The division and reorganization of ancient Kalimdor lasted for more than a full month. The energy released by the explosion of the Well of Eternity finally began to slow down. The frequent earthquakes gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely.

The people of all ethnic groups who came to Mount Hyjal for refuge have no real sense of the new world after the catastrophe, at least not much has changed around the holy mountain of Hyjal.

But after Andrea recovered, he and Fandral went out to investigate the situation, and the land west of the Ashenvale forest had completely disappeared, replaced by an endless sea.

The LS Lazar, the seat of the sky that was supposed to be located nearby, disappeared, replaced by a large number of temple ruins on the west coast of Ashenvale.

The center of the ocean, where the Well of Eternity used to be, turned into a maelstrom, and the violent tornado made it difficult for Andrea and Van der to keep approaching.

This split caused the Night Empire to lose a large area of ​​territory, but the night elves, whose strength has been greatly weakened after the civil war, can't control that much territory now.

With Mount Hyjal as the center, the people who came to seek refuge from all directions surrounded this holy mountain where the demigods lived.

Zin-Azshari, the original capital of the Night Empire, was almost completely sunk, leaving a huge sunken bay in its place.

The villages and towns near the capital circle were washed away by the sea and resurfaced on the sea level. The desolate scene of ruins made Fan Daer and Andrea feel sad after witnessing it with their own eyes.

After the accompanying phenomenon of catastrophe gradually subsided, Malfurion and others realized that Rhonin and Krasus mysteriously disappeared with Brox's body. At this time, the pandaren who came to support from Pandaria Also bid farewell to the provisional ruling group.

The ancient Kalimdor continent was torn apart, and most of the magic net coordinates saved by the arcanists could no longer be used. If the panda people wanted to return to Pandaria, which was split off from the mainland, they could only go to the coast and take a boat to sea.


"Yes, we can all feel that Pandaria is calling us wanderers far from home in the far south."

Before leaving, the panda people said some words that everyone couldn't understand.

Andrea was taken aback for a moment, and then understood the pandaren's stream of consciousness explanation.

‘It seems that Shaohao has successfully sealed the Sha Demon, and thus covered the entire Vandalia in the form of mist. No wonder they felt someone calling. That should be Shaohao’s last will. '

As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, although Jarod didn't understand what the pandaren meant, he still watched the group of allies who insisted on leaving leave with gratitude and blessings to the pandaren.

After the pandaren set off first, the tauren followed closely and planned to return to Gaoling to start a new life.

In this battle, Huon Gaoling, who holds the artifact Eagle Spear, won the unanimous praise of all the clan members participating in the war by virtue of his ferocious performance on the battlefield and powerful personality charm.

In order to put an end to the inefficient regime of the multi-clan voting system of the tauren, Hun decided to unite the major clans to form a more cohesive tauren tribe.

However, Hu En's idea was not all smooth sailing. Among the five major clans, the Linti clan was the first to come up with Yao Mozi.

The Woodshoe clan, who are very close to Cenarius, do not intend to return to live in Highmountain. They want to be as close to the forest demigod as possible, follow in the footsteps of their ancestors, and continue to listen to his teachings.

After repeated persuasion by Hu En to no avail, he finally expressed his understanding of the decision of the Linti clan. The two sides made a promise of long-term contact in the future, and the Gaoling clans temporarily parted ways with the Linti clan and its subordinate clans.

In Andrea's memory, the Tauren clan Linti didn't seem to exist 10,000 years later, but when he mentioned several clans under Linti, he immediately showed a sudden look.

Bloodhoof, Rune Totem, and Wild Totem, these three clans are the most well-known medium-sized clans under Linti, and the smaller ones include Stonehoof, Acute Angle, and Scorching Sunwalker, all of which are relatively familiar clan names in later generations.

‘It turns out that the Linti Clan is the predecessor of the later Kalimdor Tauren. As the suzerain, the Linti Clan failed to persist for 10,000 years. '

Sending off the allies who jointly expelled the Burning Legion one after another, the night elves also began to prepare for a new life after the war.

After the war, the huge rebel army seemed very bloated.

Having lost the Well of Eternity, the treasure of the Night Empire, those who survived had to re-adapt to the new world and new way of life.

First of all, food is an unavoidable problem.

The gathering of too many armies would continue to consume a large amount of food, and both Malfurion and Tyrande were determined to let these warriors be disarmed and returned to the fields.

However, it is unreasonable to attack the meritorious people just after the war, which made the two of them look sad in the recent ruling group meeting.

Careful Garrod noticed the two people's worries.

As one of the biggest contributors to the victory of the War of the Ancients, Jarod has one of the biggest flaws in his character—he always underestimates himself.

Although the original intention was out of humility, Jarod's character made him subconsciously make unnecessary concessions when faced with certain non-critical issues.

Malfurion and Tyrande, who were entangled in many things, did not notice Jarod's gradually changing mentality.

In order to ensure that the clansmen have enough food supply, Malfurion has recently joined forces with the top leaders of the Druid sect to study and improve food seeds all night.

Tyrande was also not easy. The High Priest Dijana kept her promise and handed over the position of High Priest to Tyrande after the war. She left Mount Hyjal with a few confidantes who never gave up. .

Although he made great achievements in breaking into Zin-Azshari, the newly appointed Tyrande still needs to make more efforts if he wants to gain the approval of most of the sisterhood members.


"This land...should be hopeless, right?"

Andrea in the form of a golden eagle fluttered in mid-air with flapping wings, and beside him was a purple storm crow.

The land below the two was barren and desolate, and the soil vitality was almost visible to the naked eye. It was in stark contrast to the lush Ashenvale forest in the north.

Fandral sighed with emotion, "The central wilderness used to be a prosperous place, but I never thought it would be so dilapidated after a great war."

Central Wildlands, this area has a more familiar name for players in later generations-the barren land.

This place used to be the location of Senlaro, one of the six major cities of the night elves. Due to the fel blood from a large number of dead demons, the originally vibrant central wilderness has turned into the current miserable state.

Senlaluo became uninhabitable, and the residents of the city relocated to the northern Ashenvale forest on a large scale when the ancient Kalimdor continent was divided.

"In short, our investigative mission ends here for the time being."

Andrea, who was transformed into a human again, outlined the current situation of the Central Wilderness on the map. With the ancient Kalimdor map invalidated, it is imperative to draw a new map.

During this time, Andrea and Fandral successively explored the area near Mount Hyjal.

In addition to the residential area of ​​the night elves, it also includes the cold Winterspring Valley, the ruins of the capital circle of Xin Azshali scattered with a large number of ruins, the Stonetalon Mountains covered with red rocks, and the last stop is the central wilderness in front of us.

At this moment, a black raven flew from the direction of Ashenvale, and after landing, it turned into a night elf in leather armor.

Fandral, who was standing with his chest folded, frowned immediately when he saw the man flustered.

"What's the matter? Try to keep the story short."

"Yes, Illidan, the younger brother of the Archdruid, used the water from the Well of Eternity secretly installed on the top of Mount Hyjal to create a new source of magic power. The clansmen are arguing about it, and large-scale conflicts may occur at any time! "


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