Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 107 17. Drink, This Is Your Destiny

Chapter 107 17. Drink, this is your destiny

On the Burning Sea under the mist, Laike's "resignation" that he handed himself over to hell was displayed in front of Hablon.

But he will soon be beaten.

With the demonized state endowed by the Skull of Gul'dan, Bo Laike's mortal body was strengthened to a critical state with shadow and fel energy, plus a series of powerful effects, and the legendary blade Sanksu in his hand.

He chops these Kvaldir mist undead like chopping melons and vegetables.

But Hablon is an opponent on another level entirely.

The origin of this guy is a mystery.

He just appears in the form of a vrykul dead man now, it doesn't mean his soul is a vrykul, God knows where this guy came from.

However, in his previous gaming career, Laike heard a speculation that Hablon is actually a "stellar body" and a member of the glorious Titan-forged.

Following Hella, she rebelled against the protector forces left by the gods in Azeroth.

And even without mentioning Hela's divine blessing of death, Hablon himself is also a legendary spellcaster.

He didn't participate in the battle before, not because of fear, but because it was unnecessary, because of the dignity of the strong and other things, a mere traitor, Brad Laike.

Putting Kvaldir Mist Warriors on the field is enough.

But now, things are subtly different.

"Don't put on airs, betrayer, how long can this cursed form last? Borrowed power is always borrowed, and in a few minutes, you will return to that weak mortal form.

You will only be weaker then. "

Hablon looked at the burning sea filled with gunpowder smoke and fel energy. The hundreds of Kvaldir vanguards he sent out had suffered heavy losses.

It's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

The spirit guide stared at Bu Laike, who was in a demonized state, wrapped in the power of shadow fel energy, his gray eyes blinked, and after a few seconds, he shook his head and said:

"How long can the enchantment above your soul protect you?"

"Long enough for me to find Bwonsamdi!"

Laike grinned, and the wings cast by the shadowy evil energy stretched behind him, leading him to rush towards Hablon, the legendary war blade in his hand was wrapped in scorching flames, and the burning evil energy sacrifices spread all over his body.

He roared, held Sancsu in the air with both hands, and looked at Hablon's neck with the sharp blade in the posture of falling like a meteor.


The soul-inducing man raised the scythe forged with the power of death, and collided with Sankesu who was slashing head-on for a moment, blocking the legendary sword in the air. This was Braike's first surprise attack after getting Sankesu Return in vain.

His figure disappeared in front of the soul-inviting man, and the shadow step turned into a plume of black smoke, reappearing behind Hablon, and swung the saber again, but the flaming blade swept away.

Several pale runes appeared around the soul attractor, and disappeared in place with his body.

Seeing that he couldn't find the enemy, Laike immediately activated the Shadow Cloak.

In the next instant, the whistling and flying dark red sickle blades staggered from behind, cutting into the floating shadows around Bu Laike, as if entering a tunnel of smoke flying across, and shattered the deck under Bu Laike's feet. crack.

The figure of the pirate disappeared in place, galloped away with a fel energy, left the Naglfar, and jumped back to a burning dragon-headed longship on the sea ahead.

It's just that within one round of fighting, the body in the demonized state is covered with cut and fragmented scars.

This thick layer of magic power of shadow and fel energy wrapped around his body seemed to have opened a gap, allowing the magic power to drain quickly.

"You're showing off with power that doesn't belong to you! Betrayer."

Hablon held the war scythe in his left hand and the soul lamp in his right. Amidst the echo of the horn of the Nagfar, he shouted loudly:

"The evil thing in your hand will make Her Majesty extremely happy, hand it over! Hand over that precious soul! I will send a peaceful death here, so that you don't have to suffer eternal torture!"

"You want this?"

Laike grinned, clasped the skull of Gul'dan hanging on his chest into the demonized hands, and posed an egg-like classic pose. The clasped skull burned with dark green fel fire.

Shining cloth Laike's enchanted face grew darker.

He lifted the flaming blade in his other hand and said provocatively:

"Get it yourself!"

"Captain! Answer the call!"

At the same time, the voice of the orc warlock Diga Xieyan, like the wind from afar, rang in Bu Laike's ears.

There is also a delicate force of shadow that disrupts the rules of space, like shadow tentacles flying out of the mist, buckling Laike's entire body into it.

That scene was like a shadow octopus with teeth and claws, rushing out from the shadow gap that broke open in place, and swallowed the pirates whole.

Warlock magic. Ritual of summoning.

Borrowing the power of shadows, breaking the constraints of space, and accurately summoning the person with the soul stone beacon to the place where the ceremony is performed.

This is a rare teleportation magic for warlocks.


Bo Laike laughed and absorbed the magic power of Gul'dan's head again, plus all the remaining magic power from the demonization state that was about to end on his body gathered together to launch the "final kill".


The fel energy entangled in shadows flew out of Laike's claws, and shaped into a huge chaotic energy in the air like a giant dragon rushing, and it lost control the moment it was shot.

The tumbling shadows and fel magic theory skills are not worth mentioning at all.

But in terms of destructive power alone, it is definitely close to the level of legendary magic.

This dangerous full-strength strike hit Hablon who raised his scythe in front of him with an angry expression on his face. While being blocked by a pale light curtain, Laike also escaped from the demonization.

The whole person rolled and was pulled into the shadow crack that closed behind him.

At the moment when he disappeared on this chaotic coast, he did not forget to raise his middle finger and say a "warm" farewell to Hablon.

Everything is according to plan.

