Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 133 Buckbeak (2 in 1)

Sybil Trelawney.

Descendant of the famous fortune-teller Cassandra Trelawney.

There is also a legend about her ancestor. It is said that because she offended Apollo, the prophecies she uttered were all over the place, but no one believed it.

Sometimes Jemini feels that these gods in mythology are really careful, and if people offend him, they will make life worse than death.

How can you be as generous as yourself? It was you who always gave me a kowtow, and this matter is over...

As soon as Gryffindor's divination lessons were over, Jemini heard from Seamus the Big Mouth that Harry had been prophesied.

Harry's tea leaves are said to be in the form of a large black dog.

In fact, the divination taught by Trelawney is quite reliable. The big black dog that Harry's tea leaves piled up is indeed related to him, but it is not unknown, it is Sirius...

Judging from the expression on Harry's face when talking to Jemini afterward, he should have thought of this too.

In fact, in Jemini's view, if Trelawney has some confidence in her own abilities, she can control some prophetic abilities to some extent.

But the crux of the problem is that she doesn't have confidence in herself, which makes her live like a blind fortune teller under the flyover every day. No one wants to believe her except for a few silly girls with really bad brains.

Of course, if people knew that she made a prophecy between Harry and Voldemort, it might be another attitude, after all, the entire Harry Potter series was born because of a prophecy that this woman was fed up with.

But although it sounds awesome, Jemini didn't take a divination class as an elective...

He took numerical divination as an elective.

Compared with Trelawney's divination class, digital divination is the mainstream divination method in the magic world. A wizard like Trelawney who is born with the ability to predict without needing anything is rare even in the magic world. Yes, there are not necessarily many fire dragons in number.

Things like tarot, crystal ball, and tea slag with vague prediction results, probably only Trelawney can use it. and perceptual interpretation leads to the distortion of the prophecy.

Therefore, in most cases, most wizards in the magic world use digital divination to predict some possibilities in the future.

For example, those human wizards in Gringotts, this is also the reason why digital divination is different from conventional divination and has a single class.

As it turns out, Jemini isn't really good at sensual stuff like divination.

After one class, he was lonely.

At this point, Jemini gave up the ability to divination, and planned to mix a good evaluation in the final exam to be satisfied.

He is not Hermione's kind of person who is obsessed with learning. Strictly speaking, Jemini's good grades are only because he is smart enough, he studies more seriously, and he is interested enough, but if he is not crazy like Hermione, he will not survive. Forget it, he couldn't take it.

At noon, Jemini had lunch and walked all the way to the outside of the castle. He was going to take his first class on the protection of magical animals, and the teacher was Hagrid.

Jemini is still quite curious about the protection of magical animals. For example, when he saw where the magical animals were in his last life, he fantasized about if he also had a sniff, a lunar beast, a bird snake, a tree-protecting pot, or a Zuwu. What should be so good...

These little things are really cute, this is the pet that a macho should keep!

Although Hedwig is also very good, just like money and women, who would think that they have too many pets?

But unfortunately, Hogwarts doesn't pay much attention to magical animals. For example, this course is only opened in the third grade, and it will become an elective course in the future.

The light gray sky outside the castle looked a little gloomy. Jemini didn't like this kind of weather very much. Whether it was rainy or sunny, in his opinion, it was better than this kind of gray weather. Fortunately, it was drifting from the direction of the clouds. Come on, the sun is about to come out.

The lawn under your feet is wet, and it is very elastic when you step on it.

When Jemini came, he happened to run into the Gryffindor students.

Hagrid was already waiting for them at the door of his hut, in his moleskin coat as always, with Fang the Hound at his feet, as if he couldn't wait to set off.

"Come on, come on! Hurry up!" Seeing the students all coming, Hagrid said loudly, "I have a good thing for you to see today, this class is wonderful! Are everyone here? OK, come with me!"

