Kara's body slammed heavily on the container.

The super strong metal container was dented back by her body.

"This has always been the real me, it's just that you can't accept it, so... don't say such meaningless nonsense!"

Clark, who stood up, panted violently, his eyes full of determination.

His arms were clenched into fists, and the muscles in his upper body were bulged, and he strained slightly.


His clothes were blown open by him, revealing his lean upper body.

The big "s" symbol on the chest appeared in front of Kara.

Looking at the large mark on Clark's chest that seemed to be burned, Kara was stunned.

Full of anger, Clark walked towards Kara step by step.

Suddenly, a golden rope hit him.

Wonder Woman's mantra lasso bound Clark, who was topless.


With her feet on the ground, Diana grabbed the rope with both hands and pulled it sharply!

Clark was taken over by Wonder Woman, and then he received an uppercut and hit the ground with a bang!

Because of the pain all over his body and the exhaustion from the long battle, Clark only felt dizziness in his mind, and he wanted to stand up, but he had no strength.

With her right hand clenched, Wonder Woman's fist slammed towards Clark.


The sound of fist and body colliding came, and the dull sound echoed in the night sky.

Clark opened his eyes wide in horror and looked at Eric standing in front of him.

Yes, he didn't get hit!

Eric, who suddenly appeared, blocked a punch from Wonder Woman for him.

Wonder Woman was also slightly stunned.

She didn't even see how Eric came over, and her fist hit him on the shoulder.

This bastard... Could it be that his strength surpasses Superman now? !

With his arms folded over his chest, Eric, who took the blow from Wonder Woman with his shoulders, didn't even shake.

Shaking his head at Diana, who was in a state of shock, Eric fired a hot line of sight in his eyes, bombarded the opponent's chest, and directly knocked her back.

Fortunately, Diana absorbed most of the energy with the bracelet between her wrists and was not injured.

Boom! Boom!

Before Wonder Woman could catch her breath, Batman and Green Lantern fell from the sky and fell to the ground.

Supergirl Kara stood beside Wonder Woman, and the four faced Eric together.

"I don't think the situation is good right now."

Green Lantern glanced at Eric and said in a low voice, "We have to face two Superman, even if it is an immature Superman, I don't think we have a good chance of winning."

"I have no intention of fighting."

Carla frowned and said, "They're my brothers."


Green Lantern shrugged his shoulders and complained to Cara, "But you beat Superman so hard just now, I didn't see the slightest bit that he was your brother."

"It was an accident, I was trying to wake Carl up."

"Hmm, I understand you, but it looks like Eric doesn't understand you, he looks like he's going to avenge his brother!"

Before Green Lantern finished speaking, Eric's hot eyes rushed over.

Supergirl Kara stood at the front and immediately turned sideways to hide.

Eric's heat vision hit the container, instantly cutting it in half.

The sound of "creaking" sounded, and the boxes that were originally stacked on top of the container began to fall slowly because they lost their load-bearing capacity.

With a loud bang, the container fell to the ground.

A loud bang echoed through the empty pier.

After the hot sight was avoided by the other party, Eric did not take the initiative to attack, but just stood there and watched a few people.

Of course he knew that the other party's original purpose was to stop Clark.

If the other party intends to wake Clark, he may ignore it, but if he continues to attack Clark, he will not be able to rationally act as a melon eater.

Although he has a lot of disgust for Clark as his eldest brother, it does not mean that he will watch Clark get beaten.

After all, he is his eldest brother. Although he is a bit of a **** after wearing the red kryptonite ring, he will feel shameless when he is beaten so hard by outsiders.

The reason on the surface is this, but deep down he knows that he has put Clark in a very important position as a family member.

So when you see the other party being beaten, you will be unable to control your inner emotions and jump out to block this for Clark.

Carla was about to explain to Eric that she had no malicious intentions. Unexpectedly, the hot-tempered Wonder Woman did not intend to let it go. The new hatred and the old hatred were simply liquidated, and she rushed towards Eric with an angry shout.

"Oh, now your explanation should be useless."

Green Lantern smiled at Kara, "I have a question now, are all Amazons so hot-tempered?"

"I don't know, but one thing I do know is that when a woman's small eyes and Amazonian personality combine, it's easy to trigger a Mars-to-Earth event."

Carla covered her forehead helplessly.


Wonder Woman's double swords slashed at Eric, but was easily dodged by Eric who flew up.

Eric, with his feet 30 cm off the ground, escaped Wonder Woman's attack and flew behind Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman, who felt being teased, turned around and slashed at Eric.

Eric's body went straight forward, his hands clenched his fists and stretched forward, slamming into Diana's chest.


