Arcane Lord

Chapter 207 Collective Intelligence

I don’t know how the lord did it, but Xia Duo thought, since the documents have been implemented, can the supplies from the princess also be implemented?

Looking at the scepter again, this scepter can now be called the "Daxia Scepter", and the scepter has only one function -

Immune to psychic spells!

This was the message left by the maker of the scepter. Although Xia Duo didn't know what level of psychic spells he was immune to, he could feel a sincere peace of mind holding this thing.

It's like putting on a layer of protective clothing for the soul. This kind of effect is only worth a few thousand gold coins. Xia Duo wouldn't believe it even to death.

Coupled with the mysterious gold-paper document, Xia Duo felt that this development plan was so grand at the beginning, and it was absolutely impossible for it to be just the three of them.

Of course, it cannot be too overwhelming, otherwise the gold paper and scepter will be too cheap.

After confirming that the paperwork was correct, Xia Duo put away two more things before heading to the library.

Now that the arcane competition has ended, and the time has not yet come to expand the territory, this period of time can be said to be Xia Duo's most leisurely time.

Of course, even if he is leisurely, it is only a relaxed state of mind, and he will still not fall behind on what he needs to do.

His main task during this period will be on the study of magic theory, such as the nature of the magic network, plane knowledge, magic principles, etc.

As for specific spells, Xia Duo is not planning to learn too much for the time being. There are two main reasons. One is that if you learn the main theory well, you will always be able to study the spells.

Another reason is somewhat related to the previous one, he wants to keep the money to develop territory.

Even if he made a deal with Lord Epps and exchanged it for the development of the Green Bead Forest, the development was still inevitable. He didn't believe that the princess had put so much effort into the development movement and would let him stay in the mage tower and enjoy the "development" for nothing. ” benefits.

Furthermore, in the long run, a mature territory can also provide him with a steady stream of gold coins, but it will only require more effort in the early stage.

When they came to the library, the mage on duty took the initiative to say hello to Sha Duo. Sha Duo remembered his name, which was Veblen, a level 4 mage.

But he was almost one round older than Xia Duo. He had seen Xia Duo's performance in arcane competitions, and Xia Duo's mentor suddenly became the daughter of a lord. Veblen naturally wanted to make friends with him.

"Master Veblen, my instructor asked me to borrow some books." Sha Duo was not arrogant, but as usual.

After chatting with Master Veblen for a while, Shado stopped the conversation very sensibly when talking about Niya, and then went to the middle-level section of the library.

Here, Xia Duo saw a series of books similar to "The Art of Fireball" and "Several Variations of Fireball". It seems that mid-level mages like fireball very much!

Xia Duo skipped the magic books and searched all the way until he finally found the book he wanted to borrow this time in an inconspicuous corner——

"Intermediate Arcane Geometry"!

It's a pity that this book is not a magic book, it just looks like a manuscript. Through the protective barrier, Xia Duo can't see many details.

Because Niya said that she had informed the tower spirit, Shaduo directly reached out to get it, and his palm penetrated the barrier with almost no obstruction, as if the barrier was just a layer of air film.

But this is obviously not the case. Xia Duo could not enter this intermediate partition before. In the elementary partition, there are also many books with borrowing restrictions. If you don't have permission, you will only be blocked if you reach out.

He only took out one copy of "Intermediate Arcane Geometry". Of course, Shado was not satisfied, so he reached for the book "How to Dispel Magic Elegantly" next to him.

This book is obviously a book that contains details of spells and spell-casting techniques. Most spell books are like this, but this one is a spell for dispelling magic that Xia Duo has been looking for for a long time.


Xia Duo's fingers were blocked by an invisible but tough barrier. He could feel that as long as he exerted more force, he should be able to break through.

Spellcasting is prohibited in the library, and it is impossible for ordinary mages to break through without his great strength.

But he still stopped. Taking by force is not beautiful after all.

Afterwards, Shado went to the apprentice area and took a copy of "Morrowind Poems" before going to Veblen to settle the bill. "Intermediate Arcane Geometry" was borrowed by Niya for free.

And because "Morrowind Poems" is the best textbook for learning Elvish, even in the apprentice area, borrowing it for one day costs 100 gold coins.

After coming out of the library, Xia Duo once again lamented the Mage Tower's desperate need for money, but when he thought that magic was a seller's market, he could only sigh.

Xia Duo already has the idea of ​​​​promoting popular magic education in his own territory in the future. Only if more people participate can magic develop the fastest.

The current model of Netheril, which only relies on a few geniuses to promote the development of magic, is really too backward. If the geniuses fall, won't they be severely damaged and unable to recover?

What Xia Duo thinks is that as long as they have the appearance of a middle-aged man, they don't need to achieve any magical ultimate goal, as long as they can provide a spark of inspiration for the collective wisdom.

No matter how genius you are, you will always have cognitive limitations. Only by learning from the strengths of others can you have the broadest path. This is also Xia Duo's path.

After returning to his residence, the first thing Xia Duo had to do was to copy the book. The book on Arcane Geometry was not urgent at the moment, since it didn't require him to spend money anyway, but the "Collection of Poems of the Morning Wind" would be copied as soon as possible.

Learning Elvish language is not something that can be done in a day or two. It is not uncommon to learn it for several years. Xia Duo is ready to fight a protracted battle.

The strokes of elven writing are complicated, but they also contain hidden rules, and are full of artistic beauty. Xia Duo has been exposed to individual elven writings before, but has not studied them systematically.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to copy.

Sometimes just small bends in strokes may bring completely different meanings, so you must be careful when copying.

From morning to noon to evening, for almost a day, Sha Duo didn't even finish half of the copy. After dinner, Sha Duo prepared to make a magic scroll.

After all, the number of spell castings in each rest period cannot be wasted. What Xia Duo needs to do is the [Magic Alarm] and [Magic Weapon] scrolls.

These two scrolls can be sold to the Mage Tower. Not only can he get a sum of gold coins, but he can also be exempted from previous promotion tasks. The extra scrolls can also be used when he expands his territory.

Now it depends on his efficiency. If he can accumulate a lot, he can save a lot of effort when developing. At this time, Xia Duo inexplicably hoped that the elf mage of the Green Pearl Forest could stay for a while.

Making magic scrolls is equivalent to solidifying one's own spell casting ability. The maximum number of scrolls that can be produced in each rest period is the number of spell casts.

It is impossible to overproduce.

Xia Duo's current number of spell castings is probably more than twenty 1-level spells, and the magic network stores spells, that is, the spell slot can store 4 2-level spells.

And because he doesn't know 2nd level spells yet, Shado has stored 8 1st level spells. (These do not count bloodline abilities)

The spells stored in the magic network are purely consumables. Even if they are used to make scrolls today, they will still have to be replenished in the future, which is equivalent to reducing the number of daily spell castings.

Therefore, since the spell slot does not move, Xia Duo can only produce about 20 scrolls per day, not counting the failure rate and time.

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