As Hagrid said, he turned around and led them around the edge of the Forbidden Forest, much to Jemini's disappointment. He thought he was going to the Forbidden Forest.

I took the students to a paddock. There was nothing in the paddock, but Jemini knew what to talk about in this class. If nothing else, it should be a hippogriff.

"Everyone gather around this fence," Hagrid shouted loudly. "By the way—make sure you can see, well, first you need to open your textbook—"

"How to open it?" Draco looked at Hagrid with a bit of annoyance.


"How do we open the textbook?" Draco emphasized, impatiently throwing out the "Monster Book of Monsters" tied with a rope.

The students behind Draco also held their textbooks embarrassingly, not knowing what to do. Some of the books in their hands were tied with ropes, some were caught by big clips, and some were caught under their arms and strangled. on.

"None of you—none of you were able to open the textbook?" Hagrid asked in disappointment.

"I opened it." Jemini stood in front with the book, turned to look at the crowd: "First of all, you have to gently stroke the spine of the book, it will be docile, and then you can open it."

Saying that, Jemini stroked the spine lightly, and then opened the book.

"That's right! Great Jemini! Five points for Slytherin! Do as Jemini said." Hagrid said cheerfully, looking at the students.

"Oh, how stupid we are all—" Draco glanced lazily at Hagrid, and said yin and yang strangely: "They should be stroked, why didn't we guess?"

"I... think they're fun," Hagrid muttered uncomfortably.

"I also think it's very interesting. This book can be agitated sometimes, and will want to bite your hand and hum while you're reading." Jemini's voice suddenly sounded: "At this time, you only need to A few punches at it—"

Jemini said, glanced casually at Draco, and Draco wisely shut his mouth.

Hagrid glanced gratefully at Jemini, who chuckled and shrugged.

"Okay, now that you all have your textbooks, now... what you need now are magical animals, wait, I'll bring them here, wait..."

Hagrid said, and strode toward the Forbidden Forest.

Draco snorted: "To ask such an idiot to teach... I see Hogwarts..."

Jemini glanced at him, and Draco closed his mouth.

"A foot is short, an inch is long, everyone has his own value and ability." Jemini shook his head gently: "Even you can enter the team."

Draco: "..."

What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? What does it mean that I can get into the team?

After thinking about it, Draco felt that there was no need for him to argue with Jemini on this kind of issue. We were all classmates, so it wouldn't hurt to be angry, right?

So Draco looked at Jemini and nodded sincerely: "You're right!"

"Oh oh oh!" Lavender Brown shouted, pointing across the paddock.

Jemini turned his head to look, across the paddock, a dozen huge and weird animals trotted towards them.

They have the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but the front legs, wings and head are like those of an eagle, and their sharp beaks are shiny with metal, making them look majestic and intimidating.

"Hippies!" cried Hagrid, waving at the students. Pulling on the big chain, he urged the hippies to come towards the students, and then tethered them to the on the fence.

"If Professor Keitelborn is in the class, you will never see these big guys. These big guys can send his old man away with a slap."

Jegini chuckled: "In the whole of England, only Hagrid can take this kind of class. At the same time, he is also the only person in the UK who has the ability to tame Thestrals. How about it, doesn't it feel great to say that?"

"Yeah yeah..." Draco nodded.

He didn't perfunctory Jemini, he really listened to Jemini's words seriously, and at the same time he felt that Hagrid was very powerful from the bottom of his heart.

Although he is a little different from usual, it may be because he is more frank when facing Jemini.

"Look, they're beautiful, aren't they?" Hagrid walked towards the students with an excited look on his face.

"Yeah..." Jemini nodded: "Can I keep one?"

"Ha, of course, of course Jemini!" Hagrid laughed. "But I suggest you finish your lessons on them and then consider those."

As he said that, he rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "If you want to get closer..."

Except for Jemini who was very close, Harry Ron and Hermione next to him tried to approach, and everyone else was far away.

