Martha stared blankly at her father who had passed away.

In the depths of her heart, she suddenly had a clear understanding why she fell in love with Jonathan in the first place.

Because Jonathan, like his father, is stubborn and refuses to lose his pride, but he has a feeling for his family that will never be changed by the world.


"It's raining?"

Eric stood in the dark hell, looked up and found dense raindrops falling from the sky.

The rainy ghost **** began to change.

The pitch-black area with the smell of sulphur and death began to change, the gloomy black sky began to dissipate, and a black sky covered with overcast clouds appeared.

The desolate high uplifted mountains have become buildings with ancient Greek characteristics.

The underground world that was originally full of desolation and death suddenly turned into a magnificent city.

Eric stood on the street of the city, frowning.

"Did you save me?"

The Amazon escaped princess who was put on the ground by Eric, covered her head, stood up and asked Eric, her tone full of caution and suspicion.

She just had a nightmare.

I went back to the moon hunting night in my childhood.

Under the moonlit night full of brilliance, he secretly followed the trail of the witch, hiding in a tree and secretly observing the ritual dance of the witch.

A terrifying and terrifying existence emerged from the barrel, and the sharp eyes of the witch named "Hecate" caught her.

The unbearable pain struck his mind.

The forehead seemed to be burned by some kind of existence, leaving an invisible mark.

Trying to get herself out of the painful nightmare, Wonder Woman pressed her forehead with one hand and asked Eric.

Eric turned around and looked at Wonder Woman, who was slightly younger.

"It looks like this at the moment, you got a gunshot wound, although I don't quite believe there is any gun that can hurt an Amazon princess."

Wonder Woman touched her chest, and a bullet hole was formed above her chest, which looked a little unsightly.

"That's not an ordinary gun, it's Eros' golden double gun."

Wonder Woman said bitterly.


Eric nodded, "Eros, the **** of love?"

"Yes, son of Aphrodite."

"Then it's not wrong for you to be shot."

Chapter 158: Does My Bride Love Me?

Eric shook his head and replied casually.

He always thought that Eros, the **** of love, was a beautiful young man with a bow and arrow, but now his impression has completely changed to a gangster with a golden sand eagle. When they meet someone, they shoot someone directly, and then the person who gets shot will fall in love irresistibly.

"Who are you? I don't remember someone like you in the underworld."

Wonder Woman adjusted her emotions, stood up, and asked Eric in a bad tone.

"Eric Kent, or you can call me native."

Eric asked the other party, "Is this how you treat your savior?"

"I don't think there will be someone well-meaning to save me, especially in Hades' territory."

Wonder Woman isn't grateful for Eric's rescue.

She still suspects that Eric is Hades' sidekick.

After all, she had just escaped from Hades, which made her nervous, and she thought it necessary to have doubts about a stranger.

What's more, the other party suddenly called out his identity.

The princess of the Amazon, this is not information that everyone knows.

"Is Hades the Hades?"

A smirk appeared at the corner of Eric's mouth, "So you are the bride who ran away from the Hades wedding?"

He did know that Hades had a disgusting hobby, like robbing Zeus' daughter as a bride.

Wonder Woman is also Zeus' daughter. Eric wasn't surprised that Hades robbed him of being his bride.

Although he had some doubts, how did Wonder Woman enter the underworld.

"So what? For someone you don't love, I'd rather be hunted down by him than to marry him."

Wonder Woman showed her rebellious spirit, "Don't tell me, you came to arrest me on Hades' orders."

"If I did that, you wouldn't be here now, tell me..."

Although he is interested in the slightly young Wonder Woman, now he will get out of trouble and list it as the first thing to be solved on the list of affairs.

"How do you get out of here?"

"You are a human, and you are still a human without death. How did you do it?"

Wonder Woman seemed to notice the difference in Eric in front of her and asked him with a frown.

"It seems that our conversations are not on the same channel."

Eric's eyes flashed impatiently, and he said coldly, "Now I saved you, Diana Prince. In a sense, you should be my captive."

"Captive? The only reason I ran away from marriage was that Hades used the word 'bond' in his marriage vows. The fact is that Amazons will never be tied, so my acceptance of the term "captive" almost zero."

Wonder Woman walked towards Eric, "As a reward for saving me once, I can choose to ignore your uncivilized words, but if you want to fight, I can accompany you at any time."

The first meeting between the two was full of gunpowder again.

