Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 142 Sudden Silence

"I don't know why you scolded him, but you scolded him well." Ron said gloatingly, "My mother always said that because of Fudge, my father was not used."

"Because your father likes Muggles too much." Draco emphasized: "Fujitsu is not a capable person, let alone a responsible person. He will not like your father to defend Muggle subordinates."

"It's really good?" Jemini raised his eyebrows: "It looks like... During this time, you have learned to use your brain?"

"My dad said it all." Draco was a little embarrassed.

"Remembering your father's words is also an improvement." Jemini smiled and said, "I have grown a lot during this time..."

Draco blushed in embarrassment: "I'm sorry... before..."

"What are you apologizing to? You don't owe me anything." Jemini took a sip of the wine glass and took a sip: "But from an arrogant and ignorant idiot to a normal person who can think calmly, you should Thank me."

"Yeah, thanks to you, he has been bullied badly during this time." Harry's voice came from under the invisibility cloak.

"You can't blame me. If he wasn't that stupid before, at least no one would come to trouble him." Jemini smiled: "It's self-inflicted, he can't live, I even gave him a chance to reflect on himself, but Not if it was someone else.”

"That makes sense..." Ron nodded.

Draco looked at him angrily.

"Look at what I do? You were really annoying before." Ron muttered. "And it's not very likeable now."

"So you two are dating?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Who? The two of us?" Jemini glanced at Qiu Zhang beside him in surprise: "Don't bother people, we came out to buy Christmas presents."

"Heh... so you didn't follow you when you came out this time with Foley and Gray? They really are willing." Hermione rolled her eyes, not buying Jemini's green tea behavior.

While the others were talking, Professor McGonagall and Fudge sat at a table not far away and began to chat freely about Sirius Black.

It probably means that Sirius is a heinous criminal who betrayed the Potters and his wife.

Everyone at Jemini's table remained silent,

Ron and Hermione looked worried, Draco looked weird, Jemini wanted to laugh a little, and Qiu Zhang looked uneasy.

"Harry...Are you all right?" Hermione's elbow lightly touched Harry, who was invisible.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Under the invisibility cloak, Harry drank butterbeer calmly.

"Tell you, if I had blocked Black before Pettigrew, I wouldn't have wasted time pulling my wand--I'd shove him up--a piece!"

Hagrid, who was drunk, said gruffly.

"You don't know what you're talking about, Hagrid," Fudge said sharply. "Block Black, only a well-trained, Magic Law Enforcement Squad hitter might have a chance!"

"Strike team?" Hagrid thought for a while. "Oh, I remember, the group that was knocked over by the Jemini kid?"

The table suddenly fell silent.

Professor McGonagall glanced at Hagrid with complicated eyes. She sometimes felt that although wizards generally live long, if it weren't for the magic resistance and lifespan given by the giant blood, it was hard to say whether Hagrid would have survived until this time.

Ron's face was flushed. He covered his mouth and leaned against the table tremblingly. Tears came out, for fear of making any noise.

"Hagrid is so good at talking, isn't he?" Hermione whispered in disbelief.

"Indeed..." Jemini said in a low voice, holding back a smile.

Then the next table not far away changed the subject and started chatting about Jemini.

"There were a total of one hundred and twenty-six dementors, and he killed them all..." Fudge had a headache: "If we make more adjustments, Azkaban's guards will not be enough."

"If I say there's no need to let the dementors out, my guests have been scared away by them several times, and some haven't paid their bills!" Ms. Rosmerta said angrily.

"Yeah, there's Dumbledore at Hogwarts," Hagrid agreed.

"And if Jemini opens his magic eye every three or five minutes... I've heard that his eyes can see as far as a few miles away." Professor Flitwick shook the fork in his hand, and said in a shrill voice, "Wait for Jay. Minnie finds Blake's trail, and he can rush over and rub him hard on the ground!"

Qiu Zhang asked in a low voice with some curiosity: "Can you really see a few miles away?"

"It's nearly three miles away now..." Jemini nodded.

The sight distance of the white eyes increases with exercise. Generally speaking, when the eyes are first opened, the distance is only about one kilometer, and some things that are too small are difficult to capture. These exercises can be gradually improved.

Jemini does not have the habit of exercising his eyes, but thanks to the strength of his body and soul, his chakra volume is too high. Under the cultivation of a huge amount of chakra, his sight distance and microscopic The capture ability has also become extremely strong.

And because of sufficient nutrition, he is now thirteen years old, and his strength alone has reached 12 tons, which is twice as high as when he was eleven years old, but this increase will probably reach his fourteen or fifteen years old. It completely slowed down at the time, and finally settled to more than 15 tons, and the explosive force should reach more than 20 tons.

Simple numbers may not seem intuitive. For example, if Jemini throws his fist with all his strength and punches a human head, that person's head will undergo deformation, supercharge, fragmentation and explosion in an instant. pulp and other processes.

That's the magic of wizards!

The discussion of Jemini at the next table continued, with Jemini holding a glass of wine and squinting slightly, wanting to hear what Fudge thought of himself.

"What an outstanding boy, isn't it? I guess Dumbledore must be very happy?" Fudge said cheerfully.

Professor Flitwick smiled proudly: "Of course, when he defeated Dumbledore that night..."

"Wait, when?" Fudge's voice rose sharply.

"He won the duel with Dumbledore, it was a really good fight, both sides did their best, although Dumbledore kept his hand, but he thought even if he didn't hold back, it was just delaying time. ." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, as if Jemini were a Ravenclaw student.

"Felius is too exaggerated, it's just because Foxx has too many strange abilities, although these are also his strengths." Professor McGonagall did not recommend Professor Flitwick to Jamie, who is still a student at this stage. Niduo praised: "Afterwards, the two of them only had a fight with magic, and he was hanged from a tree by Dumbledore..."

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