Azeroth Shadow of the Moon

Chapter 208 Sandara's Predicament

Andrea ignored the symbolic guards left by the highborne of the Garden of Sleeping Moon, and ordered his personal guards to join the battlefield to attack the Nerubians.

After a period of observation, coupled with Andrea's reminder based on her own memory, the members of the guards headed by Leticia have already roughly known the characteristics of the Nerubian.

This group of grotesque worms is best at drilling holes into the ground. As long as they are guarded against them sneaking up from the ground, their combat effectiveness is not too strong.

Although Andrea's personal guards were only in the hundreds of people, these soldiers were the elite he picked from various troops.

In Azeroth, a world where personal strength can turn the tide of battle, not to mention one against one hundred, these pro-guards can at least defeat dozens of their former colleagues by themselves.

The soldiers who rushed forward raised their shields high and charged neatly, and the kite shields in their hands hit the nerubian's face with a dull and dull sound.

The Druids of the Claw took advantage of the opportunity to rush into the enemy's formation with dexterous movements, and their sharp claws mercilessly tore at the Nerubian's body.

But when the Nerubian was about to fight back in pain, the thin transparent energy shields on the suddenly appeared enemies firmly blocked their attacks.

Two old opponents who were already familiar with each other inserted a new force into the battlefield, and the situation on the battlefield changed immediately.

Due to their ignorance of druids, the nerubians seemed helpless in the face of their various attack methods.

The raptor druids hid in the enchantment and cast spells, using wind spells to blow a large number of nerubians into the sky.

Except for the flying heterogeneous nerubian soldiers, the abilities of the high-level nerubians all depended on the earth. After being blown into the sky, all their methods lost their effect, and they could only spew out spider silk in a panic.

Andrea had long reminded the druids of the raptors to be careful of the nerubian's spider silk spewing. They flapped their wings lightly to dodge, and with the cooperation of their comrades in arms, partially suppressed the nerubian troops to the point where they could not fight back.

One hair moved the whole body, one side of the battle line was defeated, and a huge gap appeared in the entire nerubian army formation.

The nerubian commander was very experienced and screamed to the sky, sending out a hoarse and ugly retreat signal. The extremely disciplined nerubians immediately followed the order and retreated, and quickly retreated to the north of Sleeping Moon Garden. In the underground lair.

Andrea didn't take it lightly because of this small victory, he was shocked and worried by the orders and prohibitions shown by the nerubians before.

'It's not easy to deal with. '

In the process of fighting with the Arcanist in Sleeping Moon Garden, the identities of Andrea and his party were exposed, and they were subconsciously relieved by the same appearance.

The leader of Sleeping Moon Garden is named Harris Qunxing, and he frowned at the group of compatriots who retreated.

'Druid? Could it be...'

Andrea took off the hood that was covering her head from the wind and snow, and with a warm smile on her face, she walked up to Harris, the leader, and extended her hand in a friendly manner.

"Hello, fellow Highborne, I'm Andrea Moonshadow, the current speaker of the Supreme Council of the Republic of the Night. It's a pleasure to meet you in the cold and remote Northrend continent."

"The Republic of the Night? The Supreme Council?"

Harris was confused about Andrea's self-introduction, but he still shook hands with Andrea lightly in accordance with noble etiquette.

"Thank you for your help, Your Excellency Andrea Moonshadow, but the Republic of Night..."

Andrea smiled and said, "This is a long story. If you don't mind, go back to the warm room first and I will explain to you slowly. I am not used to the cold wind in Northrend."

"No problem, please come with me."


After some exchanges, Harris and Andrea each obtained a lot of information from each other.

When Harris fell into contemplation because of the newly established Dark Night Republic, Andrea also pondered for a moment with his chin in his hand.

According to the information provided by Harris, Sandara City located in Moonsong Forest (later Crystalsong Forest) is not in a good situation.

Due to the long-term lack of magic supply, the lives of ordinary civilians have not changed much, but the anxiety of the high elves, who are the rulers of the city, is getting stronger every day.

It is very appropriate to use the term internal and external troubles to describe Sandara's situation.

The highborne, who lacked magic power, became very irritable under the influence of magic addiction.

For 2,000 years, they tried every means to create a new source of magic power, but they couldn't do it without the Eternal Well and the Eye of Aman'Thul.

In order to find a new way out, Sandara's leadership sent exploration teams to various areas of Northrend.

Today, the Icecrown Glacier is still a desolate and uninhabited life restricted zone. The exploration in this direction has yielded nothing, and instead lost many members of the exploration team in the extremely cold glacier.

The storm cliffs to the north of the Moonsong Forest are also the stronghold of the Titans, and almost none of the elf exploration teams who fell into it could come back alive.

The Dragonbone Wilderness to the south is the dwelling place of giant dragons. Thanks to the good relationship between the night elves and the dragons, Alexstrasza, who is in charge of Wyrmrest Temple, allows the elves to explore the Dragonbone Wilderness, as long as they don't touch certain forbidden areas.

In the absence of magic power, it is difficult for the exploration team to go too far, and the magic power needed to maintain the constant temperature magic can drain them dry.

A small group of Shandalar expeditions accidentally encountered a snowstorm, lost their way and ran into the Rothalore Forest in the south of Dragonblight to escape.

Luckily, they followed the magic net in the forest and found the magic net node on the south side of Sleeping Moon Garden, and settled here ever since.

However, the group of elves who established Sleeping Moon Garden did not have such a comfortable life. Although they did not have to worry about magic addiction, the nerubians in the north were furious that foreigners dared to set up guard posts in front of their gates, and would often send troops attack them.

The last Sandara expedition entered Zul'Drak from the east of the Moonsong Forest, and the feud between the trolls and the night elves... Needless to say, their results all became a delicious meal in the frost troll's pot.

However, it was discovered that a place full of magic power like Garden of Sleeping Moon had achieved its goal to a certain extent, and many upper elves took the opportunity to leave Sandara City and relocate to Dragonbone Wilderness.

Over the past 1,000 years, the settlement of Sleeping Moon Garden has gradually developed to the size of a medium-sized town.

But as the saying goes, treating the symptoms but not the root cause, the magic power that can be supplied by a primitive magic network node is limited after all.

And the upper elves didn't dare to risk offending the blue dragon to take the magic net node as their own, so they could only quietly absorb the magic power nearby.

With the passage of time, the supply of magic power of Sleeping Moon Garden gradually reached the upper limit, but the magic power drawn from the magic net nodes was still far from the expected goal of the Sandara Highborne.

It was against this background that Andrea came to Dragonbone Wilderness. It is said that at this time, Sandara's high-level executives were discussing whether to take the risk of contacting the blue dragons and requesting them to officially open the right to use the magic network nodes.

"The blue dragon...?"

Andrea said with all her thoughts, "Maybe, I can help you connect with Blue Dragon, but there are actually better ways to solve your magic addiction."

Harris, who hadn't recovered yet, was taken aback for a moment, and then he hurriedly asked, "What way?!"

A kind smile appeared on Andrea's face, "Return to the embrace of the Dark Night Republic, and the motherland will solve all your problems for you."

Harris: "..."

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