, Snakeman prophet, your ignorance makes Sitaris shed tears. "


The first order was at 1500, but it failed to reach 2000. It’s a pity, I can’t add ten updates, let’s add five updates~ I love you~

(end of this chapter)

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