Arcane Lord

Chapter 225 Anomaly Found

The first batch of supplies that came with the ship were not many. They were mostly consumables for people like Xia Duo, such as rations, arrow branches, insecticides, and tools, such as ropes, axes, hammers, and clay pots. Category.

Xia Duo checked all the materials, especially the food. He looked at the bottom of the box. Although there was a layer of wooden boards underneath and stones at the bottom, it was still impossible to ensure that the moisture and insects in the forest could not penetrate.

Fortunately, it was just one night and nothing bad happened.

After breakfast, the Lucky Owen was about to return. They had to go a little downstream before they could start to turn around. At this time, Xia Duo had already directed everyone to start clearing the open space.

The little area cleared last night is just enough to pile up supplies. To open up a territory, every inch of land must be obtained from the forest——

Use swords, magic, axes and saws to fight for it!

"Captain Gibb, your team 1 will work in pairs to guard the perimeter to prevent wild beasts from attacking, and call for help in case of danger."


Then Xia Duo ordered the people of Team 2: "Simon, you lead the people of Team 2 to clear away all the plants starting from the landing point. I know you have all been adventurers, please pay attention to safety."


Seeing these twenty people starting to get busy, Xia Duo also breathed a sigh of relief. There were only these people in total. It was very simple to arrange casually, but as the number of people increased, things would increase.

It is unrealistic to control everything in detail and personally. At that time, it will become inevitable to choose the right people and give them relevant permissions.

The territorial system also came into being, and the core of it all was, of course, Xia Duo.

While Xia Duo was thinking about who was the right person, he walked around and observed near the landing point. Time was limited last night, so he hadn't taken a good look at his territory yet!

Carrying Gibb's adamantine sword, Xia Duo slashed as he went. After a while, he felt that he could almost keep up with Simon's team that had ten people slashing.

It's just that he chopped very randomly, almost wherever he wanted to look, and soon he was browsing the nearby bush area.

Further inside, there are trees.

Of course, a natural forest cannot be arranged so precisely. There are shrubs here and trees there, without going overboard at all.

In fact, trees and shrubs are intertwined with each other. It just means that there are more shrubs in the shrub area.

When you get to the arbor area, you don't need to open a road all the time. There is enough distance between the two trees for Xia Duo to walk. Once here, it is more in line with the image of the forest in Xia Duo's impression.

This place is already close to 300 meters away from the river bank, and a little further on is the place where Xia Duo cleaned up the goblins yesterday.

Xia Duo did not go any further, but began to arrange [Magic Alerts] nearby, not with the purpose of covering a certain area, but to form lines of defense.

Whenever a creature larger than a goblin passes by, the alarm will be triggered.

Due to his limited ability, Xia Duo could not arrange a tight defense line. He chose places with relatively large gaps in the forest.

It should be the instinct of all living things to take advantage of loopholes.

After setting up the magic alarm, Xia Duo returned to the landing site. Everyone was still busy, and he also took out his spell notes and started studying.

Apart from not being able to conduct experiments anytime and anywhere, this place is not much different from the Mage Tower, Xia Duo comforted himself.

Until noon, the sun gradually became dazzling. Xia Duo put away his notes. At this moment, the appearance near the landing point had changed——

An open space about the size of a basketball court was cleared by Simon and others, and half of the area was used to pile chopped branches.

The ground is full of small tree stumps, weeds, and fallen twigs. It looks very messy, but this is the first step in pioneering.

Chateau stood up from the wooden box of supplies and shouted: "Simon!"

Soon, a shirtless and sweaty strong man ran over, "Sir, you called me?"

"It's noon. Let's arrange for people to rest. There's no need to clean up in the afternoon. Let's set up the camp."


"By the way, before setting up the tent, burn the ground." Xia Duo added.

In just half a day in the morning, there were already countless little bugs trying to crawl onto the wooden boxes of supplies, and there were still no telling how many poisonous bugs there were.

Simon took the order and left.

And in the trees not far away,

As for Gibb and others, they carry their rations with them and do not need to come back. Of course, for them, there is no such thing as rest.

Now their role is almost similar to that of guards. Although they don't consume much physical strength, they are a test for the spirit.

However, these people are all veterans, and they all know that guarding the perimeter is not only for the pioneering lord Xia Duo, but also for themselves.

In this forest, which is 20 miles away from human habitation, there is nothing more important than staying vigilant at all times! Compared to Xia Duo who possesses magic, their chances of survival are much smaller.

In the afternoon, Xia Duo informed Gibb to shrink the cordon and left a magic alarm before leaving alone. He has not forgotten why he chose this place for his territory!

But when he actually saw the real situation here, he couldn't help but have doubts about the so-called treasure. Can an ordinary person like Old Neil really have the ability to place any treasure in this forest 20 miles away from the town?

Aren't you afraid of being picked up by wild animals on the way?

It can be said that the waterway is the real reason why Xia Duo decided to choose the territory here, and the treasure is secondary, but now that he is here, he is still unwilling not to take a look.

From a geographical perspective, the location where Xia Duo fought the goblins last night was east and south of the landing point, while the location of the so-called treasure was due east of the landing point.

On the spell map provided by Lord Saville, the hill where the goblin is located is very obvious on the map, but there is nothing unusual about the location of the so-called treasure.

They were all trees, no different from the trees next to them.

Xia Duo didn't know how many times he checked, but he didn't find anything special about that location.

On the way to the "treasure", Xia Duo didn't notice anything unusual at first, but when he encountered a difficult road and needed to avoid it, he finally discovered something strange——

That is, the plants on the straight "road" he walked before seemed to be "healthier" than elsewhere. This feeling was very mysterious.

At first this was just a vague feeling on his part, but when Sha Duo realized this, he began to observe it deliberately.

Plants are not like humans, whose height, shortness, fatness and thinness can be seen at a glance. To compare plants, you first need to find the same plant, and secondly, comparison is also very difficult.

It doesn't mean that the tree with more leaves and thicker branches is "healthy", even if Xia Duo was not a botanist before time travel, but was just an Internet writer who went to work as a programmer.

He still knows this bit of common sense.

There are so many factors to consider, such as year, lighting, etc. Control the variables!

However, without professional skills, Xia Duo can also use magic-specific methods to use blood perception, not to perceive the similarities and differences of plants, but to perceive the differences in the environment.

If only the plants on that "road" are different, it must mean that the environment on this "road" is different.

From a purely magical perspective, there is no difference between the magic network environment of this "road" and the surroundings, or the difference is so small that Xia Duo cannot sense it.

But with the help of blood perception, he could feel the abnormal changes in the environment. There seemed to be abnormal water elements on this "road".

This water element is not specifically "water", but some kind of flowing and moisturizing properties!

A metaphysical concept exists!

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