There seemed to be some noise outside the farm.

Due to her pregnancy, she has been sleeping very lightly recently and is easily awakened by any sound

Martha, who sensed the sound outside, was worried that the thief was moving, and immediately woke her husband up.

"Not like a thief."

Jonathan pricked his ears and listened for a while, "And it was the sound from the barn, the barn that used to hide the spaceship."

"Could it be that the spaceship is back?"

Martha asked worriedly.

What she feared and worried most was Joe El, who had been trying to take Eric and Clark away.

"No, I'll go take a look."

Jonathan got up from the bed and said to Martha, "You stay here and don't move, don't go out."

"Would you like to wake Eric and Clark."

Martha suggested to her husband, "Let their brothers accompany you."

"Need not."

Jonathan got up in his clothes and walked out, "If the spaceship flew back, I would have a good talk with him and solve the problem once and for all."

As soon as he walked out of the corridor, he saw Eric standing outside.


Jonathan was a little surprised. He didn't expect his younger son to be here.

"I'll go with you, Dad."

Eric said straight to the point.

"Did you hear that too?"


Eric not only heard the sound from the barn, but also saw the existence in the cellar with his perspective.

With a frown, he said to Jonathan, "Otherwise, I'll go over by myself."

"Don't worry about my safety, Eric."

Jonathan patted Eric on the shoulder, "You have to know that for a father, no matter how great his son is, in the father's eyes, he is the existence that needs to be protected."

After taking the shotgun from the storage room, Jonathan and Eric went downstairs together.

After the two went downstairs, they pushed open the door, and a gust of cold air rushed in immediately along the door.

Jonathan peered through the night to the cellar where the spacecraft had been hidden.

There was a sound of "crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdd" from the barn, and there was a slight tremor on the ground.

After Eric and his father looked at each other, the two walked towards the barn.

Pushing open the barn door, Jonathan turned on the flashlight.

A bright beam of light hits the interior of the barn.

The stalks that have been piled up are all over the place, and things like corn stalks and farm implements are scattered all over the barn.

The cellar door was opened, the walls of the barn shook faintly, and there was a loud gasp from inside.

Asking his father to wait at the door, Eric walked to the top of the cellar and glanced down, then walked down the wooden stairs.

"I once warned you that if you dare to come near here again, I will kill you!"

Eric, whose eyes shone with crimson light, aimed at the existence in the cellar - Solomon Grandi.

------off topic-----

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Continue your ticket-seeking activity journey.

Chapter 148 Help me call an ambulance Superman


Jonathan came over with a flashlight, ready to say something to Eric.

But when the light of the flashlight shone into the cellar, he was stunned when he saw the zombie-like Solomon Grandi.

He really didn't expect such a development when there was a hideous monster in his cellar.

Although the monster did not shout and maintained a seemingly calm posture, it felt even more eerie and incomprehensible.

"Eric...what is this?"

Recovering from the shock, Jonathan suppressed his beating heartbeat and asked Eric.

Seeing someone come in, Grandi, who was hunched over in a lowly gesture in the cellar, looked at Jonathan.


"Dad, you don't have to come down!"

Eric stretched out his palm towards his father, signaling his father not to come down.

Although he was a little worried about his son's safety, after seeing Eric's actions, he had to stop thinking about getting ready.

"Eric, pay attention to your safety!"

Jonathan instructed while stepping back.

"Why are you hiding in the cellar?"

After seeing his father leave, Eric asked him in a bad tone.

"Grandi...nowhere to go..."

Grandi gave Eric a flattering expression and replied to him.

"It...feels good here, Grandi...loves being here!"

Grandi stammered because of his limited intelligence and language skills, and repeated a sentence several times before he could express it clearly.

"I said, if you keep following me, I will kill you."

Eric's patience was almost exhausted for the other party relying on him.

"Now, get out of here!"

Eric's eyes flashed with crimson light, ready to attack Grandi at any time.

Grandi, who had already experienced Eric's hot sight, had no choice but to show a grievance to Eric, then stood up from the barn and walked outside step by step.

