Ascend Another Day

Chapter 319: Burial Dao Fu now Wan Dao Ming

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The corners of Xu Ying's eyes twitched, and he said with a smile: "I entered Lord Jin's memory, browsed through the past memories, and found that there were many mysterious existences during that period, and helped the gods and big merchants to hunt and kill me. I think there is Your Excellency?"

The young man in white shook his head for the first time, and said: "They are my Moxia, and they have been ordered to descend to the earth before me. In order to hunt you down and prevent you from escaping the suppression, they teamed up with the gods and the great merchants, causing heavy casualties. Most of them died. In your hands, the higher-ups felt that you were difficult to deal with, so they sent me to the lower bound."

Yuan Tiangang blinked, quietly moved away from Xu Ying, and said, "It's probably hard to get over this matter."

Xu Ying smiled, "Huh? They sent you down after they were all dead. So you are very strong?"

Ye Cui said solemnly: "I am really strong."

Xu Ying suddenly stopped, and pulled the white-clothed fairy Ye Wei into his hidden scene!

He fully unlocked the six secrets, and the four great Nuo ancestors spun in the sky, and in an instant he raised his cultivation to the extreme!

Opening up the sky in a short period of time, the sword energy pierced the sky, the sun and the moon leaped from the furnace, stars emerged from the sea of ​​stars, and in the sky, 1,900 runes of the way of heaven formed 1,900 phantoms of gods...

In just an instant, Xu Ying turned the hidden scene into his dojo.

Xu Ying smiled and said, "Continue talking."

Ye Cui didn't take it seriously, and continued: "My strength is not only strength, but also brains. I know that you and Yan Bao'er are deeply entangled, so I calculated you, knowing that you will definitely come. You really came! I Lay out the great array of demons from the heavens, and set up the circle of heavenly constellations to refine demons, embedded with five big five-element arrays, set seven small star arrays, and paved with four-phase arrays and two-dimensional arrays. , take the blood of the beast **** as the introduction of the formation, and lay a net of heaven and earth. It is the honor of my life to capture you."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "Is there any more?"

Ye Wei said solemnly: "To be honest, after I captured you back then, I thought that I could take the blame and make meritorious service, soar to the fairy world, not to mention high promotion, at least I could return to the previous seat. I didn't expect the superiors to betray their promises and cut off my life. The dream of ascension! My heart is ruthless, so I took refuge in Penglai and resisted the fairy world. Fellow Daoist Xu, I admire your Excellency very much, and I am willing to turn hostility into friendship with you."

Yuan Tiangang continued to retreat, thinking: "If there is trouble, whose side should I be on? Let me figure it out..."

At this time, he noticed that there was another person beside him, a tall and powerful old man, his heart tightened, and he bowed and said, "Immortal Master..."

The tall and mighty old man signaled him not to be too polite, and said with a smile: "Ye Cui and Xu Ying met as soon as they met."

Yuan Tiangang said: "Do you want to persuade them to leave?"

The tall and mighty old man shook his head and said: "No need. There is forgiveness between them, but they are full of anger and need to vent." He smiled and said: "Besides, Ye Chuji is an exiled immortal, this talent is no small matter, I I also want to know how much his strength has improved over the past ten thousand years."

Yuan Tiangang said sadly: "The Immortal Lord wants to see if Ye Cui will feel his status is threatened. This Penglai Wonderland looks like a fairyland, but it is actually a bit dirty and not too clean."

Ye Cui frowned slightly, and heard that Xu Ying's tone was not very good, and said: "Xu Daoyou, you killed so many immortals under my command, it is reasonable for me to plot you to ambush you. We are even, everyone Now we are all in Penglai Fairyland, helping each other and taking a step back, what do you think?"

Xu Ying was noncommittal, and continued: "I entered Jin Ye's memory, but I didn't see what happened after I left Jin Ye. After I entered the battle alone, what happened?"

Ye Cui said: "After you entered the formation, you broke through several times of my immortal formation, and finally killed Yan Baoer's reincarnation. But when you got there, you were already seriously injured." He shook his head and said, "Your combat power in that life is not as good as Your first life. I have heard many legends about you. Your first life is like a myth in the fairy world. I don’t even believe there is such a person.”

Xu Ying asked blankly: "And then?"

Ye Cui said patiently: "Then you took Yan Bao'er's reincarnation and tried to break out of the siege, but you didn't expect my formation to be divided into pros and cons. It's hard for you to get in, and it's even harder to get out, not to mention you brought me In the end, I grind you to death in the battle, leaving only the indelible True Spirit.”

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Xu Ying said hoarsely, "What about her?"

Ye Cui asked, "Who?"

Xu Ying said: "Yan Bao'er, her reincarnation."

Ye Cui was silent for a while, and said: "I died for love."


