Arcane Lord

Chapter 617: Assignment of tasks, dragon-slaying team

After a while, Mayor Thain and Bergat, the president of Savile Town Adventurer's Guild, arrived at the military camp almost at the same time.

"Everyone, there is something I must inform you in advance."

Xia Duo finally decided to tell these people about the dragon disaster. If he didn't tell them now, if a dragon really attacked, it might cause even greater chaos:

"I received a relatively reliable message. The scarlet flashing star in the northwest sky heralds a very terrible disaster. Although it may not come to Savile Territory, we must prepare in advance."

"Sir, what kind of disaster is this?" Thain, as the mayor of the town and the chief steward of the entire Saville Territory, was the first to ask the question.

"Dragon disaster!"

"Dragon plague?"

Thain and others almost had "Are you kidding" expressions on their faces, but Sha Duo's identity here almost showed that there was no need for him to lie about this kind of thing.

As a result, the expressions of Thain and others gradually became solemn, and Thain even said in disbelief: "But sir, isn't the dragon a legendary creature? Does the dragon really exist?"

According to legend, dragons' wingspan could cover the sky and the sun, and they could destroy a town with just one breath. Moreover, they also had extremely strong scales, and mortal swords could not harm them at all.

There are even legends that any giant dragon is a powerful master of magic, and they can easily perform magic that destroys the world.

If such a legendary creature really attacks, how can the Saville Territory resist it?

It shouldn’t be true!

The three of them looked at Xia Duo with a mixture of fear, panic and expectation, hoping that the so-called dragon disaster was just a little joke and not true.

Such expressions made Xia Duo a little reluctant to expose their luck, but luck is not allowed. Giving up illusions and actively coping is the real thing:

"The news of the dragon disaster is certain. Niya also knows this, but you don't have to worry too much. First of all, the dragon disaster will definitely come to Savile Town. Secondly, even if it does come, I will not have no way to deal with it!"

The first one to react was Ke Yaen. He stood up and saluted, and said decisively: "Whatever your lord needs us to do, just ask us!"

Immediately afterwards, Bergat also stood up.

Xia Duo looked at the two of them with admiration. It was quite good for ordinary people to achieve this level. As for Mayor Thain, Xia Duo did not blame him. As the mayor, it is understandable that he has many concerns.

Just do the logistics well. Thinking of this, Sha Duo directly issued an order, "President Bergat, I want you to send adventurers to disperse in all directions to search for traces of scale creatures. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately."

As he said that, he also took out a stack of [Communication Scrolls] that could transmit specific information and gave them to Bergat. As the president of the Adventurer's Guild, he himself was at least a senior adventurer. There was still no way to activate the magic scroll. questionable.

Bergat took the magic scroll with both hands and solemnly replied: "Yes, sir!"

"Director Keyan, I also ask you to send out scouts in all directions to search for traces of scale creatures. In addition, all soldiers are suspended from overseas missions, and two brigades are stationed in the western mining area and the southern Xiaoyang Village to be on alert at all times; the rest are Wait, you must also maintain a state of combat readiness and wait for my new instructions at any time. If there is any situation, please contact me at any time!”

After saying that, Xia Duo also handed a stack of communication scrolls to Ke Yaen, and Ke Yaen also solemnly accepted the order.

As for Thain, Xia Duo also has arrangements. "Mayor Thain, now that the Midsummer Festival has passed and the autumn harvest is coming, I want you to organize the young people in each village in advance and arrange for harvesting as soon as the fields are mature."

In fact, it is only the beginning of August, and there is still about a month until the autumn harvest. However, Xia Duo has organized the unification of young people not only for the coming autumn harvest, but also to gather these people for some preparatory training, and at the same time to Prevent them from causing trouble.

According to the dwarf Brotho, the dragon disaster he experienced lasted for nearly three months. It was not a small event that could end in a short time, but a major event that lasted for a long time.

Xia Duo had to consider the duration of this dragon disaster. Not only could he not delay the autumn harvest, but he also could not delay the autumn sowing. Even if the dragon came tomorrow, what should be done here must still be continued in an orderly manner.

Chaos can only lead to more tragedies.

After arranging some preparation measures for the Saville Territory, Shado took advantage of Broto's break to create the [Dragon Hunting Rune] and returned to the Daxia Territory. Similar orders were also issued in the Daxia Territory.

In fact, Xia Duo didn't expect ordinary people's troops to help him deal with the dragon. He only needed to clean up some crazy dragon-blooded creatures that might appear.

With the existence of dragon power, the role that ordinary people can play in slaying the dragon is extremely low. It is not realistic to find people who are strong-willed enough to withstand the dragon power one by one, and then form a team to slay the dragon.

The only thing that Xia Duo can be sure of now is that he has the [Pioneer Scepter] to be immune to the dragon's power, and Broto, who has hunted white dragons before, should also be able to withstand the intimidation of other dragons.

In addition, Shado guessed that Bishop Ambril might be able to withstand the power of the dragon. After all, he was a priest who was with God, so he should have some special abilities.

As for the others, he wasn't so sure.

From the dwarf's verbal attitude, Shado could see that he also had the desire to protect the Saville Territory, and Bishop Ambril only needed Niya's order.

Moreover, Shado once traveled with him through the shadow plane to sneak attack on the Hawk Territory, the arcanist Aquilaine, and now they are working together again, so there will be no strange feeling.

In this way, there should be no problem in forming a three-person dragon-slaying team.

Soon, Shado came to Brotto's blacksmith shop again. In such a short time, the [Dragon Hunting Rune] had not been completed yet, but Brotto did not stop Shadow from watching.

It was only then that Shado discovered that Brotto's hammer was actually a magic item. The hammer head was densely wrapped with countless magic web strings, but its aura had been hidden by some means in the past.

Now, Broto is working hard to create the dragon hunting rune, and this hammer that almost "blinded" Shado's eyes has truly revealed its "true face".

With such a powerful weapon, it is no wonder that Brotho, as a dwarf, dared to come to a foreign country like Netheril alone, and stayed in a pioneering territory very safely for decades.

In addition, Broto often boasted to others that he had a good relationship with the Grand Arcanist Savile. In the past, Shado only thought it was him bragging, but now it seems that it is probably true.

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