Arcane Lord

Chapter 410 Main Contradiction, Appreciation

in the future.

An ordinary person may never be able to perform magic due to congenital defects, but he can also be respected by the Grand Arcanist for his outstanding research in the field of magic. There may even be several Grand Arcanists serving in the research team he leads. .

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is the support of a powerful magic community and a relatively open social environment.

Otherwise, the Grand Arcanist may respect an ordinary person, but it is absolutely impossible to work under the leadership of an ordinary person.

When introducing the working process of the wooden house manufacturing workshop, these thoughts flashed through Sha Duo's mind, but he did not express these thoughts. It was just a long-term expectation, and it would be too stupid to say it directly.

At the wooden house manufacturing workshop, Princess Shia did not ask anything about this division of labor and modular production, so Sha Duo speculated that the transformation of the Mainland Mage Tower should be certain.

Moreover, the transformation of the Mage Tower should only be a transformation of the production method, and did not go further. This can be confirmed by the fact that there has not been much news about the transformation.

After seeing the wooden house manufacturing workshop, Sha Duo took Princess Shia to visit the five brick kilns where bricks were being fired. Five seemed like a lot, but in fact these brick kilns were all very small.

The shape is roughly a hemisphere, one person tall, and the bottom diameter is only three or four meters. Each batch of bricks that can be fired is only a few dozen, less than a hundred.

It takes one day of firing, one day of storage, and two days to obtain less than a hundred bricks. You can imagine how inefficient it is.

Of course, compared with quarrying, I don’t know how high it is.

At present, new brick kilns are being built in Linshui Village. This is not only for production, but also to facilitate future research, which is equivalent to brick-making laboratories.

From the residential area of ​​Linshui Village to the north, on the east bank of the Wolfburg River, to around the bend on the south bank of the Linshui River, this "factory" area is planned to be turned into a brick kiln in Xiaduo.

It is conservatively estimated that at least a dozen brick kilns can be built. If you want more, you can continue to extend eastward along the south bank of Linshui River.

On the brick kiln side, Xia Duo didn't explain too many technical details. After all, he didn't know much himself.

Here, he focuses on the story of the slave Blake who improved the brick-making method and was rewarded for it, as well as some incentive policies that have been established and implemented, highlighting the concept of Daxia collar encouraging and supporting innovation.

However, after Princess Shia saw and heard about it, she did not express her position. She just proposed to visit other places.

There is nothing else to see. After all, the current Daxia Territory only has Linshui Village, and Linshui Village is only so big, so there is really not much to see.

After that, Sha Duo took Princess Shia to the canteen, warehouse, and even the front line of the forest and the location of the logging team to see how they worked.

In the end, except for the elemental fountain at the source of Linshui River, we visited everything in Linshui Village.

The Elemental Fountain was not built by the Great Xia leader, and it was not a display of pioneering achievements. Sha Duo had never thought of taking Princess Shia there.

"Your Highness, this is everything the Great Xia Kingdom has now!"

Then, Xia Duo took out the "Great Summer Territory Standard Development Manual" from the dimensional bag and handed it to Princess Shia. At the same time, he explained: "This is a little bit of experience I have summed up during the development process. I hope it can be useful to other pioneers." Development plays a role.”

After saying that, he looked at Princess Shia expectantly, hoping that she would accept it. It would be even better if he could use her hand to spread it.

Xia Duo's development manual may improve the competitiveness of other development leaders, but he is not afraid, but rather eager to try. Competition will bring a sense of oppression, but it will also inspire him and enhance his strength.

And at this time, the main contradiction in Netheril is not internal, but external, with the environment, the dwarves, and the elven countries.

Environment refers to the situation where the territory that can actually be used for production and life is insufficient. As for the contradiction with dwarves and elves, it is easy to understand. Which race is naturally pure? At least dwarves, elves and innocent people can't get close to each other.

As for the competition within Netheril, it is generally benign, and even the hierarchy is not too obviously divided.

Shado is not worried about these internal competitions. Instead, he is a little worried that Netheril's overall competitiveness is insufficient and that in the external competition, it will be played to death by the elves and dwarves.

Especially the elves, who are a terrestrial race like humans. Now the land is vast and the people are sparse, so it’s hard to see anything yet. When the population increases in the future, it will be the most direct competition, and it will be possible to make a fool of oneself.

"Those who don't plan for eternity can only plan for a moment." Seeing that immortality is in sight, Xia Duo will naturally think more long-term, and he believes that the great arcanists above will also consider these things if they have some brains.

Even the elves could predict this, but they accidentally let it go. Now if they want to destroy Netheril, the elves will pay a huge price, which makes those immortal species hesitate.

How can you be willing to use your own life to plan for others when you have already enjoyed immortality?

From this perspective, future competition may be fierce, but the two sides should not break out into large-scale conflicts. They should suppress, guide, and assimilate from an invisible perspective.

When Xia Duo handed over the "Pioneering Manual", he thought a lot, but his expression was still expressionless. It wasn't until Princess Xia took the manual that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In a state of concentration, Xia Duo saw a flash of blue light on Princess Shia's hand. The next moment, he heard the princess say: "It is a very practical development manual, and it has a rigorous structure and rich content. It seems that You are really attentive.”

All the experiences in Linshui Village, as well as this more direct manual, gave Shia a deeper understanding of Shado, not just as the apprentice's husband and one of the pioneers.

A brand-new concept that is different from the current mainstream thinking in Netheril. There have been similar sprouts in various places in Netheril, but no one has ever summarized and applied it so comprehensively.

Shia looked at Xia Duo, showing obvious appreciation and affirmation for the first time. This is why she immediately decided to come in a private capacity after seeing the scene on the other side of the portal.

Just by reading the scene in the portal book, she believed that Shado might become one of them in the future, and after further conversations and reading the "Pioneering Manual", Shia was even more certain of this.

Of course, in order to become one of them, in addition to having similar ideas, you also need a certain level of strength. However, Shia has also learned about this before. From the current point of view, Xia Duo has this potential.

Sha Duo must be happy to be praised by a great arcanist, but he is naturally not satisfied with just a compliment. He needs more support.

For example, disseminating the "Exploration Manual", such as personnel and materials for territorial development, and some policy support.

Even magic knowledge, he would not refuse.

Just looking at the princess putting away the "Pioneering Manual" and preparing to leave, it seemed that she was not ready to say anything more. This made Xia Duo a little anxious. Wasn't he just hoping to get more support by putting all the effort into doing this?

But in front of the Grand Arcanist, he definitely didn't dare to ask questions directly. He just gave Niya a look without any trace, hoping that as the princess's student and his wife, she would give some hints.

But Niya seemed not to see anything and followed Archmage Greta. After Princess Xia summoned the portal and left, the two quickly followed in.

Then, the portal disappeared.

"Are you satisfied? Or dissatisfied?" The portal disappeared for a long time, and Xia Duo did not move.

If nothing else goes wrong, he should have successfully passed the inspection this time, but it is hard to say whether he has fallen into the eyes of the Grand Arcanist. Sha Duo plans to contact Niya in two days to ask.

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