Except that the start of the summoning ceremony was a minute or two late, if it weren't for the demonized state, Bu Laike would have finished the game long ago, but isn't that the meaning of the existence of the hole card?

Every time you walk between life and death, turn over the hole cards, drop the weights, and pull the balance of victory to yourself.


Laike's figure tumbled and fell from the shadow rift, bombarding the orc warlock who couldn't dodge with impact, interrupting the shadow summoning ceremony he was presiding over.

The exquisite mana model composed of the magic power absorbed from the surroundings also quickly collapsed, causing the gathered shadows to quickly dissipate.

Seeing that Bu Laike was summoned back from the mist alive, the surrounding orcs looked at each other, and some younger ones couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts and let out embarrassing cheers.

But it was a joy indeed that their human captain was alive, fleeing death's clutches once more.

"Ahem, what are you doing in a daze? Help me."

Bu Laike lay on the ground in embarrassment, coughing and making a hoarse and dry voice.

He tried to get up, but he couldn't lift his limbs that were sore and sore.

After leaving the powerful demonized state, an indescribable sense of weakness engulfed him, making him feel like he had stayed up all night for ten days, every bone trembling.

In addition to physical weakness, there is also spiritual loss.

After experiencing the powerful posture of people blocking and killing people and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas in the demonized state, returning to the weak and ordinary state again is like having an unstoppable dream.

Two ravenous orcs rushed over to help the brave captain from the ground, and Garona handed over the water bag for the chapped-lipped Bu Laike to drink.

But the throat to the stomach is still burning, as if swallowing charcoal fire.

Taking a breather, he glanced at the character card, and as he expected, he entered a "weak" state:

Status: Mortal (Weakened). Fel Hunger

He was twitched by the weakness rising around his body, and was about to look around at the beach when he saw the demilich Meri Dongfeng walking up.

The old mage didn't say anything else, and stretched out his rotten fingers, and grabbed Laike's chin.

His eyes, which can scare a crying child, stared at Bu Laike's eyes, looked carefully, then nodded, and said to Bu Laike:

"You're done."

"Huh? Master, don't scare me!"

Bu Laike's words made him feel quite uneasy, and Garona beside him also sighed, took out a small mirror from her waist bag, and handed it to Bu Laike for him to look at for himself.

The pirate picked up the delicate and looked into his own eyes.

Then I found that in the deepest part of my pair of light blue pupils, there were two faint green light spots dancing, very strange.

"Infusing a lot of fel energy at once is killing your life! I don't know how you survived, but it has already begun to eat away at your body. You will become addicted to fel energy just like those warlocks.

Even if you suppress it yourself, your body will instinctively crave more fel energy. "

The legendary assassin folded his arms and said quietly:

"The warlocks in the Shadow Council all came here step by step. I've seen it a lot."

"Don't listen to their nonsense, Captain. Fel energy is not a bad thing. We warlocks rely on it to become powerful. It is no different from other powers.

It is more generous than other powers. "

Dijia Xieyan next to him didn't care.

The one-eyed orc looked at his captain, who had escaped from the soul-inducing man for the second time, with adoring eyes. With excitement, he took out a bone cup from the magic bag.

A spell was released, entwined on the cup, and soon, there was a mass of viscous liquid evil energy in the cup.

Green and shiny

It's like some kind of fruit drink with a pungent smell and radiation.

"Drink, Captain, and you will be relieved of your weakness."

Xieyan handed the liquid evil energy to his captain with both hands, and he said hoarsely, with a bewitching tone:

"Drink, this is the destiny of us warlocks! This is your destiny! We draw strength from disasters, and those who can't kill me will eventually make us stronger!"

Laike's eyes twitched as he watched the "Evil Energy Coke" handed over by his dog, his nostrils moved, and the smell that was supposed to be pungent and disgusting made his throat move up and down.

His body was craving it weirdly.

Obviously, the "fel energy hunger" status in the status bar refers to this weird desire.

"Forget it. Keep this good thing for yourself and enjoy it."

The captain closed his eyes, weakly but firmly pushed away the evil energy handed over by Xieyan, and said to the regretful second officer:

"I have a unique way to satisfy my addiction, give me a soul stone."

Xieyan immediately handed over a soul stone obediently, and Laike held it in his hand. With five fingers together, he struck it with shadow magic power, broke the soul stone, and took the howling soul inside into his palm.

A hot current poured into his arms, and the weak Laike felt an instant satisfaction in his soul.

With a groan, his weak limbs seemed to gain strength, and he no longer needed the plundering orc guards to support him. He turned around, leaned on the legendary blade, and walked a few steps to the beach behind.

Looking at the misty sea in the distance.

The fog on the sea surface is dissipating, and Hablon is recovering the power of Hell, which proves that Bu Laike's final kill did not hurt the powerful soul educer.

As the fog receded, the surface of the sea full of burning ruins was also reflected in the night. The surface of the sea in the darkness seemed to be lit up with lamps, causing the orcs behind him to exclaim.

Only then did they realize what kind of scene Bo Laike had created during the ten minutes he stayed in the mist.

But Bo Laike didn't care about that.

His gaze was looking at the biggest flame on the sea surface. It was his ship, which was burning and sinking after being exploded. It was the first ship he had really controlled since his rebirth.

"It carried me through the sea of ​​crisis, it sank for my victories, it stayed with me to the last moment, even when I died, it never complained.

What a nice ship, but I don't even know its name

I'm such a bad captain. "

(end of this chapter)

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