Arcane Lord

Chapter 572 Communication and expulsion spells

Xia Duo did not tell Mars about his guess, because it would not make much sense. He had already guessed what the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce wanted to do next.

In other words, even on earth, what would farmers do if there was a problem with their fish ponds?

Of course it’s cleaning!

However, ordinary fish ponds can be pumped, excavated, and sterilized, but this Macht is so big and has living water. The cost of pumping water is too high. Ordinary "sterilization" and "reset" should be enough.

Sha Duo was chatting with Mars about some situations of fishman breeding while waiting for the arrival of the great mage from the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, Shado did not fully believe what Mars said. While chatting and waiting, he also contacted Niya through the communication device and asked her to inquire about the man named "Timothy" at the Austrian Law Federation. The situation of the Archmage.

Niya's efficiency was very fast, and soon the news came that Archmage Timothy was indeed from the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, or to be more precise, he should be someone trained by the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, there is not much further information, and most of it is speculation. However, one thing is certain, the Archmage Timothy's external performance is indeed that he specializes in psychic spells.

After learning the news, Xia Duo felt a little relieved. No matter what, a great mage would always bring a lot of pressure to people.

But if it is a great mage who specializes in spiritual magic, Xia Duo looked at the pioneer scepter in his hand and said, "It's not impossible to fight against him!"

Although he was fully prepared for the worst and even vaguely expected it, Shado remained calm and chatted and laughed with Mars, and the topic gradually changed from small talk to magic.

As an arcanist, Chateau still has a strong say in the field of magic. During the conversation with Mars, the other party expressed his desire to become an arcanist from time to time, and Chateau did not hesitate to give words of encouragement.

Of course, both Xia Duo and Mars himself are very aware of the fact that if they fail to advance at the 5th ring level, then there is no point in wishing for it.

And Mars just came into contact with the sixth level of the Magic Network not long ago, which means that unless he becomes a legendary mage in the future, he will have the possibility of advancing again.

But the problem is that legendary mages are called "legends" because there are too few.

Although in Sha Duo's eyes, Mars is hopeless as an arcanist, some of the other party's ideas can also provide him with some inspiration, especially in the application of spells. These ordinary mages have more time to study how to make full use of a spell. potential.

They rarely delve into the deep principles behind a spell, but just use it. Sha Duo did not expect that he only stayed at Lake Macht for a while and learned a lot of skills in spell casting and application.

This is indeed what he lacks.

Of course, this does not mean that Shado cannot defeat Miles in a spell duel. On the contrary, Shado, who has studied the principles of magic deeply, has an advantage in a spell duel.

Ordinary mages may be more experienced in spell casting and application. As long as Xia Duo is willing to spend more time in this area, he can surpass his opponent more efficiently.

But the reality is that Chateau can almost never have more practice time than his opponent, so it is sometimes important to learn from other people's experiences.

Communication is mutual, Sha Duo can benefit, and Miles' gains are not bad either. Through communication with Sha Duo, he can understand the limitations and limits of some common spells, which is more conducive to his decision-making when applying spells. .

Both parties intended to continue the exchange, but as time passed and Archmage Timothy had not arrived yet, Mars couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and even made slips of the tongue one after another during the conversation.

Xia Duo saw that he was in poor condition, so he took the initiative to suspend the communication and wait until his mission was over before continuing the communication.

Miles apologized, "Sorry, Lord Shado, I'm a little worried before the Archmage arrives. I need to return to the ship and contact the Chamber of Commerce again."

"Go ahead."

Miles' face relaxed, and he immediately used [Flying Technique] to fly towards his ship.

Seeing Miles so nervous, Sha Duo couldn't help but feel funny. He should be worried about himself. Is it necessary to worry about the Archmage?

Taking advantage of the gap between Miles returning to the ship, Shado used the water under his control to push a fish-man "corpse" to the side of the "Owen" and then had someone fish it out.

As soon as they came out of the water, there was a smell of fish. When the fishman was thrown on the deck, the smell became stronger. Xia Duo took a look at the mucus scraping scene that was still going on on the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce's big ship, and his heart suddenly felt Let out a long "ugh——"

Pulling the magic net slightly to separate the smell, Xia Duo observed the murlocs at such a close range for the first time. They seemed to be no different from wild beasts. They had no weapons, no decorations, and even no clothes.

Just a naked fishman.

Soon, the fishmen gathered in a circle to watch the fun. Xia Duo saw Russ at a glance, so he shouted:


Russ trotted over in a few steps and looked curiously at the fish-man's "corpse" which was subconsciously waving its tail on the deck to prove that he was still alive. "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Is this what the fish-man bandits you encountered before looked like?"

Russ observed carefully, turned the fishman over with his feet, and then replied: "Sir, those fishman bandits look similar to this guy, except they are darker in color, and they are covered with water plants. The leader That one also has a stone spear in his hand."

"Stone spear?"

"Yes, I still remember where the stone spear fell. Sir, do you need us to salvage it?"

"Need not."

Not to mention stone spears, even iron spears, Xia Duo didn't want them. He just thought that stone spears were indeed more proof of the existence of wisdom than blocking the ship itself.

However, no matter how smart you are, you can't escape the fate of being bred and destroyed by others.

Sha Duo tried to use the detection spell to search for the whereabouts of the murlocs nearby. As a result, countless murloc information was fed back at once. It seemed that he still had to wait for Archmage Timothy to come over.

Only by cooperating with the extermination can we find the location of the intelligent fishmen.

However, Xia Duo was thinking about how the Mingshui Chamber of Commerce restricted the fishmen to Lake Macht. In the conversation with Miles just now, the other party just brushed over this issue without going into detail. explain.

If we could master this technology, could we target other creatures? Or on the other hand, doesn’t it mean expelling other creatures?

Xia Duo thought about the Daxia Territory that was being developed. If there was this kind of technology, perhaps no territory residents would be attacked by venomous snakes and wild beasts during the development process.

Of course, there is also a cost issue to consider.

Maybe you can consult Archmage Timothy later. The Mingshui Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, does not do any business, and it is not impossible to sell expulsion technology.

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