The two bodies collided.

Wonder Woman blocked Eric's punch with her elbow and immediately rammed back.

With a bang, the body slammed to the ground.

The progress of the Motherland template has been unblocked by 95%, and coupled with some of the strengthened "Kryptonian" physiques, Eric's strength at this time exceeds that of Wonder Woman.

At least in terms of strength, speed and endurance, far surpasses Wonder Woman.

After one hit, Eric flew to Wonder Woman.

Teammates Green Lantern and Kara had to join the battle.

As for Batman, who has been eating melons and watching dramas, because the props have already been used, and the battle between Eric and Wonder Woman is a bit weird, he did not step forward to help.

His purpose is to stop Clark from committing crimes, not to fight Eric Kent.

Facing the joint attack of Green Lantern and Supergirl, Eric had to take a step back and shoot a hot line of sight in his eyes, hitting the protective circle constructed by Green Lantern, instantly shattering it.

Chapter 132: The Woman Who Tried to Die Together


As the barrier shattered, Green Lantern was grabbed by Eric's neck. At the same time, he used his heat vision to force back Supergirl Kara, who was rushing over.

Eric, who was bursting with all his strength, faced the attack of the three, and he took the lead when he came up.


Seeing that Green Lantern and Supergirl were repelled, Wonder Woman took a sprint forward.

The air roared, and Diana, who burst out with all her strength, was hit by a punch as soon as she slammed into front of Eric.


After adjusting her figure in the air, Diana landed on the ground with her feet.

Although her arm blocked Eric's attack, it also became weak and weak, and there was no way to raise it again.

Is this my limit?

Even if you travel to the present, you can't defeat this guy?

Wonder Woman gritted her teeth and looked at Eric angrily.

No, you have to beat him once, or you will never be able to keep your head up when you meet him in the future.

Shaking her head and throwing all her thoughts out of her mind, Diana stomped her feet on the ground, turning her whole body into a streamer and rushing towards Eric again.

Carla also moved in front of Eric and grabbed his arm, trying to get him to let go of the right hand that was gripping Green Lantern's throat.


The sound of muscles colliding with muscles sounded, and Diana rushed over and grabbed Eric's left hand, while the other hand grabbed his neck, making him unable to exert force.

The Batman next to him looked at the four people who were messing with each other with a confused expression.

This is the future motherland and superman?

Once his power is fully released, even superheroes like Wonder Woman and Green Lantern can't control him?

After getting along for this period of time, he has basically understood the strength of the Wonder Woman trio.

But I didn't expect such a powerful trio to be no match for Eric Kent!

This level of existence is beyond the realm of human beings, right?

A level that would destroy the world if you move your hands!

Although it is unlikely, once they have such an idea, how to check and prevent it?

Watching the four people in front of them fighting so fiercely that the air burst, Batman was shocked, and he even felt that the space was shaking faintly!

After a while, he shook his head and secretly decided in his heart that no matter what, he must take precautions to find the weaknesses of Eric Kent and Clark Kent.

Whether the future is friend or foe, their threat to the world cannot be ignored.


The air roared, a violent crash sounded, and several people hanging on Eric instantly popped out.

Kara and Green Lantern rammed backwards, with only Wonder Woman still at the stalemate.

Eric's eyes continued to shoot hot eyes, aiming at Diana, who was strangling his neck and trying to fall himself.

But his eyes caught a glimpse of the top of Wonder Woman's chest, which was originally blocked by coins, but now because of the battle, the "Motherlander" symbol was slightly exposed in a corner, and the hot eyes finally did not come out.

He was curious about the Wonder Woman who might have some kind of relationship with him in the future.

So the heat sight shoots at Wonder Woman at very low power.

In the horrified eyes of the other party, the coins representing the wealth and civilization of ancient Greece were instantly shot through by Eric.

With a hot sight that can be precisely controlled and even warmed to milk, it is easy for him to destroy without hurting Wonder Woman's skin.

After the silver coin above Wonder Woman's chest was destroyed, her full signature was revealed.

Eric was able to observe closely to see if this was his own handwriting.

Although nominally observing the black handwriting, in the end he was attracted by a touch of white.

He found that after unlocking the motherland template, as the unlocking progress continued to deepen, some of his hobbies were gradually affected.

On the other side, seeing Eric destroy the coin he was wearing, Wonder Woman thought the other party was humiliating herself.

Boozing angrily, he pressed Eric's neck and tried to press him into the ground.

As an Amazonian, she is best at hunting and wrestling.

Eric, who was held down on his neck, naturally wouldn't fall down by her, he broke free from the opponent's pressure and stepped back.

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