Xu Ying stared at him with wide eyes, two lines of tears rolled down his eyes, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he repeated, "Did you die for love?"

Ye Wei said with emotion: "The death was very decisive. She thought you were dead, but she never thought that your immortal spirit is too strong, and you will soon restore your body. However, that is already after she died for love."

Xu Ying clenched his fists involuntarily.

Suddenly, Ye Yan's face changed drastically, and he saw that the sky was suddenly distorted and disordered. In this sky, phantoms of gods and gods shed tears, and the blood and tears dyed the sky scarlet in the blink of an eye.

Ye Cui felt his heart palpitate, and raised his hand hastily: "Friend Xu Daoist, I'm here to resolve grievances with you."


A Buzhou mountain fell from the sky and crashed down!

Xu Ying burst into tears: "Why didn't you say that back then?"

Ye Yan's heart was filled with anger, and the fairy runes all over his body flew out, and the perfect match, he immediately set up a formation around his body, a big five-element formation, and said with a sneer: "I want to reason with you, but you don't, it's okay! If I give in Oh, and let you underestimate me! Xu Ying, if I can take you down once, I can take you down a second time!"

What he laid out was not all the big five-element formations, but five big five-element formations.

There are five big five-element arrays, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The golden spirit forms a golden **** with white hair on a human face, a tiger holding an ax and two golden dragons on its feet.

The wood qi forms a wood **** with a bird face and a human body, with two blue dragons on its feet.

The water vapor forms a water **** with a human face and a bird body, and a pair of green snakes on its feet.

Fire gas forms Vulcan, with a human face and animal body, and two fire dragons on his feet.

The rustic form forms the earth god, with the head of a cow and a human body, and a pair of yellow snakes on its feet.

When the five five-element fairy formations are opened, the spirits and auras of the five elements formed by the twenty-five immortal runes are connected and mutually suppressed, and the formations are constantly changing, allowing the power of the formation to soar into the sky in an instant!

Even if he is in Xu Ying's hidden scene, even if Xu Ying takes the lead, Ye Wei is not afraid at all.

He had already defeated Xu Ying once, and the last time he did the calculations with his mind, it was dishonorable to win.

This time he will win openly!

Immortal Realm doesn't reuse him, he wants to prove it to other realms, promise that you can't deal with it, I can suppress it once, and I can suppress it twice.


Mount Buzhou fell from the sky, and the twenty-five gods of the five elements exploded one by one, turning into animal powder at the foot of Mount Buzhou!

Ye Cui's complexion changed again, Yuanshen emerged, roared twice and sacrificed the fairy map, and the fairy map spread out, forming a fairy array in the sky in an instant, blocking the crushed Buzhou Mountain!

With a muffled snort, he was crushed by Bu Zhoushan's terrifying force and his body suddenly sank, his body almost sank into the ground.

"Don't you want to see my first supernatural power?"

Xu Ying's face was numb, with blood and tears streaming down his face, fingers spread apart, and he said in a low voice, "I'll let you see, so that you can die in peace."

Surrounding Ye Cui, countless stars suddenly rolled and flowed into his fairy array of descending demons from the sky. The stars shone and collided, and there were terrifying energy bursts every moment, making the fairy array run stagnantly!

The next moment, a sword qi descending from the sky descended from the sky, splitting the Immortal Formation of Subduing Demons!

A line of blood appeared on Ye Cui Yuanshen's forehead, and a scroll of fairy pictures flew up behind him, turning into the Zhoutian Xingxiu Demon Refining Formation. With a ferocious look!

His idea is very ingenious, using the Zhou Tian Xing XingXingXingXu array to decipher Xu Ying's supernatural power, the Chaotic Star Sea, the Chao Xing Hai is nothing but stars, but the Zhou Tian XingXiu represents the righteous God of Zhou Tian!

The next moment, behind Xu Ying, 1,900 phantoms of gods appeared, forming an extremely angry incarnation of heaven, blasting into the magic circle with one punch, destroying the phantom of Zhou Tianzheng god!

Ye Cui was so shocked that he vomited blood, backed up again and again, and then he raised his foot and gave a heavy meal, four-phase array, two instrument array, small sky star array and other fairy figures flew away.

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His figure turned into a long rainbow, piercing through the air, and the various formations swirled and danced around his body, invincible!

He activated the fairy formation, trying to cut through Xu Ying's hiding place, and escape to the outside world first.

"The Immortal Lord asked me to take the initiative to make peace, resolve the grievances with Xu Ying, and said that if the resolution cannot be resolved, he will come forward again. Now, it is his turn to come forward!"

Just as Ye Can thought of this, a big sun suddenly rose again in front of his eyes, and the surroundings had turned into a golden melting wall of flames, and unimaginable high temperatures hit his face.

It was the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace that swallowed him up!