Just as Jonathan, who was waiting outside, was about to go in again, he saw Eric and the giant named "Grandi" come out.

" know him?"

After realizing that Eric might know the giant in front of him, Jonathan's worries went away.

At the same time, curiosity about his youngest son arose in his heart.

How did Eric get the guy in front of him to obey him?

"Well, I know, but it's not very familiar and friendly, but I used to beat me, so this guy will follow me."

Eric explained to his father casually.

"You beat this guy up?"

There was a surprised look on Jonathan's face. " he a normal person? With this huge size and looking at each other's skin, it doesn't look like a normal person."

"Obviously not a normal person."

Shaking his head, Eric walked over to Grandy who was standing in front of the barn and gave him a fist.

"Know this?"


Grandi's small eyes blinked, showing a puzzled expression for unknown reasons.

"This means that if you stay here, you will taste the fist again!"


"I know, Kent, right? That's the name, can't be wrong? The fact that you didn't tell me the exact address got me lost."

On the town road, an old-fashioned car sped along the road.

After turning into a small road, the road conditions became worse, causing the woman in the car to feel worse.

With one hand on the phone, the woman unscrewed the water glass and poured some spicy brandy into her mouth.

Yes, her water glass is not full of water, but spicy and refreshing brandy.

As for whether she will be arrested by the police for drunk driving, she doesn't believe that a traffic police will stop her car in a place where she can't see a person for a long time.

"Please, the genius told me just now that I was turning left on No. 31, but now I'm completely lost, you can't completely throw the blame on me!"

Facing the blame of the colleague on the other end of the phone, the woman said unhappily.

"What? Let me describe your surroundings to you. Well, it's all piles of corn stalks, and you can't see the end."

The woman glanced out the window and said unhappily, "You wouldn't believe that a person is driving a vehicle in a cornfield and is very aware of the surrounding road conditions."

After hanging up the phone, the woman shook her head helplessly, feeling that there would be no worse experience than today.

She would rather be trapped in the desert playing a survival game like last time than drive like a fool in the cornfield.

While driving, he stretched out his hand to touch his bag, wanting to take out a cigarette from the bag to relieve his fatigue.

But the moment she touched the cigarette, she changed her mind.

"Well, forget it, Louise, if you choose to smoke, you'll hate yourself so much tonight."

The woman named "Louise" shook her head and put the cigarette back in her bag.

As she exhaled, she was thinking about whether to get out of the car to check the road conditions, when she suddenly heard a sound of breaking through the air.

There was a screeching sound in the air, making people want to cover their ears to block the harsh noise.

Louise looked up, and a huge black shadow shrouded her sight!

A big man fell from the air and hit the car he was driving.

"My God!"

The startled Louise immediately slammed the steering wheel to the left to avoid this unpredictable disaster that fell from the sky.

After the car chassis hit the protruding mound on the side of the road, it made a "bang" sound, and then rushed down the steep dirt slope.

Louise's back was hit, she let out a muffled groan, and rushed down with the car.

The branches of the "crack papa" slapped on the car window, instantly slapping the car glass into cobweb-like cracks.

Boom! Boom!

The continuous impact made the car let out an overwhelmed "groan".

All Louise, sitting in the driver's seat, could do was to slam on the brakes and hold on to the steering wheel to stop the car from spinning out of control.

Fortunately, the **** was not high, and because of the rain, the car finally came to a stop after hitting a pile of cornstalks that had piled up.

Sitting in the car, Louise was still in shock. After the car was completely turned off, she stroked her chest with her hand.


Taking a long breath, she murmured.

"My God! I swear, I'll never drink again."

After closing her eyes and praying for a second, Louise checked her body and confirmed that she was not injured, then pushed open the car door and walked out.

Unexpectedly, the moment I got off the car, I rushed to the right foot with a sharp pain!

Immediately fell to the side unsteadily.

Thanks to helping the old-fashioned car next to him with one hand, he did not fall down.

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