Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 224 Northrend Development Plan

Except for Shandris who has been with Andrea for a long time and his confidantes including Leticia and others, most night elves have no concept of the existence of the Old God.

This can be seen from the bewildered expressions of Fandral and the others.


Patting his forehead helplessly, Andrea sighed and said, "Let's leave it at that for now. You just need to know that I don't approve of planting the World Tree in Northrend because of the presence of some kind of dangerous darkness."

"I will contact Mayor Mordant of the Eldre Salas City Hall later and ask him to copy more of the ancient gods' tome. You need to keep pace with the times and add a little knowledge."

The magic addiction of the Sandara highborne can only be temporarily relieved by diluting the magic well water, at least so that they will not lose their minds due to the outbreak of magic addiction.

But as long as Sandara is not included in the World Tree system, Roddick and others will grow old day by day.

Andrea had specifically asked Roddick about the situation before, and the unexpected appearance of the governor of Sandara was due to the double torment of overwork and addiction in daily work.

Although it is impossible to come up with a certain number, Andrea estimates that the remaining life of the dedicated old governor should be less than 1,000 years.

In other words, if you don't want to lose Roddick, the veteran governor who strongly supports joining the Dark Night Republic and can hold the ground in Sandarra, you must find a way to bypass Yogg-Saron within a thousand years and make Sandarra It is also incorporated into the world tree system.

Malfurion is still investigating in Un'Goro Crater, and he is scheduled to go to Sholazar Basin through the Realm Gate later.

The archdruid was too busy for the time being, and Andrea simply handed over the problem of how to bypass Yogg-Saron's tree planting to Fandral Staghelmet, a young tree planter.

Letting Fandral sit on his seat and frowning, Andrea continued to raise the next topic.

About the development of Northrend.

Although the city of Sandara has been in decline for 2,000 years, even the frost troll, its former defeat, can take advantage of the lack of energy to attack Sandara.

But this city in the north, whose location was determined by Queen Azshara herself, occupies a very important position in Northrend.

Although the Land of the Four Wars sounds scary, from another perspective, Sandara's geographical location extends in all directions. As long as it develops, it will inevitably become the most important transit base for the night elves in Northrend.

Frost trolls are not as miserable as Sandfury trolls. The total population of the Drakkari Empire far exceeds that of Zul'Farrak, with about 2.2 million people.

Moreover, the Drakalai Empire still enshrines the original gods of Loa, and it is not a good plan to start a full-scale war with this difficult troll empire.

The Storm Cliffs and Icecrown Glacier have no development value for the time being, and the Dragonbone Wilderness is the holy land of giant dragons.

It is already considered tolerant for them to tolerate the desperate Sandarra highborne settling next to the magic net node in Dragonblight, and Andrea does not intend to push further.

"Wintergrasp Lake."

Using the pointer to point at the icy lake area surrounded by mountains between Sholazar Basin and Keel Wilderness, Andrea's eyes lit up.

"There is a Titan ruin in this area, and it is said that a large number of treasures left by the Titan guardians are stored inside."

Seeing the suddenly excited expressions of Shandris and the others, Andrea smiled and poured cold water on them.

"Calm down, there are powerful guardians guarding the treasury, until we confirm that we can defeat them, we'd better not touch this bad luck."

"What I'm talking about is not the Titan ruins, but the rich natural resources of Wintergrasp."

"Except for a small number of wild animals and closed-door Titan creations, there are no other forces involved in this area, a typical land of no man."

Turning to look at Ferrien, who had just been transferred from Moonlight City, Andrea gave him a wink.

Ferrien immediately stood up knowingly and reported, "After building a semi-permanent portal with Sandara City, I have sent druids to investigate Lake Wintergrasp."

"Perhaps because of the inaccessibility of people, there are a large number of precious medicinal herbs and important mineral resources stored in this glacial lake area, which is of great strategic value."

