Arcane Lord

Chapter 763 Sending a book and anchoring the demiplane

"Niya, don't worry. I know that Her Royal Highness the Princess asked me not to leave the Tower of Time to guard against possible attacks by that person, but I will not necessarily leave Giles Tower when I go to Severton! In Giles Tower , do you still need to worry about that person’s attack?”

In fact, Sha Duo himself was not too worried. The old and new generations of lords from Rodney's territory hid in Jilan Tower, and nothing happened to them.

Even after walking out of Giles Tower, Shado did not believe that anyone would really dare to form a group to attack him in Severton. In one-on-one, unless the Grand Arcanist personally took action, there would be no way to stop him.

Of course, Shado would not risk his life on whether the Grand Arcanist would personally take action. He went to Severton this time with no intention of leaving Giles Tower.

If someone could really kill him, the princess's chosen outstanding pioneer and student-loving husband, in the Giles Tower, then he would admit it!

This means that the Seven Towers no longer have the ability to protect members of the camp, so unless he hides in the Tower of Time his whole life, he may still be killed.

Xia Duo's explanation made Niya feel a little relieved, but she was still a little worried, so she proposed to go there herself: "Then I will go with you. It will be more convenient for me to go there, and I can also meet the teacher."

"Okay!" Xia Duo agreed happily.

In fact, even if Nia didn't mention it, he would have invited Nia to go with him. He went to Severton this time for two main things. It was really more convenient to have Nia there.

Soon, Niya asked about Xia Duo's purpose, and Xia Duo didn't hide too much. He said it bluntly. After all, they were all things to be done in Severton. Telling her in advance now also allowed her to be prepared.

"I have written a book and want to put it on sale at the Austrian and French Federation, and I also want to check it out at the library in Severington."

The latter was planned by Xia Duo after he discovered that he had the ability to recall memories, which is similar to photographic memory. However, he has been busy recently and has been delayed.

As for the former, it has been planned for a long time, but now it is a little ahead of schedule.

Niya had seen Sha Duo "turning through books" in the Tower of Time library before, but she didn't know much about what new book Sha Duo had written, so she asked: "What book did you write? Why did you put it in Austria?" French Federation for sale?”

Xia Duo did not answer this directly, but took out a "Principles" book and handed it to Niya. "That's it? You can also read it for me to see if I have made any omissions."

"Some thoughts on Netheril's arcane magic system?"

Niya saw the cover at first glance. This strange name reminded her of the paper on field interference that Xia Duo gave her before. The style was somewhat similar, but the title was so big? It was also named "Principle" , what is written in it?

With a trace of inquiry, Niya opened the "Principles" book. When she saw "What is magic?" on the first page inside, Niya raised her head and glanced at Xia Duo in confusion.

Chateau smiled slightly. He did not put a table of contents in the book "Principles". On the one hand, he wanted his readers to have a surprise of reading and exploration. On the other hand, it was a practical consideration.

If he writes a table of contents, then the Alfa Federation may not accept his book, and even if it accepts it, it may not arrange the book's location according to his wishes.

So he simply didn't write the catalog, and wanted to muddle through? Anyway, the Austrian Law Federation was just one of the distribution channels he chose. What's the best way to muddle through? If not, he had other backup plans.

Sha Duo motioned for Niya to continue reading? And Niya did exactly that, and now she was aroused again with curiosity——

Is this an enlightenment book that introduces magic? Although it looks very different from other enlightenment books in the Tower of Time, is it just a book like this? Is it necessary to send it to the Arcane Federation?

Niya continued to flip through the book. Although she did not have the abnormal memory ability of Sha Duo, she also mastered the skimming skills. What's more, now, she didn't even need to skim, she just had to look through it roughly.

When she saw "How to Cast Spells", she noticed that the book was only less than a quarter of the way through, and there was still more than half of it, so she had some guesses about the content behind it.

Continuing to flip through the pages, it turned out that the content of arcane geometry was exactly what she thought. It was different from the arcane geometry textbook currently used by new apprentices in the Tower of Time. It seemed to have been specially arranged.

Niya didn't look carefully, but quickly flipped back. When she reached "Equivalent Transformation of Magic Network Strings", "Definition and Derivation of Five Single String Arithmetic Operations" and other contents, she subconsciously slowed down. The speed of turning the book, it took a long time to turn a page, and occasionally I had to turn it back, as if I was memorizing or confirming something.

Seeing Niya gradually falling into a state of reading without anyone else around, Xia Duo couldn't help laughing, but now was not the time to let Niya read!

He put his hand in front of Niya's eyes, which made Niya a little annoyed. She immediately raised her head and glared in front of her. When she saw it was Xia Duo, Nia's anger disappeared instantly, and a trace of blush crept onto her cheeks. She hurriedly closed the book and said to Xia Duo :

"I understand. Let's go to Severton tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I have something to do now, so I'll leave first!"

After saying that, he teleported away directly. This made Xia Duo a little dumbfounded. He hadn't finished talking yet! Moreover, will the remaining spell practice rooms continue to be renovated?

Leaving a trace of a wry smile, Xia Duo had to continue working alone.

Niya didn't show up for the next two days, and Xia Duo gave up when only the last spell practice room needed to be renovated.

The remaining room is just enough for Depak, who has just reached a high level not long ago, to practice his skills. Anyway, having Aibo's guidance won't hinder anything.

As for himself, when he contacted Nia several times and was told to wait, he simply went to the plane exploration level. Taking advantage of the free time while waiting for Nia, he planned to conduct a few more plane searches and arrived at Severton. But there are no such good conditions for him to use it.

Plane exploration layer.

Even though he has been here many times, Xia Duo is still amazed by the huge, complex, and exquisite exploration array here.

If an ordinary person comes here, he may only think that this place is very big, but when a mage comes here, he can see the layered, dense, connected, and breath-like magical aura here!

Coming here is like being in a magical world with twinkling auras that no one can ignore, and Xia Duo is no exception.

When he came here again, Xia Duo did not rush to the operation room to conduct a plane search. Instead, he came to the preparatory teleportation hall and opened a demiplane portal.

During the Snow Melting Competition, the Tower of Time searched for a demiplane, which had been anchored not long ago and would no longer be lost due to the autonomous migration of the demiplane.

At this time, this demiplane truly belongs to the Tower of Time. If the lock on the demiplane was lost before, then a demiplane may have been lost.

A small plane like a demiplane can easily move in the etheric plane, and it will move on its own even without human influence.

Therefore, before completing the anchoring, it is necessary to continuously send out active searches to lock the target, which is somewhat similar to the continuous wave illumination radar on the earth.

Of course, plane movement and human movement are completely different. The actual frequency of locking searches is actually not high, but it cannot be interrupted.

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