Asking about longevity

Chapter 340 Checks and Balances

Mr. Zhuang looked in awe and said:

"This formation contains the true laws of heaven. Under the formation, all living beings are equal. As long as they violate the taboos of this formation, regardless of their status or cultivation level, they will be killed without discrimination.

“That’s why this formation is also called: ‘Tiandao Formation’!”

"Heavenly Dao Formation..."

Mo Hua murmured, imprinting the name deeply in his mind, and at the same time he was looking forward to it.

He hoped that one day he would be able to draw such a formation that could penetrate the heavens and the earth.

Mo Hua couldn't help but ask: "Sir, who drew this formation? Is it an immortal?"

Mr. Zhuang shook his head and said: "This formation existed when Daoting was founded. No one knows the origin of this formation, and no one knows whose hand it was made by. Even if the person who drew the formation is not an immortal, At least he is a powerful monk who has entered the path of immortality."

"So people call this formation, also known as the Xiantian Formation, which means it is born from heaven and earth."

"The Daoting demarcates the levels of state boundaries based on this great formation of heaven and earth. The formation at a certain state boundary will be designated as several levels based on the realm it defines."

Mr. Zhuang sighed: "There are only a few monks who know the 'Tiandao Formation'."

"Even many formation masters don't believe that the sky is actually a great formation."

Mo Hua couldn't help but ask: "Is it because there is no inheritance, so I don't know?"

Mr. Zhuang shook his head, "Even if there are inheritance records, they don't believe it."

Mo Hua was slightly startled, "Why?"

Mr. Zhuang pointed to the sky and asked Mo Hua: "What can you see from the sky?"

Mo Hua raised his little head and looked at the sky for a long time. His neck was sore from looking at it, and then he hesitated and said:


"What else?"

Mo Hua shook his head, "No more."

Mr. Zhuang nodded and said:

"Yes, no more... There is neither a formation pattern nor a formation pivot. Even the formation media doesn't know anything about it, and there is no formation eye. How can it be called a formation?"

"Sir, can't you see it either?"

Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting and said with a gentle smile: "Like you, I can't see anything..."

“Not only me, but also the monks in this world who are deeper in cultivation than me and have high attainments in formations can’t see anything.

"Since you can't see anything, there is nothing, how can you say it is a formation?"

"But isn't it recorded in the Taoist scriptures?" Mo Hua asked.

"Worldly records may have fallacies, and monastic classics cannot be fully trusted," Mr. Zhuang explained.

"That's it..."

Mo Hua nodded and looked up at the sky again. He felt that the sky was infinite and the clouds were misty, which seemed to contain boundless and endless mystery.

If Mo Hua realized something, he said with determination:

"Sir, this must be a formation!"

Mr. Zhuang smiled slightly, "Why?"

Mo Hua shook his head, "I don't know either, but I feel it is."

Mr. Zhuang was slightly startled, then touched Mo Hua's head and said softly:

"The intuition of the formation master is the understanding of the way of heaven. Sometimes it is also very important. I hope that one day in the future, you can really see the formation from the sky..."

Mo Hua received Mr. Zhuang's expectations and nodded seriously.

Then he wondered again:

"Sir, if there really is a great formation of heaven in the sky, what is the purpose of this formation, or in other words, what is the significance of this law of heaven?"

Mr. Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly and he said four words in a deep voice:

"Heaven's checks and balances."

Mo Hua seemed to have some understanding, but for a while, he still didn't think it through.

Mr. Zhuang raised his head, looked at the pale sky, and said slowly:

"Like you, I also believe that the Heavenly Dao Formation exists, but we monks don't have enough spiritual awareness and shallow formation skills to see it."

"Assuming that the Heavenly Dao Formation really exists..."

Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting and continued:

"Then if the state boundaries are not determined by grade, there are no restrictions on cultivation level, and there are no checks and balances from the Heavenly Dao Formation, what will this monastic world be like?"

Mo Hua thought for a while and then asked, "Will it be too messy?"

"Why is there chaos?" Mr. Zhuang asked again.

"Because the monk's power is not limited?"

Mr. Zhuang nodded and said:

"Never overestimate human nature. Human beings are a race that will kill for profit, hatred, or even just for fun."

"If there were no restrictions on cultivation, high-level monks would massacre low-level monks."

"Human Taoist heart is never tenacious. It is impetuous, wavering, and indulgent. It is like duckweed on the waves, rising and falling with the current, and it is difficult to have a stable place. No matter how upright a person is, there will be births. When you have evil thoughts.”

"Among a hundred high-level monks, if even one has evil thoughts in his heart, it will be a catastrophe for the low-level monks."

"Without the checks and balances of heaven, it would be easy for high-level monks to massacre low-level monks."

"Qi refining monks may face the slaughter of Jindan, Yuehua and even Dongxu monks. In this case, they will have no power to resist."

"Jindan massacres an entire city, Yuhua massacres an entire world, and Dongxu massacres an entire state. It may happen from time to time."

