Arrogant Consort Adored By War Prince

Chapter 360: Welcome to the palace

"Speak." Yu Zisu had already guessed what he was going to say, so his face sank naturally. The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became serious.

"Niangniang, it is now rumored among the people that the daughter of Jie adults is'born with a phoenix fate.' I don't know how Niangniang intends to solve it?" This is a bit aggressive.

"Master Chen wants Niang Niang how to solve it?" Xu Qingze first asked in a deep voice.

Li Qingxing said with a stern face: "It's just some foolish people, why should Master Chen take it seriously. But Master Xie, why are there such rumors flowing out? Don't Master Jie know that this matter is related to the country and is of great importance! "

This time, Li Qingxing, an old scholar, was completely on Yu Zisu's side. In these few days of getting along, he has learned a little bit about the empress whom the new emperor loves, and he has to sigh in his heart that Yu Zisu is the woman who is really worthy of standing next to the new emperor.

She is also qualified to be the only master of the harem.

"Master Li has also said that this matter is of great importance. Now all of Kyoto is rumored that the queen empress is occupying the post. Miss Jie Jia is the real queen candidate. If Feng's destiny is not dealt with in time, wouldn't it be even more serious." Lord Chen said righteously.

"My lord dared not even mean to blame Niang Niang. He just felt that it would be better for Niang Niang to welcome Miss Xie Jia into the palace directly. Anyway, as long as the Empress is not there, as long as the Niang Niang agrees, you can let Miss Xie Jia enter the palace. NS."

"Master Chen means that, but a mere rumor is about to welcome Miss Xie Jia into the palace?" Mr. Liang, who was recently promoted to Zhongcheng, straightened his back and said: "Then there will be another Miss Chen in Kyoto tomorrow is Feng Ming. Miss Wang is Feng's fate, shouldn't she also welcome them all into the palace?

"Master Chen thinks there is a place where cats and dogs can enter in this palace! Or, you don’t want to solve such a big thing, but instead you think about this messy way. This is to be a courtier of the Kingdom of Kings. Performance?"

Seeing Master Liang’s voice more violent, Yu Zisu couldn’t help but secretly said in his heart that Master Liang was indeed suitable for Yushitai, his mouth was poisonous enough, his words were good enough not to be forgiving, his words were choppy, and he did not know what Ye Xiuming was. Where did I find such a baby.

"You! You..." Master Chen pointed to Master Liang's nose, wishing to go forward and beat him twice, if it hadn't been for Xie Pingyuan to hold him back, he might have rushed forward.

"What am I? What the old man said is not unreasonable!" Master Liang touched his beard and said: "Master Chen, you dare to say that you are really just for solving this matter and not for your own selfishness! The old man has heard of Master Chen. The reconciliation sir’s relationship is very good."

"Liang Jicai, you are too much!" Chen Dazhong broke free from Xie Pingyuan's hand at once, and rushed forward to fight Liang Jicai.

"Enough!" Yu Zisu knocked on the table unhurriedly. The voice was not loud, but it was full of majesty. Chaotang, who had just been noisy just now, quieted down.

Master Chen was startled, and hurriedly retracted his hand, stepped back, and stood in his position. The courtiers lowered their heads, and they felt a little frustrated when they heard the sound of knocking on the table.

They have not forgotten what the queen did on the first day of politics.

Mrs. Chen's neck was still red, but his head could not be lowered a little further, hoping not to attract Yu Zisu's attention.

In fact, Yu Zisu didn't pay attention to Master Chen. She had been paying attention to Xie Pingyuan's movements, so she just glanced at Master Chen, and then moved her gaze to the person who understood Pingyuan, a little deeper.

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