Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 235 Mutant Battle Situation

The cave was very wide, and two giant black bears were lying in two corners with their eyes closed, as if they had fallen into a deep sleep.

The Wrathfang Temple is enshrined in Ursoc, and these two black bears should be the direct descendants mentioned by Ursoc, Othorn and Kodian.

The two giant bears fell into the furbolg's trick for some reason, and both fell into a deep sleep without any response.

Andrea couldn't tell which of the two bears was which, so he found one and put his hand on his big head.

Through the effect of the shadow spell peeping into the soul, Andrea felt the heart of the giant bear.

At this time, his soul was trapped in his body and could not leave, he kept having nightmares, and the source of the nightmares was the scene when Ursoc died in the battle of the ancients.

"Don't wallow in the nightmare of the past, wake up, son of Ursoc!"

Using the power of shadow to disperse the fog covered in the opponent's soul, the giant bear's eyelids trembled, and finally slowly opened his confused eyes.


Using the same method to wake up another giant bear, Andrea pulled Celes back slowly.

The two giant bears seemed to be a little dizzy when they just woke up because they had fallen asleep for a long time.

After struggling for a long time to regain their eyesight, the two giant bears immediately saw the two tiny mortals in front of them.

"Night elves? Why are you here, we are..."

The giant bear with the scar on the face on the left was the first to ask, and when he noticed the brother beside him, he said again, "Osorn, are you also trapped in a nightmare like me and cannot extricate yourself?"

"Yes, brother."

Ossorn's brain seemed to be a little easier to use than Kotian's. He quickly figured out the joints, grinning the corners of his mouth to reveal ferocious fangs, and an angry and tyrannical aura swept across the cave.

"We were deceived by Gray Throat. That guy said he wanted to restore the glory of his father and Uncle Usol, but he actually wanted to take their power for himself."

Andrea finally interjected, and he asked in surprise, "How do you say that?"

Osor glanced at Andrea, thinking that the other party was the benefactor who woke him up from his sleep, he patiently explained, "It is not the real Uncle Usor that Gray Throat wants to wake up, all he wants is a A puppet trapped in a body that does what it says it will do."

"As early as ten years ago, I had guessed something, but I didn't expect that guy to act so decisively, and actually tampered with our food."

Andrea nodded thoughtfully, "No matter what Gray Throat's purpose is, you two, can you use your prestige to wake up most furbolgs who don't know the truth?"

"I am Andrea Moonshadow, entrusted by your father Ursoc to quell the unrest."

Andrea took out a pair of bear claw gloves that Malfurion had given him earlier and showed them to the two giant bears.

Kotian's face changed, "Is this a weapon made from my father's claw? You belong to Malfurion..."

Andrea shrugged, "It can be regarded as an apprentice, although I am now on a different path from the mentor."

With tokens to testify, O'Sorne and Kodian quickly expressed their trust to Andrea.

"As long as we can leave this cave, we are sure that we can repel most of the bewitched furbolgs."

Kodian took O'Sorne's words and said, "But those furbolgs are only limited to those who believe in their father. Uncle Usol's believers still need you to go to the Temple of Heart and Blood to rescue our cousin."

"no problem."

The sound of fighting outside gradually subsided, and Andrea had a bottom line in her heart, "I will continue to march east immediately, and ask the two believers who go first to persuade Ursoc."


After taking care of the weakly defended Wrathtooth Temple, Andrea led the troops to continue to the Heartblood Temple by the Ashwood Lake in the east, and soon broke through the defense again, awakening two giant bears, one black and one white, in the Heartblood Cave .

As Ossorn and Kotian promoted and called for the front line all the way, many furbolgs who were originally determined inevitably wavered.

When Andrea rescued Usol's children, Randolph and Jasol, Othorn and Kotian, who had suppressed their anger, had already arrived in the northern part of the Grizzly Hills, only one step away from the battlefield.

Although the two are direct descendants of demigods, they don't have the power to maneuver like Ursoc, and rushing into this battlefield like a meat grinder can only lead to death.

However, Ursoc's son appeared near the battlefield, which surprised many furbolgs stationed in the camp for a while.

The Gray Throat Warchief told them before that the descendants of Ursoc and Ursol would stay in their respective temples to pray for their battles, but this scene clearly overturned the Gray Throat's rhetoric.

When Leticia arrived with Randolph and Jasol, the atmosphere in the furbolg frontline barracks became even weirder.

Gray Throat has been questioned by the chiefs of various clans many times recently. The chiefs suspect that Gray Throat has deceived them with lies.

But when every chief came to the main camp to ask for a meeting with Gray Throat, they were all rejected. No matter how much they scolded outside, Gray Throat seemed to be in meditation as an old monk, completely ignoring him.

The furbolg's attack was no longer as united as before. The Drakkari troll, who had been under tremendous pressure recently, was happy to sit on the city wall and watch when the furbolg failed to fire.

The focus of the struggle between the two sides has shifted from the open to the underground.

The shaman army sent by Greymaw to the eastern city wall finally showed up. This shaman army, which gathered spellcasters from various clans, caused a huge commotion as soon as it made a move.

Hundreds of shamans jointly cast earth-type spells, and the lower part of the city wall was pushed up by the mounds raised from the ground.

When these deformed mounds returned to their original shape, the walls that had fallen from the sky had become fragmented, and the shaman legion made great achievements with one blow.

Chief Huimao, who was supposed to be on the main battlefield, led his direct soldiers to the outside of the eastern city wall at some point. Seeing that the city wall was breached, Huimao's spirit was lifted, and he shouted in a passionate voice to command his subordinates to attack.

The support troops led by Kirsen took a step back, and the two sides fought fiercely inside the city wall. On the top of the altar not far away, the snow leopard Loahakea was looking at this side with piercing eyes.

At this time, Gray Throat didn't know that his camp was approaching the brink of civil strife, and he grinned greedily at Hucka in the distance.

"Don't try to escape from me, the power of Ursoc and Ursol will be in my hands sooner or later!"

"Hehe~ Sure enough, salted fish also have dreams?"


The ethereal voice coming from nowhere made Huihou's face change suddenly, he didn't expect his whisper to be heard.

"I'm right in front of you."

The phantom-like water waves dissipated, and Gray Throat found in horror that the scene in front of him had changed a lot.

The place has not changed, it is still the eastern city wall which is only a short distance away from the altar of Harkoa, and the surrounding situation has not changed. With the help of the shaman army, his direct troops are fighting fiercely with the Drakkari trolls.

But the Hakoa he saw earlier had long since disappeared, and instead, there was a smiling night elf in front of him.

"My first meeting with the soon-to-retire Great Chief of the Greythroat."

The night elf with gold-rimmed black pupils and a staff in his hand bowed playfully.

"I am Andrea Moonshadow, and I am here to convey to you the oracle of the giant bear demigod on behalf of Ursoc."

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