For Eric, who had a general impression of Wonder Woman, he naturally did not have the patience to explain his messy relationship with her to the other party.


Eric was confronting the youth version of Wonder Woman when he suddenly heard a strange clicking sound.

It was like the sound of stones rubbing against each other.

Eric stopped the conversation with Wonder Woman, stretched out his right hand, and the cosmic scepter immediately appeared in his hand.

The scepter glows softly.

Standing in front of him was a huge building with several imposing knight statues in front of the building.

Eric used the cosmic scepter and aimed it at the marble floor in front of him.

Any ground that is irradiated by the light of the Cosmic Scepter reveals its true colors.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing Eric using the scepter to reveal the true face of the marble under his feet, Diana let out an exclamation.

The original white marble floor has become a pile of undead.

The corpses were piled up on top of each other, and the dense arms and legs were intertwined, looking very terrifying and unbearable to look directly at.

"what is this?"

Diana took a step closer to Eric and asked in surprise.

"The underworld is made of souls, shouldn't the ubiquitous dead be a normal phenomenon?"

Eric was relatively calm about this.

"The walls, the sky, and even the things you step on are all made by grievances."

The seemingly fledgling Wonder Woman asked in surprise, "Hades used the dead to forge his kingdom?"

"Use it?"

Eric shook his head with a cold expression, "This is not an exploit."

"Stamping them under your feet, isn't that taking advantage of it? What the hell!"

Wonder Woman said angrily.

"This is eternity."

Eric turned around and said to the knight statue.

"Life and immortality is a blessing from heaven, and it is also a net set by heaven, but this net cannot cover mortal things."

Eric said in an unchanging tone: "After a living being dies, he gains the ability to incarnate all things. Thousands of changes are only in an instant. If he can be reshaped, it will become eternity. From then on, it will not be inside or outside the world, but will become the world itself."

"So, Wonder Woman, this is not an exploit."

As his words fell, the stone on the surface of the statue of the horse began to peel off.

With the sound of falling gravel, knights and horses drilled out of the stone shell.

The epidermis on the surface of the skin has been completely lost, and the **** mass of muscle fibers has gathered on the body.

The blood-drenched knight charged with a sharp sword and drove towards the two of them.

"Don't tell me that someone will choose to be like this, Eric Kent!"

Wonder Woman turned around and said to Eric, raised the sword in her hand and aimed it at the roaring horse.

But the marble floor beneath his feet suddenly cracked, and the hands of countless resentful souls stretched out from it and grabbed the feet of Eric and Wonder Woman.


Wonder Woman, who was caught by her ankle, immediately used her long sword to chop at the corpse that came out.

But the dense corpses cannot be resolved in a short time.

Cut off one corpse and stand up two more.

Wonder Woman soon finds herself under siege.

When the strength gradually exhausted, I saw a ray of light produced, and then the light energy group continued to expand.

The ghosts crawling out of the ground surrounding him were quickly dissipated by a burst of energy.

Wonder Woman looked at Eric, who was shining brightly, and found that the scepter in the opponent's hand emitted a beam of energy that felt completely different from the underworld, melting all the souls like sunlight.

The warm light beam that makes people feel like being irradiated by the sun makes Wonder Woman seem to bathe in the sunshine on Paradise Island after a long absence.

This guy…

Staring at Wonder Woman in shock at the scene in front of her, unbelievable light flashed in her eyes.

Who is this guy?

After using the cosmic scepter to resolve all the grievances that had burrowed out from under the marble floor, Eric put away the scepter, and a crimson light beam emitted from his eyes, aiming at the **** knight who was charging towards him and Wonder Woman.

The heat sight carried majestic energy, bombarded the knight's body, and immediately cut it in half.

The knight who came on the other side, armed with a sharp sword, had not galloped to Eric's side before his head was blown off by Eric's hot gaze.

Wonder Woman was holding her sword, looking around at a loss.

Is this the end?

Turning his eyes to Eric, looking at the laser with huge destructive power emitted from his eyes, Wonder Woman would like to ask him which Olympus **** you are.

After using heat vision to eliminate all the knights, Eric frowned at the resurrected knight.

Do you have the ability to resurrect infinitely?

Although it can't cause harm to himself, it is enough trouble.

"You stole my beloved bride, unforgivable fellow!"

The revived knight scolded Eric angrily: "Who are you? Why do you dare to oppose me openly?"


Eric didn't expect Hades to show up, his eyes glowed with heat, and he instantly cut off the talking knight's head.

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