Ferrien sat down again after the report, and Andrea took the words and continued, "Wintergrasp Lake is not far from Moonsong Forest, and it's even a mountain away from Sholazar Basin."

"I suggest that Sandara's pioneer team and the Cenarion Council can set off in two routes, and enter Wintergrasp Lake from the east and west sides to meet up, and establish a safe camp in this unowned land."

"Combined with the development of Sholazar Basin, there is a clear planning route for exploration and development west of Sandarra."

"Let's talk about the East."

Andrea points to the Grizzly Hills area on the map "Grizzly Hills, which also borders the Howling Fjord and Zul'Drak controlled by the dragon-reaver vrykul."

"This group of furbolgs who believed in the giant bear and demigod brothers insisted on withstood the pressure from both sides, and firmly suppressed the trolls and vrykul at the border."

Shandris' eyes lit up, and he put forward his suggestion from a military perspective, "Perhaps, we can form an alliance with the furbolgs to jointly deal with the two major threats to the east."

"Smart decision," Andrea said approvingly.

"The Vrykul occupy the most fertile land in Northrend. Compared with the Borean tundra full of frozen soil, the grassy Howling Fjord is obviously more suitable for the survival of intelligent creatures."

"But with that comes the problem."

Andrea frowned and said, "According to Roddick, most of the dragon-slaying vrykul are now in a state of sleep, but there are as many as millions of them just waking up."

"Roughly estimated, the total number of vrykul in the entire Howling Fjord may exceed 5 million, which is undoubtedly an astonishing number."

The deep sleep of the dragon-plundering vrykul was caused by the curse of flesh and blood countless years ago. At that time, the vrykul tried to avoid the curse of flesh and blood in this way, but everything was in vain. The iron vrykul eventually degenerated into flesh and blood in the deep sleep Vrykul.

"If we can get the furbolg's support, we can temporarily choose between Zul'Drak and Howling Fjord, and steadily advance the Night Republic's forces in Northrend."

Maiev flipped through the written descriptions of Zul'Drak and Howling Fjord by the druids of raptors, pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go to Howling Fjord."

"Anyway, no matter which side you choose, you will have conflicts with the local aborigines. It is better to find a more suitable direction for development."

"I disagree."

Shandris retorted, "Considering the safety around Sandara City, I suggest that we first cooperate with the furbolgs to take down the area beyond the first city wall of Zul'Drak and the Dak'Saron Fortress, so as to completely open up Sandara and lead to the Grizzly Bear. Hilly road."

Shandris stroked between Moonsong Forest and Grizzly Bear Hills, "If the road is not clear, we can only go to Grizzly Bear Hills via Dragonblight."

"Let's not mention whether the Dragon Clan will be unhappy because of this. The Dragonbone Wilderness as an ice field is not a suitable marching route, and logistics supplies are relatively difficult. I don't recommend taking this route."

Maiev looked carefully at the map, nodded after a while and said, "It was my lack of consideration. From this point of view, taking Dak'Saron Fortress is the top priority."

There are three city walls on the way from Sandara City to Gudak, the capital of Drakkale. The area where the Daktheron Fortress is located is the outermost layer of the Drakkari Empire.

Due to the fact that Sandara has been weak in the past 2,000 years, the Drakkari trolls hoarded most of their troops left behind in the west at the Draxelon Fortress to compete with the furbolgs in the Grizzly Hills.

If they can attack Zul'Drak from Moonsong Forest by taking advantage of their unpreparedness, once the supply of Daktheron Fortress is cut off, the troll trapped in it can imagine the fate.

"Very well, then it's decided."

Andrea stood up and announced the result, "Try to advance peacefully to the west of Sandara, concentrate the main forces to the east, and immediately notify Sandara, and let Roddick send an envoy to contact the furbolg in Grizzly Hills, and strive for cooperation between the two sides to take down the land in one fell swoop." Xeron Fortress, get the Drakkari troll's throat stuck!"

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