"Okay, that's it, don't come any closer." Hagrid picked up Jemini and put him back on the fence, and the three of them stopped beside the fence as well.

Hagrid dared not let the students approach the Hippogriff without knowing it, for fear that they would hurt the students.

He also didn't dare to let Jemini come close, he was afraid that Jemini would hurt them.

"Okay, about hippogriffs, the first thing you need to know is that they are very proud and easy to lose their temper, so don't humiliate it, or it may die, understand?"

"En..." Jemini nodded.

"You have to wait for the hippogriff to act first," Hagrid continued. "That's polite, understand? You walk over to it and bow, and if it bows to you, you can touch it. , if it doesn't bow, leave it quickly, the claws will hurt."

"Okay—who wants to come first?"

"I'm coming!" Jemini raised his hand: "Can you ride if you succeed?"

Hagrid hesitated for a moment, then glanced around, as if to ask: Is there no one else?

Harry, who was worried about Hagrid's bad class, saw Jemini raise his hand, and gave up the idea of ​​giving Hagrid the face first.

"Well, of course, you can ride."

Hagrid looked at Jemini with some concern. "If...I mean if—if they didn't bow to you, you wouldn't go any further, you know?"


"Okay..." Hagrid said gruffly, unfastening a chain. "Let's see how you dealt with Buckbeak."

He pulled the turquoise hippocampus away from its companion and unfastened its leather collar, and the students on the other side of the paddock all seemed to hold their breath.

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Draco covered his mouth even more, he was afraid that he would interfere with Jemini, so that Jemini could not ride the hippogriff, and maybe Jemini would take his head off and feed him. Those big guys, used to save their friendship.

"Is your name Buckbeak?"

Jemini stepped forward and looked at Buckbeak with clear eyes.

Buckbeak turned its big pointy head, and stared straight at Jemini with fierce orange eyes.

"I...need to bow?" Jemini asked.

"That's right?" Hagrid looked at Buckbeak in surprise.

Seeing that Jemini didn't wait to bow, Buckbeak lowered his proud head first, bent his scaly front knees, and made an unmistakable bow.

Hagrid looked at Buckbeak in surprise. The first time he saw Buckbeak, he would take the lead in bowing. Even when he first came into contact with him, this never happened.

Of course, from Hagrid's point of view, and Buckbeak's point of view is completely different.

There is a saying called beast-like intuition. Many animals, including humans, sometimes feel uneasy, panic, fear and other feelings before danger comes. This ability is extremely strong in wild animals.

And it is even stronger in wild magical animals.

The hippogriff is undoubtedly a very arrogant monster, but it depends on who it is facing.

When facing monsters like fire dragons and chimeras, they would not reveal their arrogant shortcomings, and they would even be more reserved if they were more reserved.

And when facing Jemini, it's pretty much the same. The fear and fear that come from the body's instinct can't be faked.

In addition, they can distinguish each other's emotions, such as respect, friendliness, etc., from the eyes of each other.

Jemini's eyes showed curiosity, although there were also emotions such as closeness and friendship, but a fire dragon stared at him curiously, and no one would be happy for this kind of thing.

Seeing Buckbeak bowing, Jemini bowed slightly in return.

"So it's the other way around?" Ron murmured, looking at Harry, "Hagrid actually taught those hippogriffs again?"

Harry didn't speak, and gave Ron an elbow, motioning him to shut up, neither the hippogriff nor Jemini could be offended by the two of them.

"Fantastic, you did it, Ba...Jemini!"

Hagrid exclaimed excitedly.

"So I can ride it now?"

"Of course!" said Hagrid, stepping forward and placing Jemini on Buckbeak's back, "be careful not to pluck its feathers."

Immediately afterwards, he patted Buckbeak on the buttocks, and Buckbeak's two front paws were raised high, and it croaked like a horse, and then it sprinted a few steps, flapping its wings and soaring into the sky.

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