Ask Immortal Way

Chapter 6: Living god

   Qin Sang silently touched his chest, staring at Bai Jianglan's eyes persistently, and said: "Big Brother Bai, you haven't said yet, if I learn martial arts now, can I learn it?"

  Bai Jianglan was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "What do you think is a success?"

   Qin Sang tentatively said: "Improve internal strength?"

   Bai Jianglan shook his head, "Difficult!"

   Qin Sang thought of the scene left behind by Bai Jianglan, and said, "Then, what about the bandits who can be killed as evil?"

   "Thieves and bandits also have great martial arts, but..."

Bai Jianglan's expression moved slightly, "It's rare that you have this heart. If you really want to learn, I can teach you a few styles of "Fuhu Changquan" and teach you a little bit of self-protection. This kungfu is not a high-level martial arts. It is the most common type of martial arts, and it can also be performed with the help of a spear and a stick. Generally, the **** master can perform several styles."

   Qin Sang was overjoyed, leaned over and bowed, "Qin Sang thank you teacher!"

   "Don't be polite!"

Bai Jianglan smiled and pulled Qin Sang up. "The Three Witches City will be here soon. I can only teach you three styles. From now on, the rivers and the lakes will fall apart. There will be no time for goodbye. I dare not call myself a teacher. You and I are still brothers. There are ten styles in "Fuhu Changquan". If you really can persist, you can find a **** martial arts school and learn the next seven styles. However, you should not dislike the superficial kungfu, although it is superficial kungfu, if you practice hard, you will be savvy. Enough, can make great achievements. It is rumored that there was a wizard in the martial arts, with the simplest "Arhat Boxing", to develop a strong and innocent spirit. Of course, this is the only one."

   "Look up!"

   "The first style, the angry dragon goes to sea..."

   "The second style, the fist is powerful..."

   "The third style, King Kong Fuhu..."

   "Fuhu Changquan" is really superficial, especially the first three styles. After Bai Jianglan rehearsed twice, Qin Sang memorized the moves and formulas.

   When it was Qin Sang's turn to fight by himself, he realized that there was something in it. It was far from as simple as it seemed. With the same trick, he and Bai Jianglan looked exactly the same, but they made many mistakes in their effort.

   Next is the process of guiding strength and correcting errors. Fortunately, the first three styles of "Fuhu Changquan" focus on arms and fists. The footwork is not complicated, and Qin Sang's injured leg has little effect.

   "Pay attention! Pay attention to your body shape, is there a King Kong like you?"

   "The moves are for the surface, the strength is for the inside, the strength is wrong, you don't want to develop your internal strength for the rest of your life!"


   To teach Wu, Bai Jianglan did not leave a trace of affection, and the scolding was light.

   Those people gathered around to watch the excitement after practicing. Qin Sang was hit with a few sticks on the back, and he didn't dare to be distracted anymore. After the meal, he was really good at all three types.

   After eating rice, the sun came out. The fog on the river surface became thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. Suddenly someone on the bow of the ship shouted, "The city of three witches is here!"

   Qin Sang stood up on the side of the ship, and saw the mist in the heart of the river disperse into the green mountains, and the exposed surface of the river was full of boats and boats, endless, the glow of the rising sun flowing in the river, and the scenery was extremely magnificent.

   At the center of the gathering of boats, the shore should be the first ferry. It is said to be the ferry. The scale is almost the same as the town, and it is several times larger than the small town where Qin Sanwa works.

   It’s hard to imagine what a majestic city the Three Witches City behind the ferry crossing is like!

   The boat moved forward in a low-key manner. The water monkey jumped to the bow and waved the flag, waiting for a small boat to approach gently, and loudly negotiated the price with the boat family, turned and shouted: "Brother Qin, get off the boat!"

   Time to disembark.

   "There will be a period later!"

   Although getting along with Bai Jianglan and others was short, Qin Sang felt reluctant to give up. After saying goodbye one by one, he put the basket on the boat with a rope and watched the ship leave.

   The water monkey was still waving at the bow.


   "This is the first time the son has come to Three Witch City?"

   The small boat shuttled flexibly in the river, slowly approaching the ferry. The boat was an old man. Seeing that Qin Sang had been holding his head and looking at the ferry in a daze, he spoke up.

Qin Sang regained his gaze, looked at the old man, jokingly said: "The boatman, my surname is Qin, and I dare not be any son. I, I have come to find a god. Look at your style. Have you seen a fairy?"

The old man laughed loudly, "Don’t make me happy with Xiao Lao’er Brother Qin, Xiao Lao’er has been on the boat with his parents since he was eight, and he has been running on the river for more than 50 years, but he has never seen any gods. Brother Qin , Are you coming to the Three Witch City to do business, visit relatives and friends, or want to find a living? The little old man ran around the Three Witch City inside and outside, maybe I can help a little bit."

"Look at my leg," Qin Sang lifted the injured leg and said with a wry smile, "I can't stand still and don't want anything. I will cure my leg first. I don't know where there is a genius doctor at the ferry, please old man. Mr. points and points."


The old man looked down at Qin Sang’s legs and shook his head: “The genius doctors are all treating the nobles in the city, how can they stay at the ferry? There are still thirty miles from here to the Three Witch City... But the little old man knows a few The old man, I have some reputation at the If my brother can trust me, I will take you there..."

  While they were talking, the dock appeared in the eyes of the two of them. The ferry was crowded with people, most of them were ragged, noisy and not chaotic.

   Qin Sang was surprised: "So many people in the ferry?"

   "Brother Qin knows something..."

The old man sighed with compassion on his face, "In the past, the ferry was not so busy. Recently, many people who fled from the north have come from the north, saying that it was a drought in the north to catch the locust plague. They are all poor people, unable to live in their hometowns, so they can only flee south. To be honest, I am almost 60 years old, and I have seen similar scenes several times, but I have never seen such a world. Not only the first At one ferry, the following ferry crossings were crowded with poor people seeking to survive. The most bitter trackers had dozens of people vying to be, let alone outside of the Three Witch City, they all said that the new emperor was stupid..."

   The old man shut up suddenly and gave Qin Sang a sullen expression.

   Qin Sang didn't care, and looked at the ship's side to observe the pier. As the old man said, Jiucheng was a poor man with yellow face and thin skin.

The old man lost his words and hurriedly changed the subject, "Brother Qin, when he talked about the poor, the little old man suddenly remembered. The little old man has never seen a true god, but he has heard of a living **** in the Green Sheep View of Cuiming Mountain! "

   Qin Sang said softly, "What kind of living god?"

Seeing that Qin Sang's attention was really attracted, the old man had a glamorous face, "Speaking of this living god, he has a lot of reputation nearby. It refers to the Qingyang Master Jixin Taoist. Does the Taoist temple on Cuiming Mountain have a good reputation? Young, Qingyang Guan has never been famous. Later, when the Qingyang Guanzhu appeared, his fame became stronger. Speaking of Qingyang Guanzhu, the most famous is his sage benevolence, saying that he is a living god, which is not fake at all."

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