Arcane Lord

Chapter 601 Bonu No. 4, Ice Coke

Because the name of this spell book is "Felder's Arcane Cane", Shado has specifically searched for information about Felder, but whether it is the Tower of Time, the Arcane Federation, or the Tower of Giles , there is no record of him.

Being able to produce a spell book at least shows that Felder is a high-level mage. Sha Duo searched in several places but couldn't find any information about him, which at least means that Felder was not well-known at the time.

Or maybe there is some secret hidden.

In short, this spell book can arouse Sha Duo's desire to explore. In addition, Sha Duo also has a desire to make a spell book, so he almost regards deciphering this spell book as his current main business.

In addition to communicating with Niya every night, he will also study alone for a while during the day when he is free.

There were no surprises in this second bridging experiment, and all feedback data were as he and Niya had discussed and predicted before. But even so, the progress of the bridging could not be pushed too fast.

This is similar to a chain reaction, 1-2-3-4-and more. Abnormalities may occur at each step, which will affect the following, so each step must be reviewed and verified after bridging, which is quite cumbersome.

After bridging the three sets of plug-in mithril components, the bridging experiment was concluded, and Sha Duo and Niya also left the laboratory respectively.

The next day was the Midsummer Festival in the year 836 of the Nese calendar.

The Tower of Time has a day off. Although this is mainly for official mages, the apprentices of the Tower of Time under the new system are more like the students in Sha Duo's hometown. They have to be busy with classes and practice every day. Although they are separated from the general affairs, the same holiday is also It's not their turn.

In a way, they are more like slaves than they used to be, but this is about being slaves to themselves, not to others.

In the past, the Tower of Time did not impose any requirements on their studies. It was up to them to learn whatever they wanted, as long as they did not fall behind in their daily work, but it was different now.

Under the new system, if the Tower of Time apprentice cannot become an official mage within three years, he must repay the tuition for these three years, which is about 1,000 gold coins.

Although this number is not high, if it is just an ordinary farmer family, they may not be able to save so much in their lifetime. How could they not study hard!

Of course, under normal circumstances, even if these apprentices cannot become official mages, the Tower of Time will provide job opportunities, such as magic mechanics or "spell-casting batteries", and the wages are not bad, so they will not be unable to pay back the money.

It is precisely because of this guarantee that these apprentices are willing to sign such a contract that is almost a gamble.

Before dawn, Shado and Niya came to Savile Town together to participate in the sun-rising ceremony of the Midsummer Festival celebration and welcome the rising sun.

After the rising ceremony, Xia Duo took the time to teleport back to Daxia Territory from Savile Town. Although he promised Niya to stay with her for the festival and did contact the territory, he was still a little worried when the day actually came.

After hurriedly walking around to make sure there was no problem, he teleported back to Savile Town. The whole process only took a few minutes.

There is a saying on earth that "technology is people-oriented". In the magical world, spells can naturally solve many pain points, such as [teleportation].

If it was before the high level, then Xia Duo would really not be able to travel between two places in a short time, but after the high level, [Teleportation] has become a daily standard.

It would be more convenient if you completely ignore the need for research and practice and use all spells for daily use. You don't need to touch the ground with your feet when you go out, you can fly close by, teleport far away, or you can just sit in the house and use magic to travel and entertain yourself.

After all, an individual's spellcasting ability is limited, and from this, Sha Duo is increasingly certain of the broad prospects for magic items in the future.

Garden inside the temple.

Although the prosperous and blooming season has long passed, in this warm summer, the scene of lush green branches and leaves is still very pleasant.

Xia Duo and Niya were sitting opposite each other under the shade of a tree. The cheers, shouts, and cries that came one after another in the central square outside the temple were gradually blurred when they reached here. It seemed like a world was separated from the outside of the temple.

A faint radiance of holy power flows in the garden, occasionally falling from the branches, like a ray of sunshine, which is very interesting.

Xia Duo picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Although it was a hot drink, the entrance was warm at first and then cooled down. It was more like an ice cube imprinted on the forehead. It lifted people's spirits, and even the [Crimson Protection Robe] could not resist it. The midsummer heat is driven away in no time.

If there is anything wrong with this elf hot drink, the only shortcoming is probably its appearance - a pitch-black opaque liquid that looks a bit like pot water.

The official name of this tea is "Bonu No. 4". It is a specialty of the elves. Anyone with some financial resources in Savileland will keep some at home and drink it for a long time to refresh themselves.

The first time Shado drank this was at Mrs. Patty's house. At that time, the elf hot drink had the taste of ice cola. Now that I think about it, it is quite similar.

If the material basis of this world were not elements, not atoms, he would have wanted to get some carbon dioxide out. He really missed the taste of soda.

Perhaps because she saw that Xia Duo loved drinking tea, Niya suddenly said, "I don't know how long I can drink this tea?"

Um? How long do you drink for?

Xia Duo put down the teacup and looked at Niya, "What do you mean?"

"When I came here just now, I went to Uncle Thain's place. He told me that the trade in Conifera City was almost at a standstill, and the territory's 'Bonu No. 4' is from Conifera City. Shipped from the side.”

As she said that, Niya couldn't help showing her worry. Xia Duo also felt a little pressure after hearing this. He knew that Niya was certainly not worried about running out of tea in the future, but was worried about whether the situation in Conifera City would affect her. To Savileland.

To put it more bluntly, it is whether the drow will hit the Saville Territory.

It's not a big secret that Cormanthor is at war with the drow. At least Shado saw such a piece of news in the July issue of the Austrian Federation's monthly magazine.

Shado was really not sure whether it was possible for the drow to lead Savile, but he knew that the elves should be the ones that the drow hated the most, so he comforted:

"Cormanthor wouldn't put the drow on the ground. If we did release them, it would be the Cormanthor elves who would have a headache! And there is Conifera between us and Cormanthor. The city is here! Don’t worry too much!”

Niya glanced towards the east and sighed softly, "I hope so!"

Leisure time always passes quickly. I don’t know how long it has passed. Bishop Ambril suddenly came over and said to Shadonia and the two of them: "It's almost time. The ceremony is about to begin."

Only then did Sha Duo suddenly realize that it was already noon. The Midsummer Festival celebration would last all day, but there were three important ceremonies that Sha Duo and Niya would need to attend. Of course, Nia was the main one, and Sha Duo accompanied her.

The two of them had already participated in the rising sun ceremony in the morning.

At noon, there will be a blessing ceremony. After the ceremony, the lord, Niya, needs to distribute holy water to the people.

There is another ceremony until the evening, usually called the "dormant ceremony". After this ceremony, it is almost the next day, and the Midsummer Festival celebrations are all over here.

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