Xu Ying's face was expressionless, and he shook his palm heavily, causing the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace to shrink sharply, and then exploded with a bang.

Ye Cui roared and rushed out of the blazing flames. The surrounding fairy formations were already riddled with holes, and he shouted sharply: "I promise you to kill the immortals under my command, and I should kill you! You are a prisoner in the fairy world. You're damned for trying to break out!"

Instead of retreating, he advanced and rushed to Xu Ying!

He didn't care about the Immortal Lord's order, since he couldn't escape, he would simply kill Xu Ying and make Xu Ying's practice in this life come to naught!

Although his talisman was destroyed, the celestial way still existed, and his celestial accomplishments were still astonishing. When he rushed in front of Xu Ying, the celestial runes had already linked up to form a celestial formation, surrounding him.

After Xu Ying's death, the cave of the four great Nuo ancestors was opened, and wrathful incarnations stood in the cave, and the celestial fire blazed, raising his power to the extreme.


Xu Ying blasted out with a fist, and where the fist peak passed, the fairy formation surrounding Ye Yan's body, and the fairy runes that formed the formation suddenly exploded in a row!


Xu Ying's blow landed on his chest, and Ye Wei felt that all his immortal power was scattered by this punch, his chest sunken, his back bulged, and he rolled and flew backwards!

He was in mid-air and was about to stabilize his figure when suddenly Xu Ying came in front of him and punched him again.

Ye Cui Yuanshen's physical body merged into one, and he joined forces to resist, and suddenly felt an unimaginable force coming, click, click, his arms exploded, and he flew backwards at a faster speed!


His figure pierced through Xu Ying's hidden scene, drew a long trace over Penglai Wonderland, and crashed into a fairy mountain floating in midair.

That fairy mountain has an owner, a female fairy stood up to avoid Ye Fu's impact, she was in shock, and was about to help him up, when suddenly there was another person in front of her.

The female fairy looked intently, and saw that the person who came was a boy in black, with an expressionless face, but it shocked her heart, and she didn't dare to help Ye Cui.

Ye Wei turned over and spit out blood, Yuanshen was also severely injured, and his eyes were a little flustered.

"This is my first supernatural power."

Xu Ying said softly, the stars were flying behind him, a colorful sacred tree was being formed, and the stars revolved around the sacred tree.

Ye Cui's face changed suddenly, and he flew back, but the colorful divine tree had already drifted down thousands of rays of light and auspicious energy, whistling and whirling on his body, scarring his body and soul!

Not only that, but his immortal way, his Xiyi domain, and every realm of him have been beaten to the point of cracks!

This is an attack against his immortality, and it will destroy him fundamentally!

With a bang, Ye Cui bumped into a fairy mountain floating in the air, spinning that fairy mountain, and flew into the distance, almost flying out of the fairyland of Penglai.

The immortal who settled on that fairy mountain quickly shot and bound his own fairy mountain.

In the fairyland, other immortals who lived in seclusion here stopped their cultivation one after another, walked out separately, and looked at Xu Ying and Ye Wei in surprise. There is also a woman among them, who walked out of the main peak, she looked like an ordinary woman, nothing unusual, not as beautiful as other fairies.

Her eyes fell on Xu Ying, and she showed a smile: "You really came."

Ye Cui panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Immortal Master! Immortal Master!"


Xu Ying's incarnation of the Dao of Heaven slapped him away with a palm, Ye Shu's bones were broken, he coughed up blood again and again, and shouted: "Immortal Master! You promised me to resolve my grievances with him, Immortal Master..."

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As soon as he finished speaking, an abyss suddenly appeared under his head, all ways were silent, it seemed that all the great ways were buried, and it was the ultimate destination of the way!

As soon as this abyss came out, Ye Yan fell down involuntarily.

He was terrified and urged all his mana to fly outward, but all the heavens and earths in his body were silent, without any power.

"Immortal Lord..." He uttered a last cry, and finally fell into the abyss.

At this a vicissitudes of life came from behind Xu Ying, and he praised: "The battle of Tianlu and the three worlds shocked, and the funeral Taoist has just appeared. Everyone said that once the funeral Taoyuan's supernatural power came out, Any celestial powers are useless. Seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation. Xu Ying, this old man is the Immortal Lord of Penglai, can I ask for a favor..."

Xu Ying shook his palm heavily, and the abyss of the burial path suddenly closed, turning into a black crack in the space.

Blood...flows from the crack.

It was Ye Fu's blood, which was squeezed out.

The inside of the abyss of the burial path was booming, as if it was being carefully ground, crushing bones and ashes!

Xu Ying turned around and said sadly, "Immortal Master, you spoke too late."

He let go of his palm, which was stained with blood.

The exiled immortal Ye Chuan had already been crushed by him.

One person died on the Penglai ship!

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