"Some demon giants will act more unscrupulously, perhaps in order to refine magic weapons and refine all living creatures in a state..."

Mr. Zhuang sighed and continued: "The strength of the cultivation world lies in the high-level monks, but the long-term success of the cultivation world lies in the low-level monks."

"Once the low-level monks at the bottom are slaughtered and the monks die, the cultivation world will inevitably decline."

"If this continues, the entire cultivation world will be destroyed due to killings."

"With the checks and balances of the Heavenly Dao Formation, high-level monks do not dare to act recklessly. Only low-level monks have room to survive. The monks can reproduce and the cultivation world can continue to prosper..."

Mo Hua nodded, gradually understanding the meaning of heavenly checks and balances.

For example, Tongxian City is the boundary of the second-level state. If there is a rebellion by Foundation Establishment, Foundation Establishment will also respond to it. No matter how bad it is, the same enemies can still compete with them during the Qi Refining Period.

But if there is no check and balance from heaven and they are invaded by high-level monks, they will not be able to resist it no matter what.

Mo Hua then asked:

"It's just that if evildoers breed, wouldn't the monks in the same state be able to resist?"

Because Dao Ni's blood energy is too powerful, and it can kill people to replenish blood, it is almost "eternal".

"Yes." Mr. Zhuang nodded and said, "Everything has pros and cons. With the Heavenly Dao Formation, it can check and balance high-level monks, but it will also make Dao evil invincible in one world;"

"But there is no Heavenly Dao Formation. Although there are ways to suppress Dao evil, it is easy to let high-level monks indulge in endless evil..."

"Which is the lesser of two evils. Taoist evil is a disaster and can destroy a state boundary at most. Monks who kill indiscriminately will destroy the entire cultivation world."

Mr. Zhuang sighed and said meaningfully:

"After all, the ones who kill the most in this world are always humans, not monsters."

The ones who kill the most are always humans, not monsters...

Hearing this, Mo Hua felt confused and confused.

Mo Hua pondered for a long time, hesitated for a while, and finally asked the question he was most concerned about:

"Is there any way to deal with Feng Xi?"

He grew up in Tongxian City, and he really couldn't bear to see the monks from Tongxian City move to the wilderness and become homeless.

I can't bear to have Tongxian City be destroyed because of the disaster caused by sealing Xi.

Mr. Zhuang looked at the ink painting with some relief in his eyes, "You already have an idea."

"Yes." Mo Hua nodded, "After much thought, the only way to deal with Feng Xi is to use a large formation..."

According to the classic records he learned from Zhang Lan, there was a family or sect that relied on the protective formation to suppress the great demon.

Mo Hua raised his head and looked at Mr. Zhuang with some hope, "Sir, can I learn the big formation?"

Mr. Zhuang's expression was filled with emotion for a moment.

He thought that such a day would come, but he never thought that this day would actually come...

A first-level Qi refining ink painter, I want to learn the Grand Formation from him.

This one is nothing.

The grand formation is the ultimate pursuit of the formation masters. All the formation masters in this world want to learn the grand formation.

Even if you are not the main formation master of the formation, just participating from the side and adding a few formation patterns, it is already considered a great honor.

But what's different about Mo Hua is that he is really qualified to learn the big formation.

The strength of his spiritual consciousness, his spiritual control, his experience in formations, and his proficiency in formations are already among the best among first-level formation masters.

It's just that the big formation is not that simple...

Mr. Zhuang sighed, "You have to think carefully."

"Think it through!" Mo Hua nodded.

"You don't know yet." Mr. Zhuang shook his head, looked stern, and said slowly:

"The grand formation is the most complex, the most difficult, and the largest type of construction project. It is not something you can learn if you want to learn it, nor can you build it just by yourself."

"Constructing a large formation requires a lot of manpower and material resources..."

"The formation medium of a large formation needs to be refined by a weapon refiner and built by a craftsman. You can draw the formation hub of a large formation by yourself after learning, but within the large formation, there are thousands of single formations, and you can rely on yourself alone. You can’t finish the painting, you must have other formation masters to help you.”

"In addition, there are material resources, the materials to construct the formation medium, the spiritual ink to draw the formation, and the spiritual stones to activate the formation. They are all extremely large in number."

"What's more, the formation pivot of a large formation is extremely difficult. It consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness. It's not easy to learn it at all."

"The most important thing is..." Mr. Zhuang looked solemnly, looked at the ink painting, and said slowly:

"Even if we put all our efforts into building a large formation, what if we still can't resist Feng Xi?"

"After spending so much material and manpower, and exhausting spiritual stones, Feng Xi still cannot be killed. What should the monks of Tongxian City do? Under such circumstances, it is impossible to move the city. What do they rely on to survive? Going down?"

"Have you considered these things?"

Every time Mr. Zhuang said something, Mo Hua's heart felt cold. In the end, he couldn't help but look disappointed and lowered his head.

Mr. Zhuang gently touched Mo Hua's head again and said softly:

"Think about these things clearly before you decide whether you want to learn the Grand Formation or build a Grand Formation."

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